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[OT] Reactions to NEW Episode II Trailer


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First of all, let me re-establish my alignment on this whole thing.:)

-I'm Anti-Episode I.
-I'm not Anti-Episode II or its Trailer. I am neutral on the movie.
-I like the latest trailer.

King Stannis wrote:
Today’s society has produced some really self-important and somewhat delusional people. If you’ve got it in your head that this movie will suck, then DON’T GO! In my opinion, it’s your loss. But I’d still have much more respect for you than these one week feel-gooders. Besides, I’ll let you in on a little secret. A movie’s real strength COMES from its staying power. “Titanic” did some of its best business four week from its release. That’s when I ended up seeing it. Guess my own unsuspecting “four week” boycott didn’t work, did it.

I think many people, such as yourself, are misunderstanding the 'first week' boycott.

Let me try and break it down for you big guy.

--People aren't boycotting the first week of EpII because they think it will suck or because they hate it.

--People are boycotting the first week because they hate EpI. The statement of the boycott isn't primarily meant to 'hurt' the overall ticket sale run of EpII. We know it will make big bucks regardless. Like you said, we're insignificant. Its meant to hurt the first opening weekend sales report (in any little way we can)that runs in newspapers, magazines, and tv shows (like Access Hollywood, ET, E! News Daily). That first weekend sales report gets the MOST attention from those that are trying to figure out how well the movie is being received. Fans are hoping that Lucas will see a dramatic drop in numbers from opening weekend Ep1 to opening weekend Ep2.

That ....by itself....alone.....tells Lucas that we didn't like his previous film (Ep1). Well, actually...I'm sure he knows already....but we know he probably doesn't care. Poor weekend opening for Ep2 may make him flinch enough to START caring huh?

Yes, after the entire theatre run for Ep2 is over, it may indeed come out grossing high like Ep1 anyways. But you know what? That first week, Lucas got the hint didn't he? And if Ep2 does do strong overall numbers during its entire run, then hopefully it will be because it was a good movie and not because it was just another Star Wars movie people went blindly into. Which will tell Lucas, hey you did a bad job on the first one (opening weekend boycott says that), nice job on doing better the second time (the over all sales of the entire theatre run says that about Ep2). Does this make any sense to you yet? Its more about sending a message than it is about hurting Lucas' wallet. Because we know for sure we can't do that!

Also, a secondary effect from boycotting that first week (those who want to go beyond the mere message), is that if enough people hear reports from news sources that the first weekend had really low numbers in comparison to Ep1's opening weekend, then they may feel its because its a poor movie and not go see it. Say things to themselves like, "Hmm....maybe I'll just wait for video".

--Another reason why 'first week boycotters' do what they do: it is to wait and hear what people have to say. In that second week, they'll hear reviews. If they hear positive things from people they trust, they'll know to end their boycott and go see the film. If they hear its as bad as Ep1, then they'll know to continue their boycott forever (or until someone loans them a VHS tape of DVD).

See the advantage there? By doing it that way, you'll not have blindly went in and gave Lucas more money for making another turd movie. If you hear its a turd from enough people, you'll know that he won't get your money this time. If you hear its actually well done and a fantastic movie, then you'll know its okay to end the boycott and spend money on a ticket.

....And you sent a message in protest to Ep1 at the same time.

So, again, I think you mislabeled the 'first week boycotters'. The real fools are the ones that hated Ep.1 and go opening day to Ep2. Or the ones that hate the Phantom Menace, hate the Ep.2 Trailers......want to boycott, but feel they can't make a difference, so they just shrug and go opening weekend anyways. Ugh!

To those that liked Ep1 and want to go see Ep2 opening week, I'm happy for you. As for me, I'm a first week boycotter :D .
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For someone with "no Episode II for me", you sure seem to rail against it in a lot of post. My post count in this thread: 5, I think.

What is it with people keeping tabs on the number of posts I make? It's starting to creep me out. :eek:

Actually, I don't think I've really "railed" against it in this thread. I don't think I've gotten very emotional about it here. I can't remember clearly what else I might have said elsewhere, but I really don't think I've "railed" about it anywhere else either. Despite what it may seem like, thinking about Episode II really doesn't occupy a great deal of my time. I'm not stationed by my computer day and night hooked up to a catheter just waiting to post a rebuttal somewhere, after all. :D I think that you're first descriptor is more accurate -- I'm "rather vocal."

"I'll just have to boycott the film entirely then. Oh, I imagine I'll end up seeing it eventually, over at a friend's house or on TV. But no Episode II for me! I feel almost...liberated. 02-04-2002 02:55 PM"

Now it sounds like you had made up your mind as far back as Feb 2 and no trailer could ever live up to any expectations you had. For someone with "no Episode II for me", you sure seem to rail against it in a lot of post.

Well, I can't remember what the circumstances were surrounding what I said in your quote, but I was obviously reacting to something somebody had said: "I'll just have to boycott the film entirely THEN." (Emphasis mine.) Somebody must have made some observation that completely crushed my desire to see the movie. I dunno. As I said, I can't remember what was said. Perhaps you can provide some clarification.

However, I can tell you that deciding not to see the film hasn't really liberated me at all. After all, I'm still chained to this thread, aren't I? :D

Like I said earlier, I WAS extremely excited about the new trailer being released. I was like a man possessed as I frantically flipped through the channels to find Fox. I called my girlfriend in and we snuggled on the couch waiting for it. I was in the PERFECT frame of mind to like the trailer. And I still didn't like it.

Make of that what you will.

OK. What do you think about this plan? (Not that you really should care, but here it is anyway.)

I won't go to see the film the opening weekend so I can find out exactly how people have reacted. I'll read a lot of reviews and take a careful look through the dozen or so threads that pop up here at ENWorld. I'll make up my mind based on what I find, and I will try to keep an open mind.

Any suggestions on not bringing excess baggage with me to the movie, if I decide to go? To be honest, I really don't think I have a lot of excess baggage when it comes to Star Wars anyway. I'm a fan of Star Wars, but I actually like Star Trek a lot more. I don't think George Lucas "raped my childhood" or anything, to use an expression someone coined concerning the failures of Episode I. I get disgusted as some of the things I read about Mr. Lucus, and I do think that he has lost his creative edge, but I think that about a lot of artists and writers. In other words, I don't have near the amount of baggage concerning Star Wars: Ep II that I did concerning the Lord of the Rings movie, since I think Tolkien shaped my life substantiatlly.

Anyway, I'd better end this post before it really gets out of control.

One last thing:

For some time now, I have been collecting negative opinions on EPII to see how they would match after the movie came out.

The presence of this collection worries me. What possibly could you hope to do with it other than rub people's noses in it and make them feel bad and/or angry? Just for the record, what are YOUR thoughts concerning the movie. I'd like to have my own stab at you when the time comes....


Axiomatic Unicorn said:

Same with the major space battle. Won by great determination and sacrifice? Nope. Won by sheer stupidity. Destroying the first Death Star was this great acheivement and Luke's coming of age in learning to trust the force. Anakin goes for a ride and wipes out the enemy as a tourist.

I read the novel shortly after the movie. I really wish they had portrayed this scene in the movie like they did in the novel. In the book, Anakin is using the force with much greater awareness of his feelings than Luke had in Episode IV, and it made sense and was very cool. In the movie, I have to agree, it was portrayed as luck.

I normally don't read book adaptations of the movie, but in this case, I highly recommend it. For many, it will be more enjoyable than the movie.


First Post
Having now watched Episode I.I - The Phantom Edit I must agree that it is greatly superior to Lucas's final cut. While it may not be Oscar worthy still, it is at least a much more enjoyable movie with a lot of little Annie's abysmal lines and much of Jar Jar's unneccessary, transparent, out-of-context, annoying, aggrivating, insulting, utter stupidity cut out..

Makes for a slightly darker, less dumbed-down, and less redundant (American audiences are slow, let's repeat the same information 3 different ways 3 different times to make sure they grasp what's going on) movie.

Axiomatic Unicorn

First Post
Gargoyle said:

I read the novel shortly after the movie. I really wish they had portrayed this scene in the movie like they did in the novel. In the book, Anakin is using the force with much greater awareness of his feelings than Luke had in Episode IV, and it made sense and was very cool. In the movie, I have to agree, it was portrayed as luck.

I normally don't read book adaptations of the movie, but in this case, I highly recommend it. For many, it will be more enjoyable than the movie.

I will have to check into that.
But isn't the book a novelization of the movie?

So if the novel is better, it would only be because the author repaired the movie.

Anyway, I not boycotting or anything. At least not any more than I am any other movie that I plan to see "whenever I get around to it".

The presence of this collection worries me. What possibly could you hope to do with it other than rub people's noses in it and make them feel bad and/or angry?
On reflection, you are absolutely correct and it is not a nice thing to do. Please consider the document destroyed. I was stumbling across a lot of anti-EP II posts at the time and I suppose I did want something to perhaps hit back with later, because I felt people had made up their mind before even seeing the product. Of course, this is their prerogative and I should have accepted that. You have my apologies for being the first and only person I sprung this on.
I'd like to have my own stab at you when the time comes....
You certainly deserve too and I apologize for any bad feelings I may have created. One of the things that separates these boards from others (the forcenet.com comes to mind), is the fact that you can have a different opinion without getting flamed with nothing but rants and profanities. I commend you even though much of this thread was starting to look like Wolfspider attack at times.
Just for the record, what are YOUR thoughts concerning the movie.
I have to preface this with the knowledge that the original Star Wars (EP IV A New Hope) was almost a religious experience for me when I was ten years old and first saw it.
I am a huge fan of the original trilogy and I suppose that it helped shape me into the fantasy, sci-fi geek I am today.
I impatiently waited for 20 years on EP I and I was a bit disappointed for the various reasons others before me have sited. I also don't think George Lucas "raped my childhood" with the weak movie. All of them have faults, but we have 20 years of growing up with them so they have become infallible in many peoples eyes. My Star Wars experience seems to be much like your Tolkiens as far as shaping my life substantially.
Now the EP II trailer. The most grating thing for me was what appeared to be the stiff acting and cheesy dialogue, but I let this slide because the original trilogy is full of the same stuff. There is not enough to accurately criticize any story elements beyond the great war and I have high hopes for that. What I was left with was Jango Fett blasting away at Obi-wan, armies of clone troopers on a chaotic battlefield, early walkers and star destroyers, Anakin fighting with two lightsabres, and Mace Windu getting medieval. What’s not to like?
Now if I come back and say that the movie is no good, then please feel free to flame me, but no one will be more disappointed than me….
Any suggestions on not bringing excess baggage with me to the movie, if I decide to go?
All I can say is I hope you do go. I would enjoy discussing the movie with you. I am the one with too much Star Wars baggage, but when I do go and If I have fun, it is a good movie in my eyes.


Axiomatic Unicorn said:

I will have to check into that.
But isn't the book a novelization of the movie?

So if the novel is better, it would only be because the author repaired the movie.

Anyway, I not boycotting or anything. At least not any more than I am any other movie that I plan to see "whenever I get around to it".

Yeah, the book's a novelization by Terry Brooks, I believe, who had access to the script before the movie was released. (aka "a book adaptation of the movie", like I posted.) :)

Does the book "repair" the movie? In that one scene, yeah, and probably some others. (There's the scene where Anakin meets Amidala for the first time, for instance - much better in the book)

But comparing different media types of the same story is tricky. I think they enhance each other, more than one being better than the other. You get more of what the characters are thinking from the book, and more of what things look like in the movie. And the pacing is different. For instance, the book starts earlier than the movie, with Anakin's second to last podrace. This was something I'm glad wasn't in the movie, but was a good read.
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Hey, no hard feelings at all. :D

I look forward to (perhaps) talking about the film with you. My girlfriend has sway over a lot of what I do, so I'll probably end up going the second week. (But I am going to wait at least a week to let things calm down and let reactions to the movie bubble up to the top.)

Axiomatic Unicorn

First Post
Gargoyle said:

Yeah, the book's a novelization by Terry Brooks, I believe, who had access to the script before the movie was released. (aka "a book adaptation of the movie", like I posted.) :)

Does the book "repair" the movie? In that one scene, yeah, and probably some others. (There's the scene where Anakin meets Amidala for the first time, for instance - much better in the book)

But comparing different media types of the same story is tricky. I think they enhance each other, more than one being better than the other. You get more of what the characters are thinking from the book, and more of what things look like in the movie. And the pacing is different. For instance, the book starts earlier than the movie, with Anakin's second to last podrace. This was something I'm glad wasn't in the movie, but was a good read.


I am sure I can find a cheap copy somewhere these days

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