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Door to Nowhere


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Astarte...
... Taylar...
... Taylar and Astarte feel self-assured that these people are genuinely forthright.
Astarte: 52(perception) + 50(d100) = 102
Plumeir: 61(observe) + 72 = 133
Taylar: 46 + 151 = 197
Astarte: 57(coerce) + 31(muddle) + 50(d100) = 138
Plumeir: 83 + 61(enthrall) + 72 = 216
The Vineyard:
This lightly populated hamlet is located along the Western River about a day’s walk north of Outpost, about six hours north of the main, iron, mining operations. This very small Centrin community was almost destroyed in the erroneous, religious cleansing that occurred in the past. Unlike the Pelimonra Village, the Outliers had been able to save this one. The community was given its name by others of the region due to the active cultivation and selective propagation of native grape vines to produce a sweeter variety. The vines are meticulously tended to grow over manufactured trellis work rather than scaling up the conifers.

The current population is significantly smaller than it was during the time of troubles, as about half of the population relocated to Refuge, under the protection of the Priest of Dawn, Vittero Luminet.

The community has been recognized by the Kingdom seat, and a Priest of Dawn was sent to educate and aid the people. Though the priest keeps a written record of commercial activity, he makes no dictates upon the residents and even helps with physical labor. There is no structure dedicated to the sole purpose of the religion, but there is a centralized spire honoring the Lord of the Day. Rather than attempt to pressure the citizens, this priest pays homage on his own. Due to his general kindness, others of the community have begun to offer tithes of their productivity, like the priest. This priest is the only Markidian in the village.

The two men who traded boats to bring the Investigators across the river, both return to fishing, leaving others, including the priest, to do the talking. There is some confusion, at first, until each party member realizes, at about the same moment that these Centrin people have had children go missing, as well. This brings the total up to seven.

Being a bit more rudimentary than the communities of Refuge and, especially, Outpost, the Centrin people are forced to rely more on one another, since no expert has developed in any particular field. Having taken advantage of this simplicity, to add insult to injury, the people who carried away three children also stole some of the better cord being made, suspected to be used to tie their captives.

Identical to the suspicions concerning the four children from the mining operation, the Centrin people and Frances, the priest, think that the suspects came from the North, but then crossed the river to escape, while carrying their prize. Though daily activities governing life must continue, such as the active fishing and crop cultivation, the Investigators determine that these people deeply feel the loss of the three youths, especially since the community is so small.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
When Taylar hears that children have gone missing from this village too, he requests, "Will someone show me where they were taken?"
At the next abduction site Taylar engages in the same tactic, manipulating waylines to increase his senses, looking at every part of the scene and the environment. (In modern terms, he is trying to establish a profile about the kidnappers.)


When Taylar is watching the abduction site, Astarte will talk with the relatives, neighbors and friends of the three kidnapped Centrin children in the same manner as she did in The Mining Community, to learn everything about them and later compare them with the younglings captured from The Mining Operations, especially if all these kids from both groups have anything in common. When she's done, she'll ask Taylar to use again his new-found talent and get to know which way abductors and their victims went. She'll compare this direction with the direction that the man she wanted Taylar to follow traveled in a boat.

"I'm afraid we have a similar (if not the same) situation as 5 cycles ago.😟Enri may be dead, but what if his master(s)/buddies/minions/puppets are still continuing the actions they stopped when he was killed? Or they never really stopped; they just became even more careful and secretive and changed the territory of their actions and modified their methods. And one cycle back they felt so bold, they dared to abduct youngsters from the place even so close to The Refuge.
Could be them, could be other people or organization."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Taylar...
... Astarte...
Taylar: 46(observation) + 32(tuning) + 65(d100) = 143
Astarte: 57(coerce) + 31(muddle) + 50(d100) = 138
GM: It is often difficult to describe persona or ambience. The two men who carried the investigators across the river changed boats so that the party would not smell like fish. This was a kindness. Most Centrin people are genuinely benevolent.

The Centrin people involved in the conversation show some signs of embarrassment. They do not know exactly where the children were taken but signs were originally found of some people, other than villagers, crossing the river but not in boats. A couple of the locals offer to take Taylar around the northern edge of the village where they suspect that the children were captured.

During the course of her conversation, Astarte and Plumeir, begin to suspect that the interrogation is fruitless, as no similarity in personality exists between those captured here and those captured from the Mining Community, until it dawns on Astarte that the children are, of course, all of the same age but, also, considered to be pretty. This sparks a memory for the eldest man in the village. He explains that when he was a boy and his family still roamed the grassland to the east of the village, there was a danger of Evipaun kidnapping young girls. Though these headhunters would kill adult warriors, they never harmed children. The legend was that young girls were offered as gifts to the hidden clans of women of their tribe. None of the party has ever even heard of an Evipau, much less seen one. They are reported to be Aedamans with mahogany colored skin and, as a whole, almost as muscular as Taylar. They are greatly feared by others who live in and around the grasslands.

Though there may be some relevance to this story, both girls and boys were captured by these kidnappers; but perhaps, some opportunistic group of warriors was hired. Though he finds nothing definitive in his search, Taylar comes to the same conclusion of these not being random acts of selfishness perpetuated by some indigenous tribe. It is highly likely that mercenaries, something never before seen in the Western Region, are involved, which lends to even bigger questions: Who would hire such and why?
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Could be them, could be other people or organization.
Taylar nods. "It would need to be a large organization to hit more than one community like this. They would need some place to keep these children isolated, unless they are killing them immediately. If that's the case then we are dealing with aberrant thinkers, but those are usually not this organized. I can't believe this far into the trail we have no evidence of these people except that they wear boots, cross rivers whenever they please, and take children without anyone seeing them. Let us not tarry in this village longer than we must. I say we go North in the direction Frances the priest gave us. Since our target is able to cross rivers, let us see if we can secure some means of traveling across water."
Taylar will attempt to trade with the villagers for a lightweight canoe or small boat with equipment.
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As Taylar is making the trade arrangements, Astarte in the meantime will quickly talk with the eldest man in the village and ask him to tell her everything he knows about these Evipaun (except their look and their custom to abduct young girls and give them to the hidden clans of their women). She finishes: "I have a daughter, and she has only 4 cycles now. I know I'm the last person to say that she's pretty, as almost all mothers think their only child to be the most beautiful Yahdram in the entire world, but after what you said, I'm even more worried about her safety.😟 I hope these little ones are stolen to be well treated servants, not to be sacrificed in an altar(s) or worse to be sex-slaves when they grow up. Nor to be tortured in any other way."😟

roll: 02
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir responds to Taylar. "Whoever we are chasing is using the Drenching Season to their advantage. All of this rain is obscuring the main evidence of passage we need to track them. We are suspecting that in both of these incidents, the kidnappers have come from the North but departed to the West. I take it that you are wanting to use a boat to go upstream to see if we can find were the mercenaries originated? It is as good of a manner to start as any."
OOC: 75


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar nods...
... Astarte...
Plumeir responds...
Astarte: 57(coerce) + 31(muddle) + 50(d100) = 138
Taylar: 67 + 27 + 50 = 144
Astarte: 51(perception) + 46(hearing) + 50(d100) = 147
Plumeir: 61(observation) + 51(smell) + 75 = 187
Taylar: 46(perception) + 33(tuning) + 50 = 129
Though the party is carrying nothing with which to facilitate trade, the fact that they have an established reputation and are helping the Centrin village inadvertently by continuing their own investigation, the citizens are willing to loan a boat with the hope of its return being accompanied by missing children.

Though he was only a child, himself, at the time, the elder villager explains everything to Astarte that he is able to remember. The more he talks, the more Astarte is convinced that such people could be involved. This deed needs a group that is not only formidable but also capable of long-term planning. From the sounds of things, Evipaun warriors would make good mercenaries if they did not immediately attack a potential employer. Despite this, no idea can be formulated as to the motivation for the kidnappings.

With three people poling a canoe, travel upstream is not too difficult, despite the higher level of the water and strong current. The water, of course, gets more shallow as the party travels upstream, more rocks break the surface, forming more rips and eddies. Toward the close of the first day, having seen no sign of other people, a particularly pleasant smell reaches the three investigators before the orchard can be seen. At the particular time of the Drenching Season, the blooms from cherry trees are beginning to fall and the fruit is starting to form. The falling blossoms are quite aromatic. A small orchard on the inside of a bend in the river seems a good place to make camp for the first night. Being a full ten hours north of the Vineyard, by boat, it is likely that those villagers know nothing of its existence.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.


Right after the party started to sailing off from the Centrin village, Astarte shared with her companions everything she heard from the elderly man. "I just hope that these Evipaun were not hired by Enri's friend(s) or other scum(s) like him. They'd be even worse for the poor younglings than these hot-headed savages."😟
Feeling sick after spending full ten hours traveling in a boat, Astarte proposes to take some sleep at the cherry orchard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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