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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

Jerrand Redband

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ooc: Before you start playing darts with the lady I 'll need to check Jordan's alignment to see what he'll let you get away with. LOL

Jordan thanks the barmaid who brings a table full of breakfast."Bring the drinks over Daith and invite the lady for some food before you go cheatin' her at darts." Jordan says through his smile. He starts to pile a plate as he's talking.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Xir looks impassively at the newcomer, then back to his arms. After a moment, we walks over the Ethic's table. He does not sit, instead, crossing his arms at the wrist.

"I must know, companion dwarf---has your honor been impugned? For it is my duty to tell you that actions of others are outside of the scope of my control. To blame me for the actions of others is as useful as blaming the moon for driving away the sun."


First Post
Elthic scowls at Xir's words, and hesitates for a moment. Then, he points to an empty chair.

"Nay, it hasn't been impugned. But you cost us trouble back there, with your inflexibility. Sela's milk, man, you chose to aide Darque over the dragon, because of local 'law'! What about what's right? The dragon deserved that house, and I'm glad he won it. And I'm glad he didn't kill us outright. "

Elthic sighs, and stares into his mug. "We all should have died back there. My cousin, Torina, supported my uncle in his bid for the throne. She felt that it was dwarven to look after family first, even though Kazeras was a stench-ridden cow who has less honour than that pile I stepped in on my way over here. She felt code overruled what is right."

Elthic sighs. "Kazeras used her to buy some time. For all I know, Torina is still swinging on a tree."

Elthic pauses for a long time, watching the young cleric woman frolic in the room. Eventually, he shakes his head. "Following a code too damned stiffly, Xir, is just putting the noose around your own neck. And the necks of those around you."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The tall xeph sat across from the dwarf. His voice betrayed no emotion. "It is not a matter of the local law. It is a matter of my agreement. My word was given, my course of action dictated. That I almost died is only proof of my poor choice of bargain; that I lived only proof of the dragon's peculiar honor. The creature had no quarrel with you, only with Darque and I. That it continued to involve you was its concern."


First Post
Elthic grunts. "I can believe in a man's word. Honour is important, as is your word. But to maintain your word against what is good and right? I... I even sought to find a way to let us help the Dragon, and still keep our word with Darque... through trickery, but still keeping our honour. But, instead..."

"We're not going to see each other on this one. I can deal with that. Just... remind me to stay out of your odd code of honour next time." With that, Elthic leans back in his chair, and stretches.


First Post
Daith eyes the Sister suspiciously wondering if someone is pulling his leg, but she appears to be genuine.

Is a Shadowcatch anything like a dreamcatcher?

"No, not like that."

He gives motions for her to join him and Jordan and heads over to the table.

"Just go up and throw, easy enough. Closer to center the better"

In response to Jordan Daith puts on a look of wounded dignity,

"Don't need to cheat."

He is careful to steer Sister Periwinkle in such a way as to be behind her for most of the way and flashes Jordan a wink as he watches her form through her scholar's robes -not that he can necessarily see much, for the little lech its the thought that counts. Putting down the drinks he turns to look at the dart board and then up at the Sister with his most ingratiating smile.

"Play for a kiss?"

Tries Daith, certain for the thousandth time that this time he'd get his larger lady, now as to what he'd do with her, well that he wasn't so sure of.

Jerrand Redband

First Post

"First let's be a eatin then we can toss muir darts." Jordan is glad he is always smiling a frown at Daith's behavior and the little lady would probably know something was amiss. Well... maybe not. He points to a table and notices the morningstar at her belt."That's an awful big weapon for someone as petite as you to be a luggin around."


Daith said:
Putting down the drinks he turns to look at the dart board and then up at the Sister with his most ingratiating smile.

"Play for a kiss?"

"Ooo, naughty," says Periwinkle, with a dimpled grin. "Does that mean that if he wins, you guys have to kiss each other? That would be funny!" She points at Jordan and collapses into a fit of giggles.

Jordan said:
"That's an awful big weapon for someone as petite as you to be a luggin around."

She hefts the morningstar, taking a clumsy experimental swing. "Is it? Sister Anemone used to use it to kill stirges back home, and she was even smaller than me. About your size, actually. I hope she's not too mad that I took it." She takes another practice swing, clipping one of the nearby tables and sending it dancing across the floor, spilling a half-empty glass. "Oops! Oh, mildew! Don't worry, I'll get it!" She sets her morningstar down on the table and runs to the bar to fetch a rag. Inevitably, the morningstar overbalances, rolls off the table, bounces twice, and lands spike-down in the floor an inch from Daith's foot. She runs back and sets to scrubbing the table vigorously with the rag. "Well, maybe you're right about that morningstar. What's your name, anyway? Daith didn't say."

Jerrand Redband

First Post

Jordan rises from his seat and with a bow says," Jordan Halfshield, at my ladies service. And if there's anything you be a needed please allow me and my new friend Daith to help." Jordan's grin is even wider as he speaks.

[sblock=ooc]oh mildew?? LOL[/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=OOC]:LOL, good one covaithe![/Sblock]

Daith face turns maroon and he frowns at the Sister.

"No. We get rounds - tradition."

Watching the sisters display with her morningstar and Jordan's smirk Daith glowers at the pair of them before striding across the room to retrieve a set of darts.

"Playing or talking?"

He asks them irritably.

Voidrunner's Codex

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