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National Acrobat

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Rough Sketch

Rough Sketch of Severallis. Once I know how much exquisite elven Items cost to purchase, and how many fate points that I have to spend on additional feats, etc. I will then finish him and equip him. 2/3 of starting cash for 6th level came out to around 8,100gp I believe.

Severallis N’trellin
Fey Elven Ranger 2/Adept 4
Male 3'10 47lbs. Blond Hair/Copper Eyes
Neutral Good
S: 12 6 (-4 for race, +2 for Paragon)
I: 12 4
W: 17 10 (+1 for 4th level)
D: 12 4
Cn: 14 6
Ch: 12 2

32 Points

Saves: F/R/W +6/+2/+7

HP: 47 (2d10+4+4d6+8)

AC: 16 (+3 for Armor, +1 for Dex, +1 for Buckler, +1 for Race)

BAB: +4


Deadly Masterwork Shortsword +7, Damage 1d6+1/Crit x3

Deadly Masterwork Dagger +7, Damage 1d4+1/Crit x3


MW Mighty Short Composite Bow +7, Damage 1d6+1/Crit x3
(+2 to Damage at Point Blank Range)

Skills (37 points)

Wilderness Lore +10 (7 ranks)
Knowledge: Nature +6 (5 ranks)
Animal Empathy +5 (4 ranks)
Profession: Herbalist +12 (7 ranks, +2 Synergy
Wilderness Lore)
Search +5 (4 ranks)
Concentration +7 (5 ranks)
Heal +8 (5 ranks)
Spot +3
Listen +3
Perform (Sing) +2 (1 Rank-Fey Bonus)
Hide +5

Can Cast Dancing Lights, Mage Hand and Resistance as a 3rd Level Bard with a DC of 11 1/each per day.

Adept Spells per day: 3/3/1

0-Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light
1-Cure Light Wounds, Sleep, Obscuring Mist
2-Cure Moderate Wounds

Favored Enemy: Orcs

Virtual Feats: Track, Ambidexterity, 2 Weapon Fighting

Feats: Combat Casting, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Paragon (used 1 fate point to buy)

Size small +1atk, +1AC, +4 hide, Weapon restrictions, ¾ carrying limit
Move 20ft
Low light vision
Immunity to sleep spells +2vs Enchantment


MW Studded Leather
MW Buckler
MW Mighty Composite Short Bow +1
Quiver/20 Silver Masterwork Arrows

Deadly Masterwork Shortsword

Deadly Masterwork Dagger

Backpack; Small Tea Pot, Small Metal Cup, Assorted Herbs, Tea leaves; Waterskin (full); Rations, trail (per day) x3; Sunrod x3, Explorer's Outfit.

Fate Points: Initially 3, Currently 1 (purchased Paragon Feat and Bard Spells at 1st level)

Starting Gold 8,100
Gold Spent: 2,000
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Sev. has 3 fate points (-1 if you're doing the elven racial traits), Kill has 4.

Here's the full stats of fae elves (note that Fae Elves are small creatures)

V -4str, +2cha,
v Size small +1atk, +1AC, +4 hide, Weapon restrictions, ¾ carrying limit
v Move 20ft
v Low light vision
v Immunity to sleep spells +2vs Enchantment
v Fey Elves with a 13 or higher cha can cast the following 1/day Fairies Fire and Ghost Sound 3rd level caster.
v Fey Elves with a 16 or higher cha can cast the following 1/day Sleep and Invisibility as a 5th level caster.
v Favored class Bard

There is also a fated feat which I forgot to add - Paragon. Only taken at first level, by a non-human. For one fate point, you can ignore a single -2 penalty you gain from a racial penalty (A fae elf could have a -2 str, instead of -4, dwarves could have +2 con only).

And none of the craft magic feats exist in the Narrowlands except for craft infusion, from Masters of the Wild.

Extremely low magic. No magical items, basically. ;)

National Acrobat

First Post
Ok I think I am done. Depending on the cost of the Elven Exquisite weapons considering that there is no magic, I may have too much money left over, Unless Scrolls can be purchased.

Also, if an attribute is raised when levelling every 4 levels, can the innate spells become available or is that a first level issue?


Reaper: Yup. Rolled a 2.

I'm gonna have to get w/Umath to figure out the cost of exquiste weapons - if you forge them yourself, it's cheaper - if you buy them, I'm not sure of the cost - we've ne'er actually purchased any yet, just found them or made them (for humans).

Acro: Yup - any Fae Elf with cha 13+ can use the abilities once their cha hits that level.


I aim to misbehave
Started on Dargo Golden last night. Should have more time this weekend. Could you roll the fate points for Dargo?

I'm probably going to take both the Eliminate the Penalty for a fate point and the -500 future xps for the racial abilities of the dwarves.

He's shaping up nice. Do you want him posted in the rogues gallery or in here?



First Post
If anyone has questions about the world and want to chat you can contact me via AIM @ IOmega2 or you can e-mail me at koe@onr.com (home account checked at least every other day)

I'm on most weekdays while I'm at work so it shouldn't be to hard to find me.

If anyone has requests on info about specific race/culture please let me know and I will provide as much info as I can. As always Dead Radish is running the game though so he has the right to change anything I say.

Also if you have sugestions about the world or comments please let me know. The world is still under development and so any imput you can provide is welcome.

Oh I'll come up with prices for fate imbuded items hopefully today. Like Dead Radish stated it's not something that has come up before. Expect them to be quite expensive.
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