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Jemal's New Imperial Order OOC Thread for Talking Smack But Its Okay for the Republic


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Xael said:

*Cough, cough...*

He could have let them to the cargo hold and then took their weapons.

They're numerically superior. Once they're inside, we have no advantage. He had to use the leverage while he had it, otherwise no more leverage. :p

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I figured this would be... 'interesting'.

YOu guys are forgetting 1 important fact...


I didn't throw you together hoping you'ld become close friends, I was hoping you'ld be thinking more along the lines of...
"we're SEROIUSLY outnumbered and outgunned on a foreign space station by people that seem to hate both the Empire and the Republic, and we have no way off that we know of, so maybe we should put aside our considerable differences until we're out of here and THEN we can blow each other to bits?"

Now as to how the republicans know you're Imperial: As I said before, ask them (IC) if you want to know. I'll tell you OOC if it'll end the arguing. When they got the call from you near the beginning of that space fight there was an imperial code imbedded in it. Yes I know you're an undercover ship, but YOU aren't the ones who sent the imperial transponder signal, you'll have to find out how it happened IC (IF they tell you).

Oothars actions: Given the history of the Empire (At least the skewed version most Republicans learn), I was (gladly) surprised he didn't attack Mang the instant he knew Mang was a Jedi, on the grounds that he was probably a Sith Lord. (Darth Mang... hm...)

Meiko's problem: Well I guess that's in fitting with her personality, she never has been one to think about any solution that didn't include violence, loud music, or smelly perfume.
As long as none of them recognize her I don't see what's wrong, though, and even if they DO find out, the "You know so you must die" thing isn't the only way to go... Meiko's fairly intelligent so I'll assume she knows that shooting laser cannons at problems isn't the only way to make them go away. (Or maybe she doesn't, it's Kits character so she's the only one who knows)
Also not to go C3P0 anti-Correlian on you or anything, but the odds of any Jedi reckognizing your character are approximately 100 billion to 1. give or take a million. Now if they've got a noble (Which I'm not saying whether they do or not) you'ld have the same chance of recognizing him as he would of recognizing you (Aproximately 0.001% or 1 in 100,000.

And no, Intimidation doesn't work on other PCs.. Neither does Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense motive. You gotta RP all those things (IE Intimidate: Drop your weapon before we chop you to bits. Bluff: Key? what key? Etc.)

And btw if you ever say your just 'intimidating' without including words, I'll consider it growling and posturing. (Which still works, but sounds kind of.. feral.)

Any other questions/problems?


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Originally posted by Jemal
"we're SEROIUSLY outnumbered and outgunned on a foreign space station by people that seem to hate both the Empire and the Republic, and we have no way off that we know of, so maybe we should put aside our considerable differences until we're out of here and THEN we can blow each other to bits?"
I would, but unfortunately they know we're Imperial (to be explained later on down)

Originally posted by Jemal
Now as to how the republicans know you're Imperial: As I said before, ask them (IC) if you want to know. I'll tell you OOC if it'll end the arguing. When they got the call from you near the beginning of that space fight there was an imperial code imbedded in it. Yes I know you're an undercover ship, but YOU aren't the ones who sent the imperial transponder signal, you'll have to find out how it happened IC (IF they tell you).
Ugh either we have totally incompetant employers who haven't a clue what a secret mission is...or Palpa(b/c he's a stowaway) or Xado(b/c he was in charge of the ship) is a spy and must die.

Originally posted by Jemal
Meiko's problem: Well I guess that's in fitting with her personality, she never has been one to think about any solution that didn't include violence, loud music, or smelly perfume.
As long as none of them recognize her I don't see what's wrong, though, and even if they DO find out, the "You know so you must die" thing isn't the only way to go... Meiko's fairly intelligent so I'll assume she knows that shooting laser cannons at problems isn't the only way to make them go away. (Or maybe she doesn't, it's Kits character so she's the only one who knows)
Also not to go C3P0 anti-Correlian on you or anything, but the odds of any Jedi reckognizing your character are approximately 100 billion to 1. give or take a million. Now if they've got a noble (Which I'm not saying whether they do or not) you'ld have the same chance of recognizing him as he would of recognizing you (Aproximately 0.001% or 1 in 100,000.

The problem isn't that they recognize her NOW its when they return, what's to stop them from trying to find out who these Imperials are? The more time they spend with her, the more time they have to gather information on who each one of them are and stick them in their "database of Imperial spies". It would be dumb of her to assume that when they part it will all be buddy buddy and they won't try to rein them in. Take care of problems now before they get worse is Meiko's philosphy (unfortunately she does have a tendency to make everything worse and cause the problems, doesn't she?)

As for working together, that's taking a big nose dive with the Republics aggressive offensive. Once she finds out what they're doing to Mang and Cabe, she's not going to want them "covering her back" so to speak. Better to dispatch the enemy now then worrying about them sticking a vibroblade in your back later when you're busy with something else. The intelligent thing is to kill them...then you can explain their deaths as part of the station (thus no murder charge) PLUS you have no one who can say you were here being Imperial. If we were anywhere else, death would not be the first option but you provided Meiko with the correct atmosphere in which to engage in murder and mayhem, plus get away scot free to leave the blame on others.

I would have had her NOT shoot the laser cannons if there was time for her to hack into the system. But 60 seconds is not long enough for her to find an uplink port in a huge landing bay, link herself in, break into the system and wreck havoc. Given the 60 seconds, she had to make a quick choice.

OH BTW just for the Republics FYI...out of all the Imperials the only one who is actually truly evil is Meiko (she's basically chaotic evil). The others are more neutral alignment, honorable, all that jazz much to Meiko's annoyance. Mang is Imperial but he's not Sith or Dark Jedi. Not sure about Palpa but he certainly doesn't seem like a Dark Jedi.


KitanaVorr said:

OH BTW just for the Republics FYI...out of all the Imperials the only one who is actually truly evil is Meiko (she's basically chaotic evil). The others are more neutral alignment, honorable, all that jazz much to Meiko's annoyance. Mang is Imperial but he's not Sith or Dark Jedi. Not sure about Palpa but he certainly doesn't seem like a Dark Jedi.

Oothar never said either were Dark Jedi (neither did Brasa for that matter). Those were other people in this very thread who put that in my character's mouth. The only thing I said was that he was a "false jedi" which I will stick by.

That said, it's obvious by now that we know you're Imps. The DM has confirmed it. Can we now move on IC or should we metagame this issue to death for the next 6-9 pages? If you want an out for Meiko, the Reps barely saw her in the firefight. She's in the cockpit now. Why not just stay there and not have any more interaction with the Reps?


First Post

I can appreciate that you're upset by this situation but let me explain why I think you're doing a disservice to this particular game.

First, you should role play your way out of situations, not complain when they don't go the way you think they should. It's the GMs world, we just live in it. If you want to complain, then complain directly to the GM.

I say that because you have single handedly ruined part of the scenario for me (and I suspect some others) by detailing your character's motivation and background, and revealing the alignments of your party.

I knew you were on an Imperial ship and that was it. Even out-of-character, I knew very little about anyone on the Dark Side. Now I know more than I think is fair and it's spoiled an aspect of the game that I was enjoying.

Secondly, I don't know how thoroughly Jemal has scripted his scenarios. Chances are he's thinking a few steps ahead and letting himself be surprised along with the rest of us as we twist the plot. Understanding that, why not just get along to go along? Let's just play the game! If your character is faced with a challenge, play it out. If she wants to kill to protect her identity, let her try! It sounds cool...but might've been even more so if I didn't see it coming a mile away.


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Originally posted by mirthcard
That said, it's obvious by now that we know you're Imps. The DM has confirmed it. Can we now move on IC or should we metagame this issue to death for the next 6-9 pages? If you want an out for Meiko, the Reps barely saw her in the firefight. She's in the cockpit now. Why not just stay there and not have any more interaction with the Reps?


I was trying to tell everyone there was no out for Meiko(ie: warn everyone so maybe we can resolve this OOC to prevent possible TPK later on IC), but alas, nevermind, lets just resolve this IC then and come what may.


Well I hadn't thought about that, Bul, sorry about ruining it for you. I was trying to find an way out of Meiko's problem and was asking for OOC help in figuring it out.

I don't mean this in anyway to be make anyone angry but this is the Imperial's OOC thread, not the StarWars OOC thread for the game. I had originally meant for the thread to be for the Imperials to discuss their problems OOC and to smack down the Republics while they're doing it(in fun--mostly the gungan). Jemal asked me to open it up to the Republics to read if they want to. If you don't want to read what the Imperials are discussing and spoil the game further for you, I ask that you not read this thread.

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KitanaVorr said:

The republics are forcing Meiko into a very bad position of possibly killing everyone to keep by being captured by the barbarian Jedi. They attacked them first, trying to force their way into the Imperial ship instead of going to their own ship after a VERY VALID request that Mang asked them to give up their weapons...I mean it IS OUR ship isn't it? ;p

I'd also like to know how the Light Jedi explain attacking people who haven't attacked them and infact offered them safe haven on their vessel.

BTW I'd like to know how you guys know we're Imperial and not just some transport ship.
1> no Imperial markings or transponders on the ship
2> no Imperial communications since we've been aboard
3> never identified ourselves as Imperial
4> Mang and Palpa aren't full Jedi so no dark Jedi-ness there

Sorry to go all crazy, but... :p

I didn't reply in this thread until the above was posted.

Was that not a direct question to our group? You wanted us to respond to you but now that you don't like our answers you want us out of YOUR thread? Okay, your will is done.

I just wish you could step back from the situation for a sec and see it from someone else's point of view. I'm just being honest here. I would say the same thing if we were across the table.


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Ugh just re-read my post and realized it was too long. Let me fix.

1. Not angry at any of the Republics, you guys are doing fine--and are welcome to read/post in here
2. Was just complaining about the Republics to the other Imperials -- you know, smack talking? I'm sorry if you took it personally but it was not personally meant.
3. Did get angry back there for a while, but realized it was stupid to be angry about a pbp game and got over it
4. Really only Jemal should be angry at me (and that's not a new thing--LOL---we have a habit of annoying the hell out of each other--must be the new menstral cycle he's going through now that he's Jane....) since it appears I am critcizing him, but that's okay he already said "deal with it" and I had to throw in a last whine.

I understand that knowing all this information does spoil the game for the Republics, but I also wanted to remind them that this is the Imperial OOC and it hasn't changed. We've always discussed what the Imperials were doing, complained about stuff since the beginning.

The Imperial characters thoughts or motivations were never secret here...only we hadn't met the Republics yet so we hadn't anything to say about them...well except for the gungan but that's b/c he's pesky. So we basically smacked each other (mostly the loathsome Meiko) and made fun of your post rate.

If I had posted this in the StarWars OOC thread, now definitely you should all be angry at me for putting it into the thread that everyone is supposed to read. I don't understand why you're angry at me for putting it in the Imperial OOC thread.
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After staring at all those posts above, I do regret making that original post now. This is pretty much a mess and I'm sorry for all that.

Well, I don't want the game to come to a crashing halt, or go into indepth name-calling between the Imps and Rebs OOC when they should be doing that IC.

I'm pulling Meiko out of the game and myself before I disrupt it any further. When I get home I'll write up the last post for her.

Thanks! And I am really sorry for the mess. :(

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