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In search of heroes(Casting call)

Virginia Wilde

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It's just that way.
Epic fantasy, hmmmm? Perhaps such a thing is what one needs to understand what lies within the self better. brains This sounds quite interesting, and I would be willing to undertake ilikebrains such a task. especiallytoeat I am interested. It is something to take my mind off feastinguponflesh my responsibilities for awhile.

*begins laughing and banging head against the wall*

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Kalanyr, since I'm interested in playing Xellos and for a Mazoku race its a bit hard to get the exact stats, heres what I'm thinking.

Start with base template of Githyanki (From Manual of the Planes),

Spell-like abilities are currently:
Dimension Door-stay same, Mazoku can teleport-except maybe you can act after you use dimension door? (Inbetween teleport w/o error and dimension door usefulness)
Telekinesis-Remove, perhaps change with minor globe of invulnerability or globe of invulnerability (cancel or use as a free action?) to symbolize the Mazoku's spell shieldish thing.
Clair/Claur-Change into something else (Perhaps fly? more limited version however)
Mage Hand-Change to something else, perhaps Detect Magic

and practically everything else keep the same, does this sound alright or too overpowered?
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Sollir, are we speaking of the same character? I am now somewhat familiar with Slayers Try, but I haven't quite got all the characters down.

I might also not even be mentioning the right character, Sollir... Zel is the bluish one, right? The one with the scales and such on his face. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

BTW, I'm sorry if I'm slaughtering your fantasy anime over here. I'm mainly interested in mecha, futuristic, realistic anime (thus, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, MS 008 Team). Sorry if I'm messing this up badly, but I'll get better at it over time.

You got the right character Gnomeworks, Zelgadis is the blue guy with spikish hair. He is a chimera (not DnD wise) hes 1/3 human, 1/3 rock golem and 1/3 blue demon.

Xellos (Zel-osse or something similar) however is a different character. He's the guy with the staff (red spherical gem set in) and the purple hair, hes really a Mazoku (Demon/Devil) and really ticks Zelgadis :)

Btw, they're all from Slayers, Slayers! is the first series, Slayers: Next! is the 2nd series, and Slayers: Try! is the 3rd series. Xellos shows up in the 2nd series and Zelgadis shows up in the first. All series are 8 tapes long each and I own all of the 2nd and 3rd series and have seen nearly all of the 1st. Slayers is also my fav anime ;)
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Thanks, Sollir. That's who I thought you were describing from your list of abilities, but I wasn't sure of the name.

I envisioned the guy who you mentioned to be a bard. He seems to know quite a lot. Although, almost all the characters there (except the cleric-type and the little girl who is a healer-type but doesn't know magic) have at least a level of sorcerer.

Your Slayers anime collection is truly impressive. Do you have anything else, besides that? I am sorry to say that I own almost no anime myself, but I borrow off of my friends. I only own the one video made of Dragon Half, which is still pretty funny, but definitely not anything near the number of videos most other anime-watchers I know posess.

I own the Streetfighter (manga) series, Fatal Fury, a few Dragonball Z tapes, and a few other anime sets that I can't name off the top of my head. I've also watched Outlaw Star, Cowboy Beepop etc... on Cartoon Network. Also, I have 2 friends that own ALOT of anime series, one of which has over 100 tapes including around 20 series including Trigun, Escaflowne, Magic Knights of Ramune and a few others.

Xellos is just very informative since that was his mission and he was manipulating the rest to do what he wanted for his master (Zelas, a servant of Shabrinigdo).


Knights of Ramune... now there was a messed up series for you... an interesting storyline, but a little too hentai for my tastes...

DBZ, IMO, is simply a waste of time. There is a plot, but barely. I mean, come on - who takes 7 episodes for 5 minutes (at the end of the whole Frieza deal). That was pretty pathetic, if you ask me. But hey, to each his own.

I watch what's on Cartoon Network when I get the chance, but some days, they tick me off. I mean, Batman is not anime. There is no possible way that you can call it that. I often only catch little pieces of a storyline on Cartoon Network, as I don't often watch TV.

Heh, if you have time late on Sunday, check Adult Swim, that has Cowboy Beebob on it, supposedly one of the good animes, I hear you on Dragonball Z-I really am annoyed by the recurring plotline.

Haven't watched Knights of Ramune myself, but several anime series are a bit off my tastes as well.

(Maybe we can get a bit back on topic when more people come heh ;))


First Post
Why, oh why can't I find any slayers here in the Forest of No Return. On another note, any more heroes want to join us. We have Deedlit(Played by Deedlit), Xellos(Played by Sollir), and Aragorn(Yet to register. I am an personal contact with him). I would like to see more join in, as epic fantasy like this always has a big party.

Any chance we all can log in the chatroom here? Its next to the top and you don't have to register IRC for it. Just head over to the main area and keep an extra window open so you can post here when you do so-so I know where you are.

(DnD3e channel)
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