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[IC] Players index


garyh, I would be willing (nay, happy!) to play but I do not own d20 Modern until Christmas, and even then I don't own 4CtF. If that wouldn't be a problem, count me in. :D

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First Post
Caliber said:
garyh, I would be willing (nay, happy!) to play but I do not own d20 Modern until Christmas, and even then I don't own 4CtF. If that wouldn't be a problem, count me in. :D

Well, you can get the D20 Modern Systems Reference Document here and start brainstorming for it.

As for 4CtF, well... it's only five bucks, and it supports ENWorld! I strongly recommend it. If you don't believe me, check here. :)

If you can't spare the five spot, I suppose you could always run a Dr. Strange type wizard using the Mage advanced class from D20 Modern.


First Post
garyh said:

Well, you can get the D20 Modern Systems Reference Document here and start brainstorming for it.

As for 4CtF, well... it's only five bucks, and it supports ENWorld! I strongly recommend it. If you don't believe me, check here. :)

If you can't spare the five spot, I suppose you could always run a Dr. Strange type wizard using the Mage advanced class from D20 Modern.

Arrgh, is there anywhere else to get 4CtF besides rpgnow? I hate putting my info into sites that don't encrypt :p


First Post
Uriel_fire_of_Heaven said:
Just a thought.
Is anybody interested ina one-shot (well, PbP games move so FAST that the one-shot vs. Campaign is pretty moot anyways) game with pregen characters?

It's sort of a set-up for my Drow House-War thing.
The characters are roughly
Drow Cleric of House Ferach
Drow Cleric/Ranger of House Ferach
Drow Wizard (Diviner) of House Ferach
Drow Fighter/Rogue of House Ferach
Bugbear Rogue Vassal of House Ferach
Hobgoblin Fighter Vassal of House Ferach

I'm not starting it right this second, just wondered if folks have an aversion to Pre Gens.

The game/games model I am going to run (hopefully) will work like so.

My 'Under a Vaulted Sky' game will be for 8 players, each controlling a Drow house, perhaps 1 or 2 controlling other factions, with turns equal to a week in game time.
The actions/decisions of the Houses will determine the setting/reasons for the little mini-games.
The aforementioned example is a race by House Ferach to reach an artifact in a deserted Duergar Citadel before the Agents of House Salurath get to it.It's outcome will actually affect the starting resources in the UaVS Overgame.

let me hear your thoughts.
PS:Does anyone know where to find the ECL for Githyanki or Githzerei? I thought it was +2, but I can't find it in the Psionics HB.

Thanks, Ron

I"m totally interested in this =)


Well, I looked into it and RPGNow accepts my Credit Card now so I went ahead and bought 4CtF. So count me in.

I'll try to keep abreast on the forums but in case I miss something ... here is my email.

Oh and I'm gonna go edit my posts up above since I found a game (yay!)


Uriel_fire_of_Heaven said:
Just a thought.
Is anybody interested ina one-shot (well, PbP games move so FAST that the one-shot vs. Campaign is pretty moot anyways) game with pregen characters?

It's sort of a set-up for my Drow House-War thing.
The characters are roughly
Drow Cleric of House Ferach
Drow Cleric/Ranger of House Ferach
Drow Wizard (Diviner) of House Ferach
Drow Fighter/Rogue of House Ferach
Bugbear Rogue Vassal of House Ferach
Hobgoblin Fighter Vassal of House Ferach

I'm not starting it right this second, just wondered if folks have an aversion to Pre Gens.

The game/games model I am going to run (hopefully) will work like so.

My 'Under a Vaulted Sky' game will be for 8 players, each controlling a Drow house, perhaps 1 or 2 controlling other factions, with turns equal to a week in game time.
The actions/decisions of the Houses will determine the setting/reasons for the little mini-games.
The aforementioned example is a race by House Ferach to reach an artifact in a deserted Duergar Citadel before the Agents of House Salurath get to it.It's outcome will actually affect the starting resources in the UaVS Overgame.

let me hear your thoughts.
PS:Does anyone know where to find the ECL for Githyanki or Githzerei? I thought it was +2, but I can't find it in the Psionics HB.

Thanks, Ron
My interest for this is starting to rise. Count me in! :D

Oh and garyh, I want in the hero action too. :cool:


Dalamar said:
My interest for this is starting to rise. Count me in! :D

Oh and garyh, I want in the hero action too. :cool:

count me in for some githyanki goodness! been too long since i had a chance to play with them!

Drow one shot sounds great...email me and let's get the ball rolling!


Living EN World Judge
I'm off to work, tomorrow I'll post something regarding the game I mentioned. I actually wrote an 8 paragraph synopsis this morning when I got off of work, but I didn't want to kick-start anything before I had a chance to finish a few details. When I start, I'll be running without Maps, at least initially.My scanner is on the fritz, and I'm buying an new one next week.

I'll post a quick bit about each character, then see who wants to play which one.


Living EN World Judge
'Thelaru 'acli burned. Not with the quick burn of the flame, but the embers and slow burn of a
bellows left unattended for days. Beneath the surface, under the cooling ash, plots thickened. The Eight Great Houses had been at War for a period of several months, this long in the coming. The Civil War was quick and extremely brutal, leaving nearly half of the Drow dead. The commoners have taken to hiding, as the current political situation seems uncertain, and life is never easy, even in the most stable of times.

House Salurath had laid claim to much of the city in the unrest following the Death of Queen Amphoria III, High Priestess of Lolth. This new First House seems almost untouched by the recent Civil War. Duchess Yerillya IV seeks the position of High Priestess of Lolth, but so far the Goddess has not given Sign of her Favor. Salurath
Has recently made alliance with the Githzerei and Githyanki in the City a priority, as Ullreath's alliance with the Illithids seems to have them worried a bit, if not too much.
The two Gith races, while hating one another, seem content to put aside their Eternal War in the light of the news of a massive Illithid force numbering in the hundreds with thousands of Grimlock and Goblin slaves at the ready to join with Ullreath.

House Ullreath, the House of Queen Amphoria and once the First House, now lays a shattered Ruin. Ullreath barely survives, seemingly abandoned by Lolth's Favor.
The remaining Ullreathans now seek alliance with other Races, most notably with the Illithid of the Moaning Waste to the North. This has earned them the enmity of Githyanki and Githzerei in the City, but the Illithid offer the best terms and hopes for Ullreath to regain its former Status.

House Ferach hides amongst the glory of its former territories; its allegiance to the Queen now a liability in the wake of her destruction. Ferach now seeks alliance with Saerenlu, although its Countess is scornful of Duke Alfertaich's offers to make her his Concubine as a condition of the Partnership. Ferach is a desperate House, as Salurath seems ready to crush them in another blow that would Shatter the fragile cease-fire that currently rules in 'Thelaru 'acli. Duchess Rimphoria is a feared and respected Leader, but hers is a House made of cards at this point. She seemed unnaturally collected and focused, considering her predicament.

House Cessulli waits for the moment to strike, poised like a trapdoor spider beneath its door, expecting a fateful misstep by an unwary centipede. Overtures of alliance from Ferach and Albenashu have met with silence. Slave trade with the Derro and Kuo-Toa is brisk, as Cessulli is buying slaves in the hundreds; these disappear into its Dungeons and are never seen again. What waits beneath Ulro Cessulli is a question that many would like answered.

House Saerenlu openly defy Lolth's remaining Priestess', showing their allegiance to Graz'zt, and Duke Alfertaich laughed at the matriarchy dominating the other Houses, while his female House members willingly serves his whims and orders. Saerenlu houses many Tieflings and Fey'ri, as its Nobles openly consort with Fiends. Many are the males that have flocked to the protection of Alfertaich, who offers protection from the Matriarchy of normal Drow Society. However strong, Saerenlu had better tread lightly, for while the other Houses war with one another on matters of trade or territory, Female Dominance is a subject that the other Houses all agree upon, and they will hardly allow it to be abolished without a very big fight.

House Resperetch lies obliterated, nearly all of its Lands scorched by Elemental Magic released by House Ferach. Some hope remains, though, as Resperetch has a contingent of nearly 500 in an outlying Stronghold. No word has come from them since before the War, and the House is mounting an expedition to bring them word of what has transpired in the City.

House Albenashu seems ready to ascend to Power, smiling openly at Salurath, yet waging a secret trade war against the New First House. Albenashu has strong ties to the Duergar of Clan Boroch and to the Orcs of the Black Rift. Rumor of an army of Grey Dwarfs and Orcs camped in the Caverns off of the Great Way (merchant road) near Lake Entaric are unconfirmed, as House Albenashu controls the road to the lake.

House Bezevene, smallest of the Eight Great Houses. Losing a full 75% of it's Drow Warriors in the War (siding with Resperetch and Ullreath against Salurath), Bezevene has dug deep into it's Coffers to hire Mercenaries to round out its Army. Rumors of an alliance with Genthreoll, the Troll-King pervades talk of Bezevene, although this remains uncertain. If true, Bezevene might be able to survive it's current precarious position.

The Minor Houses hide, ally or swear new allegiance with haste or shore up their walls in the aftermath of last month's Warfare. Desperate Adventurers seek out Magic and Power in the Hinterlands
or amidst the ruins of once Great Houses.
Amid the rubble of the Foreigner's Quarter, Shadowy forms move and war with one another. Duergar Slave-Traders ply their wares to Illithids and the representatives of beings even more foul. Fiend-Touched Sorcerers and Githzerei Monks warily regard each other and any Drow near at hand. Such was the way of the City, such was its state.
And into Thelaru 'acli walked the Lich Hespericht, with her army of Undead, claiming a portion of the old Royal Lands as her own. Such were strange times indeed.

OK, Caliber,Leopold, Serpenteye KitanaVorr, Dalamar,Garyh,Jemal and Krizzel for the little one-shot.

I know you haven't seen them and all, but basic concepts are as follows.
I built them on a 40 point base, I may lower that, although it is about average for rolled stats in pretty much every game I have been in RL Seldom do you get 16,14,14,12,12,8 or some such: I allow '1's to be rolled over, thus a slightly higher average.

Enraela Ferach
Drow Cleric of House Ferach (Lolth) Level 4
Leader of the expedition, Enraela is second the daughter of Duchess Rimphoria Ferach (Leader of the House).Ruthless and pitiless (she once left her own brother to be carried off by Troglodytes when her party was overwhelmed, witnesses at the attack said she broke his leg and left him as a 'slow down' do that she and the other (mostly female) Drow could escape.

Gentaria Ferach
Drow Ranger/Cleric of Lolth House Ferach Level 1/3
Younger sister of Enraela, and devoted to her in every way. Some say a little too devoted.
Gentaria follows her sister's every wish, although she aspires to supplant her as favorite of their Mother one day as well. She feels that She should be in charge, though she does as told as long as it suits the needs and aspirations of the House (and seems prudent).

Wesellu Ferach
Drow Wizard (Diviner) of House Ferach Level 4
The cousin of the two Cleric's in the Mission, Wesellu despises them, and fears them as well. He was a good friend to Yrtchull, their Brother who taken by the Trogs (and another friend swears that Enraela hobbled him as bait while she escaped). The only thing keeping Wesellu from trying to kill Enraela is his fear of her.
A Gifted Diviner, Wesellu was chosen for this mission based on a Dream that he had regarding a Silver-Laced Door in the Ruins. He has convinced Duchess Rimphoria Ferach that his presence on the mission is crucial to it's success. His own ambition fuels his decision to go as well.

Arngen Delushani
Drow Fighter 1/Rogue 3 of House Ferach
A promising young Rogue, Arngen is the current Consort of the Moment for Enraela. He is devoted to her, although, like the male spider, he sees his existence as a perilous one. Quick and Nimble, Arngen plans on surviving his tryst with the Priestess. Her sister is another matter; Gentaria hates the young Male, with the obvious jealousy inherent in her feelings for her sister. She is open with her scorn (something that Enraela relishes, as she, like her Goddess, loves conflict). Arngen will do as Enraela says, but if Gentaria happens to have an 'accident' on the Mission, he wouldn't lose any sleep.

Grolvus Blacktongue
Bugbear Rogue 3 Vassal of House Ferach
Grolvus is the companion of Arngen, having shared many adventures with the Drow. While most Drow hate non-drow and show nothing but contempt, Arngen admires the stealth of his bigger companion, as well as his massive strength.
Grolvus is terrified of the Clerics, as he has seen far too many bugbears sacrificed on the alters of the Spider Goddess, but he smiles and acts deferential. Arngen explaining the whole of Drow Interaction as a 'Game' seems madness to the Bugbear, but he has little choice but to carry on in his role.

Brogark Redtooth
Hobgoblin Fighter 6/Vassal of House Ferach
Brogark is the perfect soldier for House Ferach, except that he is a Hobgoblin, and not a Drow.
Ferach has a large Hobgoblin contingent, and they are told day in and day out that they are inferior to the Drow, regardless of how many the kill in their conflicts. Brogark takes it with a grain of salt. It has always been the lot of the true soldier to serve petty and weak Masters, who fail to recognize true Worth in their Warriors. Brogark and his troops (he is a Lieutenant in the Ferach Hobgoblin Contingent, the Redtooth, named after their Tribe of Origin) persevere, doing the bidding of House Ferach. At least the pay is good, as they receive nearly 50% more than any other Hobgoblin Contingent (and there are many in the days following the House War) serving in Thelaru 'acli.
Brogark just wants to get home, and he follows Enraela's orders to the letter (knowing that that may mean something 'happens' to her, in which case some other Ferach would be grateful...), content to follow her wishes as long as it suits the House.

Vitrene Ferach
Drow Cleric of Vaeraun 3
Vitrene is a minor member of the Ferach family, being the son of Duchess Rimphalia's cousin.Vitrene is the barely tolerated Cleric of Vauraun in the Court, as Rimphalia feels that his Presence (though laughable to her) is amusing.
What Vitrene thought The Duchess did not know is that Vitrene would readily ally and merge with House Saerenlu, who have been making blasphemous overtures to Her regarding Her becoming the Consort of Duke Alfertaich. Of course the Duchess (known as the Lady of Secrets) knows.Vitrene is bitter and disheartened on his inclusion in whatever 'Mission' he has been summoned for, but there was no time to run, a half-dozen of the Duchess' guards escorted him to the Throne Room. Oh well, perhaps he would live, the Trickster did Favor him, did he not?

Half-Ogre Barbarian 2/Fighter 1
Jikuul (which means Death in Drow)is an odd story to say the least. Years ago, the Duchess purchased a young brute from Duergar Slavers who had taken him from a tribe of Ogres conquered in a War. The child seemed unusually intelligent for an Ogre, and was smaller as well. When the Priestess Divined that he was part Human, she had to have such an Oddity. Rimphalia kept the young Jikuul (originally called merely 'Pet')on a chain, using him for a servant (an often beaten one, as he was quite clumsy compared to a Drow). Jikuul bore it all with dignity, for truth be known, it was far bettere treatment than the Ogres of his tribe gave him. The Duchess took more of a shine to Jikuul as he grew, treating him less like an animal and more like a Servant.Rumors say that she used him in other ways, as he was quite exotic and large compared to the spindly Drow, and Rimphalia's Lusts are legendary amongst the Houses of
Thelaru 'acli.A few years ago, Rimphalia felt the desire (or merely a whim) to test the Half-Ogre, so she entered him into The Pits to test his mettle. A few bouts later, the name Jikuul, or Death, was given him (as well as being branded upon his chest) and her toy became a brutal Gladiator.Now, Rimphalia feels it neccessary to include someone totally devoted to her, unlike her fawning and murderous Offsring on the Mission.
Truth be known, Jikuul is the only member of the Mission Rimphalia would be saddenned to lose.

It may look like I am setting up the group for Inner-Conflict, but the Drow are twisted and perverse, and treacherous as well.
The bugbear trusts nobody but his one friend and the Hobgoblins are dutiful, yet scornful of the 'lazy and decadent' Drow.
There is no need for backstabbing (unless people want it), but, as I will be making use of email with the players, It is possible (and please no posts of your treacherous thoughts...that's rather cheesy ).
'Gentaria would kill the upstart male...a knife in the back when the pathetic weakling starts climbing the rope should do the trick...'
ACK!!! No!! BAD!!!
Anyways, the personality bits were mostly for flavor text...mostly.
Come to think of it, I think I'll hold off on the big Political game, at least for a little bit.It would be interesting to run some smaller adventures and have several affect the Start of the bigger game.
Ok, I'm off to work.I'll post tomorrow.
Edited for Typos...I bet there are still some.
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