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[OT] This week's Buffy [WARNING SPOILERS!]


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Wormwood said:
Actually, the shooting does serve to underscore how Sunnydale is more like Toontown than real life.

Where are the guns?

While the chop-socky and crossbows may be all cinematic and stuff, I simply fail to see why more vampires don't pack heat. I don't care how good the slayer's kung-fu is, glock-fu would beat it every time.

Bang. New slayer. Bang. New slayer. Like winning a teddy bear at a carnival.

Actually, the Scoobs may consider strapping on the irons (after proper instruction and training, of course). While a shotgun may not kill a vampire, it's probably more effective than Zander's lame right hook.

Its a genre thing. Its just like alot of space opera settings where characters have laser guns and energy weapons. I've thought about this before, and I've decided that its not worth the trouble, and I think its cooler that they fight with crossbows and axes.

Part of this is that guns won't kill vampires, since you need a stake, sunlight, or beheading. Be that as it may, it really makes sense to open up on the poor vamp with some sort of high caliber automatic weapon. Then when their chest if pulped and they won't be getting up for a while, go in with the stake.

I guess Warren's just not playing by the rules anymore. I wish I hadn't read spoilers for this episode, but even without them Tara's death is pretty obvious, and there've been rumors all season. I'm almost reminded of the scene where Austin Powers runs over the minion with the very slow moving steam roller.

Tara might not stay dead though. Anya is all vengence-y again, so maybe some wish will bring Tara back to life.

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Tonight's episode actually isn't the first time someone's pulled a gun on the slayer. The first time that I can remember was in the first season when Darla was shooting at her with a gun in each hand (before being staked by Angel). Another time an assassin hired by Spike came to Sunnydale High as a policewoman and took some pot shots at Buffy and actually ended up grazing Oz.

I've always gotten the feeling that Joss Whedon doesn't like guns. I have no proof of this, just a feeling I have. I remember one episode (don't remember which) where Buffy picks up a gun, says something like "These things...never a good idea", tosses it aside and commences with the punching and kicking.

As for tonight's episode, very intense. My theory last week was that something bad was going to happen to Tara because we saw black-eyed Willow in the previews and because after nearly three years she still wasn't in the opening credits (not counting tonight). Then, in the middle of the show, they had me worried that the rape scene was going to be the big trauma. But then at the end, we saw a spray of blood hit Willow, then her cradling Tara, and then the black eyes turning red. Good stuff. Intense, but good.


First Post
I think the issue for prognostication is.... Where is the show now, and where does it need to be by the end of next season.

"BVS" ends next year. Geller has told everyone next season is it.

Joss has spoken publicly about how catchy "Dawn the Vampire Slayer" sounds. (This is doubly true if Firefly his other new series doesn't take off)


1. Faith needs to die so there can be a new slayer. (1 easy episode, on either BVS or Angle, or just do it off camera, probably it will be wrapped up in the series finale.)

2. They need to decide which characters they're carrying over to the new series. Angle did it with 2, and upped it to three after their first sidekick developed a drug issue.

Who can they use?

Geller: Gone

Hannigan (willow): Possible but unlikely. she's had some movie rolls during the series and may be planing on trading up. Especially if she gets killed as the new Big Bad next season.

Brendon(Xander): Probably; This guy had no good roles before buffy, and hasn't landed a movie roll during production. If he likes being employed he'll probably want to stay on. which is good IMHO.

Caufield(Anya): Possible; More roles in her resume then Brendon, but nothing snazzy, and no movies.

Marsters(spike):possible, but he's also got movie credits...

So Figure Dawn and Xander for a spinoff. Everyone else is expendable next season.


First Post
All I can say is that Spike has lost one of his biggest fans, and furthermore I hope Buffy dusts his #$% when he gets back. Warren is as good as dead in my book, as we've learned before you don't mess with Willow's lovers(male or female).

Nightfall said:
Okay folks spoil it for me. PLEASE tell me what happened since I don't get UPN, I'm pratically CLUELESS every time a new Buffy comes along.

Okay. I missed the first few minutes, but here's what I remember.


Let's see, the evil trio planned a series of bank jobs. Willow and Tara were able to decode their plans and figure out the first one was "tonight" - and it was time-dependent, so had to happen tonight.

Meanwhile, Spike tried to rape Buffy, but didn't complete the evil act. This scene is brutal. Very hard to watch.

Warren (leader of evil trio), trashes a bar and starts to annoy women, Xander walks in and fights him. Warren is now impervisous and super strong (or, as Xander put it, "he's gone all Mighty Mouse"), but before he can kill Xander, evil trio has to go to their first robbery (an amored car).

Buffy goes to stop them, but can't seem to beat Warren. Short guy of evil trio grab her but whispers in her ear, "destory his orbs." Buffy grabs Warren's belt pouch (I presume, with orbs inside) and smashes it. He loses his power and freaks, but then takes off in his Rocketman-ish jet pack hidden under his jacket. Other evil trio guy (blond hair), also takes off in a jet pack, but crashes into the roof above him. Third guy (who warned Buffy), is pissed that he (1) didn't get a jet-pack and (2) didn't even know about the jet packs. Cops arrive and take 2/3 of evil trio to jail. Blond guy whines that leader promised they'd "be together forvever" - I think he's in love with Warren.

Later (next day?), Xander and Buffy are talking in backyard. Sort of a 'repairing the relationship' scene. Warren runs up, says something like "you can't do this to me" or "this isn't over" (can't remember) and shoots several times. At least one bullet hits Buffy, and at least one other bullet travels through the window and hits Tara. Willow, in anguish, goes all black-eye on us. Uh-oh.

Previews for next week: Willow is pissed. Warren has his mouth stitched shut. Creepy as hell.

So where did Spike go? If things will be so "different" when he gets back, my first inclination was that he was going to have that chip removed. On the other hand, that thing hasn't stopped him from going after Buffy, so it wouldn't change things very much for him to have it tinkered with.

Maybe it's just some wishful "OMG!-wouldn't-it-be-cool-if?!" thinking, but I put my money on Spikey running off to research Angel's soul-restoring ritual in hopes of snagging one for himself.


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"Dawn the Vampire Slayer" (or some such) with Zander and Anya as the 'parental figures'/'Watchers in training' may just work for me. Assuming the addition of 2-4 other characters to the cast, such as an older Watcher who gets killed at the end of season 2 or 3.

I'm very glad to hear the 'back to basics' tone for next year.


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The Dungeon Nazi said:
So where did Spike go? If things will be so "different" when he gets back, my first inclination was that he was going to have that chip removed. On the other hand, that thing hasn't stopped him from going after Buffy, so it wouldn't change things very much for him to have it tinkered with.

Maybe it's just some wishful "OMG!-wouldn't-it-be-cool-if?!" thinking, but I put my money on Spikey running off to research Angel's soul-restoring ritual in hopes of snagging one for himself.

Spike was pretty sappy when he had a soul, bad poetry included. I think he is going to get the chip removed. Maybe go find those demons they had in Angel that were really good and medicine (grafted body parts back on people and stuff). With the chip gone he will try to prove to Buffy that he can love her. Of course, that will probably change once he gets the chip out.

I was hoping they were going a different way with the Spike/Buffy relationship. Back in secons season Angle told Spike the only way to defeat Buffy was to love her. So, I was hoping that it was all a ploy by Spike. So much for that idea. :)

Bronn Spellforger

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My guess is that Spike's gone for a few episodes and comes back to town with a big bandage on his head and the chip tied around his neck. He comes back to kill Buffy, but finds out he's got feelings for her even without the chip! That'd be cool. Spike rules (although, after his little attemped rape, he's no longer my favorite character).

Hey, whatever happened with that spin off show in England that Giles was going to be in? Anyone hear anything about it? I wonder if BBC America will run it?]

And why won't Buffy help Jonathan out a little? He saved her life, after all...

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