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(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


The guard pickets that watched further out from the cairn were excited to see a giant eagle, and even more excited when the creature took the form of a man and headed to the cairn. They nodded to each other - surely their luck was changing. These powerful adventurers would turn the tide against the giants.

"Welcome, Quinn!" exclaimed Lord Falldur, and he introduced the new arrival to the others, and continued his discussion with Eoghan.

"You are right," he said to the giant-kin, "A small group such as what we are forming here, to infiltrate the steading is just what we need. A frontal assault is folly. We must plan for subterfuge. My men will provide information, support, hold this position as a refuge for you to retreat to, and cover your retreat if need be."

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It was probably that Lord Falldur had hoped that more would come, but he had to content himself with what he had. Not long after Quinn had arrived, the scouts returned, and reported, "The giants must have raided a trade caravan earlier today. A group returned carrying food, barrels of ale, and a dead horse. They will by now have started a feast!"

It would be the beginnings of dusk by the time the group reached the Steading, but if they were to leave now, they might find the Giants just finishing their party. Many would be drunk or weary. Fights could break out among them. Now might be the perfect time to begin.

"What say you, my friends?" asked the old Knight with a glint in his eye, "Will you venture this night to test your mettle against the giants?"


5ever, or until 2024
The noble wizard's confidence returns to the fore, not that it had ever receded much.

The scouting and position here are useful. But this so-called "lord" cannot imagine we work for him?

Looking across the other 5, the feeling was not respect exactly, but this was certainly the most might this human had ever seen.

Falldur may be right about one thing.

The support is most welcome, and a testament to the continued bravery of your men. Your advice is certainly prudent."

"Let us sally forth. Sally forth, against the giants."
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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
"You're right of course, me good Yew-en," says Bible, careful to pronounce the fir bolg's name correctly. "If them hill giants think you're weak, they walk all over you. That's how come whenever it's time to renegotiate our arrangemenks with the giantfolk up around Steelport, the first thing I do is challenge their chief to an arm-wrestling match. You wouldn't believe how willing to make a deal he is once I've pinned his arm to the table! Arf arf arf arf!"

Her laughter trails off as Bible's mood turns serious. "The Steading's where they took little Cordit. The sooner we get there, the better, I says."


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
"Agreed Fistbl - erm, is it really Fistblood? What did you do to gain that - no, I digress. We should not tarry and waste this opportunity."

The firbolg thought for a few moments then added: "In addition to stealth, I may take on a likeness of the giants of the hills - or one of the other tribes of similar stature - if we wish to bluff our way past. Mayhaps with them reveling I can bring you in as my servants or slaves. Or we could keep that ruse as a fall back in case we are discovered."


Jack nods. “As I said, the sooner the better. I’ve never been one to make plans - left that to my sister - but what you are saying makes sense.”

Plus, I’ve always done my best work at night,” he adds with a grin.


5ever, or until 2024
He lets slip as he hears the firbolgs plan "That would certainly be something to see." Somewhat louder:

"We should probably finalize any plans after we can get eyes on this steading. But yes, either stealth--which I can give some small assistance to as we get close, or deception, will be needed."


Only a few short hours after they had arrived at Culligan's Cairn, the group set out. They were still getting to know each other - not so much a team, as a group of individuals. Still, they had some things in common: power; confidence; experience. Each of them had known only a handful of others that matched or exceeded themselves in competence. Whatever their differences, they could tell that they were among their peers.

Their journey to the steading was only two miles away (as the crow flies) but the winding ways through the hills made it an hour on foot. They had some time to get to know one-another while making their way there. It was the beginning of dusk in the hills when they came in sight of the steading, a massive timber stronghold hidden among the hills.


Note: That gate would be the "back" door. The main gate is near that watchtower.

A well-worn trail ended at the south-east corner before a pair of fifteen-foot-high doors made of ironbound logs. The stronghold had no windows, but a squat watchtower overlooked the gates. Thick logs comprised the walls of the entire stronghold. A thickly-thatched roof inclined toward the middle, reaching a height of forty feet at its peak. Smoke rose from numerous stone chimneys, the largest one at the roof's peak.

On the north-east side, a log guardhouse stood apart from the main stronghold, but was connected by a palisade wall of vertical logs twenty feet high. Heavy log doors set into the palisade lead to a courtyard lodged between the two buildings.


5ever, or until 2024
Tenibor casually removes his spellbook from his pack. He keeps a lookout for any motion around the oversized cabin.

To no one in particular:

"Just burning it down...may not be an option." May not be.

"The courtyard with its separate gate is very tempting, but we will need to take a closer look there and the frontgate, as well as the paths to each."

He then glances at the Firbolg. "We will also have to decide on our means of entrance. Or more specifically of infiltration."


Before leaving, Valda put in a 50 GP bet of herself, no sense in leaving money on the table.

Once the group reached the steading, Valda listens to the others as they discuss plans quietly. In her previous work with adventurers she knew she wasn't the most clever person, and was mostly around to be muscle or do some sneaking around if needed.

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