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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Marot the Deadly

Marot crumples under the dark assault. Barely conscious, he drops to the ledge floor, in hopes of becoming a less attractive target to the fiend. Hoping against hope that the other party members advance upon the creature to distract it from himself.

He reaches into his belt pouch and feels around for one of his potion vials. His fingers find the familiar shape and bring it to his lips, and he drinks it down in one gulp, not sure which of his healing potions he grabbed, but something is better than nothing, he thinks.

OOC: Grab healing potion (have 2 CLW and 1 CMW, 1d3 to determine which one he grabs) drop to the ground for +4 AC due to cover, and drink potion.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Summoning: Round 5 (Complete)

Anger burned within her, and Tessa let the anger free. A rush of hot flame burst forth from her raised arm, hitting the creature dead on. Most of the force of the fiery blast seemed disapated somehow, but some searing on its torso indicated some effect. [AC 21 touch hits; 16hp before resistance]

Limping to her feet, the wounded Ashlyn made for the green flame. Its heat was unnatural, feeling wrong somehow. But she searched for the glint she knew must be found. About to give up, a sudden spark revealed the silvery form surrounded by flame. [Spot check to find the metal 21 succeeds; it will take a move action next turn to retrieve]

Sightless, overcome by the picking of the dark energy, Marot dropped to the crumbling masonry. Feeling blindly, he unstoppers and quaffs one of his potions, its healing energy returning some vitality. [CLW potion (rolled a 2); 9hp restored, 13/46]

As his sight returns, Marot sees the fiend bellow again, turning its hatred to Jarrith. The dark bolt seems bound for the Stalker's heart when, with a silver flash, his protective magics shunt of the attack! [Misses due to deflection]

The Summoning: Round 6 (Partial)

(Jarrith would go here)

Steeping through the rubble, Janis throws more lightning at the fiend. But as it dissipates harmlessly through its vines and thorns, it chortles mockingly! [Immune to electricity]

Coming around the corner, greatsword gripped tightly, Ladreth swings mightily at the shadowy creature. He overestimates, however, and the blade goes wide. [Miss]

(Tessa, Marot, etc.)

The Summoning: Round 6 (Partial)


Map Key: A: Ashlyn, B: Green Lady, b: The bear, C: Fiend, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, T: Tessa, W: Witches.

Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Orange Border: Blind, White Border: Prone. Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement. Green area is a fire that provides light to 30 feet and shadowy illumination to 60.

J: 21 [22/31, 5/5 turns, blind 1 round]
J: 21 [29/35, 1 Con damage, 10/11 AP]
L: 21 [51/55, 10/11 AP]
W: 21 [invisible, dead]
B: 20 [dead]
T: 20 [35/35]
W: 19 [L10 dead, N11 dead, O12 dead, K12 dead, P5 dead]
A: 12 [20/49, prone; 1/2 smites, 5/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP]
M: 10 [13/46, 7/8 AP, prone]
C: 9
b: 4 [36/51]


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Marot the Deadly

Saying a quick prayer to the flame for his returned eyesight, Marot peers over the crumbled walkway onto the melee in progress below.

He takes careful aim, then sends another blast of eldritch might towards the fiendish aspect of Czernovog.

OOC: Remain prone, ranged touch attack vs Fiend +8, 4d6+1 (I am assuming that there is no penalty for using an eldritch blast while prone for to-hit purposes.)

James Heard

Janis frowns and changes posture. Uttering her incantation, her hair whips around tossed by an invisible wind and the smell of dew fills the air for a moment as a paler, less substantial bolt of energy than usual leaves The Stormhand's palm and touches the beast. A worming white residue stains its hide for a moment before quickly disappearing into the beast's skin.

OOC: Casting Moon Bolt. 2d4 Strength Damage, save DC 18 for half


As the bolt crashes into him, his teeth clench for just a moment. What the hell is he aiming at me for?!? Ladreth and Janis are right there!!! Man, this isn't fair! However, much to his relief the magical circle of protection keeps him safe this time and the dark bolt washes over him. That was too close! I'm no good to anyone if I'm dead! I need more protection if I'm going to stay on my feet!

He quickly steps out of sight of the creature (Move to L8) and begins casting some more spells around himself... letting the others continue the barrage. (Cast Aid on self)


First Post
Tessa blinked as if in surprise at her own hand, seemingly wondering where that bolt of flame had come from. She smiled for just a moment, and almost made ready as if to unleash another bolt- but Ladreth had moved in to melee with the fiend, and Tessa did not entirely trust the accuracy of the fire bolts- instead she switched back to the wand she had been using; that, at least, had no chance of missing.

OOC: Another charge from the wand for a CL 5 Magic Missile


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Summoning: Round 6 (Complete)

As Ladreth moves forward, Jarrith steps back, trying to avoid any further attacks. He call forth aid from the Flame, and its courage inspires him. [8 temp hp, +1 atks]

Uncertain for a moment, Tessa brings up Milosh's wand. The blue bolts peg the creature, distracting him. [8hp; moderately wounded]

Ashlyn carefully leverages her blade to remove the glint of silver. As she pulls it out, she sees its sun-like shape and some sort of crystal in the center. But it is too hot to hold, so she takes a moment to wrap it in some cloth. [Move action to remove Symbol; move action to wrap to hold]

From his perch, Marot calls forth his power. The blast nicks the fiend's shoulder, distracting it. [16hp]

Bellowing, the Aspect tears into the halfork. Its thorned claws crush the mercenary's full-plate, and its shadowy maw bloodies Ladreth's arm, weakening him seriously. [2 claws hit, 1 bite, 31hp dmg; seriously wounded]

The bear steps before Janis, bellowing its defiance.

The Summoning: Round 7 (Partial)

Janis sneers, and calls forth the power of the moons. The silverly bolt grazes the fiend, but it does seem weakened by the effect. [Saves vs. effects; 2 Str damage]

His blood new flowing, Ladreth takes more care with his swings. But his wariness lets the fiend to ignore the mercenary's attack. [Fighting defensively; misses twice]

(Jarrith, Tessa, etc.)

The Summoning: Round 7 (Partial)


Map Key: A: Ashlyn, B: Green Lady, b: The bear, C: Fiend, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, T: Tessa, W: Witches.

Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying, Orange Border: Blind, White Border: Prone. Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement. Green area is a fire that provides light to 30 feet and shadowy illumination to 60.

J: 21 [30/31, 5/5 turns, aid 50 rounds]
J: 21 [29/35, 1 Con damage, 10/11 AP]
L: 21 [20/55, 10/11 AP]
W: 21 [invisible, dead]
B: 20 [dead]
T: 20 [35/35]
W: 19 [L10 dead, N11 dead, O12 dead, K12 dead, P5 dead]
A: 12 [20/49, prone; 1/2 smites, 5/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP]
M: 10 [13/46, 7/8 AP, prone]
C: 9 [2 Str damage, moderately wounded]
b: 4 [36/51]


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Tessa could see that their attacks were hurting the fiend- but were they actually hurting it enough that it would fall before they did? At this rate, she realized that she might be forced into close battle as well, so she began to prepare.

OOC: Fire off another charge from the wand, then draw/ready a potion of Bulls Strength

James Heard

Searching her repertoire for more magical effects that might hurt the beast, Janis summons darts of unerring arcane energy to strike at the fiend.

OOC: 10% Arcane Spell Failure, Magic Missile CL1, kicking it old skool.

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