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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


As the group starts getting restless for another hop Dandin remembers Curren's words. "Oh, that reminds me! We'd best steer clear of the luck for now. Gladys is still upset about her window, I hear."[/ooc]

Squirrels are evil!

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Sturgin Brewer, avoiding the ear of his wife for possibly sending paying customers away, quietly recommends, "If it's food you're after, my cousin who's a fisherman says they sold a great catch this morning to The Shining. He says his boat's usual competition from upriver didn't show, so they got more in their nets than they usually do."

OOC: Places of Daggerford: The River Shining Inn & Tavern (Area 24)
The River Shining is a massive wooden structure bearing the nickname of the Delimbiyr River, and its owners use Delimbiyr as their family name. They’ve long claimed that the tavern is the oldest building in the town, and that it was the place where the town's founder, Tyndal lived before the first ducal castle was built. The fine old building looks the part, at any rate.
The River Shining caters to those with money: visiting nobles, wealthy merchants, and local notables such as Lord Darfin Floshin and Lady Belinda Anteos of the Sword Coast Trader’s Bank. When the Council of Guilds meets, it does so in the private dining chambers
of the River Shining to lend an air of importance to the affair.
Prices are high but the service and setting match, so even those not of the upper crust go to the River Shining when they have something special to celebrate. The Inn has many several richly appointed rooms on its second floor, as well as three very expensive suites above.



When Enseth arrived at the door to Delfen's Tower, he was immediately allowed entry by one of the ageless wizard's students. The student immediately recognized Enseth's nature, if not his purpose, and he brought him past the dirt-floored lower level, with it's piled boxes, shelves, and small menagerie. He brought them up a stone staircase which circled with no railing up the wall until they arrived at a well-furnished second floor. There, the student left Enseth in the company of another student who was busy transcribing a scroll into a heavy tome on a book-stand. The student eyed him with nervous suspicion, but she continued her work.

In very little time, Delfen arrived, looking the same as Enseth's memory expected. The sudden realization that he should have aged, in fact, should be dead, caused a short calculation malfunction in Enseth's head.

"Greetings, my friend." the short, balding man said with a quizzical expression, "You're one of Gwaereth's "N" series, are you not? His... seventh, if I'm not mistaken. That would mean trouble is nigh, I assume. What can we do to aid you in your quest?"


Snake walked through the crowd, “Lionel, how goes it?” he shouted to be heard above the crowd.

“Strange to find you here drinking at another establishment,” Snake said with laughter in his voice. “Who is your dwarven friend?”

Happy Cow Tavern
AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used

River Song

The bleary eyed halfling looked up at Snake, "Mum doesn't like it when I drink seriously. Snake this is Angis,
Angis this is.. well I guess you get the picture?"


Finally finished with his last apple, Dandin flips the core into the nearest bin. He looks about at the dwindling crowd. "Looks like the party here's over. What say we go see about a fish dinner? How about you Ratcatcher? Fancy a little change in your diet?"

The last he said a bit jovially, trying to draw the feline into a little lighthearted banter.

Squirrels are evil!


Snake flashed a grin at Dandin, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a little change, as much as it will pain my heart to pay for a meal.” Snakes tail flicked happily behind him.

Happy Cow Tavern
AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used



Angis Honack
Daggerthrust Ales
Late afternoon

OOC: I believe the River Shining Inn is where Angis has his rooms, correct?

Angis lounged back as a tall, lanky figure approached. “Ah, the catman,” Angis noted. He’d seen him around the town, but never met the strange creature, though in Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate one can see all sorts of oddities. Not usually so much in Daggerford, however. “Nice t’ meet yeh, Snake.” Odd name, that, but eh.

At Sturgin’s suggestion of a fish dinner, Angis sat up. “Tha’ sounds right fine,” he agreed with Dandin about a meal. “An’ dunnae worry, Snake. I’ll ‘ave the inn put it on me tab,” he promised the catman as he got up from the table.

[sblock=Angis’ Actions]

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 14
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Tommi - human rogue
Lionel Hardcheese - halfling rogue
Dandin - halfling bard
Snake of Trees - tabaxi sorcerer
Enseth - warforged war cleric
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger
Titus - human fighter
Drui Holderhock - dwarven cleric of Tempus


"Hello, Mester Delfen.
Affirmative. Enseth, Model Number Seven, designed and computerized as a mechanized arcanic defence system. And your assumption is correct.

I beg your pardon, Mester. But my deductions place the probability to meet you alive at 0 to 1. That does not compute. There is always a margin of error, of course, even for me. Only Master Gwaereth is perfect. I would be very grateful if you could you give me a short rational explanation, thereby my checksum will be valid and my system more stable.

Now to answer your question, any informations about The Magocracy of Thay would be appreciate. And access to you library, incidentally.

I want to let you know that I've been reactivated, by the way. It appeared to me recently that it is not an obvious statement."
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