• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. helium3

    Naval Combat System Suggestions?

    I'm gonna be running a wee little battle between some ships next game session and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on naval combat rules that would be easy to port to a 4E game?
  2. helium3

    The Grind Problem (My 2 Cents)

    I really need to get my blog set-up. This post is way too long for an ENWorld thread. Oh well. I've been running a 4E game since late May and started significantly modding 3E to be more like 4E around March. The "grindyness" of actual 4E (didn't see this problem with my modded version of 3E for...
  3. helium3

    [IC] Wandering Star : Heroes of the Middle Reaches (Part One)

    Useful Links Initiative Board Conditions Board Current Encounter Maps In Character Thread Out of Character Thread Recruitment Thread GM Notes The game starts on the day of the Summer Solstice. (08/19) The year is 1077, as reckoned from the ascension of the first Holy Emperor of Nerath...
  4. helium3

    [OOC] Heroes of the Middle Reaches : Wandering Star

    Useful Links Initiative Board Conditions Board Current Encounter Maps In Character Thread Out of Character Thread Recruitment Thread The Roster Charlotte Threeflagons Halfling Rogue Played by The Digger Charlotte Threeflagons; Unaligned Halfling Rogue Age: 19; Height: 3' 11"; Weight: 80...
  5. helium3

    [Recruiting (CLOSED)]Heroes of the Middle Reaches[4E : Wandering Star]

    Disclaimer I'll be upfront about this. When it comes to running a pbp game I'm a total noob. I haven't even participated in that many pbp games. None-the-less, I'd like to give pbp a try. So, consider yourself warned that if you do join up things may be a bit "rough" at first. Wandering Star...
  6. helium3

    Doing the GSL. Who?

    Which 3PP's have announced that they are going to publish under the GSL? Is there a place where a list like this is compiled? ****UPDATE**** Here's the link to the only list I've found so far. Small and out of date (I think) though . . . http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1053154 You...
  7. helium3

    4E DM's Surprised By Players?

    By this I mean, have any of your players suddenly shocked you with their never before seen tactical brilliance? Or stupidity? Anyone else surprised by sudden changes in the way your group "works" in a social sense? I have this one player who is generally what the DMG calls a "watcher." In our...
  8. helium3

    How To Kill An Adult Black Dragon Without Dying Of Boredom

    At the end of last weekend's game session I matched my party (5 10th level 4E characters) against an adult black dragon. Here's my experience: As promised, combat was very mobile. In particular, I could see why the dragon is a "lurker." The dragon was able to use its ability to create darkness...
  9. helium3

    Anyone Else Run A Solo Yet?

    I faced off against my players with an Adult Black Dragon (Lvl 11 Solo Lurker). Now, I want to compare notes!
  10. helium3

    My Ink Runneth Over

    Has anyone else noticed that the print in the core books smears very very easily?
  11. helium3

    Cleric With A Wisdom of 8 . . .

    As near as I can tell, it's do-able. I put together a 5th level dragonborn cleric and posted the relevant bits below. As you can see, the only downside is a sub-par ability to turn undead, no benefit (a -1 penalty in fact!) from the "healing lore" class ability and sucky passive perception and...
  12. helium3

    Is Forced Movement Inherently Breakable?

    When I returned to Enworld yesterday, an interesting thing I noticed were all the cool "broken" combos that people were posting. And this is only with a couple of days of access to the rules. Imagine what we can accomplish with an entire year and several splatbooks under our belt!! In many...
  13. helium3

    Is it safe to say I have 4th Edition On The Brain When . . .

    I Google "4E Roles", look at the list of links provided and read "A role for the Elf 4E-Binding protein" when I first lay eyes on the summary of the link below? One of the results.
  14. helium3

    Rituals : What We Know And What We Hope

    In the numerous threads where folk are debating the pros and cons of 4E, I've noticed that Rituals come up from time to time. Generally, the context is Rituals as a counter to a 4E-Critic's concerns about the streamlining of the magic system. The problem is, as near as I can tell, next to...
  15. helium3

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Iconic Character Dead?

    I just noticed this today while looking at the cover of the Races and Classes preview. I think Hennet died and the Iconic Tiefling took his stuff. Specifically, his pants.
  16. helium3

    D&D 4E A Little 4E Poetry

    Clouds gather in Seattle. A storm coming? Magic 8-Ball says, "Very Likely."
  17. helium3

    Petition For Wizards To Not Publish A PoL Map

    Since a 'petition' for now exists it only seems fair that a petition against also exist. Besides, I didn't want to 'thread-excrete' and state that I thought it was a sucky idea.
  18. helium3

    Races and Class and the Leak's Effect

    I would like to know if the leaks of information contained within the upcoming "Races & Classes" book by our Hungarian brethren has increased, decreased or not affected your interest in purchasing the first "Wizard's Presents" book. Originally I was going to post a thread condemning the whole...
  19. helium3

    Google Adsense?

    Does anyone know why Gleemax comes with a Google Ad-sense side-bar?
  20. helium3

    Gen Con

    Is it this weekend or next?