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D&D 4E My Warlord Concept - Why Does 4e Fail?

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Come on, repeat with me: "Phb lite ist not the actual game. Phb lite ist not the actual game. Phb lite ist not the actual game. Phb lite ist not the actual game. Phb lite ist not the actual game. Phb lite..." well, i think you catch my drift.
Also, you probably should play a different game if your fair chance means dismissing a game because of a fan made preview pdf.

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First Post
That's why I suspect that this thread is basically just a flame-bait. We'll have to see how the thread opener reacts to the replies to determine.


First Post
Well, it didn't fit your weird class fantasy so yes, the system is entirely "lame".

I'm sorry I'm actually confused as to what you want... you want to shoot people, and have it inspire people with the cool way in which you shoot them?

Warlords inspire people through their actions and rhetoric, but rhetoric alone while standing well out of harms way seems uh... cowardly? I don't know why the class would ever work in practice honestly. I also don't really see the relation to the movie. Words and guns? The guy helped his brother, he didn't engage in massive melee combats and inspired his allies to feats of greatness in the middle of it.

Sure, you should be allowed to play what you want to play, but don't expect your bizarre idea that doubt many people would dream up to be stock out of the book.

It's not like it would be very hard get your DM to allow you to do similar melee powers at range, this is a pen and paper RPG. You're shooting your own concept down when it's entirely possible with very minor adjustments.

And how is it a step backwards? Would you be playing a bard in 3.5? You don't want to sing at people so you can't play a bard! Impossible to change, set in stone, rawwr.
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First Post
Interesting question:

How much of a hit do you take if you start in a class with Average stats (namely a 12 since using point buy, 12 is the average and not 10). I don't think we have enough information to determine this...


First Post
Dude. Dude. I know it's an annoying feeling when you come up with a character concept that seems totally in-genre and balanced and then the rules fail to support it satisfactorily for no particular reason. That happens to me all the time. In 3.5, in Exalted, in the Street Fighter RPG, in almost every RPG I've tried.

But dismissing an entire game because it happened to you one time? Especially when that game is a new edition of an existing game, and comes far closer to realizing your concept than any prior edition could have? You're overreacting to an almost absurd degree.


Mind you, many of the OP's problems would be solved by a feat that allows you to activate melee powers with ranged attacks. The only question is whether this feat:

1. Is balanced; and
2. Is in the PH.


First Post
It's possible that the guy is just in a bad mood because he through his character idea wouldn't fit; assuming he's 100% anit-4E and making sarcastic remarks back isn't a good way to help things. The comments on the PHB Lite and Warlord/Ranger multiclass seem like the only real ideas in this entire thread that don't just make things worse. Yes, some people on these boards are very anit-4E, but flaming people for having the wrong idea isn't going to decrease their numbers any. You're all being almost as bad as them.


kishin said:
I have a hard time seeing you as 'giving the system a fair chance' when you spend your first two paragraphs insulting it (and even pepper the rest of your text with it).

Yeah, I'm aware of the issues there. I want to give it a fair chance, but at the same time, I'm biased against it. It's an issue I'm trying to deal with... as much as I dislike it, I think I want to give it at least a chance to prove itself.

I know that sounds muddled. I'm muddled, in how to approach our next game. I think I want to give it a fair chance, but I also realize that I'm a bit irrational in my dislike for it.

kishin said:
Complaining about it not being able to represent the breadth of options available in systems with far more support material is like complaining about water being wet.

Except that in core 3.5 (which is what we would be playing, if we don't play 4e), I could make this concept work. It'd be awkward, but something like a bard/ranger or rogue/ranger mix would do it, I think.

4e seems to say, "play an archetype."

FitzTheRuke said:
I also find it pretty funny that your DM won't allow Tieflings because he doesn't like the ART but will houserule guns. What's so hard about saying that Tieflings look different in your game? Do you always use stock-art to show what your character looks like?

He also doesn't really like the concept behind them... he's also irked that there aren't celestial counterparts.

DandD said:
What's the question that we should discuss all together? I just see another rant from an user who is known for not liking D&D 4th edition.

I'm well-known now? Woot! :p

DandD said:
Is this thread meant to be taken seriously, or an attempt to flame-bait? If it's the latter, I think it's better to inform the moderators as quickly as possible.

Prior to early yesterday morning, I had not looked at the system as a player, since I'm usually the DM for my group. This is a "rant" in the sense that I've taken a look at an admittedly small part of the system, and failed to find a way to realize a concept.

Mal Malenkirk said:
Actually, being inspirational without being in the thick of it never made much sense to me. Anyone who has ever been in a brawl knows that you tune out what happens outside of it so if there's a guy with wonky pistol in the back shouting encouragement (or a bard singing a silly tune for that matter), it ain't gonna make much of a difference. Now if he lend a hand, that's something else. You'll notice him and pay attention.

Well, the inspirational part would have required a bit of flavoring, and I was prepared to do that. The character's style of inspiration would be more intimidation, than inspiration. :p

Mal Malenkirk said:
For the tactical powers (Those keyed to INT rather than CHA), we know they don't all require melee. We already know about a power that let all your team mate take a ranged attack, for example. I expect you can shoot yourself if you have a ranged weapon prepared.

But the majority of those previewed do. Which is what irked me.

Is it possible there are more that are ranged? Sure. But from the way the preview was written, and the way the class seems flavored, I really, seriously doubt it. The class seems very Leonidas-esque (re 300) - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it's rather focused, and doesn't seem to allow for much interpretation beyond the archetype.

Pistonrager said:
1. don't base much off the phb lite...

Warlord excerpt. Very melee-oriented.

Pistonrager said:
2. just because you've played everything in 3.5 doesn't mean anything in 4E

...and? I didn't want to play a wizard again. Or a fighter. Or a rogue. I've done all these things, I wanted to do something different. The warlord seemed like a pretty solid option, so far as that was concerned.

Pistonrager said:
3. you rant to be a ranged tactician? play a ranger and bark out orders, maybe multiclass to get some of the non-melee based abilities. remember, just because your class role sets your basic combat options you do get to roleplay the character, order people around, tell them to flank or whatever...

I like having the flavor of the character and the mechanics behind it tied together, somewhat. I really liked the idea of the warlord moving party members around, and that sort of battlefield control. I really like the idea of playing a non-magical support character - it seemed rather neat! Hence why the warlord seemed like the way to go.

I'm not really looking to play a front-line fighter type. I want a support character.

Majoru Oakheart said:
Keep in mind that D&D is a game about combat. All classes should be able to fight. If it can't fight, it isn't a concept for a D&D class. HOW it fights will be different from class to class: Some throwing fireballs, some shooting eldrich blasts, some hitting with a sword, some with a bow, some calling holy energy down from the sky.

Sure, yes, totally. I'm not debating this. I'm not looking to be utterly ineffective in combat, or something to that extent. I'm not, however, looking to play a melee class. I want a non-magical support class, with some minor ranged combat elements, I suppose.

mach1.9pants said:
I find it a little odd that you made a character concept, chose a class, and then looked to see if the class would fit. In any RPG that can lead you to problems. You would have problems making that character concept from the first PHB 3E (or any previous edition) and even with the cascade of splat that 3E has given birth might not exactly supply your wishes. What you expected a class to be was incorrect, I would find that disappointing rather than lame. I guess you must be very disappointed, but your post comes across as very anti-4E - not all giving it a go.

From what I had read of the warlord (and I had apparently skipped over the class powers), the warlord seemed like exactly what I was going for. Primarily support, non-magical, tactical.

I don't think that I would have had as many issues making the character with core 3.5. As stated earlier in this post, something like bard/rogue or ranger/rogue would have worked. Multiclassing would most likely have been required to get the right feel, and it wouldn't have been a perfect fit, but it would've at least allowed me to stay out of melee. The warlord doesn't seem to offer much in that regard.

Baron Opal said:
Even so, with about 6 seconds worth of thought, I think a warlord multiclassed with ranger or vice versa would fit your character to a tee.

Multiclassing might be the answer, sure. I'll admit that multiclassing hadn't occurred to me, because I think someone said at some point that multiclassing is different now?...

Even so, it still probably wouldn't do the trick. Warlord powers are all about smacking dudes in melee to provide the support aspect of their class. So being at range would mean I wouldn't be able to use those, presumably. So that aspect of the character would be wasted.

Baron Opal said:
And very, very short sighted on your part. You don't have access to even 1% of the necesary information. Read the rules, the whole rules, and then let us know if your concept isn't supported. Then I will believe you whole heartedly.

Warlord excerpt, again. That seems to be pretty much everything one would need to figure out the basics of a warlord-class'd character, yes? Sure, there are holes in what is presented - some stuff is left out. But the basic design premise of the class is there, plain as day, and it does not seem to support what I am trying to do here, at all.

DandD said:
I ask one question. What's the question that we should discuss all together? I just see another rant from an user who is known for not liking D&D 4th edition.

Do we always have to ask questions? Is that a rule? I think a lot of times you could replace 'rant' with 'article' and it would fit. Without a question to answer, I think the idea is to comment or reply. Politely, I guess. Unless there's a rule I'm forgetting?

I think any potential for reasonable discussion went belly-up when the OP said that he could create the concept he wanted in 3E by multiclassing--but declared that 4E failed to allow the concept without even considering multiclassing.

Never have I seen a more obvious agenda intended to "prove" that the new edition is somehow flawed.

And no, admitting to said bias does not therefore make it okay.

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