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Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian


Living EN World Judge
Unaer (Oon-aye-ear) is ready, with the background addition from FRCS (+2 Mighty L Comp Bow).
If you (Mister DM) want to post some maps/history etc, I'll post background, other wise, Unaer wil be a 'mystery man (elf?)' until I get a feel for the Campaign and throw one together.

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Ok heres some background/maps

Background: The world of Isisdur is a fairly young one, still in its geological throes. Long ago it has been rumored that their was once a golden age that Isisdur experienced, before the main continent split, it was rumored that all races were friendly with one another, and that all prospered, however, one thing (a mistake made by one person of great importance, some say, others say it was caused by a fight among the gods) caused the land to split, severing the ties the land and the people had to each other. Now, while some are still able to live in peace, many have taken to evil magics, oppressive social practices, and treachery to survive.


from the adventure:
Oren said:
Forgive me for not giving you enough background. Anyway, after moving from your most recent adventure, you were attacked by a huge band of goblins. They harrowed you for several weeks, tiring you out and leaving you food and supplyless. You searched for the nearest town but found only wilderness. THAT is why you came upon Sinstra.
OOC: umm.. you're going to have to do better than that, I'd think, Oren. :(

Listen: we're not first-time gamers here, and I really think you've come into this with not much history going for you.

You don't put people in motion like wind-up dolls and not give them any info to go on.
Then, plop them at a town gate and say you're all going to be enslaved.

What are our options here, dude?
Go willingly into slavery?
Or put up a fight, get our heads handed to us, then be thrown into slavery? :rolleyes:

In most home-brew campaings you'd tell us about the politics, the religion, the history, the landscape, the map, etc of your world.

You haven't given us anything other than
Background: The world of Isisdur is a fairly young one, still in its geological throes. Long ago it has been rumored that their was once a golden age that Isisdur experienced, before the main continent split, it was rumored that all races were friendly with one another, and that all prospered, however, one thing (a mistake made by one person of great importance, some say, others say it was caused by a fight among the gods) caused the land to split, severing the ties the land and the people had to each other. Now, while some are still able to live in peace, many have taken to evil magics, oppressive social practices, and treachery to survive.
That's IT?

I'm sure you have LOTS of background on your world..... don't you?
Are you waiting for something to let us in on your world?

Remember, if you want your world to come alive, we're reliant on you to set the stage so we actors can go crazy over it. :)


First Post
Let me add something here.

There's perhaps one rule to DMing that is older than the game itself (and I kid you not).

First, build a relationship of trust with your players.

All the more important in a pbp game where we don't meet face to face.

Frankly, my impression here is that you are not making much of an effort to build trust.
I don't have anything to work with to integrate my character into your game. My character is a cleric, religion is her world; yet I don't know a thing about your pantheon, other that you are permitting me to "import" my own deity from the FR. I don't know where in your world I come from or how elves are commonly regarded by humans (or by dwarves or other races, for that matter). Heck, I don't even know what parts your world consists of or which part of it I am supposed to be travelling in right now!

I've prepared my character as best I knew how, lacking input from you about the world or campaign style you are planning.
I've made my first move in the game, still hoping that once we got really started the world would unfold for us and you would give us more info to work with. None of this is happening.

Instead, we are presented with a scenario that is difficult to get into -- putting it mildly.

If the environs of the town are as wasted as you are telling us, why didn't we ever keep at a distance and investigate, rather than strolling up to the gate like so many waddling ducks?

Where did all the goblins harrowing us go once we approached the town? If you planned this "goblin backstory" when you started that game, why didn't you tell us about it? As reapersaurus points out, there's no good reason for us to lack supplies or food. We might be wounded, exhausted, out of spells and power points, out of ammo - but apparently that's not the case.

Forgive me, but all this looks like you cooked up that "backstory" only after we started asking questions from you and your only "plan" was to get the PCs enslaved, with or without our consent.

I may be wrong.
If so, I apologise.
As things stand, I'm in need of some serious trust-building from your side before I'm prepared to go ahead with this game. And for now, I'm still here willing to listen. :)
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Well I definitely don't think we should just 'get enslaved'. Let's fight! :D

As for the background, yeah, it wouldbe good to fill it up.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Er, I'm not sure that fighting the guards is a good idea — runnning would probably be a better bet. Of course, where would we go? Apparently we're caught between a group of gobbos and some slave-mongering guards. Any chance Sinstra's like Casablanca? ;)

Anyhow, not to harp on this too much, Oren, but I agree with reapersaurus, Stalking Blue, and the rest — we do need more information — one of the reasons Ashan has no written history is because I have no idea where he could have been from and what he would be doing there. I'd be happy to write one if you'd give me something to run off of regarding your world's elves.

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