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Door to Nowhere

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir nods at Taylar and gives a gesture of peace, common to the Maldrog miners. "Danke für dein Vertrauen, which is to say thank you for your confidence. You referred to Outpost but I think that you meant here at the Mines. I will show you where I crossed. I do not wish to see this happen again. I will be searching for these children until something is found. I thank you for the assistance."
OOC: Plumeir is 75% proficient in Maldrog, due to working around the miners. d100 = 75

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Crossing the river during the Drenching Season was a difficult task. The river was at its fullest and the salmon were swimming upstream. Those communities along its banks, other than the mining operation, had boats and nets in the water to partake in the bountiful stock. The abductors did not have boats. They would have had to have crossed by wading or swimming, while carrying captives in tow. The water was cold, and the current was fairly strong. Astarte, Plumeir, and Taylar crossed as they suspected the kidnappers to have done. Though activity was known to be in the river up and downstream from the mines, nothing could be seen in either direction. It was simply too far.

The three exited the river on the other side, somewhat downstream from where they had entered. It was difficult to think about anything other than wanting to be drier and warmer, but no one complained. Plumeir walked up and down the river bank for a few minutes until he gestured to where he thought the enemy had previously exited, saying that he had originally discovered a single boot print. He repeated the significance of the fact the kidnappers had been shod. Though miners, soldiers, and clergy wore boots, indigenous clans were always barefooted, as were most other people. The wearing of boots seemed significant, but Plumeir did not know why.

The remainder of the day was spent close to the river, traveling short distances inland along discovered game trails looking for clues. As dusk was imminent, camp and a fire were made, with nothing to show for a day’s effort. There was little hope for staying dry, but if no heavy rain fell, the fire was partially protected by stacking rocks around it.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
By the river Taylar examines the surroundings, looking at plants and where a booted foot might have left a mark, or where someone might have cut foliage out of the way. He considers the best way to exit the area, especially if forcing someone along. He pays close attention to find where any of the captives might have left clues to their direction.
. . . with nothing to show for a day’s effort
Taylar says, "Is it possible the captors had some way of controlling them? These mystery people abduct these youths, drag them across a difficult river crossing, and on this side there is no sign of them? I suspect we are dealing with a powerful contingent with more complicated motivations than sacrificial victims or forced labor. Most strange."

That night Taylar will manipulate waylines and meditate on this mystery, hoping to spark some vision that will aid them in their quest.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
... Taylar says, "Is it possible the captors had some way of controlling them?..."
Plumeir lifts his left hand and nods at Taylar. "I thought about that, myself. I do not have an answer for you, but here is what I concluded. As skilled as these captors must be, herded children would leave all sorts of clues. I think they are being carried, but I do not know how. Cannibals would take younger children so I think that these are alive, but immobilized in some way, making them easier to transport. I agree with you, too. I think we are dealing with a complicated issue. Perhaps the coming Dawn will shed new light."

Plumeir has no special divination skill nor any particular rapport with a deity, even though he offered some reverence to Dawn. He will set some snares and make a crude spear to see if he can acquire any salmon.
OOC: 74


Is it possible the captors had some way of controlling them? These mystery people abduct these youths, drag them across a difficult river crossing
"Or the abductor(s) somehow convinced these kids to follow him/her/them.." Astarte says both to herself and her companions while thoughtfully looking around. Still deep in her thoughts, she will search the area for any clues they could miss, as well as some edible and useful plants and brushwood.


Gamer Extraordinaire
"Or the abductor(s) somehow convinced these kids to follow him/her/them.."
Taylar is thoughtful for a moment and replies, "I had not considered that. I have only looked at this as a kidnapping. We will still find the missing, but if they wish to remain where they are of their own free will, I will not force them to return."


I have only looked at this as a kidnapping.
What I meant was that it's possible these youngsters were somehow manipulated to willingly come.
if they wish to remain where they are of their own free will, I will not force them to return
I hope they're fine there, too. 😟
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir runs his right hand through his hair, pulling it back from his face and slings the moisture away. "I have had the misfortune of dealing with some Kinamins and Deviards in the past. You may be correct, Astarte. We may be looking for benders. Since we are away from anyone else and on the subject, I will go ahead and just tell you that I do in fact have the talent to bend waylines. I am particularly skilled in Hermetics, similar to what the Kinamins do. I am not afraid to face those who can perform a mystical assault."
OOC: repeat of previous number: 74


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar nods. "I suspected you had the talent, but I like to let people do their own reveals. Of course I suspected it because I also have the ability to manipulate waylines. My talent is not as developed as some of my friends, but I am able to enhance my fighting capabilities. I was actually going to try something new and see if I could use my dreams to give us a clue as to the direction our targets have gone. From experience if we work together, we will enhance our success."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Taylar...
... Astarte...
Taylar: 46(observation) + 32(tuning) + 151(d100) = 229
Astarte: 51(perception) + 32 + 169 = 252
Plumeir: 61(observation) + 51(smell) + 74 = 186
Astarte and Plumeir leave Taylar to himself as they attend to their more mundane pursuits. It is currently the wrong season for much in the way of vegetable matter, except for tubers. Astarte finds the bulbs of several vines that were growing along the river bank, collecting enough of the edible root for several servings. Plumeir set his snares and tries his hand at some fishing while Astarte adds more wood to the fire in order to make a coal base to cook the tubers.

Plumeir is also rather fortunate in his attempts to provide meat. In short order he returns to camp with three decently sized salmon, which are prepared to be eaten immediately. His snares also produce a couple of fat rodents, which can be slow smokes to make jerky for travel.

Undisturbed, Taylar closes his eyes and lets his mind drift, guided by the desire to ascertain the specifics of the passing of captured youths. His skin prickles as he realizes that he has tapped into a wealth of previously undiscovered knowledge. It is far more than he is currently able to understand but it seems like his mind is coordinating all data previously seen, heard, and smelled by anything near his location. Certainty cannot be guaranteed, but it seems like anything moving through the area is more likely to move somewhat inland and then follow the river. There are not even any definitive game trails leading directly inland, and there is absolutely no sign of a forced passage that a person would make. Though being across the river, half a day of travel should bring the party near the known Centrin village.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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