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In search of heroes(Casting call)


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In the middle of a large city, a gathering is being held. Heroes from all across fantasy have gathered, waiting for something. A blond high elven shaman, with long hair going down to her waist, dressed in green and blue robes, with an anime ethinicity levitates in, the wind blowing her robes in the breeze.

Now heroes, I must explain why I have sent for you. Now, as your campaign against evil has ended, you probably find yourselves bored. We have been gathered for a great adventure, and I am searching for heroes to join me, and a DM, for a role-playing game in the style of the iconics RPG.

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OOC: Some parameters, if you will. What are you going to allow? Class DnD, or will you allow psionics? Would you allow information that is currently in playtest? What are you looking for?

I may be interested, but even if I'm not, all that information would be helpful in your quest to acquire players.


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I don't know yet, as I haven't found a DM. We will of course be allowing stuff from OA(I am a shaman, after all) and the core books. I take heroes from all across established fantasy series, but this is not for original characters. This campaign is your chance to play as a member of the fellowship, a hero of the lance, or a hero of lodoss. Minor characters fighting for good are also allowed. Psionics are probably allowed in theory, but I am yet to see a Psionic fantasy hero. Most of your questions will better be answered by the DM, which I am still searching for.
No one is taken yet except Deedlit, feel free to join in. The campaign starts at level 7, as these fantasy heroes are too skilled to be below that.
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Hrm, Deedlit the elf from lodoss wars, I am very interested in playing as well, I'm a fan of anime and i'll probably be playing someone from that as well. What types of characters will you allow and what kindof special abilities (since obviously not every character can be statted without a template or somesuch in DnD), also, I made a conversion of Record of Lodoss War before OA started out, and just because Deedlit says she's a 'shaman' doesn't mean it translates directly that way into DnD, she could have easily been a druid or sorceror with a slightly different spell list.


So... you're not DMing? Just so you know, in case you're new to this, the DM is supposed to set the rules, not the players.

Rather than trying to recruit a DM and other players, into a very specific type of game, why not try joining one of the other games out here? The non-iconics adventure might be open to another player (I don't know, as I don't talk to HeavyG much, but you might ask), and I think that the iconics adventure itself has a few openings (though those are probably gone by now, as well).

Just a thought, though.


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As deedlit's spells mainly consist of using spirits to help her, I think she should have the Shaman class. I know someone who could DM this, I will ask him about it. As for special abilities, and adding spells, pretty much anything within reason, as long as it is balanced out in another way(I might have a summon spirit spell along the lines of summon monster or summon nature's ally) but if a character is uber-powerful to begin with(Such as Gandalf) he would not quite be allowed in this campaign. As for joining another game, part of this campaign's purpose is to game with established fantasy heroes, though I probably could find one.
Anyone have ideas for summon spirit? Or for that matter, an intrest in DMing a campaign like this.
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Can you play a weaker version of such a character? Or how about one who died in a series, can you take that outof context and play them? What alignment restrictions as well-possibly any as long as they have reason to work together?

Giving this a *bump* Why don't you only let Kalanyr be the DM if no one else will want to step in, because he might want to play more than DM...

Perhaps we should start pooling together ideas for a campaign theme?

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