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First batch of questions / comments on characters

7 characters...I'll let that ride.
I hope to get feedback from each player concerning the notes below before the 19th of the month. (two Sundays from this post) If I don't hear from you I may make changes on your behalf. If you haven't rolled HP please do. I will be putting your stats onto character sheets for my reference here. If I find something else missing or odd I'll let you know.

If you have further questions, ask here or contact me at-

In the meantime, I will begin the story with prelude#1. The play site will be called- DARKSUN KILLER IN KALIDNAY

1 Which feats are you taking, dosen't look right
2 Which are you taking for free as 1st level- Psi crystal or Inner Str
3 Obsidian Drilbus (quarterstaff) of Control Flames For a weapon to be given a magic/divine/psionic power it must first be masterwork then "enhanced" +1, +2 etc. This will drive the cost up I believe

nice background I still need to review the "Mind's Eye" feats since I don't have copies printed.

nice background, plenty to work with.
1 Check your Weapon Finesse Feat. I don't believe it will work on the Lotulis due to it's size
2 I sorry...the the STEEL has to go. I forgot how much of a markup there is on metal. You can either chose a new material or a new item. You feel strongly on this I may compromise by giving it a nasty curse (beset by Rajaat or Oronis of course)

1. Double check your Elven racial abilities. You may be mixing the PHB and Darksun versions
2. Curious choice for the magical feather

Scarey stats on some of the skills
1. Language- Kalidnese=common in this game. Choise a different language. Draconic??? Give me a background on how Jayde learned some of these languages.

I leave it up to you, however the use of Kanks and wagon will be very limited for a while.
1 Speed increases by 5ft per +2 modifier.
2 Still have a bit of money to go ....
3 You may have Leadership if you wish. Give me more on Ayla. Make her either first or second level.

Odten Rainsummer
A Pterran!!!! ELC +1 alright- something stranger than a bearded dwarf!
1 Where did Hand of Mage, Bag of tricks and the ring of healing come from? Can't think of the book with them at this point.


My Ring of Healing is a custom-creation. It follows the magic item pricing rules for similar items such as a Hat of Disguise or Slippers of Spider Climb, both of which allow you to invoke a 1st level spell at will. In general, the cost of magic items that allow for at will use of spells is spell level x caster level x 2,000gp (or spell level x caster level x 1,800gp if command word activated).

dead_radish, IME, people tend to consider Rings of Regeneration to be horribly overpriced. They provide a very minor ability for a huge price. I do agree that the Ring of Healing is rather powerful for the price, but 90k gp would be a vast overpricing. I was also taking this item "for the group", rather than just for myself, as we lack a cleric or any other source of group healing.

Of course, all of this is IMO, and YMMV. And, of course, the DM's word is final. megamania, I really don't mind switching the Ring of Healing for another item (probably a better Bag of Tricks :)), but I just wanted to give my take on these items. The Ring of Healing is an item that has caused a certain amount of debate already, and the opinions on its power level vary wildly.

On my other magic items, Hand of the Mage and Bag of Tricks are both from the DMG. Hand of the Mage allows you to use Mage Hand at will, while a Bag of Tricks allows you summon a random creature up to 10 times a week.


megamania said:

nice background I still need to review the "Mind's Eye" feats since I don't have copies printed.

To make it easier for you, in my original post in the Dark Sun Full thread, I had originally put all the links in to what page each feat was on for quick access. Additionally I've got a word document at home that I designed for some of the content on the Mind's Eye that I believe has all the referenced feats and prospective prestige classes if you would prefer that format.

Let me know.

Ashrem Bayle

megamania said:
1 Which feats are you taking, dosen't look right
2 Which are you taking for free as 1st level- Psi crystal or Inner Str
3 Obsidian Drilbus (quarterstaff) of Control Flames For a weapon to be given a magic/divine/psionic power it must first be masterwork then "enhanced" +1, +2 etc. This will drive the cost up I believe

1. I'll check these.

2. I'm taking Inner Strength. Metamind gives you a psicrystal if you don't already have one.

3. See here. Drilbus are like magical wands or staves (50 charges), only they are psionic and take the form of masterwork quarterstaffs made of crystal.
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I leave it up to you, however the use of Kanks and wagon will be very limited for a while.
1 Speed increases by 5ft per +2 modifier.
2 Still have a bit of money to go ....
3 You may have Leadership if you wish. Give me more on Ayla. Make her either first or second level.

1. Ayup - base speed was 30. He's got the following modifiers: +5 ft for his dex of 14. down to 20 base for Hide armor (grrrr). Double for Boots of Striding and Springing. I _think_ that comes out to 50, as I went down to 20 for hide, then up 5 for being elven, then doubled.

2. Do I? I added up to 12987, which means I'm actually over by 13 cp. 13000 cp to start, right?

3. K. I'll want her to be the cohort part of my leadership. Theoretically I can have either a 5th or 6th lvl cohort (Depending on if I have any modifiers to the leadership chart) and no normal followers right now. Just fyi. ;)

Here she is:

Ayla, Feale Half-elf ITCK Ego 1/Gld 1: Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 1d12+1d4+6; hp 19; Init +3; Spd 35; AC 19 (+3 Dex, +4 Inertial Armor, +2 Wooden Large Shield); Melee +4 Alhulak (1d8+3) or +4 Unarmed (1d3+3); Ranged +4 Shortspear (1d8+3); SQ half-elven traits; AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 16 (+3), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1) Cha 6 (-2).

Feats: Inertial Armor, Inner Strength

Tumble +7 (4+3)
Balance +7 (4+3)

PP: 4

Free 0th level powers: 4

Psionic Attack Modes: Mind Thrust, Id Insinuation

Psionic Defense Modes: Empty Mind, Thought Shield, Mental Barrier

Primary Discipline: Psychometrics
Seconday: Clairsentience, Metacreation

Powers: (3/1): 0: Burst, Lesser Natural Armor, Minor Body Adjustment, Verve 1: Lesser Metaphysical Body, Bite of the Wolf

Items (900 cp):
Rings of Talons (200 cp)
Ring of Minor Psionic Energy (650 cp)
Large Wooden Shield (7 cp)
Alhulak (20 cp)
Shortspear x2 (4 cp)

19 cp left.

Animal Companion: TBD (I don't really remember Dark Sun animals that well)

And Athas.org has the link to the PDF containing everything that's come up in Mind's Eye to date - it's a great doc, and only about 2.5 megs. It's on the main page.
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Ashrem Bayle

Revised Character

4th level Psion (Savant) / 2nd level Metamind
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Experience: 15,000

Str: 12 +1
Dex: 14 +2
Con: 18 +4 (+1 Character Level, +2 Bracers)
Int: 12 +1
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 14 +2

Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +3
Will: +10

Hit Points: 43
Initiative: +2
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Inertial Armor)

Obsidian Drilbus (Masterwork Quarterstaff) +4 Att; 1d6+1 Dmg

Human Bonus Feat
Human Bonus Skills
Inner Strength
Psicrystal (Resolve)
Power Psicrystal
Freely Manifest I (Free 1st lvl power 3/day)

Inner Strength (Free)
Psionic Focus: Psychokinesis (Human)
Talented (1st)
Resculpt Mind (3rd - Mind’s Eye)
Inertial Armor (6th)
Trigger Power: Concussion DC:15 (Resculpt Mind, 5rd level)
Creature Capacitor (Resculpt Mind, 3rd level - If Thoughts Could Kill)

Class Skills
Autohypnosis (+9, 8 ranks)
Concentration (+10, 6 ranks)
Disable Device (+5, 3 ranks)
Knowledge - Psionics (+6, 5 ranks)
Open Lock (+6, 4 ranks)
Pick Pocket (+5, 3 ranks)
Psicraft (+10, 9 ranks)
Search (+5, 4 ranks)

Cross Class Skills
Diplomacy (+7, 0 ranks, +5 Bonus)
Bluff (+7, 0 ranks, +5 Bonus)
Intimidate (+7, 0 ranks, +5 Bonus)
Spot (+3, 2 ranks)
Listen (+3, 2 ranks)
Stabilize Self (+5, 1 rank)
Wilderness Lore (+2, 1 rank)

Obsidian Drilbus (50) – Control Flames (1,500cp)
Bracers of Health +2 (4,000cp)
Amulet of Resistance (+2 Saves) (4,000cp)
Crystal Mask of the Diplomat (+5 Diplomacy, +5 Bluff, and +5 Intimidate) (2,250cp)
Dorje: Shield (50) (750cp)
Tattoo: Lesser Body Adjustment x 4 (200cp)
Tattoo: Burst x 3 (150cp)
Tattoo: Harbinger I x 1 (50cp)
Tattoo: Feather Fall x 1 (50cp)
Power Stone: Control Air x 2 (300cp)
Power Stone: Lesser Telekinesis x 2 (300cp)
Belt Pouch
Riding Kank (150cp)
Folding Shade (1cp)
Waterskin x 4 (4cp)
Rations x 4 (20bits)

50cp, 80bits

Power Points: 39 (27 + 1 Inner Strength + 5 in Psicrystal + 6 from Creature Capacitor)
Psychic Combat Modes: Psychic Crush, Mind Blast
Psychic Defense Modes: Empty Mind, Intellect Fortress, Tower of Iron Will

Psychokinetic Powers: A low humming sound.
Clairsentient Powers: Eyes glow green
Telepathic Powers: Everyone senses that they are being watched
Psychoportation Powers: Sound of glass breaking
Psychometabolism Powers: A wet cracking sound as the body disfigures or heals.
Metecreation Powers: Ectoplasm soaks or blankets the created object or effected area for a brief second.

Talents: Free Uses: 12
Far Hand
Daze (DC: +4)
Detect Psionics
Finger of Fire
Befriend (DC: +4)

1st Level Powers: Cost: 1 pp
Control Object
Matter Agitation (DC: +7)
Sense Link (DC: +5)

2nd Level Powers: Cost: 3 pp
Control Body (DC: +8)
Concussion (DC: +8)

3rd Level Powers: Cost: 5 pp
Cone of Sound (DC: +9)


Age: 26
Height: 5’-10”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Hair: Long and black in ponytail.
Eyes: Grey

Well muscled and graceful, Sorren seemingly has no body fat. His time spent in slavery and practicing exotic conditioning exercises has developed his body to a level of health and fortitude that few ever achieve. His body, especially his back, is covered in numerous scars from his time as a slave. Also, there is a slave mark tattooed into the back of his neck. He wears his hair long to cover this.

Sorren prefers dark clothing. He wears loose fitting,black, robes and hood that protects his body from the elements. His long black hair if long, but is shaved underneath to allow the occasional breeze to touch his neck.

Hise only weapon, Sorren carries an obsidion quarterstaff carved with what refers to as psionic ciruits that can channel psychokinetic energy.

Sorren is actually good looking, however his lack of a normal childhood and his dependency on psionics make him seem distant and brooding. He has a survival of the fittest mentality and will not hesitate to use the Way as a weapon.


Born in the outskirts of Draj, Sorren’s first memory was of blood and carnage. At the age of but four summers, he became one of a dozen survivors of a slave raid on his hometown of Kalari Springs. Along with the other captives, Sorren was taken to the Tyr and sold into a stable of slaves..

Serving under the lash of a harsh taskmaster, Sorren spent his youth mining the salt of the city. However, at the age of twelve, he was taken by one of the more prominent minding slavers for study. Sorren has little memory of this time for he often faded in and out of consciousness. His memories and perceptions distorted by rigorous psychic experimentation, Sorren was finally returned to the mines.

Little did he know that he was being watched. The mindbender had managed to awaken the boy’s latent psychic potential. He had been returned to the other slaves in order for the slavers to watch his abilities naturally manifest. Unfortunately for them, Sorren was quicker to manifest his abilities than they imagined he would be. Using his psychic abilities, Sorren melted through his shackles and freed his fellow slaves. In the revolt, only he and a half dozen others managed to escape to the surface.

After his escape, Ash returned to the remains of what was once his home. There he found a dilapidated farmhouse and his family's remains. He buried his family and from his father's corpse he took a signet ring depicting a snake with three eyes. The importance of the third eye was not lost on Ash who now believes his family had a strong psionic heritage. He wishes he knew how to contact anyone else in his family, but he has only a few very vague memories of his childhood before slavery.

Leaving his home behind, Ash traveled about and soon found himself in the Nibeney region. There he lived on the streets and made his way as a petty thief. He learned to use his powers to bend the will of men so that they would be more than generous with their offers of charity. While already slick tongued and smooth, Sorren used the Way to augment his abilities.

He lived this way for two years before his abilities were discovered. A man by the name of Qadir recognized the youth’s abilities and gave him an ultimatum. He would not turn Sorren over to the authorities, if he agreed to become his bodyguard. In exchange, he would teach Sorren about the Way. Sorren agreed and began a formal study of the “Unseen Way” under the strict tutelage of his new master. In his studies, he developed the ability to engage others in mental combat and learned much about psionic theory and principles.

He had learned a great deal, but while very different than the salt mines of Tyr, he still resented being in a submissive position. After spending a two years with his teacher, Sorren has decided to move on. He does not know where he plans to go, but he craves adventure and the freedom of the road. He searches for knowledge and treasures so that one day he may create his own estate and forever be free.


Hit Dice: 6 special (20hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: -/30’
AC: 13/15 (-5/-2 Dex, +8 Size); Hardness 15
Attacks: --
Damage: --
Face/Reach: Special
Special Attacks: Special
Special Qualities: Regenerate 2d4hp per day, Personality (Resolve, +2 Will)
Saves: Special
Abilities: Str: 1, Dex 0, Con -, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: Special
Feats: --

Special Abilities: Sighted, Empathic Link, Lesser Self-Propulsion
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Ahh, good call. Hmm, that'll take some reworking....

Changes follow:

Changes to Dukotti

Spiked Chain - +11/+6 (2d4+3; 20 x2)
+1 Elven Longblade (Dasl) - +12/+7 (1d8+4, 2-handed; 18-20 x2)
Unarmed - +8/+3 (1d3+2; 19-20 x2)
Longblade + Unarmed - +10/+9/+5 (1d8+4 (2H), 1d3+1 (OH))
Spiked Chain + Unarmed - +9/+9/+4 (2d4+3, 1d3+1(OH))

1 - Wild Talent (Psionic Draw, Wild Charge; Athas.Org)
3 - Combat Reflexes (PHB)
6 - Weapon Finesse: Spiked Chain (PHB)
F1 - Ambidexterity (PHB)
F2 - Two-Weapon Fighting (PHB)
G4.EWP - Spiked Chain (Athas.org)

+1 Elven Longblade (Dasl) - 2,000 (Athas.org, PsiHB)

Against opponents with reach, or closing opponents, Dukotti will use his spiked chain in a spinning style combined with whip-like thrusts. Once they get in close, he'll use the longsword in a criss-crossing pattern of slashes, using the reach afforded by his massive height to his advantage. (no game mechanic there, just descriptive text)
Against a single opponent he feels may be a match for him, the elf uses his father's sword. He may throw in a kick, head butt, or other unarmed attack just to throw them off.

Ashrem Bayle said:

1. I'll check these.

2. I'm taking Inner Strength. Metamind gives you a psicrystal if you don't already have one.

3. See here. Drilbus are like magical wands or staves (50 charges), only they are psionic and take the form of masterwork quarterstaffs made of crystal.

Okay on the Drilbus.

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