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  1. Horacio

    Pendragon 6th edition has a release date: June 12th 2024

    At last, Chaosium announces the release date! https://x.com/Chaosium_Inc/status/1798117576234377589
  2. Horacio

    One D&D forum disappeared?

    Hi! It seems that the OneD&D forum had been emptied, at least for me, it shows 0 threads... is it a glitch? Or something bad happened?
  3. Horacio

    [Chaosium] - New edition of Basic Roleplaying avec ORC licence

    Chaosium had just announced a new edition of Basic Roleplaying coming in April on PDF.
  4. Horacio

    Gizmodo: Dungeons & Dragons Has Burned Up All the Goodwill

    I rather agree with most of the article, specially that all the missteps, half truths and strong-arm tactics from WotC had eroded the trust and the goodwill...
  5. Horacio

    Hasbro had big problems: layoffs, bad results

    Just seen it at CNBC. It can explain why some bad decisions are taken: fear, pressure... https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/26/hasbro-stock-tanks-as-company-cuts-jobs-warns-of-weak-fourth-quarter.html
  6. Horacio

    D&D 5E Humorous disclaimer in D&D Basic

    Today is a great day, a new edition of D&D, and one I know I'm going to love (like my beloved 3.x)... So I was reading Basic PDF from (vitual) cover to (virtual) cover, and in the credits page I stumbled upon one of the best disclaimers I've ever seen in a RPG book: As I guessed some people...
  7. Horacio

    Community Supporter Badges ?

    When EN World 2 was in test, we had nice Community Supporters badges like this one: Are we going to have them in ENW2 too? It would be great :) Anyways, thanks again for the hard work !
  8. Horacio

    D&D 4E Reported post: Let me sum up 4e anger for you.(3710460)

    Original post: in Thread Let me sum up 4e anger for you. Reason: Going VERY political, using Iraq, Vietnam and 3rd Reich analogies. And in his answer after that, he is rather confrontational... Assigned Moderators: (mods who got the Email) April O'Neil, Creideiki, d6, Darkness, Dinkeldog...
  9. Horacio


    Yesterday I was at my FLGS and I saw Warmachine (miniature game set in Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms) rulesbook and some minis. The minis look superb, and the rules looked nice. I've been in their site web, I've downloaded the quick start rules, and they seem fast and fun. But before spending...
  10. Horacio

    [HIVEMIND]A good therapy against loneliness

    The title says it all, Hivemind is one of the best threapies when you feel alone. Hivemind, a good hot chocolate, a warm blanket and some not too sad slow music...
  11. Horacio

    [3.5] what if...

    . . . we wait till it's out?
  12. Horacio

    Problem with attachments

    Maximum size for attachmentss seems to be 250 bytes now, rather too low for posting photos in the photo thread or posting morphings in my morph thread :(
  13. Horacio

    Horacio's morphs

    Well, all this began when I did a morphing for Dragongirl, she posted it in this thread and people liked it. Later I posted another morph, this time of me, and then people began to ask me for morphs. So I opened this thread. I cannot promise doing a morph for everybody asking, I'll do them in...
  14. Horacio

    [Hivemind]A new thread in a forum in the underDarkness,,,

    Well, here we go, again... Horacio "I want my smile back!" Gonzalez
  15. Horacio

    Board Problem for Europeans?

    This is not the real Horacio posting, I was asked to post this for him, and to test if I could use his accout not being from Europe. "Since this European morning, I cannot post in EN World. 9 out of 10 post attempt from me failed, and judging by low activity, I'm not the only one. Anybody...
  16. Horacio

    [RUMORS]Buffy new season... When?

    Well, here in France it will be in Fall 2003... but thanks to internet, I can watch the episodes two or three days latter than you the Americans. So my question is, is there already a date for the firts episode of Season 7th?
  17. Horacio

    Gaming stores in Belgium or west Germany?

    Next Thuersday I will go to Cologne (Germany) for ten days, and I will visiting Belgium (mainly Bruxelles, Bruges and Gant), and I want a good game store to buy the post-Gen Con stuff. Do you know a good game store in Belgium or Cologne? Preferibly if they speak English, French and/or Spanish...
  18. Horacio

    Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th

    Well, welcome everybody. Last Saturday, I began to run a new campaign using the new Natural 20 superhero toolkit, Four Color to Fantasy (FCTF). In fact, I must begin thanking Morrus, who kindly sent me a pre-release version to prepare the first session, because the release date was delayed...
  19. Horacio

    Other World Creations website has expired!!!

    Apparently their domain has expired... half a year ago, and they haven't renewed it. At least, if you go to their website http://www.otherwolds.cx or try to write them an e-mail, you receive that answer... Does anybody knows anything? BTW, they are the publishers of the new Forbidden...
  20. Horacio

    Let's say I want to begin with Scarred Lands... What do I need?

    I've asked it in the d20 System forums, but since I need a fast answer (a friend of mine is going to UK, and that means he can buy RPG stuff for me there), I ask it here again... Last week I bought Hollowfaust. I hadn't bought anything for Scarred Lands befoire, I bought Hollowfaust because a...