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GAME FULL, THANKS!- New 3e game: The Breaking of Gavar


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Hi there,
I am trying to start a new play by post game here, but not having much luck with the actual posting... I haven't been able to post a new message for three days, so this is a little dated. Still, I need two to four more players, and hope to find some so we can begin!
Go here for the campaign setting information.

Hi there folks, I am starting up a play by post game in my newest campaign setting, the Wasted Lands. I am looking for four to five players.

Recently, a number of influential people have gone missing around the city of Gavar, and the city has put a 100 gold piece reward for information leading to the recovery of these missing persons or the capture of their murderer/kidnapper. Your characters, whether for gold or loyalty to their home city, or for simple fame, have agreed to band together (probably over drinks) and begin looking for information on one of the first people to vanish, the dwarven merchant Helmdos Even-Handed.

This campaign is relatively low magic and will be based a lot on political intrigue and the revealing of secrets, because thats what I like. :) There will be plenty of room for combat, and development of your character outside the bounds of the adventures for the main plot. You may find experience gain a bit slow after 3rd level or so, that is just because i find 3rd through 9th level play to be the most satisfying and challenging.

You begin the game at 1st level. All the other info you need to play is right there on the website. If you are interested, please post a reply here mentioning said interest, and also e-mail me with a heads up, and your character.

Any questions, feel free to ask them.

We'll be playing on the In Character forum right here. I will start a thread. It might get a little buried at times, and I expect that each player will post at least once a day.

Well, I definately hope I get some interest for this!

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Well, I'm in. A few questions before I post my character, though.

1. On the website, it states that b/c there are many feats which give +2 to 2 different skills (Ie. Alertness = +2 spot/listen), we can just make up new ones, name them, and pick 2 skills. My question is this : does it stack with skill focus? IE. could I take, say the feat "Stealthy" to gain +2 move silent and Hide, and then Skill Focus : Hide for a total Feat bonus of +5 to hide?

2. The Questionairre and History options (for extra points) are things I would have done anyways, but I have a question about each of them
A) Questionairre - Is it a questionairre about ME, or my proposed character?
B) History - If the questionairre is about my character, can I still use the info from it in my history? (much of it is info most people include about their characters anyways).

3. Do you allow partially-charged items, as per the DMG? It says you can buy wands with less than full charges for an equivalent reduction in price.
IE - a wand usually has 50 charges, so for ever charge the lesser wand has less, it costs 2% less than the full price.
I ask specifically for 1 reason :
Potion of Cure Light Wounds = 50 GP
Wand of Cure Light Wounds = 15 GP per charge
hehe, haha, hoho! More than 3 times the healing, for the same price! And not as bulky as carrying multiple potions, either.

Well, after answers to these questions, I'll post up a character, and post any more questions I come across.


whoops, just remembered a question. This should be an add-on to #2, about the questionairre+history.

C) Do I e-mail the answers and the History to you, or post them here? OR email the questoinairre to you, and post the history when I make my character?


First Post
Jemal said:

1. On the website, it states that b/c there are many feats which give +2 to 2 different skills (Ie. Alertness = +2 spot/listen), we can just make up new ones, name them, and pick 2 skills. My question is this : does it stack with skill focus? IE. could I take, say the feat "Stealthy" to gain +2 move silent and Hide, and then Skill Focus : Hide for a total Feat bonus of +5 to hide?


2. The Questionairre and History options (for extra points) are things I would have done anyways, but I have a question about each of them
A) Questionairre - Is it a questionairre about ME, or my proposed character?
B) History - If the questionairre is about my character, can I still use the info from it in my history? (much of it is info most people include about their characters anyways).
A- A questionnaire about the character. The questionnaire in question is there on the website.
B- You can overlap if you want to.

3. Do you allow partially-charged items, as per the DMG? It says you can buy wands with less than full charges for an equivalent reduction in price.

Yep, sure do.

C) Do I e-mail the answers and the History to you, or post them here? OR email the questoinairre to you, and post the history when I make my character?

E-mail everything to me. Your characters have just met (within a week), so while you know each others names, what basic history you choose to share. and general powers and abilities you wish to share, I don't want you to put your whole character histories verbatim here.


What's this? Nobody else joining? Isn't this the kinda game people've been asking for? Lets get a move-on, peeps! Join up!
All those who wanted to join the Intrigue campaign but were too late, this is same general idea!


First Post

Right now, you'd just be the third, since other folks seem too busy *cough lazy cough* to make characters. :)

I have room for up to six, I'd say. More than that and I would instantly disintegrate.


K. I know people get leery on this concept, but hear me out before you judge.

If there aren't enough people to make the group by, say, end of the week, would you allow me to create and play a second character? I have done it sucsesfully before (albeit not in a PbP) and I beleive I could pull it off here, too.
I Hope we get enough interest that another character would be too much, but I would like to if possible. I can keep knowledge seperate between the characters and play them out such that the only way people could tell they've got the same player would be by looking at my screen name. (Hell, I could register another account and then there'd be NO way, but won't do that unless u want me to).
I'ld also axe out one of them if another character joins, or if there are any problems, b/c I don't want to take away from anyone else's enjoyment just to fuel my own.

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