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D&D 4E DnD 4E DOA?


  • Don't want DnD 4E. Happy with my current edition.

    Votes: 160 33.1%
  • Might be ready for 4E ... in 2010.

    Votes: 184 38.0%
  • Would like to see 4E .... in 3 to 5 years

    Votes: 89 18.4%
  • I think 4E is in the works. 1 to 2 years away.

    Votes: 24 5.0%
  • I'm done with 3.5E. I want 4E now!

    Votes: 27 5.6%


First Post
I've seen many threads popping up recently about DnD 4E this or 4E that. I'm starting to wonder if WotC is starting to run out of material for 3.5e and spreading the seeds of 4E. Frankly, I'm happy with 3.5 and will not be jumping on the 4E bandwagon any time soon .... if ever. When WotC when from 3e to 3.5e they fixed many many problems. But it seems like the intentionally created some problems just so that they could have a reason to make a 4e.

But the question ... to what extent are you waiting for 4e?


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I'm not. I'm perfectly happy with 3.5 edition.

I know everyone says this and few people ever take it seriously, but I won't be touching 4th edition in any form.

Swiftbrook said:
But the question ... to what extent are you waiting for 4e?

How about, "not even a little, because it's not gonna happen for awhile?"

I mean, WotC's said there are absolutely no plans for it. What's with the conspiracy theory? I'm a pretty skeptical, pessimistic bastiche about everything else in life, but this one I'm willing to take at face value.


First Post
If I consider 4e an improvement over 3.5, I'll buy it whenever it comes out, same as 3.5 over 3.0 and 3.0 over basic D&D. If I browse the books and consider them no improvement or even a regression, I won't buy them until I need, say, the PHB to participate in a campaign I'm interested in.

Either way, Conan the Roleplaying Game and d20 Modern will continue to be my primary RPGs and D&D will essentially just be something to mine for crunch.


First Post
Don't really know why these threads keep popping up ... and I know even less why I'm answering one of them. There is nothing equalling a "half-edition" step up that you couldn't do by houseruling 3.5. Period. I for one am sure I'll still be running 3.5 games in 5 years' time.

Digital M@

I am happy with my current game, but as long as it is at least 5 years away, I am probably fine with a new edition. After all, when they changed to 3.5, I have bought the core books and only 1 class book. It cured me of buying misc rule books. In the end it comes down to, KISS, more rules don't make the game any more enjoyable for me.


First Post
Unless there's a conspiracy I'm not privy to, I think all the chatter about a possible 4th edition is coming from gamers, not WotC. IMHO, 3.5 was not shipped "broken" just so WotC could "fix" it with 4.0. As Monte Cook suggested, 3.5 was driven in part by WotC's desire to create more buzz and new products to boost sales. 3.5 was a business plan which the designers had to go along with. They made the best of it and fixed most of the easily fixable problems with 3.0 (Harm, Ranger, etc.). 3.5 is actually more like a 3.1 revision. With only slight tweaking anything 3.0 works with 3.5. My hunch is that 4.0 will incorporate alot of rules and concepts from Unearthed Arcana and will not be very "backward compatable" with 3.5. For this reason alone, I think 4.0 is a ways off. WotC recently launched Eberron based on 3.5 rules, I think they will want to milk that product line from years to come.


Um, you know if you do the math, options 2 and 3 overlap?

Anyways, I think there are definetely improvements that could/should be made, but given some of the decisions that went into 3.5e, I think the team that currently exists at WotC R&D is not likely to deliver the sorts of changes I would find actually helpful, and I have integrated much existing material in my game that assumes the current edition plus acheives most of the changes I think needful.


If I had a choice I wouldn't mind seeing 4e sooner than later. I think there is quite a bit of room for improvement yet, particularly in game balance and managability in higher level play. I can think of a number of other improvements that would be a boon to skills, classes and combat.

There is already so much material out for 3e that it feels like it's just about time to make that next evolutionary step.


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