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The Secret of Wulin Gong (Wuxia Game) OOC [ON HOLD]


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Dalamar said:
How should I know, it's your world. ;)
Getting drunk... well, I'm thinking of picking the haste power with restriction "can only be used to consume alcohol". How big of a restriction is that?
We could probably use the drinking rules from Natural 20's Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns. Wait and I'll see them, it's been a while since I read that one.

I don't want to make it TOO complicated a thing here. I have to DM this, remember?

Hmm...I'd say that you get a -1 and it takes a few rounds of serious drinking before you can actually fight. It will give you a penalty to other things though, anything involving wisdom or intelligence for one.

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Dalamar's drunken master and Yen Che-Hsia could be old drinking buddies. They're not travelling together right now, but they'll know each other when they meet up.

Also, for Yen Che-Hsia, I was thinking about making him kind of the opposite of a drunken master - he has a minor power so that, no matter how much he drinks, he never suffers any ill effects beyond a bit of a buzz. How does that sound?


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drquestion said:
Also, for Yen Che-Hsia, I was thinking about making him kind of the opposite of a drunken master - he has a minor power so that, no matter how much he drinks, he never suffers any ill effects beyond a bit of a buzz. How does that sound?

That is not a "minor" power there.


Two first stages of drunkenness, as written in Nat20's TF&T:

Effect of Alcohol
Alcohol is, basically, a poison. The more you drink, the greater effect it has. There are several levels of intoxication, each accompanied by penalties to certain abilities, and a slight bonus to resist pain. If you are using the wild spellcasting rules from Wild Spellcraft, then a spellcaster who fails a spell because of drunkeness causes a mishap.
  • Tipsy: Judgment slightly impaired, but no noticeable effects. -1 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and Reflex saves. No effect on movement or hit points. Must make a Concentration check (DC 10 +spell level)* to cast spells or take similar actions.
  • Merry: Inhibitions lower, voices raise, and balance wavers slightly. -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and Reflex saves. +1 temporary hit point per hit die. No effect on movement. Must make a Concentration check (DC 10 +spell level)* to cast spells or take similar actions.

There are 3 more stages and unconsciousness. How much you need to drink to advance a stage depends on Con. How much you can drink in a round depends on size.


Originally posted by KitanaVorr:
That is not a "minor" power there.
It's minor compared to being able to fly around, or throw fire at people.

Basically, it's poison immunity restricted so that it only works on alcohol.


First Post
Hmm I like your character developments. Its good to start off with a good background history. And the you can take an immunity to poison, specifically alcohol if you wish for a hero feat when those are available.

So we have you three. What about the rest of you? Have you got more on your character ideas?

I've decided to do this:

Everyone with the exception of Tsing Tsing will be Human. If one of you wants to be a half-orc, um well if you don't mind it that when everyone sees you they'll want to kill you first ask questions later because you look like a demon...

The classes I will allow are the following and I know that the OA versions are different, so if you are any of the PHB ones I will tell you want is different if you don't have the OA book.

Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Shaman (only Tsing Tsing), Sohei (only one is allowed, she/he is the bodyguard of Tsing Tsing)

Equipment: From the OA, change all Japanese to Chinese type weapons of the same build.

Feats: Only non-magical feats from OA or PHB.

All the "magic" is coming out of Hero Points and I'll post those up later.

Here are the people who would like to play so far. Tell me if you're still interested and refine your concept to a one paragraph blurb about your character (two or three sentances)

Krizzel - martial artist cook who is secretly son of a nobleman
Dalamar - Jackie Chan meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Argent - Tzing Tzing, Monkey God of Love
Garyh - The hot sohei from OA
Krug - Flying guillotine
Myself (drquestion) - Yen Che-Hsia, demon-hunting swordsman
Dog Faced God - brash young kung-fu fighter
Toungez - Pigsy the barbarian
Barsoomcore - serious warrior w/ dark past
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Yen Che-Hsia

Yen Che-Hsia is a young, taoist swordsman whose main occupation is fighting demons. He's quite eccentric, and he like to drink, though it never seems to affect him too much. He was trained by the great swordsman Shun Lau. He currently travels with Yan-Xi, a handsome but not too bright warrior, and Chu Pa-Chieh, a filthy barbarian. They team up to fight demons for people who are poor or very honest, but, unbeknownst to Yan-Xi, they also have a scam going to fool the greedy and unscrupulous (see the above posts for details on the scam.)

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