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[GC] A game of Childeren OOC


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GWolf said:
Phobia List

There's Some Good Stuff here it seems. Am I in Tim?

Good heavens, what a list!!
You're in!

Lichtenhart, I was thinking the childeren were put in a shelter, but your idea is much better.
using Ctuluh in this game? They're only childeren!

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Timothy said:

Lichtenhart, I was thinking the childeren were put in a shelter, but your idea is much better.
using Ctuluh in this game? They're only childeren!

Well, actually my idea works only if we agree we knew each other before the catastrophe. If we like more to meet and know when the game begins it won't work.

I thought that if the city had a shelter, it probably didn't work, so we could have survived because:
- my house crumbled upon us, killing all of my family except me. I was stuck under the ruins crying until my faithful dog managed to drag me outside, since then I hate closed spaces (claustrophobia) [this was the first concept that came to my mind, and it worked to get the child into the wild and eventually making him become a druid.]
- I am the daughter of the king. I was never meant to share that puny shelter with other kids. I am a princess, after all I deserve the best. I did everything just as my father told me, but when I opened the door he wasn't there anymore! Where's my father? he's the King he can't be dead!!!
- I dunno what happened. I remember I was escaping from a city guard...I mean I was playing hide and seek when I entered the sewers then I heard that loud boom and rocks started falling around. One hit my head and I went down like a fell tree. When I woke up and went out, well, the city wasn't there anymore.
- ....
and so on. Which do you like the best?


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Well, Im totally new to Greyhawk and I've never played in it... so it seems my ignorance will give my child character more realism. If someone could throw me some facts so I have an idea. Do you want me to post a character thought, or just email it too you?

EDIT: I also have that phobia list. But when you look at it carefully a bunch are made up.
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I like it Lichtenhart.

This means everyone will have to write up soem sort of bio (sorry MDaddict) Where you explain how you survived, who your parents were and so on.

when the adventure starts everyone will know eachother, you don't have to know eachother before the catastrophe though


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Enough with the rules lets play already!!!!

Character Concept:

Wolfgang Fitzpatrick

I was born the eldest of three children. I have a younger brother (Hans) 6, and a younger sister (Erika) 3. My father had a job for the government that he could not talk about at home (spy but my character does not know that). My mother was an at home mom. I used to spend a lot of time with my father when he was not away on business. We played hide and seek, find the coin, mind maze, pass the traps and catch the crook. I have always been very interested in setting and bypassing traps. For my last birthday my father gave me a hand held crossbow, that I am never without, and taught me how to make bolts for it from twigs and flint using my pocket knife and a grinding stone.

On the night of the catastrophe I was in the catacombs under the city with a group of friends. In the middle of the night we heard so loud rumblings and things began to shake and fall. Some of the falling stones hit and killed some of my friends but more then one of us survived. During the shaking a sharp rock cut my right cheek and my nose very deeply leaving a bad scar. Ever since that night I have been very afraid of small places (claustrophobic).

I am convinced that some members of my family must have survived the catastrophe and I am searching for them. In the night when all is silent I swear that I can hear Erika calling my name through the tears that fill her throat.

Physical Description:
Name: Wolfgang Fitzpatrick
Age: 8
Weight: 75 lbs.
Height: 4’2”
Hair: Coal Black
Eyes: Ice Blue

Baggy burlap pants, a white pirate’s shirt (altered by an 8 y.o.), a backpack

Game Information:
Class: None
Level: 0
HP 4 - 1 (con) = 3
Stats: STR 8 (2 points), DEX 12 (0 points), INT 14 (8 points), WIS 10 (2 points), CON 8 (0 points), CHA 8 (0 points)
Skills: (4) Bluff +3 (1 point), Disable Device +3 (1 point), Listen +1 (1 point), Search +3 (1 point)
Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow)

I hope this is okay.
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My character

Damien Mategam
I have a large ego to go with my small body. I would always try to hide from people and sneak around. My favorite game to play was hide-and-seek, although it was rarely with willing members. If nobody wanted to play with me I would just hide, somewhere where I would think I would never get caught. Although I was very close to my older brother, Riyun, I tended to tell him everything. He would always tell my parents where I would hide, taking some fun out of playing.
The night of the catastrophe I got irritated with my brother, I found the best place ever to hide, and he told our parents where it was. From then I vowed not to tell him where I would hide and I went and hid. I did all I could to hide, I found a large cavern (large to an 8 yr old, small to anyone else) and hid there. In the middle of my chuckling and plotting my next spot there was a large rumbling. The cavern got closed in and it took all I could to get out.
I am afraid of the dark from being stuck in my small alcove.

Damien Mitegam (mah-tea-gum)
Age: 8
Weight: 70
Height: 4'5"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grayish blue

Any Clothing that would help me hide where I was, I was wearing a brown/black shirt and pants at time of catastrophe.

Class: None
Level: 0
HP 4 - 1 (con) = 3
Stats: STR 8 (2 points), DEX 20 (8 points), INT 8 (2 points), WIS 8 (0 points), CON 8 (0 points), CHA 10 (2 points)
Skills: (4) Disguise +1 (1 point), Hide +6 (1 point.
Feat: Dodge

If something is inaccurate, tell me... Im half asleep If i need more of a bio, I can fix that too


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Aska Masaki
My Father was a Scholar and my Mum was a Cleric of Gond. They were very important people...and, and I will be too, one day! :D I've always wanted to help people get better, and I can wrap bandages very well, my mum always says...she used to...*sniff*. :(
The night the city was destroyed, my mother tried to protect me in the house, but there was a big noise very close to here, and my mum took me down into the catacombs under the town. I was so scared, and there were spiders too! Icky, Icky spiders. I was so scared! But at least it wasn't high. I hate heights too. I think there was a lot of magic used above, because the only thing I've heard of that does ex...explosions like that is magic. There isn't much light down here, but I think all the magic is...changing me. My friends say my Hair's gone dark green, and my eyes are purple now. It actually sounds quite nice! I've always liked dressing up, and I think I can pretend I'm someone else much better now! I'm not a strong girl, but my friends say I'm very smart and the best looking girl in the whole town! I think they like my new colours. My mother gave me her mace, and told me not to let go of it, and that I could protect myself with it. [note: It's a normal sized mace, so it has to be wielded two handed by me]

Name: Aska Masaki (As-ka Ma-sa-ki)
Age: 8
Weight: 71lbs.
Height: 4'1"
Hair: Dark Green
Eyes: Violet

Tight Green Trousers, Bright red Tunic. (Given to her by a travelling Bard, altered by her mother to fit. Playing dressup at time of catastrophe)

Class: None
Level: 0
HP 4 - 1 (con) = 3
Stats: STR 6 (0 points), DEX 12 (0 points), INT 10 (4 points), WIS 12 (4 points), CON 8 (0 points), CHA 12 (4 points)
Skills: (2) Disguise +3 (1 point), Heal +3 (1 point).
Feat: Run
Phobias: Spiders and Heights

Good enough?
EDIT: Since it's FR, I changed Delleb to Gond.
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First Post
I really love these chars, this going to be a great game, I only have to think of some things to happen.

I have posted the rules in the first post, so edit your chars plz.
Sixchan, I don't know your god, and the setting is FR, so could you choose a FR god (if this god means very much for you, post some info about him and you can have him)

I will start the IC thread so you can get aquainted (sp)

I ask that you all play a serious character, humor is nice and will be in the game. But you all have been in a great Trauma.


First Post
Timothy said:
I really love these chars, this going to be a great game, I only have to think of some things to happen.

I have posted the rules in the first post, so edit your chars plz.
Sixchan, I don't know your god, and the setting is FR, so could you choose a FR god (if this god means very much for you, post some info about him and you can have him)

I will start the IC thread so you can get aquainted (sp)

I ask that you all play a serious character, humor is nice and will be in the game. But you all have been in a great Trauma.

That's OK, I was using Greyhawk's version of Gond, anyway. So Aska's Mother was a Cleric of Gond. I'll edit.


First Post
Character Concept:

Fritz Troston

I've never had much a family. Just my father, my mother was never spoken about much and I always assumed she was dead or gone shortly after I was born. My father was a (Engineer) Repair Man. He was always fixing peoples things and drawing pictures of things he was going to make. I wanted to do the same stuff he did. He began to teach me a month ago the basics of how simple mac-hines (thats what he called them) worked.

I've always been an outcast. Thats probably becasue I spent alot of time inside trying to understand my fathers books and trying to watch him and learn. He liked me trying to learn his job. One day about a week ag ohe told me go out and meet some kids to be friends with. I guess he was right.

So at first, I decided to watch some of the city kids and see what they did so I could fit in. I followed them into the catacombs beneath the city. Shortly after we went down there, there was tons of bangs and booms and pieces of rock falling all over the place. When it was over I returned to the surface to find nearly the whole city wrecked. My fathers sturdy shop still stood I had hope that he may yet live. I entered the buidling, only to find his head split in two by a large piece of rubble. I know now that something bad will always happen, and people will always die, no matter how much they mean to you...Its Just a matter of time.

Physical Description:
Name: Fritz Troston
Age: 8
Weight: 80 lbs.
Height: 4’4”
Hair: Dark Blonde/Brown
Eyes: Very Dark Brown

Fear of The Dark (From Catacombs Incident)
Chronophobia- Fear of time (From knowing that bad things will happen with time)

Brown leather style jacket, dirty white shirt, khakki colored pants.

Game Information:
Class: None
Level: 0
HP 4 - 1 (con) = 3
Stats: STR 6(0 points), DEX 12 (0 points), INT 14 (8 points), WIS 10 (2 points), CON 8 (0 points), CHA 8 (0 points)
Skills: Disable Device +5 (1 point, +2 Feat), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +3 (1 point) Pick Lock +2 (1 point) Sense Motive +1 (1 point)
Feat: Improved Initiative, BONUS Feat Skill Focus (Disable Device)

I took a knowledge skill because I beleived it fit my background, any problem with that or the sheet let me know.

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