• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Olaf the Stout

    How Many RPG Books Do You Own?

    So I've just spent the last few days cataloging in an Excel spreadsheet all of the hard copy RPG books I own. It was quite an interesting exercise. I was a little surprised to find that I have 253 RPG books in my collection across about a dozen different systems. If each book cost me an average...
  2. Olaf the Stout

    Memorable Gaming Sessions or Gaming Moments

    Last night in my D&D game we had one of the most fun and memorable sessions in recent memory. We’ve just started the Tomb of Annihilation campaign and are 2nd level, having only played a few sessions of the new campaign. We started the session in the middle of defending Chult villagers from...
  3. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 1E What makes a D&D game have a 1E feel?

    So Frog God Games market their products as having a 1E feel. What to you makes a product have a 1E feel? Is it the increased lethality? Is it a DM vs PC mentality? Is it forcing the players to think carefully about every action and situation, rather than relying on the abilities of their PCs to...
  4. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E Getting backstory and other info in published adventures to your players

    One thing I’ve noticed in many published adventures is that there is a whole heap of cool backstory, history, information, and sometimes even plot points that the DM gets to read about, that the players have no real way of finding out. For example, in our current 5E Princes of the Apocalypse...
  5. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E What PC classes to take to round out this party?

    Last session my PC and another PC were turned to stone. Our final fate remains unresolved, but it is likely that both PCs are dead for all intents and purposes. So that means that we may need to create new PCs. I was previously playing a Dark Elf Swashbuckler Rogue, while the other guy was...
  6. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E First 5E PC Deaths

    Well it looks like my 5E campaign had it's first PC deaths last night. We're playing Princes of the Apocalypse and are (were) 7th level. In the interests of trying to remain spoiler-free, I won't say how we died, other than saying that my Drow Rogue and another player's Wood Elf Ranger met a...
  7. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E What rules from previous editions do you keep forgetting aren't in 5E?

    Last night was my group's 22nd session of 5E, having previously played 3.5E fortnightly since 2006 (and many in the group having played 1E, 2E and 3E prior to that). It wasn't until last night that we realised that rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw isn't an automatic failure and rolling a...
  8. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E What will 5E D&D be remembered for?

    I’m not sure what 1E D&D is known for (it was before my time, so someone else can fill in the blank for me), but I do know that 2E D&D is known for the settings and worlds it introduced. 3E D&D is probably best known for its adventures and also its character options (feats, classes, prestige...
  9. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 4E Any notable 4E adventures worth converting to 5E?

    3.xE had a number of notable adventures/adventure paths. Some that come to mind include: Red Hand of Doom Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Sunless Citadel Shackled City AP Age of Worms AP Savage Tide AP Rappan Athuk Crucible of Freya Of Sound Mind Castle Whiterock I didn’t play 4E, so...
  10. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E Does higher ground grant advantage?

    I swear when I read the Basic Rules from the Starter Set that it stated that higher ground granted advantage in combat. I've just had a read through it again now and I cannot find any mention of it. Did I just make it up, or am I remembering it from somewhere else like the PHB maybe? I have a...
  11. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E Converting 3.xE adventures to 5E

    My group has been playing 5E for about 2 months now after about 10 years of playing 3.5E. Although I’m a player at the moment, I’m generally the primary DM of the group. I don’t really plan on going back to 3.5E (the cracks in the system have started to show), but I still have an absolute...
  12. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 4E WotC 4E Neverwinter Campaign Setting on sale for $10 – Useful for 5E?

    WotC 4E Neverwinter Campaign Setting on sale for $10 – Useful for 5E? The WotC 4E Neverwinter Campaign Setting is available for $10 USD (normally $20 USD) as the Deal of the Day on DTRPG. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/163174/Neverwinter-Campaign-Setting-4e?manufacturers_id=44 How useful...
  13. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E What can my character lie about?

    My 5E character has the flaw that he will lie about things, even when he doesn't need to. I have some ideas for things that I will lie about (including a few things that I plan to tell a different lie about every time I talk about them a la the Joker in the Dark Knight and how he got his...
  14. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E How are Drow viewed in the 5E Forgotten Realms?

    My gaming group have just started a 5E campaign (we were playing 3.5E previously) and are playing through a bit of LMoP before moving on to PotA. For our first session our group decided to use pre-gens from the WotC website, just so we could jump straight into playing. We’ve now played 2...
  15. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E Prince of the Apocalypse - Order in which elements are encountered

    My group is about to start playing throught the Princes of the Apocalyse adventure. I'm normally the DM of my group but another player has graciously agreed to have a go at running the game so that I can get a chance to play. Given that I'm a player, I'd like to ask that everyone PLEASE KEEP...
  16. Olaf the Stout

    D&D Forums - Is EN World now the biggest?

    I'm guessing when the WotC forums were in operation they were the biggest D&D forums on the internet. Now that they have gone bye-bye, does this mean that EN World is the biggest D&D forum around? I'm guessing that RPG.net is a bigger roleplaying forum, but their D&D forum is likely smaller...
  17. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 5E First 5E Session - Some Inevitable Rules Questions

    Last night my group played its first ever 5E session. My group have all played D&D for 5+ years (and some for over 20+ years!) and we just finished a 2 year 3.5E campaign and decided now was a good time to give 5E a try. None of us are new to D&D, but we are all new to 5E. We’re playing LMoP...
  18. Olaf the Stout

    D&D 3E/3.5 First encounter with a 3.5E Beholder as a player

    Last night I had my first encounter with a 3.5E Beholder as a player. As a DM I’ve run about 3 Beholder encounters, so I knew roughly what they were capable of (the last time was about 5 years ago, so the memory is a little hazy), so I brought out the big guys early. In the end I was pretty...
  19. Olaf the Stout

    What types of players do you have in your group?

    What types of players do you have in your group? How would you describe them in one line? For example, in my group I have the following players: The "I suck at rolling dice" player - Despite the law of normal distribution telling us that you'll average about 10.5 per roll on a d20, this guy...
  20. Olaf the Stout

    Has your character ever surprised you?

    Have you ever been playing a character when a situation has come up and you've done something that's made sense in-character, but yet completely surprised you as a player? I'll give you an example of how my current PC has done this a couple of times in the last few sessions. My character is...