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[OOC] Hivemind IC Game Brainstorm thread

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Ok - whew, boy, it's been a while since I've checked this thread. I stopped checking it after I decided to wait for Osis, and - said this in the e-mail, but it bears saying again - after he got back, my end got hectic, so... :) Either way, I'm gonna try and get the ball rolling again. Fidgit - got your e-mail; normally, expecting to see me in the Hive would be a good assumption, but it's been a busy week, once classes started up again. Something about four-day weekends; professors think it's their job to swamp you on both sides of 'em. [Grumble] Ok, let's see... Oh, yes - Skade, you're more than welcome to join in (though you'll probably not see this since I've waited so long; I'll message you.) Now, about character creation.

1st level (apprentice rules from DMG allowed)
28 point-buy
3/4 max starting gold

Once again, for those interested in psionics, I use the Secondary Discipline rules, and Variant Powers Known from If Thoughts Could Kill; I know you don't have it, Capellan - I'll be sending you an e-mail with the necessary information after I finish this post. If anyone else needs it, let me know. Well, because we'll be playing in my homebrew, there's a number of little changes - check out my site for the PDF that contains race/class information, as well as a map of the region. A quick summary is as follows:
  • Humans: Sub-cultures, but with one exception (the Talaire) they have the same racial traits as in the PH.
  • Dwarves: Fairly standard; known for truthfullness; altered racial bonuses.
  • Elves: Snooty bigots. There standard alignment is not CG. They've got a highly structured, elitist society, and they look down (with pity, not hatred) on all the "lesser" races. Only two they really hate are dwarves and half-elves.
  • Gnomes: Fey creatures that make great druids, not illusionists. They're literally fey, so a little more unusual than most.
  • Halflings: Gypsy-like nomads.

Lastly, as far as creating your characters... I've got a few requests. First off, I'm not going to place any limits on what your backgrounds are, other than that they're appropriate for 1st-level characters (ask me if you're unsure, but it should be pretty obvious.) The thing is, I'd like you to agree amongst yourselves why you're travelling together - other than being total strangers that met at the tavern. ;) You obviously can't include much that's setting specific, but if you decide that you're all in a city, I can give you specifics for those. Wilderness - same situation. The point is, I'm happy to run a game in any location, and I'd like you guys to decide where, through your character's histories. Sound good?
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I think the obvious thing to do is have some event in the recent past that brought us all together. Maybe we were all members of a militia force that was raised to fight off some goblins? Or we could have all been travelling with the same merchant caravan (for varying reasons) and become companions that way. Or there's evcen the old "we all grew up in the same town" thing, depending on how homogenous our group is.

As for where we start - I'm not terribly worried. One idea might be to start in a major port and do lots of sea-going style adventures. I haven't done that in a campaign, before: they've tended to be heavily land-based.

I'm not wedded to the idea, though, so if someone else has a suggestion, let's hear it :)


Capellan said:
As for where we start - I'm not terribly worried. One idea might be to start in a major port and do lots of sea-going style adventures. I haven't done that in a campaign, before: they've tended to be heavily land-based.
I hate to head something off so quickly, especially when I like the idea, but I'd have no clue how to run a sea-based campaign, all things considered... I haven't picked up any of the sailing books. [Stops and thinks.] Capellan, I'm annoyed at you. You hit me with an intriguing idea that I have no way of following through with. Thanks. ;)


Terraism said:
I hate to head something off so quickly, especially when I like the idea, but I'd have no clue how to run a sea-based campaign, all things considered... I haven't picked up any of the sailing books.

Just make it up :)

Actually, Dragon had some vehicle combat rules recently. If you can dig up a copy we could use those.

Hmmph. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Are you going to get Mindscapes, btw? Looks like it's 3e Psionics, revision 3, from Bruce Cordell.


I think you have a fair number of psionic characters. Someone already beat me to my gnome idea....Gnome ranger maybe?

This is my character idea, thus far.
Kiran Tharis, a Mirachen woman of dark flashing eyes, and a wry, pained smile. At an early age she is said to have recieved visions, hearing the call of her god. When she reached womanhood she was allowed to leave her family, to take her Orders. Her father was a minor noble, who had once thought to elevate his family by her marriage, it pained him to see his dreams dashed, but accepted her faith. Two years passed, and she returned home, to celebrate her new life with old family and friends.

Her town was in flames, even as she arrived. A frantic search only wounded her heart more, as she found everyone that she loved gone, except for her younger brother. One other thing remained that left her heart cold. The man who had once courted her possesed a fine steed, an animal of rare grace and power, and a distinct coat. That horse lay dead, but it's rider nowhere to be found.

Her visions returned at that moment, long since quieted they came back in full glory and pain. Her path was not that of the shepherd, but the Hunter. There was dire evil in the world, evil with no compassion, nor reason. The flock would be protected by her vigilance, not only her prayers.

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