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New game in home-brew world


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Okay, my character is done, working on his history now.
I've used leadership to get a cohort (Com1 Roderick the Squire), I hope that's okay. I've attached the file ("HomeBrewChar, very inspired I know ;]) so you can see the concept.

/me is back to writing the history.



Some people are born and their destiny is already known. Some are born and their lives are very much open. Jonathan would fit in the last group easily. Born as the son of a miller, he had a hard life as a young boy. He and his brothers worked hard in the mill, with his sisters helping out his mother at home. Every Friday John got a day off, and he would explore the city of Highland, just a small hour from his family mill. John had a knack for the city, as he loved the crowd, the people in beautiful outfits, and the merchants, almost everything there.

When John grew up and neared his teens, he was sent to militia training. He was very skillful and he did very well in this training. He got selected for the training of a Templar, which he gratefully accepted. His father and mother were ever so proud, and his brothers all wanted to be his “most liked” brother. But in his family there was only one person with who John shared almost everything, and that was Roderick, his little brother, 4 years younger than he was. But before he could become a legit Templar John had to go through the training of a Paladin.
The training of a paladin was very heavy. The first thing all the new paladins learned was to wield their weapons. For Jonathan, that was a great sword, a long and heavy sword which he used two-handed. All the paladins learned to keep their swords sharp and in very good shape, as the weapons costs lots of money. Jonathan was one of the few really fine paladins, and he soon became a special trainee, advancing faster than the others in his group.
After almost two years of hard training in the sword fighting, the time came for John to learn channel mystical powers. He gained the ability to reach deep inside himself, extracting every bit of power he had in him, and blow it out in one hard smash. Later he could even keep this up for a small time, something which was very uncommon even among the greatest paladins.

Again a year in his training passed and John got into his last stage of Paladin training, namely the horse-combat. As he would leave the city when he’d become a Templar, he had to call upon a special ally, one of which the power was superb to other creatures of its kind. John decided to call upon a horse named Hellenic, which is a fine black steed with even darker manes. Hellenic became the trusted warhorse of John and they trained for quite some years. In this stage Jonathan received the lance and shield, for mounted combat.

With completing this final stage of his Paladin-training, John became a Templar, guardian of many. He received his Great Sword, his Lance, his Shield and a Long Sword, which he used at his long years of training. It was time for him to leave his home for good, at least for a long time. He was allowed a squire, to maintain his equipment and his horse, as well as to have company during his long travels. So he chose his little brother Roderick, and they both left Highland together, looking for wherever John was needed.


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Leadership is fine, yes.

Mithril does exist, but is somewhat modified. It's a _lot_ more expensive. I'll dig up the mithril/adamantium rules tonight and post them up. If you can craft it yourself, it's a lot cheaper....

And no Monte's rangers, sorry. It's a fair shake over powered, imho.


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dead_radish said:
And no Monte's rangers, sorry. It's a fair shake over powered, imho.

No problem. I'm working on a slightly more detailed background for Darrien and will post it later.

How rare are undead, seeing as how there are no clerical powers?
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Darrien the Ranger, formerly of House Orchid

For your consideration and reading pleasure, the background of Darrien the Ranger, formerly of House Orchid.

Darrien was born the fifth of seven children (third of four sons) to Sir Hyrem of House Orchid, a minor noble and prominent businessman in Estolad. With his father devoting much of his time and attention to his educating his first-born son, Stephen, on the intricacies of the family business, Darrien found himself with ample amounts of free time in his youth. He often used this time to explore the countryside surrounding Estolad.

One day, while wandering through a forest glade, Darrien happened upon and older gentleman who appeared to be sleeping. Now while this wouldn’t strike many as strange, it being a fine spring day full of warmth and sunshine, the man appeared to be using a wolverine as a pillow. Normally, Darrien wouldn’t hesitate in approaching the stranger as he has always enjoyed hearing stories of those that have lived and traveled outside his home city. That wolverine, however, was causing him to pause. Just because it tolerated the old man treating as a pillow didn’t mean it wouldn’t hesitate to attack someone it didn’t know, and Darrien didn’t have anything to defend himself with, not even his trusty hand axe he usually carried with him. As he stood there debating, the situation was removed from Darrien’s control as both the man and his pet opened their eyes and stared at him.

“Little young to be out in the woods by yerself, ain’cha boy?” The man asked.

“I’m neither little nor young, sir. I happen to be almost 12 years old. And I have just as much right to be here as you do.” Replied a somewhat startled Darrien.

“Hehehe, so ye do, m’lad, so ye do.” Chuckled the stranger. “Please allow me a proper introduction. My name’s Faroth, and this here furry fella impersonatin’ a pillow answers to Runt. Mosta da time he does, anyway.”

Too curious to be scared anymore, and because he was raised to be polite to his elders, Darrien introduced himself and started a conversation with Faroth that ended up lasting most of the day. He discovered that Faroth actually lived in the wilderness, making a living for himself by selling skins to merchants and growing certain plants and herbs for some of the specialty shops in the Estolad marketplace.

As the years passed, and Darrien became more and more disinterested in the inner workings of business and politics, he spent more and more time outside the city visiting with Faroth and learning about the various plants and animals of the forests and plains. This caused a widening of the rift between Darrien and his family, particularly his father and oldest brother. It didn’t really bother Darrien, though, because they never really paid much attention to him anyway.

During his 16th year, Sir Hyrem contracted a rare virus that slowly but surely wasted him away. On his deathbed, Hyrem declared that Stephen, being the only son he could depend on, would be his sole heir and would run the family after his death. One day after Sir Hyrem’s death, Stephen officially took over control the ancestral home and his first action was to banish Darrien from the premises. When Darrien asked for an explanation, Stephen replied that he didn’t want to be bothered by freeloaders and ingrates that had no respect or loyalty for the family. Hurt by this characterization, and not sure how to properly defend himself to the new head of the family without alienating the other members, Darrien quietly packed the few belongings that were truly his and left the home and the city. He fled to the countryside where he figured he would stay with Faroth and help him with his garden and his traps.

Faroth felt some sympathy for Darrien and agreed to take the young man under his wing. One day, after witnessing the way Darrien dealt with a young fox that was caught in one of Faroth’s snares, he came to the decision that the lad had displayed enough of the proper qualities to warrant training in the ways of the rangers.

Thus began Darrien’s indoctrination onto the path of the ranger and woodland protector, a path he’s been following for 4 years. Recently, Faroth succumbed to the same virus that felled Darrien’s father. Now 20, Darrien once again finds himself alone in the world.


Reaper: Nearly Identical - you can take one extra partial action a day for each time you've taken the feat.

Duragonn: Undead are basically a non-factor. There are rumors that vampires live in Dwengaurer, but no one has confirmed them, and it is unknown if those are true vampires.


Adamantium: This dark black metal has a slight green sheen to it and confers a +1 enhancement bonus to armor or weapons made from it. In addition armor, not including shields, of Adamantium grant 2/- damage reduction, which stacks with any existing DR. In addition because of the quality and malleability of Adamantium any craft or profession rolls made gain a +2 bonus if crafting Adamantium items. Adamantium costs 2000gp/lb. Adamantine has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness.

Mithril: This metal is the color of untarnished silver and is surprisingly light and hard. Armor or weapons made from it weight ½ as much as normal. It provides a +2 enchantment bonus to armor or weapons made from Mithril. Additionally armor made of Mithril counts as 1 category lighter for encumbrance purposes. In addition armor, not including shields, of Mithril grant 1/- damage reduction, which stacks with any existing DR. Mithril is even easier to work with than Adamantium and grants a +4 bonus to craft or profession rolls while making Mithril items. Mithril costs around 5000gp per lb. Mithril has a hardness of 15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness.


Annnnnd *drumroll*

The characters that will be playing are:

1. Killian Maxwell, by reapersaurus
2. Severallis, by National Acrobat
3. Arodin Murgav, by DM_Matt (Note: If he has monk levels, as I suspect, he'll need to lose them - there aren't any monks in the Narrowlands).
4. Dargo Golden, by Keia
5. John the Lastnameless, by Venus
6. Darrien the Ranger, by Dungannon

reaper - email me the changes you want to MoC, and I'll look them over (dead_radish@mac.com)

Everyone else - It'll be a 32 point buy. For those of you that are interested, and are non-human, you can buy racial abiliites for the cost of 500 xp (to be paid out of the next 500 xp you gain) or one fate point. Racial abilities are available at 1st, 7th and 14th. You have to have the previous level to gain the next.

1st lvl:

Dwarves: When in contact with the ground you gain a +4 on any attempts to resist bull rushes or trip attacks.

Fey Elf: You may select three 0th level bard spells and you may cast 3 0th level spells a day. day as a bard equal to ½ your level (minimum 1st level). If you do not have any ranks in perform you gain 1 rank (singing).

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