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Thread in need of a title.


This may come as a shock to people out there, But I want to play another game. ;) The problem is, I've got too many ideas and can't actually plan/implement them all myself. Therefore, I'm going to make proposals. Anyone who wants to DM or Play in one of these types of games, post here and we'll work out a way to get it started.'

D&D Vampire game - All vampires, but using the D&D or d20 Modern rules instead of the Masquerade.

Strange new World - Low lvl characters who are (for one reason or another) stuck in a 'new world' (Dif. plane, newly discovered continent, etc) with nothing but each other and perhaps some NPCs... This could also work where the PCs are part of a settlement to a new land, and it's just them and the one town, nothing else is known to them.

BUFFY! - Ok, you knew it had to pop up sometime. A d20 Modern game based on the 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' series. The PCs could either play the actual characters, or others in an alt. universe kinda thing.

Pretender - Anyone ever seen that show? Jarod kicks @ss! Anywyas, instead of just the 1 genius, maybe it's a team of genius's who have to work together to help the innocent while running from whatever corporation is after them. (Kinda like a Pretender/A-team cross). Most likely D20 Modern with high-stat point characters.

EVIL - not just vanilla evil either, I'm talking stuff to make the book of vile darkness hang its head in horror.
This one may be a bit severe for most people here, but it's not meant to be a 'serious' campaign (Unless theres several people out there who want it to be). If this one actually gets started I'ld expect graphic violence and gore, etc. Might want to slap a rating on it. (I'ld suggest PG-17)

Mecha - I really like the mecha crusade genre, but the one I got into doesn't seem to be getting off the ground. Anyone else interested in one? Perhaps it wouldn't be even Mostly mechs, but just a futuristic setting where there ARE mechs, but you aren't necesarily the ones with them... yet.

So what's people think? Anyone wanna DM or Play in one (Or all.. hehe) of these?

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most of em I'd like to play in, I'm already running an evil campaign.

But you know, being only 13, I cannot run or play in as evil a caliber game as you are suggesting :D:p
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I don't know if D20 Modern rules would accomodate Vampires, would they?

As an aside, Four Color to Fantasy has specific rules to accomodate vampires, and specifically mentions a campaign around Buffy.


First Post
garyh said:
I'm always up for more Giant Robots. :)

yeah, I'd like that one the best, anyone have rules on those anyway?

I started making some, but then I got better things to do.

HOLY CRAP, it's 2:30 in the morning!



First Post
Corlon said:
yeah, I'd like that one the best, anyone have rules on those anyway?

"Mecha Crusade," from a recent issue of Polyhedron (in Dungeon #95).
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Jemal said:
Mecha - I really like the mecha crusade genre, but the one I got into doesn't seem to be getting off the ground.

Yeah, what's up with that? I bumped the thread to try to get it going again ...


First Post
OT: It's a pity, I really wanted to DM the 'Opposition' game, but i just lost almost all my resources during the recent separation of my parents :rolleyes:

Anyway, i'm all for a vampire game seeing as i probably won't get the hang of V:tM. Either d20 Modern or D&D doesn't worry me at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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