• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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Tallask Water Hunter, Male elf PsyWar 4/Metamind 2(ITCK): Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 4d8+2d4+12; hp 45; Init +3; Spd 50 ft (70 unarmored); AC 19 (+3 Dex, Inix Hide Armor +5, Buckler +1); Melee MW Longspear +8 (1d8+4/x3) (+7 with Buckler) or Elven Longblade +7 (1d8+3/18-20, x2); Ranged Shortspear +7 (1d8+3/x3) 20 ft range; SQ elven traits; AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5;

Str 16 (+3) (8 pts, +1 for level)
Dex 16 (+3) (6 pts, +2 racial)
Con 14 (+2) (10, -2 racial)
Int 12 (+1) (4 pts)
Wis 12 (+1) (4 pts)
Cha 8 (-1) (0 pts)

SQ - Temperature Resistance, Lowlight Vision, Racial Bonuses, Special Psi-crystal 5, Freely Manifest 1

Psicrystal (Worker): Stores 5 pp, +2 bonus on Profession checks. Currenly contains 5 pp.

Alchemy: 3 (2+1)
Appraise: 2 (0+1+1)
Bluff: 0 (-1+1)
Concentration: 11 (9+2)
Knowledge (Psionics): 8 (6+1+1)
Jump: 13 (0+3+10)
Listen: 1 (1-1+1)
Perform (Drumming): 0 (0-1+1)
Profession (Caravaner): 10 (7+1+2)
Psicraft: 8 (6+1+1)
Search: 2 (0+1+1)
Spot: 2 (0+1+1)
Tumble: 17 (4+3+10)

Languages: Elven, Common

Feats: (3 level, 2 Psy War)
Cosmopolitan (Psicraft, Knowledge (Psionics)), Inner Strength, Talented, Stand Still, Psionic Boost*

*Psionic Boost [Psionic]

You can use your free 0-level manifestations to increase your speed and Constitution.

Prerequisite: 3rd-level psion or psychic warrior.

Benefit: You can trade in two free 0-level manifestations to increase your base speed by 10 feet and gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution. The effects last 1 minute.

Power Points: 12

Free 0th Level Powers: 11 per day.
Free 1st Level Powers: 3 per day.

Psionic Defense Modes: Empty Mind, Thought Shield, Intellect Fortress

Powers (4/3/2): 0: Burst, Force*, Psionic Draw, Wild Reflex 1: Chrysalis (ITCK), Hustle, Lesser Metaphysical Weaponry 2: Animal Affinity, Combat Prescience

Psychokinetic (Con)
Level: Psychic Warrior 0
Display: Au
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 weapon
Duration: Until discharged or 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: No
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1
You imbue a melee or ranged weapon (or ammo for a ranged weapon) with psychokinetic energy. While the duration lasts, the weapon subtly hums and vibrates. On a successful hit, the weapon does an additional point of damage, which discharges the potential. Manifesting the power is a free action, like manifesting a quickened power, and it counts toward the normal limit of one quickened power per round.

Equipment (13000 starting CP):
*Key of Open/Close (400 cp)
*Bracers of Bio-Boost (200 cp)
*Sphere of Direction (400 cp)
*Belt of Wild Charge (400 cp)
Boots of Striding and Springing (2500 cp)
Psychoactive Skin of Nimbleness (2000 cp)
Inix Hide Armor (As Rhino Hide Armor) (5165 cp)
2 Tattoos of Body Adjustment (600 cp)
5 Dull Grey Ioun Stones (125 cp)
Headband of Body Adjustment (Minor) (1/day, Lesser Body Adjustment)
MW Longspear, inset with 5 10 cp etched amber gems and 3 pieces of actual steel embedded in the spear head (375 cp)
Shortspear x3 (6 cp)
Elven Longblade (100 cp)
Buckler (15 cp)
Enclosed Wagon, 5k load limit, with 2 kanks to pull (290 cp)
15 waterskins (15 cp)
30 Water barrels (60 cp)
Ornate Pitcher (Clay) (2 cp)
5 Clay Mugs (1 cp)
10 gallons of ale (2 cp)
10 days of meals for 5 men (Good): (25 cp)
Signal Whistle (8 bits)
Djimbe (5 cp)

17 cp left currently.

* All of these items require you to use one of your free 0th level manifestations to activate them, and then they grant you their power.

Key of Open/Close grants Open/Close:

Psychokinesis (Con)
Level: Psion 0/Psychic Warrior 0
Display: Vi, Me
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2/levels)
Target: Portal or object that can be opened or closed
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Power Resistance: Yes (object)
Power Points: 1

You can open or close (manifester's choice) a door, chest, box, window, bag, pouch, bottle, or other container. If anything resists this activity (such as a bar on a door, a lock on a chest, or a snugly tied knot on a drawstring), the power fails. In addition, the power can open and close only things that are of standard weight (see Table 7-7: Goods and Services, and Table 7-8: Containers and Carriers in the Player's Handbook). The lid of a big chest or oversized door is beyond the power's capability.

Sphere of Direction grants Know Direction

Belt of Wild Charge grants Wild Charge (Athas.org)

Bracers of Bio-boost grants Bio-booster for one hour:

Psychometabolism (Str)
Level: Psion 0 / Psychic Warrior 0
Display: Vi
Manifestation Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: No
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1
You gain a minor boost to your musculature, gaining a +1 competence bonus on all Strength-based skill or ability checks.

History: Tallask Water Hunter, of the Riverseeker clan, was always a bit of an oddity. He wasn't quite as fast as many of the other elves, and was a bit sturdier than most of his playmates as a child. His showings in the childhood races were always respectable, but not amazing. But in wrestling and boxing he was almost never beaten. His psionic abilities manifested themselves early on, often preventing his opponents even from reaching him as he struck faster than they could see, halting their advances. It is from this that he was named - Tallask, Night Strike.

He was a member of the tribe, so his acceptance was never in doubt. But he never had friends, as such - brethen, certainly, but not friends. He spent much of his time attempting to gain the affection of his companions, even going so far as to give away prized possessions he found on his wanderings, but he was largely unsuccessful.

Still, on his Rite of Passage, the entire tribe turned out, and cheered as loudly as they did for any other. It was during his Rite and the sacred race afterwards that Tallask first exhibit his psionic abilities. As he ran, his form blurred more and more as his legs bent further and further. His tribe swears that a jungle cat ran in the same place as Tallask. Tallask became more focused internally from then on, devoting himself to learning his new talents in a way that few elves could understand. His long trips as a caravan guard, and later as a caravan leader, left him plenty of time to study. He turned his abilities towards reinforcing his already burgeoning skills in combat. Other tribesman might beat him in a fair fight, having studied pure fighting styles, but when Tallask's psionic abilites were allowed, he usually won handily.

He travelled widely with the water caravans, and, rare among the elves, developed some friendships among the other races in the cities he visited. His willingness to add extra gifts to the deals, as well as the fact that he often entered the city alone, rather than in a "pack of thieves" gained him a small reputation as a desired trader. His men were usually happy as well, as Tallask made it a point to share a meal with his crew each time a caravan left, as well as once every three days on the journey. His meals were good, and his ale was free, and he developed something resembling friendships, though they were still not the bonds he suspected other elves felt for each other.

On one of his journeys into Tyr, Tallask chanced to visit the gladiator arenas. While he was there, he was captivated by one of the female gladiators, a half-elf named Ayla. He also sympathized with the shunning she received from the other gladiators. In a typically elven decision, he immediately decided to purchase her, and within two days, they were lovers. She has ridden with Tallask for nearly two years now, riding a Crodlu Tallask purchased for her. He doesn't treat her the way other races do, and accepts her as she is (though he still considers her a lesser creature, and does not allow her to enter elven camps), and her devotion to Tallask fills a void he has felt for quite a time. He has dailiances with other women on occasion, but his natural aloofness limits those greatly. He has also begun to train Ayla in the psychic arts, and she seems to exhibit some small skill.

Tallask still travels with his caravans, taking occasional breaks to hunt and train. He and Ayla make a fair living, as Tallask is a fair 'Van leader, and can defend his wares if need be. His travels allow him to locate psychic training from many different mentors as well. He collects minor psionic items, and has developed a fair collection of them. He is always looking to add more to his treasury. Tallask has little wealth at any time - he is a firm believer in the elven philosopher of living in the now, and typically buys the best foods, drinks and items he can afford, lavishing Ayla with gifts as often as he can.
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I haven't looked at that site in a while but I never saw anything I'ld say no too. This is great. Hopefully we'll begin play next week.


Edited Dukkoti. I added in the info for all the things off the WotC site for ease of reference.

Couple questions:

Starting Cash: As normal?

Starting Items: Any limits? Are there any special materials on Athas? Things like Athasian equivalents of Mithril and the like? And can psionic characters purchase Crystal Weapons?

I assume the Elven tribes still act as they do in the "present," trading about, and being mistrusted?

Looking forward to the game!

dead_radish said:
Edited Dukkoti. I added in the info for all the things off the WotC site for ease of reference.

Couple questions:

Starting Cash: As normal?


Starting Items: Any limits? Are there any special materials on Athas? Things like Athasian equivalents of Mithril and the like?

Not be bought...only found

And can psionic characters purchase Crystal Weapons?


I assume the Elven tribes still act as they do in the "present," trading about, and being mistrusted?

Oh yes. The breakup of the royal family created a civil war that destroyed the elves. They are not to be trusted. But ask most Thri-kreen and they'll say with salt they are yummy!

Looking forward to the game!

Finalizing everything now. First intro may go out this weekend if time permits!


Questions, questions.

Last one, I hope - are you allowing Leadership? If so, I'll drop Psionic Boost for Leadership. I have his cohort planned out - even if I can't take Leadership, I'll be adding her to the story. It's just whether she'll be playable or no. ;)

I changed Dukkoti around some - I found ITCK, and liked the metamind PrC, so I took that. I used the cosmopolitan feat, which is +1 to two skills, and makes them class skills. If that's not acceptable, I'll drop it, and go back to pure Psy War until I can get the ranks.

I have the story all planned out, just need time (not at work) to write it out.

Thanks for gettin' the juices flowing! ;)

Almost there!

In the next few days I will be reviewing characters and then post suggestions for changes. I will start a new thread then with the preludes possibly this weekend (maybe if ambitious even tonight).

Until then....


Heh. I just realized that someone else has first claim on the name Dukkoti (ironically), so I've renamed him.

But Tallask is finished, until I hear about the leadership feat. If I take that, Ayla will be my cohort, and nothing will change (if you do allow leadership, how should cohorts be built?). If not, then I'm fully done. ;)

Sorren - Do you want to work out a history between our chars, since we're both Metamind lvl 2? Wouldn't hurt to have a connection. Plus, I'm curious where you got 8 feats. 1 human, 3 level, 1 psion. Did I miss something in the metamind that should be granting me extra feats?
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Odten Rainsummer
Pterran Wizard (Preserver) 5, Neutral Good

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 21 (+5)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+1)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Melee: +4 [+2 BAB, +2 STR]
Ranged: +4 [+2 BAB, +2 DEX]
Hit Points: 22 [4 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 (levels) + 5 (CON)]
Armor Class: 14 [10 + 2 (DEX) + 2 (Natural Armor)] or 18 [10 + 2 (DEX) + 2 (Natural Armor) + 4 (Mage Armor)]
Initiative: +2 [+2 DEX]
Movement Rate: 30 feet.

Attacks per round:
+1 Light Crossbow (+5 to hit (+6 w. Masterwork bolts), 1d8+1 dmg)
or Quarterstaff (+4 to hit, 1d6+2 dmg)
or Dagger (+4 to hit (melee), +4 to hit (thrown), 1d4+2 dmg)
or Claws (+4 to hit, 1d3+2 dmg)
or Bite (+4 to hit, 1d4+2 dmg)

Weapons and Armor:
Armor: None or Mage Armor
Natural Weapons: Claws (1d3 dmg, Crit x2)
Bite (1d4 dmg, Crit x2)
Weapons: +1 Light Crossbow (1d8+1 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 80 ft)
Quarterstaff (1d6 dmg, Crit x2)
Dagger (1d4+1 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 10 ft)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +5 [+1 base, +1 CON, +2 Familiar, Cloak of Resistance +1]
Ref: +4 [+1 base, +2 DEX, Cloak of Resistance +1]
Will: +5 [+4 base, Cloak of Resistance +1]

Scribe Scroll (Free for Wizard)
Wild Talent (Lesser Natural Armor, Missive) (1st level feat)
Craft Wondrous Item (3rd level feat)
Extend Spell (Bonus 5th level metamagic feat)

Bluff +9 (8 ranks, +1 CHA)
Disguise +9 (8 ranks, +1 CHA)
Concentration +9 (8 ranks, +1 CON)
Knowledge (Arcana) +13 (8 ranks, +5 INT)
Spellcraft +13 (8 ranks, +5 INT)
Wilderness Lore +4 (4 ranks (cc))

Aarakocra, Common, Elven, Gith, Pterran.

Special Abilities:
-2 racial penalty to Listen checks
Natural Armor +2
Natural Weaponary
Life Path: Druid
Wild Telepathy
Favored Animal (Pterrax)
Favored Class: Druid

Spells per day: 4/5/3/2
DCs: 15/16/17/18
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light (x2), Ray of Frost.
Level 1: Charm Person, Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield.
Level 2: Invisibility, Summon Swarm, Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Level 3: Fireball, Hold Person.

Cantrips: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance
Level 1: Charm Person, Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil, Sand Spray, Shield, Spider Climb.
Level 2: Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, Summon Swarm, Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Level 3: Fireball, Hold Person.

- Grappling Hook
- 50' Silk Rope
- Bedroll
- Waterskins
- 6 days' trail rations
- 5 Torches
- Flint and steel
- Everburning Torch
- Scroll of Change Self
- 2 Scrolls of Dispel Magic
- Scroll of Feather Fall
- Scroll of See Invisibility
- 2 Scrolls of Spider Climb
- Scroll of Tounges
- 21 cp, 3 bits, 5 beads.
Wearing / Carrying:
- Explorer's Outfit
- +1 Light Crossbow
- Quarterstaff
- 20 Masterwork crossbow bolts
- 20 Crossbow bolts
- Dagger
- Pouch (Spell Component)
- +2 Headband of Intellect
- +1 Cloak of Resistance +1
- Bag of Tricks (Gray)
- Hand of the Mage
- Ring of Healing (User can cast Cure Light Wounds at will) (cost 2,000 cp)

Total Weight Carried: 53 lb
Load: Light


Familiar: Owl; CR: ?; Size: T; Type: Animal; HD: 1/2 5d4+5; hp 11; Init: +2; Spd: 20 ft, climb 20 ft; AC: 17 (flatfooted 15, touch 15), Attk: Bite +4 melee (1d4-4 dmg); SA: Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Speak with Master, Touch; AL: NG; Sv: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 2.
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +13, Listen +4, Spot +4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Bite).


Sand Spray
Conjuration [Creation]
Level: Sor/Wis 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 ft
Area: 10ft long cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
A blast of sand and grit shoots from your outspread fingertips. Any creature in the area of the blast takes 1d3 point of damage per caster level (up to 5d3). Also, all creatures with their heads in the area must succeed a Reflex saving throw or be blinded for 1 round.


From a young hatchling, Odten was being groomed for the Life Path of the Druid. He quickly developed an empathy for nature, but not one his teachers liked: he started following the way of the Preserver. Once word of his abilities spread through his village, the elders banished this "dangerous abomination" from their lands. Hurt and confused by this, Odten spent the next couple of seasons wondering the wilderness, barely escaping with his life from several dangers.

He meet up with a band of humans, who not only tolerated his magical powers, but practiced the Preserver's Way themselves. Odten was accepted into the group, but found it hard to make friend amongst the humans, most dismissing him as a "dumb lizard". One amongst their number did not judge Odten this way, Drinchek, a foundling cared for by the group. The young human seemed to care little about outwards appearance, and wanted company as badly as Odten. Odten has perhaps made little impact of the young man's reserved manner, but the pterran is happy to call this strange human friend.
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Just fyi on the Ring of Healing - general consensus on the WotC boards, as well as ENWorld is that that is one of the items that falls directly under the first rule of magic item pricing - compare it to existing items, and adjust from there. It's most closely related to a ring of regeneration, which is 90k. If you argue that it's a bit weaker, since it's command word activated, that's balanced by the fact that it cures 5 hp/rd, or 50 hp/minute, or 3000 hp/hour, vs. RoR's 1/lvl/hour (15/hr on average), you've got to take at least the same price, if not more....

This his created a _lot_ of threads on the boards - you can check them out (particularly the Spells and Magic Items FAQ at http://boards.wizards.com/rpg-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=195;t=000013 ).

Not trying to be a pain, but that item is _horribly_ unbalanced. If you're going to allow it, I'll be swapping out my skin of nimbleness for one of those, and dropping my tattoos of healing.

Basically, that falls strongly into the category of "Item no one would be without," even if you double the cost to put it in a non-item slot.

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