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Upward from Land's End


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 1
Cormorant had not really thought much on the previous incident since its occurrence; but having a chance to redeem his own sense of dignity, he pushed for confrontation. Having briefly discussed matters with Antapkos to fill in what was missed when unconscious, he has become aware that he, too, can move air. He walk deliberately toward the girl, wielding the carving knife.
OOC: 82, 54

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Antapkos yells... intends to leave the girls for Cormorant and go after the two Shimadow.... empty handed... move air...
Cormorant... move air.... girl... carving knife.
The girl says something to the other Ansylin that cannot be heard, then draws a new carving knife from its sheath at the small of her back. "I have another knife. After I stick this one in you, I will take my old one and stick it in you as well."

Confident and cruel, the girl is true to her previously displayed nature. It occurs to Antapkos and Cormorant that someone is backing this girl, or she has found a way to steal from the Pavilion without getting caught. She stands and waits on Cormorant. The Ansylin boy moves as if he is attempting to flank and circle around behind.

The two Shimadow boys look at one another. They are more hesitant than the girl. One of them appears as if he will throw a crude fishing spear at Antapkos. The other is readying to fight with his skiff pole, as before.
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. The previous random rolls have not yet been used.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 1
Cormorant continues to walk at the girl;but as he gets parallel to the boy, he will turn and charge him. Ignoring the knife in his hand, he will kick the boy and move air to push him away.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player2
Antapkos runs toward the opponent who looks as if he will launch a javelin. He runs in a zig-zag pattern to make himself a harder target. He will strike that one first, with fists and mystically pushing, as well.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cormorant... boy... charge him... kick... push him away.
Antapkos... opponent... strike... fists and mystically pushing, as well.
Cormorant: 16(readiness) + 12(speed) + 15(clarity) + 82(d100) = 125
Antapkos: 15 + 19 + 15 + 51 = 100
Others: 21 + 67 = 88
Time of motion, being equal, will be ignored since parties must close to melee.
Cormorant: 100(bending) - 125(reaction) = ~0
Antapkos: 100(bending) - 100 = 0
Girl: out of position
Aboy: 200(pole) - 88 = 112
Sboy1: no motion... first
Sboy2: out of position
Antapkos is a Shimadow word for a type of heron. With both young men being called after types of birds and their closeness as friends, others took to calling them the Bird Brothers. Having decided not to move, the Shimadow boy launches his crude javelin at Antapkos before anything else happens. Cormorant and Antapkos react next, at about the same instant. The Ansylin boy acts third, but the girl and the other Shimadow boy remain out of position.
Cormorant: 18(aggression) + 12(accuracy) + 16(fury) + 54(d00) = 100
Antapkos: 13(finesse) + 19(accuracy) + 15(clarity) + 52(d100) = 99
Others: 21 + 63 = 84

Antapkos: 19(avoidance) + 15(analysis) + 52(d100) = 86, dodged
Aboy: damage: 100 - 84 = 16% * 2 = ~1. Mind: 6 - 1 = 5, irritated
Sboy: damage: 99 - 84 = 15% * 2 = ~1. Mind: 6 - 1 = 5, irritated
Cormorant: 13(bending) + 16(push) + 82(d100) = 111
Antapkos: 21 + 14 + 51 = 86

Aboy: 14 + 67 = 81
damage: 111 - 81 = 30% * 2 = ~1. Mind: 5 - 1 = 4, dazed, 3 strides
Sboy: 86 - 81 = 05% * 2 = ~1. Mind: 5 - 1 = 4, dazed, prone
The fishing javelin narrowly misses Antapkos. Cormorant kicks the Ansylin boy in the chest, with the combination of the mystical assaults, sending him backward 3 strides. Antapkos strikes effectively but does not add much by moving air, merely knocking down his opponent. The girl, with her knife in hand, and the other Shimadow boy, with his skiff pole, both close to melee.

The girl yells, "I am going to gut you like a fish, mud cake!"
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.
Last edited:


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 1
Cormorant ignores the comment and his first opponent, who he has pushed away. He turns and quickly closes with the girl. He thinks to himself of the waste of such a pretty face on such a foul female, but he has no qualms about slicing her with the knife.
OOC: 99+22, 83


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 2
Antapkos hopes that knocking down his first opponent will slow him enough that he will not be able to flank, as he dances away and bores down on the second boy, intending to use the same tactic.
OOC: 100+9, 86


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cormorant... closes with the girl... slicing her with the knife.
Antapkos... bores down on the second boy, intending to use the same tactic.
Cormorant: 200(move)
Antapkos: 100(move)
Girl: 100(bending)
Aboy: 600(move)
Sboy1: 300(move)
Sboy2: 100(move
The second Shimadow boy moves toward Antapkos, shortening the time for both to reach each other. The mouthy girl waits at ready by the fire.
Cormorant: 18(aggression) + 12(accuracy) + 16(fury) + 121(d00) = 167
Antapkos: 13(finesse) + 19(accuracy) + 15(clarity) + 109(d100) = 156
Others: 21 + 115 = 136

Antapkos: 15(defend) + 19(avoidance) + 15(analysis) + 109(d100) = 158, dodged
Cormorant: 16 + 12 + 15 + 121 = 164, dodged
Girl: damage: 167 - 136 = 31% * 5 = 2, Body: 6 - 2 = 4
Sboy1: damage: 156 - 136 = 20% * 2 = ~1. Mind: 5 - 1 = 4, dazed, prone
Sboy2: Mind: 6 - 1 = 5, irritated, prone
Cormorant: 13(bending) + 16(heat) + 83(d100) = 112
Antapkos: 21 + 14(push) + 86 = 121
Girl: 8(bend) + 8(heat) + 84 = 100

Aboy: Mind: 5 - 1 = 4 + 1 = 5, irritated
Sboy1: 14 + 84 = 98. damage 121 - 98 = 23% * 6 = 1. Mind: 4 - 1 = 3, dazed, 2 strides
Sboy2: Mind: 5 - 1 = 4, dazed, 2 strides
Girl: 6(conditioning) + 8(fury) + 84(d100) = 98
damage: 112 - 98 = 14% * 2 = ~1. Body: 4 - 1 = 3, injured
The second Shimadow boy swings his skiff pole overhead, but Antapkos dodges to his left, stepping in and punching the boy in the torso with both fists and a pulse of air, sending him backward 2 strides. He then turns at the ready when the first Shimadow boy reaches him, unable to make an effective flank. Empty handed, the first one fails to connect with his thrown punch, but Antapkos ripostes with a palm shove and another pulse of air, sending this one back 2 strides.

The girl flicks her knife with a quick backhand, but Cormorant is able to avoid the blow, deflecting with his empty left hand. The instant he touches her, he feels an unnatural warmth, but reflexively resists any damage. Instinctively at that same instant, he realizes that he, too, can bend thermal waylines. When he flicks his own knife, slicing into the front of her left shoulder, he reverses the flux of the heat, causing the girl further harm. She is significantly injured.

The Ansylin boy is still in the process of closing the distance after regaining his feet. He is grabbing his skiff pole which is stuck, standing in the sand.
2 clams: currency

Marsh Hen Feathers: 2 sets: ??
Marsh Hen Feet: 2 pair: ??
Marsh Hen Skulls: 2: ??
Marsh Rat Feet: 2 pars: ??
Marsh Rat Skulls: 2: ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Combat continues. State intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.
Last edited:


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 1
Seeing the possibility of being flanked, Cormorant intends to move around the girl, as well as trying to cut her and heat her again. He hopes to put the girl in between him and the Ansylin boy.
OOC: 10, 25


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Posting for Player 2
Pleased with the effectiveness of his strategy, Antapkos leaps toward his first opponent hoping that he can kick him and push more air before the boy completely stands.
OOC: 19, 75

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