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D&D General Would you buy an AI-generated Castle Greyhawk "by" Gary Gygax?" Should you?

The generative AI we have today is really bad at generating long-form content. You might be able to cook up a chatbot trained on the combined writings of Gary Gygax that presents a fairly convincing facsimile of what a chat with him would be like, but trying to get AI to generate a complete adventure or setting book will just get you garbage. Maybe garbage cloaked in gygaxian prose.

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CR 1/8
Maybe garbage cloaked in gygaxian prose.

Please write some garbage cloaked in gygaxian prose.


In the eldritch corridors of the stygian abyss, where the malevolent shadows dance a macabre ballet with the ethereal mist, there lies a realm ensconced in the eldritch tapestry of arcane whimsy. Behold the phantasmagoric visage of Zalthor the Unpronounceable, a denizen of the abyssal netherworld, whose form shimmers betwixt dimensions like a kaleidoscopic nightmare.

Within the spectral catacombs, where the echoes of forbidden incantations reverberate through the aether, one may chance upon the labyrinthine machinations of the enigmatic Orb of Sibilant Discord. Its facets, like the fractured dreams of somnambulant sorcerers, refract the fractured reality into a prism of inconceivable madness.

In the cryptic language of the elder scrolls, penned by eldritch scribes with quills forged from the feathers of cosmic harpies, the sagas of the inchoate void are chronicled. Here, amidst the ink-black runes that pulsate with the essence of eldritch entropy, the gibbering horrors of a thousand aeons are inscribed in a maddening lexicon known only to those whose sanity hangs by the thinnest thread.

And lo, within the sanctum of the accursed citadel, where the unspeakable rituals are conducted beneath the gibbous moon, the denizens of the astral plane converge in a grotesque symphony of eldritch cacophony. The arcane energies weave a tapestry of bewilderment, ensnaring the unwary in a labyrinthine dance of entropy, where reality itself is but a fleeting illusion in the grand tapestry of cosmic absurdity.


I find the arguments about the quality of AI work being the reason for not buying it unconvincing. If folks are buying it, then obviously the quality was good enough for their purposes, and who am I to say they are wrong? To me, this is the same argument that has long been made about automated or mass-produced work, and the fact that everyone in this forum is participating via their largely robot-produced machines tells me that none of us actually has significant reservations about the potential quality of such products. With apologies to those who are posting via their entirely bespoke computers and chips.

So the qualitative argument is a red herring, IMO. Either the quality is sufficient, or it isn't, and as I posted earlier, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.

So then there are ethical concerns. I find these more compelling, but they vary.

There is an argument that generative AI costs jobs. This is true. Automation costing people jobs is not new, though, so really this comes down to our fears that a new kind of job is at risk. These robots aren't coming for the assembly line jobs (which had already come for the cottage industry jobs), now they are coming for the office jobs, and the art studio jobs.

In the past, automation has led to greater productivity and employment in the long run, but not without massive displacement and hardship, sometimes to entire regions. So this is a real problem. And it is already happening. If history is any guide, we can't stop it, because it turns out that people want the stuff automation gives us (see above). So instead of complaining about it, we should be actively engaged in doing better this time and preparing for it. We probably won't, because complaining is a lot easier and cheaper (in the short term) than changing our taxation and government policies on a wide scale, so likely we'll once again wait for the consequences to unfold, often tragically, and then belatedly react. People will suffer.

There are arguments about the ownership of ideas, and how AI might challenge our existing notions and laws. Some of these get into areas that are difficult to assess because we don't fully understand how either humans or generative AIs produce what they produce. I find the argument that generative AI doesn't create but only replicates unconvincing, because I have used it, and while it builds on what has already been made, it definitely creates new things that haven't existed in that particular arrangement before (see our lengthy thread on Dall-E art). But...that's kind of what humans do, too.

I think we are in the middle of a technological revolution, and we are reacting with fear, which makes sense because the consequences are unknown but will likely be bad for some of us (possibly including me; I'm a teacher). I also think we are romanticizing the familiar, which is what humans always do when the status quo is threatened. In looking at the big picture, I think we will continue to progress. But people are going to be hurt, and we should focus on helping prevent as much of that as possible.
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Reeks of Jedi
Please write some garbage cloaked in gygaxian prose.


In the eldritch corridors of the stygian abyss, where the malevolent shadows dance a macabre ballet with the ethereal mist, there lies a realm ensconced in the eldritch tapestry of arcane whimsy. Behold the phantasmagoric visage of Zalthor the Unpronounceable, a denizen of the abyssal netherworld, whose form shimmers betwixt dimensions like a kaleidoscopic nightmare.

Within the spectral catacombs, where the echoes of forbidden incantations reverberate through the aether, one may chance upon the labyrinthine machinations of the enigmatic Orb of Sibilant Discord. Its facets, like the fractured dreams of somnambulant sorcerers, refract the fractured reality into a prism of inconceivable madness.

In the cryptic language of the elder scrolls, penned by eldritch scribes with quills forged from the feathers of cosmic harpies, the sagas of the inchoate void are chronicled. Here, amidst the ink-black runes that pulsate with the essence of eldritch entropy, the gibbering horrors of a thousand aeons are inscribed in a maddening lexicon known only to those whose sanity hangs by the thinnest thread.

And lo, within the sanctum of the accursed citadel, where the unspeakable rituals are conducted beneath the gibbous moon, the denizens of the astral plane converge in a grotesque symphony of eldritch cacophony. The arcane energies weave a tapestry of bewilderment, ensnaring the unwary in a labyrinthine dance of entropy, where reality itself is but a fleeting illusion in the grand tapestry of cosmic absurdity.
Sold! When’s the kickstarter?

Let’s feed in Cyborg Commando and see what we get,

Nbc Idk GIF by Good Girls


Reeks of Jedi
Please write some garbage cloaked in gygaxian prose.


In the eldritch corridors of the stygian abyss, where the malevolent shadows dance a macabre ballet with the ethereal mist, there lies a realm ensconced in the eldritch tapestry of arcane whimsy. Behold the phantasmagoric visage of Zalthor the Unpronounceable, a denizen of the abyssal netherworld, whose form shimmers betwixt dimensions like a kaleidoscopic nightmare.

Within the spectral catacombs, where the echoes of forbidden incantations reverberate through the aether, one may chance upon the labyrinthine machinations of the enigmatic Orb of Sibilant Discord. Its facets, like the fractured dreams of somnambulant sorcerers, refract the fractured reality into a prism of inconceivable madness.

In the cryptic language of the elder scrolls, penned by eldritch scribes with quills forged from the feathers of cosmic harpies, the sagas of the inchoate void are chronicled. Here, amidst the ink-black runes that pulsate with the essence of eldritch entropy, the gibbering horrors of a thousand aeons are inscribed in a maddening lexicon known only to those whose sanity hangs by the thinnest thread.

And lo, within the sanctum of the accursed citadel, where the unspeakable rituals are conducted beneath the gibbous moon, the denizens of the astral plane converge in a grotesque symphony of eldritch cacophony. The arcane energies weave a tapestry of bewilderment, ensnaring the unwary in a labyrinthine dance of entropy, where reality itself is but a fleeting illusion in the grand tapestry of cosmic absurdity.

I just tried this and I love it

In the midst of the etheric maelstrom, where the quintessence of cosmic chaos intertwines with the ephemeral tendrils of eldritch energies, there lies a plane betwixt the astral realms, concealed within the shadowed veils of the interdimensional lattice. In this arcane confluence, arcane whispers dance upon the astral zephyrs, weaving a tapestry of enigmatic nonsense that baffles even the most sagacious minds.

Behold, the crystalline spires of nonsense, rising like whimsical stalagmites from the ethereal flux, adorned with the iridescence of incoherence. The luminescent echoes of absurdity resonate through the aeons, resonating with the cacophony of a thousand gibbering demigods, each utterance a perplexing riddle wrapped in the enigma of cosmic befuddlement.

Within the kaleidoscopic nexus of linguistic lunacy, the very fabric of reality unravels into a surreal quilt of gibberish, where polymorphic platitudes pirouette in a dance of semantic entropy. Words, unshackled from the fetters of reason, frolic in a madcap masquerade, pirouetting through the linguistic labyrinth with the grace of a drunken marionette.

I'm A Banana

Nah. Part of what I like about buying a work is supporting the human being that created that work. I'm not just a consumer of content, I'm a part of a network of people.

Gary isn't around anymore, so there's no human creator there. I'm not interested in something aping his writing style, though I might pay for a product by a human who was inspired by Gygax's style.

The efforts of AI are interesting, and potentially even useful and fun, but an AI with the purpose of mimicking a particular human's creation is just surfing on that person's work, and I don't need new creations pretending to be dead people but made by a machine. I'd rather have a new creation from a new human being. Because I like people. Machines I'm more agnostic on.


Currently, wholly unedited AI generated written works tends towards garbage. However, give the project to a Castle Greyhawk aficionado like Grodog to oversee along with professional editors, include a properly trained AI and query engineering, and an AI assisted CG could be just fine, if not great.

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