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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


His blood boiling. The roar of the crowds. Even the pain on his face.

Titus loved it all. He never thought when he moved to this small town (well...smaller than Waterdeep, at least), he never imagined he would love the thrill of combat so much.

He thanked Jekk for his gold and his aunt for the healing potion. He didn't drink it now. The pain was real, but it helped make the feeling of victory all the more real.

Back home in Waterdeep, he had spent much of his time in training. As he picked up his bag to head to the tavern, he felt the weight of his spell book weighing it down.

He had only studied magic at all because his mother insisted. She wanted him to be more than a strong arm. But he hadn't made much of a wizard. Best he could do was a few careful rituals. But it did give him one thing useful, he thought as he looked up into the sky.

Morwin, his familiar, soared over him in the sky. The Hawk didn't look like an ordinary hawk. It's feathers were various shades of blue, starting darker on his back and around his head, and growing lighter as they reached his wings. It was a celestial being, and it was bonded to him.

He smiled, enjoying this form much better than the rat he had first summoned him as.

When Morwin got within range, Titus could feel his mind. Titus closed his eyes for a moment and let his senses each out to the celestial hawk.

Instantly, he was seeing and hearing through the Hawk's eyes and ears, soaring through the air with ease.

He loved doing this, even if Morwin had to be relatively close for it to work.

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Snake walked through the Farmers Gates, his fresh herbs in his pocket. He was picking up more and more each day but it still wasn’t coming as quickly as he would like. Lots to learn, he thought to himself as he walked towards Field Lane and the sounds of the Happy Cow began to drown out his thoughts.

Grandmother had sent him out get some herbs, but the birth wasn’t tonight, so why not get a drink he thought, he had earned it.

Walking into the Tavern Snake waved to the bartender, “An ale please.”

It was quiet the crowd tonight Snake thought, he had enjoyed his most recent stage in the town but he was itching to get back out into the wild.

Happy Cow Tavern
AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used



"Sure thing, Snake." said Leonard Hardcheese (Lionel's uncle), who was working the bar this afternoon. He pulled a heady pint and placed it on the bar with a thump. Snake wasn't a local by any means, but he wasn't a stranger, either. Most Daggerford folk gave him strange looks the first time they saw him, but quickly grew used to his catlike features. Then they usually treated him fondly (perhaps too fondly - sometimes he began to suspect that they treated him like some sort of mascot.)

The ale was refreshing.



Angis Honack
Drill Field
Early afternoon

Angis wasn’t exactly sure why he let the halfling drag him along, but heading to Daggerthrust Ales wasn’t the worst idea in the world. He did like to talk brewing with Sturgin and trade ideas and recipes for his own minor productions. As a hobby, Angis didn’t produce anywhere near the quantities that would be necessary to compete with the Brewers, and plenty of times he’d made the caravan trek down to Baldur’s Gate to pick up some Calimshan spices or whatnot that Hala was craving at the time.

As they pushed their way through the crowded drill field, Angis got a look at the cobbled together fighting ring. Angis knew a few of the soldiers and other townsfolk. He served his stints in the militia and occasionally hired someone for some extra security on a run to Waterdeep. He watched a pair of humans beat on each other with sticks.

“Guid fight, lad,” Angis told the winner as he made his way past their table. He kicked out a chair in the man’s way. “Sit. ‘ave an ale,” he told Titus.

[sblock=Angis’ Actions]

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 14
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Tommi - human rogue
Lionel Hardcheese - halfling rogue
Dandin - halfling bard
Snake of Trees - tabaxi sorcerer
Enseth - warforged war cleric
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger
Titus - human fighter
Drui Holderhock - dwarven cleric of Tempus

River Song

At this stage Lionel was having problems, he had drunk a little too quickly and a little too much. He could feel the warmth of his face as it seemed to radiate heat like a small furnace and his cheeks hurt from the grin on his face. He was enjoying himself.

As Titus' joined them and Angis suggested another round he chuckled and shook his head. It had been a while and it was hitting him hard.

"You seem pretty good out there," he offered as he stuffed a wad of cheese into his mouth to take the edge of the drinks.


Titus smiled at the dwarf's invitation and the halfling's admonition.

"He almost had me more than once," he said, rubbing his cheek. "But I got him in the end. I am Titus Ashfield, and I will take that drink!"

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“Thanks Leonard,” Snake said as he put his coin on the table and looked around the room. The Happy Cow wasn’t as full as usual.

“Something going on tonight? The crowd looks a little lighter than usual.” Snake says as he takes a drink, a mighty fine ale.

Happy Cow Tavern
AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi wanders up and down the Drill field, looking for insights on the way the fight might be going tonight, repeating a few of them selectively.

Insight: [roll0].

There's not much there, though, or at least not that he hears.


Angis, Dandin, Lionel, Tommi, and Titus

Daggerthrust Ales' brewmaster, Sturgin Brewer served the group himself as they had a few rounds at the tables just outside the brewery. The afternoon wore on and it quickly became apparent that if the group would continue to drink, then they would need a proper meal, or they would lose Lionel Hardcheese. Lionel's head swam, but he was happy. He could feel a grinding in his gut, though, and he knew that the cheese he had brought would only go so far. The Brewers had only spice-coated nuts and small loaves of bread to offer, however.

Perhaps it was time to move on.


After delivering the herbs to Grandmother in the Shanties, Snake took a look at the Drill Field. The match had ended, but there was still a large crowd. Many of them were drinking Daggerthrust Ales and talking loudly. A large man sat on the ground nursing a head-wound and sipping from a frothy mug while he spoke to his friends, a group of burly river-folk.

He spotted Leonard Hardcheese's nephew Lionel, and a Dwarf Merchant he had seen at the Happy Cow. They made strange drinking companions, but there they were with another halfling and Jynn's boy. It seemed that they had made acquaintances of the victor of the match, based on the constant stream of people congratulating their fifth companion, a human with a large welt across his cheek, nose, and a blackened eye.

Voidrunner's Codex

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