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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Blessed Are the Cheesemakers


The careful, cautious Iago eyes the situation clinically. He knows he is using far too many explosives. He knows that one of his companions is still out of his sight and perhaps invisible. He knows that if he exhausts his supply of bombs and his mutagen wears off, he will have little to offer his companions in their upcoming battles.

But the careful, cautious Iago is not currently on speaking terms with his body.

The half-orc gleefully throws another explosive, laughing in deep-throated maniacal joy as it washes over the goblins.

Targeting goblin 13:
Explosive bomb targeting goblin 13: 1D20+9 = [10]+9 = 19
4D6+6 = [2, 3, 1, 3]+6 = 15

Should get goblins 16,10,2 and 17 plus the entangled goblin (not sure of his number) in the splash.



[sblock=Iago stat block]

UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF MUTAGEN (Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT)
Initiative: +2
AC: 20(17 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 50 Current: 50
CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +2;
PER Roll: +9/+11 (bonus for searching for objects or judging spoiled food)
Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion

Extracts prepared:
Level 1:
Expeditious Retreat
Enlarge Person

Level 2:
Alchemical Allocation
Bull's Strength
Protection from Arrows
Invisibility - with captive

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...ssed-Are-the-Cheesemakers/page2#ixzz3Nlp7czQh

EXPENDED: Mutagen prepared:
Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT

+1 Falchion: Attack: +9 = [BAB(4) + STR(4) + Misc(0) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d4+7, S, Crit: 18-20/x2

Bomb: Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(1**) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 3d6+5*, Fire, Crit: 20/x2 (only 1d6 multiplied); Rng: 20'
Special: Make 9 bombs/day
Bomb Save: DC 15 (10 +1/2 Alch lvl + INT mod)

MW Composite Longbow:
Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(+1, MW) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+2*, B, Crit: 20/x3, Rng: 110; Ammo: 20

*+1 to-hit, +1 dmg w/in 30’


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First Post
Samad watched the tide sweep over his allies from his new position. While Tsaaruck and the Iago-beast were dealing with the fringes, it seemed that his fellow Rhat'manati was taking the brunt of the assault. The elf whispered a prayer as he dropped his sword and drew back his bow, letting an arrow fly, but letting it fly wide as well, as his mind was more focused on the words of the prayer than it was on truly aiming his shots. Soon, though...

[sblock=OOC]He casts Allegro on Himself and attacks Grunt 17.
Ranged Attack (Deadly Aim -2): 1D20+12 = [1]+12 = 13

Side note: I realize now that I've been forgetting Point-Blank Shot literally this entire time. Also, I'm running out of symbols to denote buffs. :p[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]Samad Salil
AC: 19+ (16+ flat-footed, 14+ touch)
HP: 37/44
CMB: +10*^ CMD: 23*^
Fort: +5^ Reflex: +11^ Will: +7^
Perception: +16^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow (+14+^*, 1d8+5*, 18-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Expeditious Retreat (6 min), Heroism (1 hr)^, Abundant Ammunition (6 min)~, Inspire Courage (+2)*, Allegro+
Spells Remaining (1st): 2/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/4

Used Items:
Arrows (4/20)~
Dagger (1/10)

Abilities Used:
Bardic Performance (6/19 rounds used)
Allegro (1/7 rounds used)


First Post
When the elemental takes down the goblin grunt Tsaaruk bellows his challenge and dripping goblin blood charges forward to smash the next closest goblin. Swinging his hammer like a madman crashing into and battering the goblin the beast takes the punishment and pain.

updated map

attack g sarg 4=[13]+18 = 31and damage [1]+9 = 10 + 1 electric for total 11 pts

[sblock=mini stats]

Initiative +1
AC: (16 due to charge) 18 (with shield/ Flat:17, Touch: 10)
HP: 89/80:89
CMB: +14 / CMD: 26 Fort: +10 / Ref: +3 / Will: +5
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & +1 shocking Warhammer
Rage: 11/14
Renewed Vigor: 1/1
Lesser Elemental Blood: 3/3

CLW wand 50/50



First Post
Ru Brike, human slayer

[sblock=ooc]Back from vacation. Apologies for continued delays[/sblock]

"Holy burning hells!" Ru cries out as Iago's bomb explodes. His arms raise up, but he realizes that the explosive fire has entirely avoided his person, and smiles.

"Oh, now that is a nice little trick, Slim!" he calls to the alchemist. "Let's see if we can't cut up the cooked meat nice and clean."

Ru's twin blades flash, and he draws blood from both of the creatures threatening him.

"Much better. Now let's keep cooking, shall we?"

[sblock=ooc]Was worried for a second until I saw Iago has Precise Bomb. :)

I'm not entirely sure how much anyone took. I'm working from the assumption both 17 and 2 are standing. If I'm wrong, just shunt the extra hit from the grunt to the sarg.

Full attack G17, then Sarg 2:

Full attack with ITWF & ST vs G17, then S2 if G17 falls (1d20+12=31, 1d6+3=9, 1d20+11=22, 1d6+2=8, 1d20+7=20, 1d6+3=4, 1d20+6=17, 1d6+2=8)

One crit threat:

crit confirm; crit damage (1d20+12=13, 1d6+3=8)

Not confirmed.

Unless the grunt has Evasion, I assume he took at least 3 points of damage off Iago's, so the first hit (9 damage) should drop him. Sarg takes the remaining two hits, then, for 12 on him.

Swift: choose a new Studied Target to replace the fallen 17. I'm not sure who's up or not, so I'll just say "closest goblin to Ru still standing" and figure that out on the round update.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 21 (Touch 16, Flatfooted 17)
HP: 49/72

Initiative: +4
Perception: +10 (+12 Studied Target(s), +13 Traps)
Sense Motive: +5 (+7 Studied Target(s))
CMB: +7 CMD: 22 Fort: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +4
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects, +3 Ref vs. traps)

Wakizashi +1: +12/+7, 1d6+1
Wakizashi (TWF): +10/+9/+5/+4, 1d6+1/1d6
Light Mace: +11/+6, 1d6
Light Mace (TWF): +9/+9/+4/+4, 1d6/1d6
Longbow: +11/+6, 1d8
Conditional Attack mods: +2d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Studied Target (swift action or with sneak attack success, up to 2 targets), -2/+4 Power Attack

Conditions: Studied Target 1: Sarg 2 Studied Target 2: Grunt ?? (closest still standing)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2
CLW Wand charges: 35/35 remaining


First Post
Yet another bomb fells several more of the horde. Run finishes another and turns to the few reamins. At the sergeant's order, two of the remaining goblins move to flabk Tsaaruck. The sergeant manages to lightly slash the barbarian, then steps back, moving toward the relative safety of the hall.

In the back room, the shaman orders the goblins blocking the hall to stand firm while he and a sergeant move into the room and search for the invisible sorceress. Luck is not in their favor, and the chief moves in and swipes at air in frustratio

Combat Map
[sblock=OOC]Some moves in the front room. The sergeant engaged with Tsaaruck attacks and hits for 5, then steps back. No one else hit. This disabled goblin attempted to retreat down the southern passage and fell in the grease slick.

In the back, the goblins fan out but don't catch Pirvinia this time.

Party is up.

Grey squares are difficult terrain: tables, beds, or slop-buckets for the most part.

Goblin grunt stats: AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14, CMD 16.
Goblin sergeant stats: AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15, CMD 18.
Goblin shaman stats: AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13, CMD 11.
Goblin chieftan stats: AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15, CMD 19.

Goblin Grunt 1: -6/19
Goblin Grunt 2: -13/19
Goblin Grunt 3: -21/19
Goblin Grunt 4: 19/19
Goblin Grunt 5: -14/19
Goblin Grunt 6: -3/19
Goblin Grunt 7: -11/19
Goblin Grunt 8: -8/19
Goblin Grunt 9: 0/19 Disabled
Goblin Grunt 10: -1/19
Goblin Grunt 11: -5/19
Goblin Grunt 12: 19/19
Goblin Grunt 13: -6/19
Goblin Grunt 14: 1/19
Goblin Grunt 15: 0/19
Goblin Grunt 16: 4/19
Goblin Grunt 17: -1/19

Goblin Sergeant 1: -3/27
Goblin Sergeant 2: -11/27
Goblin Sergeant 3: 27/27
Goblin Sergeant 4: 27/27

Shaman: 31/31
Chieftan: 67/67


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia continued to maintain the illusion to hide the prisoner as she slowly moved around to evade the searching goblins. She was quiet as she could be, slipping directly between the two in the center of the chamber to get around their searching for her. She moved cautiously to evade their flailing around in the air for her.

She stopped next to the prisoner’s cage, saying nothing as she hoped the goblins would either give up or her companions would start arriving soon.

Meanwhile the summoned earth elemental continued to pursue goblins and flanked the nearest one. Unfortunately its attempt to slam a rocky limb down upon the grunt’s head was ineffective.

[sblock=Actions]Double Move half speed with Stealth (33)

Small Earth Elemental (1/7 rnds, AC 17, HP 13) Attacks Nearest Goblin (#15) with flanking
Missed Grunt 15 with 13

Current Map[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +8 (10 with Mazi)
AC: 14 (18 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 12)-> 18 with Mage Armor
44 Current: 44
CMD: 14, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +6 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand: Alchemical Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 5/8, 2nd Level: 5/7, 3rd Level 5/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision, darkvision; Perception: +15
AC: 20 (Touch 16, flat-footed 18) -> 24 with Mage Armor
22 Current: 22
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +7
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor
Weapon in Hand: Bite [Att: +9, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


First Post
Ru Brike, human slayer

"Ah, now I've got some breathing room," Ru says as the crowd around him falls. Seeing that the only goblin still threatening Iago is nearly down, he shifts his attention to the pair flanking Tsaaruk.

"Now I know Toothy is big and imposing and catches your eye, but you shouldn't ignore finesse when it comes to picking a partner," he says. His blade slashes out, taking off the goblin's head and a chunk of his shoulder in a flash of steel and spray of blood.

"Case in point," Ru says with a self-satisfied grin.


[sblock=ooc]Move: to Flank G14. Should be more than enough movement to swing around to avoid drawing AoO.

Swift: Make Grunt 14 Studied Target

Power attack G14:

Power Attack G14 w/ flank & ST; Damage w/ ST, Dirty Fighter, PA; SA damage: 1D20+14 = [19]+14 = 33
1D6+8 = [6]+8 = 14
2D6 = [4, 5] = 9

Hit, crit threat

Crit confirm; crit damage: 1D20+14 = [5]+14 = 19
1D6+8 = [5]+8 = 13

Confirmed. 36 damage. Sweet. Ru's Slayer rebuild seems to be working out reasonably well. :) [/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 21 (Touch 16, Flatfooted 17)
HP: 49/72

Initiative: +4
Perception: +10 (+12 Studied Target(s), +13 Traps)
Sense Motive: +5 (+7 Studied Target(s))
CMB: +7 CMD: 22 Fort: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +4
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects, +3 Ref vs. traps)

Wakizashi +1: +12/+7, 1d6+1
Wakizashi (TWF): +10/+9/+5/+4, 1d6+1/1d6
Light Mace: +11/+6, 1d6
Light Mace (TWF): +9/+9/+4/+4, 1d6/1d6
Longbow: +11/+6, 1d8
Conditional Attack mods: +2d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Studied Target (swift action or with sneak attack success, up to 2 targets), -2/+4 Power Attack

Conditions: None (all prev ST dead)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2
CLW Wand charges: 35/35 remaining


Iago's eyes travel travel over the charred, smoking bodies that line the cavern, seeming to take satisfaction in the carnage. They come to rest on the goblin standing before him, and his brow furrows in perplexity at the creature's continued existence. It gazes back at him, waving its weapon desperately before itself even as it staggers in the agony of its wounds.

With the air of one wiping a stubborn stain from an otherwise clean floor, Iago swings and sends the creature tumbling bleeding to the ground.

Attack on Goblin 16
Attack on G16: 1D20+9 = [14]+9 = 23
2D4+7 = [2, 1]+7 = 10

No updated map, Iago has not moved.

[sblock=Iago stat block]

UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF MUTAGEN (Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT)
Initiative: +2
AC: 20(17 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 50 Current: 50
CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +2;
PER Roll: +9/+11 (bonus for searching for objects or judging spoiled food)
Current Weapon in Hand: Falchion

Extracts prepared:
Level 1:
Expeditious Retreat
Enlarge Person

Level 2:
Alchemical Allocation
Bull's Strength
Protection from Arrows
Invisibility - with captive

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...ssed-Are-the-Cheesemakers/page2#ixzz3Nlp7czQh

EXPENDED: Mutagen prepared:
Strength: +2 Natural Armor Bonus, +4 STR, -2 INT

+1 Falchion: Attack: +9 = [BAB(4) + STR(4) + Misc(0) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d4+7, S, Crit: 18-20/x2

Bomb: Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(1**) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 3d6+5*, Fire, Crit: 20/x2 (only 1d6 multiplied); Rng: 20'
Special: Make 9 bombs/day
Bomb Save: DC 15 (10 +1/2 Alch lvl + INT mod)

MW Composite Longbow:
Attack: +8* = [BAB(4) + DEX(3) + Misc(+1, MW) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+2*, B, Crit: 20/x3, Rng: 110; Ammo: 20

*+1 to-hit, +1 dmg w/in 30’



First Post
The room was indeed clearing out fast, perhaps he had been too hasty in his prior tactical judgement. Samad looked carefully for a target, and found one far in the back, emerging from the tunnel. He stepped forward and launched an arrow at the 'officer,' and then another, though only the latter found its mark.

Updated Map
[sblock=OOC]Samad takes a 5 ft step towards the action
Ranged Attack (Deadly Aim): 1D20+12 = [2]+12 = 14; 1D20+12 = [13]+12 = 25
Damage: 1D8+9 = [1]+9 = 10
Good to see that the dice rollers are still treating me with dignity.[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]Samad Salil
AC: 19+ (16+ flat-footed, 14+ touch)
HP: 37/44
CMB: +10*^ CMD: 23*^
Fort: +5^ Reflex: +11^ Will: +7^
Perception: +16^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow (+14+^*, 1d8+5*, 18-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Expeditious Retreat (6 min), Heroism (1 hr)^, Abundant Ammunition (6 min)~, Inspire Courage (+2)*, Allegro+
Spells Remaining (1st): 2/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/4

Used Items:
Arrows (4/20)~
Dagger (1/10)

Abilities Used:
Bardic Performance (7/19 rounds used)
Allegro (2/7 rounds used)


First Post
As Rue cuts into the dance...Literally...Tsaaruk finds himself with only one dance partner. In his rage he is not going to let this one get away without feeling his gods wrath. Bellowing as a wild mad animal he spins to face the goblin and smashes him with his warhammer releasing the magic in the weapon further shocking the goblin. His second swing misses as the goblin slouches under the initial assault.

attack grunt 15 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26 and damage 1D8+9 = [3]+9 = 12 and electric 1D6 = [2] = 2 for total 14 damage

[sblock=mini stats]

Initiative +1
AC: 18 (with shield/ Flat:17, Touch: 10)
HP: 84/80:89
CMB: +14 / CMD: 26 Fort: +10 / Ref: +3 / Will: +5
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & +1 shocking Warhammer
Rage: 10/14
Renewed Vigor: 1/1
Lesser Elemental Blood: 3/3

CLW wand 50/50



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