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Memorable Gaming Sessions or Gaming Moments

Last night in my D&D game we had one of the most fun and memorable sessions in recent memory. We’ve just started the Tomb of Annihilation campaign and are 2nd level, having only played a few sessions of the new campaign.

We started the session in the middle of defending Chult villagers from zombie attacks while they were trying to repair a hole in the wall built around Chult. We’d overcome the first wave of zombies and the second wave approached.

I’m playing a Wild Mage Sorcerer and I had a Wild Surge go off after I cast Mage Armour in the opening round of combat. For those of you unfamiliar with Wild Mage Sorcerers, basically every time Wild Mage Sorcerers cast a spell there is a chance a Wild Magic Surge occurs, requiring the Wild Mage Sorcerer to roll on the Wild Surge table to see what random effect occurs.

For my Wild Surge I rolled a 02, which is “Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls.” Basically I got the Wild Mage equivalent of getting a multi-ball in a game of pinball, with hilarity ensuing!

The next turn my Sorcerer the Wild Surge forced to shout whenever speaking for the next minute. This was followed up the next turn by teleporting up to 60ft away to an unoccupied space of my choice I could see (which worked out perfectly as I was stuck next to 3 zombies and isolated from the rest of the party). I then poisoned a random creature (a zombie, who are immune to poison), made everyone with 30ft vulnerable to piercing weapons (fine by us as the zombies only had bludgeoning weapons) and then drained 3 hit points from everyone near me (allies and enemies alike).

The highlight of the combat was then randomly summoning a unicorn into the middle of the jungle under the DM’s control. The unicorn proceeded to gore 2 zombies to (un)death, before healing up the party and then disappearing.

After 6 rounds we’d taken out all the zombies, but I still had 4 Wild Surges left, where I tried to poison someone again (but was not close enough to anyone), gained the ability to Levitate, gained the ability to be reincarnated if I was killed in the next minute and then had all my hair fall out!

It was a hilarious combat. We laughed about the villagers trying to recount what happened to their friends and family and not being believed. “Ok, you had me going, until you said a unicorn showed up and started attacking the zombies. How dumb do you think I am?” :D

The session was topped off when we went back into the city of Chult and inadvertently got caught up in a dinosaur race that was being run through the city streets. One of the dinosaurs was deliberately tripped right near where we were walking, throwing it’s rider in the process.

At that point, given the situation, my Wild Mage Sorcerer did the only sensible thing possible and tried to climb aboard the now rider-less dinosaur. A couple of improbable Athletics and Handle Animal checks later and I was now competing in the dinosaur race myself!

A series of decent saves, a Guidance spell and Inspiration usage and some good Handle Animal checks had me leading the race, headed into the arena and the finish line. At this point disaster struck, with a failed roll causing my dinosaur to baulk at the final hurdle.

Fortunately, my DM also had a series of terrible rolls, causing all my competitors dinosaurs to also refuse to jump over the final obstacle. With the help of the rest of my party (3 other players giving me their Inspiration points to use), I was able to limp over the finish line to win a dinosaur race I hadn’t even entered!

Overall it was a great session with some very cinematic moments. I can only hope the campaign has more moments like this to come.

So tell me about a memorable gaming session or gaming moment you’ve had recently.

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First Post
These things are generally, like, "... you had to be there."

Personally, as a player, the ones that spring to mind are best kept as single one-liners:
1. Party Bard sacrificing self to bad-guy's hundreds of mooks, so the rest of us could run away from certain death.
2. Party Monk getting Feebleminded for most of a session, leading to lots of great "Douggie" jokes ala Twin Peaks season 3, as we led him around.
3. My various attempts to play a Paladin against type and annoying our overly-controlling DM, e.g. being gay and encountering old-school monsters that only targeted men; slaughtering kobold babies because they were evil.


Magic Wordsmith
In a noir caper a couple years ago, the party had been playing cat-and-mouse with a nefarious villain in Sharn, the once great hero-inquisitive Dick Barrage. After his rejection by House Medani, he turned on the scions of that dragonmarked line and had managed to assassinate Baron Trelib, the house patriarch, in a lightning rail disaster. The PCs tracked him to the orphanage where he grew up, a ruined church, and faced him in the bell tower. A harrowing battle ensued with Dick Barrage taking out one opponent after another with his skillful sword cane. Desperate to defeat him before the last adventurer died, the fighter gave him the bum's rush into the bell which overhung a steep drop to the ground below.

The last thing Dick Barrage heard before he fell to his death: "DONG!"

(Yeah, that's right. We're totally immature.)

In a noir caper a couple years ago, the party had been playing cat-and-mouse with a nefarious villain in Sharn, the once great hero-inquisitive Dick Barrage. After his rejection by House Medani, he turned on the scions of that dragonmarked line and had managed to assassinate Baron Trelib, the house patriarch, in a lightning rail disaster. The PCs tracked him to the orphanage where he grew up, a ruined church, and faced him in the bell tower. A harrowing battle ensued with Dick Barrage taking out one opponent after another with his skillful sword cane. Desperate to defeat him before the last adventurer died, the fighter gave him the bum's rush into the bell which overhung a steep drop to the ground below.

The last thing Dick Barrage heard before he fell to his death: "DONG!"

(Yeah, that's right. We're totally immature.)

The battle sounds pretty epic, but I did wonder about the NPC's name before I got to the punchline.

These things are generally, like, "... you had to be there."

To a certain extent yes. Some stuff just sounds awesome though. Just the idea of a dinosaur race through city streets sounds crazy.

Similar epic encounters from our last campaign (PotA) include:

- fighting a bad guy who had a shark tooth sword and rode into battle on a shark (no frikkin' laser beams though!)
- fighting bad guys who rode bulettes (land sharks!)
- destroying a weapon by throwing into pretty much the heart of a sun
- making an escape from a complex as earthquakes tore up the battlefield

I feel like the WotC 5E adventures have really nailed some of their set piece encounters in terms of being memorable and having high "coolness" factor.

I played a barbarian a long time ago, in a campaign that eventually lead to a massive battle with an undead dragon. The beast had us on the ropes. The wizard was all out of spells, and one attack would surely kill him. The rest of the party was so battered and bloodied that the dragon would surely kill them too on its next turn. By barbarian realized that the fight was hopeless. And so he threw off his armor, and charged at the dragon... naked. He believed there was no shame in dying to defend one's friends, and he didn't need armor for one last suicidal charge.

The barbarian took one swipe at the dragon... and it was dead.

I played a barbarian a long time ago, in a campaign that eventually lead to a massive battle with an undead dragon. The beast had us on the ropes. The wizard was all out of spells, and one attack would surely kill him. The rest of the party was so battered and bloodied that the dragon would surely kill them too on its next turn. By barbarian realized that the fight was hopeless. And so he threw off his armor, and charged at the dragon... naked. He believed there was no shame in dying to defend one's friends, and he didn't need armor for one last suicidal charge.

The barbarian took one swipe at the dragon... and it was dead.
How awkward was it after? I’m picturing a conversation like this:

Wizard: Thanks for saving us Barbarian, I thought we were all goners.
Barbarian: It was nothing. Just defending my friends with honour, like any Barbarian would.
Wizard (pointing): Speaking of honour, do you think you might want sheath your sword.
Barbarian (hastily putting his hands in front of himself): Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I just got caught up in the moment.
Wizard (whispering to himself): And they say I’m the weird one in the party!

Awkwardness ensues! :D

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