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I want to DM (But I need some help)


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Okay, I see a lot of requests for DM's. I would like to DM, but I'm new to PbP. I've had 4 years of DM-ing experience with PnP, so that's no problem. If one of the more experienced DM's could give me some pointers , or act as my co-DM in a game of mine, I would very much appreciate it. I'm thinking of starting with a normal H&S Game, and start a game that involves a bit more roleplaying once I get the hang of it.

Who can help me out?

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what you need help with? The Play by play part of it? the acutal dm'n?

Tips here is to set up a situation, give the party a chance to respond and if someone doesn't respond in due time (set it up ahead of time) then proceed onward with the PC's that have responded.

Also you the DM roll the dice, do it iall your self, it saves time and effort in this.

Try coming up with a good theme and mix and get allot of background ready to be used or be able to be created ahed of time.

Come up with a few reasons why people would be where they are, some info on the world if it's a home brew, and a few cities.

Pick what classes, races, books to allow, this cuts down on confusion.

Set a delay of posting, if X time has gone by without a posting then we move onward.

Set a delay of people not posting in a long time then they are out of the game and call in substitutes. It's a fact people grow bored and drop out so make sure they can be easily subbed in and out at a whim...

that's all i can think of, i haven't run any PbP (but have an online game) but these are the rules i see followed and what i would do as a DM.


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Well, I've jut started the DM gig here myself, but I've played in enough games to have a clue, I should think. :)

My biggest piece of advice is to make sure the game doesn't lose steam. That means frequent posts on the DMs part, and don't be afraid to strongly cue players.

Ex: "The old wizard looked expectantly at this strange group who'd broken down his door... particularly at the dwarf with the large axe in his hands."

If you give every chances to take the stage like that regularly, people will be encouraged to stick with the game.
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If you trust the players enough, you can let them do the rolling (except for secret rolls, such as the elves' ability to detect secret doors). Trust me, it'll save you some trouble.

Roleplaying-heavy PbPs are easier than H&S, IMO. Mostly because they don't require so much rolling and/or continual responses from all the players.

Get a good image of what you want the PCs to accomplish. Or do it like creamsteak and create a world full of possibilities and let the PCs make their own choice. The latter is actually pretty easy with PbP as compared to PnP, since even if you need to wing it, you have hours of time to make it seem like you had planned it.

Your PnP DMing experience is going to help you a lot, PbP games don't differ very radically from what you're accustomed to. Expect more character development if the game features even moderately PC-PC and/or PC-NPC interaction. Prepare to the fact that the players also have hours to think what they should do next.

Use the Force, Timothy! ;)


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Hmm, from what I read here, I can begin DM-ing right now, if I want to.

to summarize the tips:

Make sure you have a goal for your players (Can be thought of pretty quickly)
Post often (I will)
Cue the players, so that everyone is having fun (will have to keep that in mind)
Make sure the world has plenty of background (This will be the developing part, probarly the hardest part of it all.)

Keep 'em coming guys, I think I will start a game very soon, soem more tips on character creation and theme, how to make it interesting to join.

Roleplaying-heavy PbPs are easier than H&S, IMO. Mostly because they don't require so much rolling and/or continual responses from all the players.

That's very important. Unless you and your players can commit to posting a lot, combat is slow. RP is, on the other hand mega easy and you'll probably find the quality is higher then in most RL games.


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Timothy said:
Keep 'em coming guys, I think I will start a game very soon, soem more tips on character creation and theme, how to make it interesting to join.

For CharGen, point buy is the most frequent stat method on the boards. Some people say "roll X method" and trust their players. That's cool, too. Finally, one DM just said "pick your stats - but know that I'll ask you to revise an PC whose lowest stat is a 17." :)

For theme and interest... well, it has to be a theme you're excited about. A disinterested DM will kill a game, no matter what the players do. For drawing interest, there's enough traffic in this forum these days to basically name your game and get a crowd. Look how fast my Kobold game filled up. It seems like the games have recently been leaning away from vanilla fantasy... but I'm sure that means that if you start a vanilla fantasy, there'll be people who've been waiting for a game like that. :)

Finally, I'll make the noble sacrifice and play in your game if you'd like. :) I can help with any needed group nudging, and give you pointers as you go if you want.


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garyh said:

Finally, I'll make the noble sacrifice and play in your game if you'd like. :) I can help with any needed group nudging, and give you pointers as you go if you want.

I'll take you up on that garyh, as long as those pointers don't include something like: You should put in a holy avenger for my 1st level palladin, that will make it interesting :D.

I'm now thinking of a nice theme, and I'm itcching to start it. It will probarly become a bit more roleplay-orientated. (I'll read some more other threads)

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