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TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Lieutenant said:
"...The Magisters are pushing out the merchants to be able to control all the money. Southroad Fair is becoming a profitable depot. They want the money."

Tor questions the Lieutenant, "Are you saying that Asylim does not intend to annex Southroad Fair? i.e., do you mean that they simply want to position themselves as Southroad's only trading partners, by force if need-be, preventing other Ansylin merchants from trading with us? That would be highly irrational. And if this is the case, why are they so bent upon the arrest of The Seekers?"

At this point Merin enters, and wears a look of surprise to find The Seekers at the same table as The Captain and his Lieutenant. Undaunted, Merin takes a seat next to Tor.

Merin smiles, "I guess I'm late to the party. Tell me, what's the good word? Tor?"

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Gamer Extraordinaire
. . . why are they so bent upon the arrest of The Seekers?"

Sannit nods at Tor, "Good question. What is the charge against us, or is the displeasure of Saucy Drip enough to condemn us to slavery or death?" He acts nonchalant but his use of words such as 'us' and the mispronunciation of Sausedeserp's name is intentional.

Bolo watches the men converse without interrupting. She knows Sannit is trying to invoke a reaction and she watches the guards to determine how this conversation affects them to determine which would be more likely to follow through on their orders.
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Vadin leans in slightly, as Tor and Sannit ask their questions. He too is wondering on what flawed charges they were to be arrested. He then asks, "and who brings these charges against us up?"

Sylvar B.

Saemund listens intently...Then attempts to get Tor's attention using Way and give him the impression that Saemund needs to speak with him.

If that doesn't work Saemund will simply interject and say,"Excuse me gentlemen, Tor if I could speak with you privately for a moment."

When he can get Tor away, Saemund will say, "We cannot allow this treachery to evolve lest we all become slaves to the Magisters. I did not leave the confines of the Caravan to become a slave. I will be free, and the people of Southroad will be free also. If it becomes necessary for us to take down the Magisters it will be in a round about manner. Perhaps we should attempt to make allies out of these men and form a guerilla army and harass the Magisters."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Boar's Head, part 5

Tor questions the Lieutenant, "Are you saying that Asylim does not intend to annex Southroad Fair? i.e., do you mean that they simply want to position themselves as Southroad's only trading partners, by force if need-be, preventing other Ansylin merchants from trading with us? That would be highly irrational. And if this is the case, why are they so bent upon the arrest of The Seekers/"
GM: The lieutenant looks at Tor as if he were speaking an unknown language.

Sheldon rolls his eyes,
"How in the world did you come up with that scenario after what the lieutenant said? Annex is such a technical term, but of course that is what he is saying. They do not want partners. They want all the profit from Southroad Fair's export, not just some of it, is what he is saying."

Tellerian Hawke said:
At this point Merin enters, and wears a look of surprise to find The Seekers at the same table as The Captain and his Lieutenant. Undaunted, Merin takes a seat next to Tor.

Merin smiles, "I guess I'm late to the party. Tell me, what's the good word? Tor?"
At that moment Indigo discretely exits the building. With such an involved and informative conversation, she is going to circle the building to make sure there are no eavesdroppers.

Sheldon laughs at Merin's words.
"Have a seat. Too much has transpired. We will have to fill you in later."

Kwargrow said:
Sannit nods at Tor, "Good question. What is the charge against us, or is the displeasure of Saucy Drip enough to condemn us to slavery or death?"
GM: The captain nearly spits his drink before setting it down, coughing and laughing at the same time.

"Saucy Drip? Even having never heard that before, I get who you mean. You kids have gall. I will give you that. The charge is officially insurrection.

As Clavo can tell you. The collars were originally only used to designate violent criminals. Those criminals were then remanded to laborious periods of servitude. Mostly teamster or boatswain duties. If the criminal was caught without that collar, the penalty was death, but I have never before heard of a collar that could kill its wearer.

Many people are being charged with insurrection of late. Too many people, but until being forced to actually speak with you all, I did not draw such a nefarious conclusion. As Mark, here, has surmised, many of those recently arrested seem to be prominent publicans

redraider629 said:
Vadin leans in slightly, as Tor and Sannit ask their questions. He too is wondering on what flawed charges they were to be arrested. He then asks, "and who brings these charges against us up?"
The captain replies,
"I do not know, but I can deduce that it must be, Saucy Drip."

He snorts at his own offront against that Magister.
"A charge is levied before the Magistry. A majority vote then determines if the charge is upheld or overruled. What this means for the Southroad Seekers is that there is no recourse with the Magistry."

Sylvar B. said:
Saemund listens intently...Then attempts to get Tor's attention using Way...
GM: As with all the Seekers having failed to project thoughts before, an idea suddenly occurs to Saemund. Using the ability to manipulate mechanical Way, he causes e very quiet ping next to Tor's ear. When Tor turns his head at the unexpected sound, he moves toward Saemund's beckon to hear what he has to say. Bolo seems to be the only other person to notice the sound.
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Sylvar B.

"Great!! If we are already criminals, then we have nothing to lose, except maybe our heads"...Saemund gives Tor a toothy grin.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Boar's Head, part 6

Tor tells Saemund, "Did you hear that? If we go to Asylim, we'll need to be in disguise. We are officially criminals in the eyes of the law."
Clavo shakes his head.
"It is more complicated than that."

He shows the brand on his left forearm. The captain and lieutenant both show theirs, as well.
"We all have the same brand, but it is different for each class of citizen. The brand determines freedom of movement, not only to enter the city but also to move between districts. I would recommend you find a way to enter that does not involve the gates. You however," the captain points at Tor, "will stand out like a torch at night."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Returning to the Guildhouse

The Seekers discuss things among themselves as they return to their guildhouse. It is already well past dark, but the night is clear enough to see, even if not well. The main road and main buildings all, now, contain oil lamps. The burning pine fuel provides light to much of the town proper. The guildhouse and property are dark. Turtle comes from his hidden location near the rivulet as the group approaches, looking for Bolo.

Indigo stops suddenly.
"I do not sense, Myth. I feel that something is wrong."

GM: It is too dark to say definitively from the current distance, but it appears as if something or someone is lying in Sheldon's hammock, which is strung between two trees about 4 paces from the guildhouse.

OOC: Sequencing needs to be determined. Everyone roll % and post results on LINE.

Sheldon: 36(impetus) + 57(sequence) + 93(d100) = 186
Tor: 34(impetus) + 48(sequence) + 96(d100) = 178
Merin: 38 + 42 + 96 = 176
Indigo: 34 + 65 + 93 = 192
Sannit: 31 + 57 + 64 = 152
Bolo: 38 + 55 + 64 = 157
Turtle: 0 + 42 + 64 = 106
Saemund: 34 + 49 + 87 = 170
Vadin: 24 + 61 + 76 = 161
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin gets a sense of foreboding, and a knot in his stomach, as it dawns on him that someone may have killed the big cat, and that its corpse might be lying in the hammock.

Voidrunner's Codex

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