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Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

Sorry for the lack of details

Character gen. will be the standard 4d6, only sourcebooks from WOTC will be allowed, I have no previous experience Dm'ing, and I prefer a campiagian that is a combonation between roleplaying and combat. Also, I will be previding mapping, and yes I will be commited to the game, however, ever other weekend I will not be present (I need to attend to personal matters then) so don't post then unless absoulutely nesscessary. Any other info u need?

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Living EN World Judge
Guess I'm first up at bat...
I'll play an Elf Fighter or Rogue/Fighter if 2nd Level. Please let us know which level you want to go with,

I just rolled stats:13-12-18-16-11-15
Cool, that's an 18 in the last 2 characters I have rolled...a dangerous trend. Perhaps it will continue (Smiles@the Dice gods)


Char Sheet

I didn't reroll the stats yet but anyway..
Krug Stormhammer, M Dwarf (Mountain) Rogue1; Size:M; hp 7; Init +3; Spd Walk 20'ft.; AC ; Atk = +1 melee, +3 ranged; SA:Stonecunning | Save +2 vs. poison | Save +2 vs. spells | +4 dodge vs. giants | +2 on Appraise of stone/metal items | +2 on stone/metal Craft check,Sneak Attack +1d6; AL:CG; SV Fort 0, Ref +2, Will 0;
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Height 4' 4 inches, weight 154 pounds
Skills and Feats:Appraise +4/2, Balance +4/2, Craft (Locksmithing) +4/2, Craft (Trapmaking) +6/4, Disable Device +6/4, Forgery +4/2, Hide +7/4, Innuendo +2/1, Listen +2/1, Move Silently +7/4, Open Lock +7/4, Search +6/3, Spot +5/3, Tumble +4/1, Use Rope +4/1
Feats: Point Blank Shot

Armor: Chain Shirt (+4/ Armor Check Penalty: -2), Helmet
Weapons: Masterwork Light Crossbow (+4/1d8 - 19-20x2) and 40 bolts, Battleaxe (+1/1d8 - x3), Dagger (+1/1d4 - 19-20x2)
Items: Backpack, Masterwork Thieve's Tools, Artisan's Tools, 5 pints Oil, 2 weeks trail rations, Pouch with 15 gp, 7 sp, Bedroll, Blanket, Hemp Rope, Shovel, 4 Torches, Waterskin, Hunk of Cheese, 5 caltrops

Description: Krug is dressed in a suit of splotchy chain, with holes in his armor. His boots and shirts are ripped and moth-eaten in the worst places. His beard is unkempt and apparently, and the helmet that barely hangs on his head is dented and shoddy. There is a faint overripe smell emanating from him, though not so overpowering that it would be easily detectable. His smile reveals rows of messy teeth that remind the viewer of a smashed keyboard, and his overpowering breath odor is possibly a dangerous weapon in itself. The only thing he keeps in good condition on him is his crossbow, which is a family heirloom he is quite proud of.

History: Krug never quite fit in with the rest of the dwarves in the Stormhammer clan. He wasn't strong and mighty like his cousin Edgred, and his father sent him to the ranks of the Bolters, the Crossbow guard which was considered one of the lowest ranking of dwarven army units. However, the smart dwarf developed an interest in trapmaking, and even once came upon a book of goblin traps which he hid and studied to learn their tricks. He developed great skills in trapmaking, but he still never fit in even with the Bolters. It didn't help that he had the hygience habits of a troglodyte, and one day he decided to pack up his goods and go off to find some adventure. He's been making a decent living as a locksmith and a trapmaker, though his last trap resulted in a very angry aristocract who activated it and fell right into a pit of hot oil...

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Here's my full character, outside of background and all that.

Ashan Asarath
Male Elf Psychic Warrior 1; Size M; HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 leather armor, +4 Dex; 14 touch, 12 flat-footed); Atk +1 melee (dagger 1d4+1/19-20/x2, heavy pick 1d6+1/x4, shortsword 1d6+1/19-20/x2), +4 ranged (dagger 1d4/19-20/x2, longbow 1d8/x3); SA None; SQ See below; AL LN; SV Fort +3 (+1 Con), Ref +4 (+4 Dex), Will -1 (-1 Wis); Str 13, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8. Height 5 ft. 5 in., Weight 121 lb., Age 129 years.

Skills and Feats (8 ranks, 2 feats): Autohypnosis +1 (2 ranks, Wis –1), Balance +6 (2 ranks, Dex +4), Concentration +2 (1 rank, +1 Con), Stabilize Self +2 (1 rank, +1 Str), Tumble +6 (2 ranks, Dex +4); Power Attack, Psionic Weapon.

Elf Abilities: Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects, +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, low-light vision, Elf weapon proficiencies (rapier, all bows), +2 racial bonus to Listen/Search/Spot
Psychic Warrior Abilities: Psionics, Free Talent (0-level) Manifestation 3/day

Psionic Combat Modes: Mind Thrust, Thought Shield
Psionic Powers (2 pp/day, 2): 0-level: Burst, Valor.

Equipment: Peasant’s Outfit, Leather Armor, Daggers (3, +1/+4, d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., P), Heavy Pick (+1, d6+1, x4, P), Shortsword (+1, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2, P), Longbow (20 arrows, +4, 1d8, x3, 100 ft., P), Backpack (bedroll, winter blanket, 2 sunrods). Encumbrance 49 lb. (light load). 10 gp, 5 sp remaining.

Personality: Rather grim and generally humourless, Ashan tends to make a horrible first impression. He tends to favor literal interpretations of laws and customs, with little or no flexibility. In combat, this lends him the air of a traditionalist and is (more or less) respectable. Indeed, Ashan has spent much time studying classical styles and techniques and usually favors them in place of newer, flashier schools of combat. In his dealings with others, Ashan can be almost maniacally loyal to people that have done him a good turn, even to the point of foolishness and self-endangerment.

Description: Ashan is exceedinly tall for an elf and possesses a well-maintained and athletic build. It is possible that he would be considered good looking if it weren't for his stand-offish body language and the scars that adorn his face and neck. He favors simple, loose clothing and generally wears sandals as footwear. Most of his shirts cut off just below the elbow, revealing a webbed mess of tattoos all over his forearms and hands. Similar tattoos continue up his arms and onto his shoulders.

History: [coming sooner rather than later...]
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Gregory Burnes: Male Human Rogue 1; CR 1; Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6+1; HP 7; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 13; Atk +0 Melee (1d4, Dagger) or +0 melee (1d6, Quarterstaff) or +1 ranged (1d4, dagger); SA Sneak Attack +1d6; SQ Traps; AL CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 15.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +10/4, Decipher Script +5/3, Diplomacy +4/2, Disguise +8/4, Forgery +4/2, Gather Information +6/4, Hide +5/4, Innuendo +5/3, Intimidate +7/3, Move Silently +5/4, Perform +3/1 (Harmonica), Read Lips +5/3, Sense Motive +6/4, Use Magic Device +5/3; Persuasive, Charlatan.

Possessions: 2 daggers, Wizard robes, wooden holy symbol of Boccob, leather armor, quarterstaff, harmonica, spell component pouch, wizards spell book (empty), Scroll with Detect Secret Doors and Detect Magic, 9 gold pieces worth of small gems secreted around person, 3 gold pieces and 3 silver pieces.

I'll do the personality and such a bit more in depth later (going to bed now); but I'll explain his odd equipment list by saying that he's a con man fleeing his old stomping grounds when things went awry; his current cover is a traveling wizard (hence robes, book, scrolls, etc.) and his back-up cover is as a priest of Boccob (robes, scrolls do double duty, and holy symbol).

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