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[OT] Reactions to NEW Episode II Trailer


My Reaction: *yawn*

My Girlfriend's Reaction*: "That didn't excite me."

If that's the best trailer that they could put together....

*shakes head*

Can you tell I was underwhelmed? :D

*She's the one who wants me to take her to see it despite my lack of enthusiasm. After tonight, I may get my way....
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the republic going to full scale war ... clones ... jedi are guardians not soldiers ...

I'm still gonna see it :), opening day too

dunno, I'm seeing lots of "the fall of the roman republic" type things (or I'm just a geek who's looking to hard)


Re: [OT] Reactions to Episode II Trailer

Wolfspider said:
My Reaction: *yawn*

Wha??? That trailer was amazing! Attack of the Clones looks like it's gonna be the most action-packed Star Wars movie yet...

Seeing what looks like the birth of the Imperial Army is absolutely awe-inspiring. Anakin fighting with two lightsabers is just really cool. Count Dooku looks like he has a really cool motivation... not at all what I expected for the bad guy in the movie.

I feel really excited about this movie... as excited, or moreso than I did at this point in time before Phantom Menace came out. :)

Re: [OT] Reactions to Episode II Trailer

Wolfspider said:
My Reaction: *yawn*

My reaction to your apparent need to piss all over something that some of us ARE looking forward to: *yawn*.

Good god is Episode II bashing getting OLD.

Corporate Dog

wolfspider no offense, but why even bother to post this? It's obvious you like disliking the "new" Star Wars from your other posts... Just wondering


Princess of Florin
I thought it looked like it might be anywhere on a scale from good to great. At least there wasn't a Jar-Jar character.

We'll be going to see it, although probably not for a week or two after the release.


My reaction to your apparent need to piss all over something that some of us ARE looking forward to: *yawn*.

I'm not pissing over anything. I'm merely giving my opinion about the trailer. For some reason, when my friend called me to remind me it was coming on, I jumped up and excitedly turned the TV to Fox. I called my girlfriend in to watch it.

I wanted to like it. But I didn't.

If you don't agree with me, fine. Discuss your reasons for liking it here in this thread. I'll post some of the reasons I didn't like it as well. We'll have a discussion.

In any case, I may still go see the movie (my girlfriend still wants me to), and I may actually enjoy it. I didn't, however, enjoy the trailer or think it was remotely interesting. I seemed rather...trite.

wolfspider no offense, but why even bother to post this? It's obvious you like disliking the "new" Star Wars from your other posts... Just wondering

You know as well as I do that SOMEONE was going to create a thread about this sooner or later. After I saw the trailer I sat back at my comptuer, and what did I see in front of me? The ENWorld message boards. After scanning the threads to make sure that nobody had created one already, I started this one.

I'm sorry if the presence of this thread distresses anyone. Feel free to ignore it. :D


First Post
It was a trailer filled with flashy scenery, flashing battles, flashy chases, and little substance. Welcome to the traditional hollywood trailer. I'm going to see it opening day, but as a Trailer it was nothing special. :D


First Post
FotR left too much out from the book!
Phantom Menace had Jar Jar, midi-chlorians and Jake Lloyd!
FotR is highly overrated!
Episode II's trailer isn't exciting!
FotR changed too much from the books!
Episode II looks like some lame love story!
George Lucas ran over my dog!
Peter Jackson insulted my mother!
etc. etc. etc.
repeat ad infinitum

Living up to the expectations of a cult fan base must be harder than it looks...

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