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D&D 5E The Treasure Map - IC


This is the "in-character" (IC) thread for the D&D 5th ed game, "The Treasure Map". Since our old thread was eaten by the recent database crash, we are re-starting the game.

First post will be a re-cap of what has already transpired. Second post will be a situation report on the point where we are restarting the game. After that, we will proceed as normal.

OOC Thread
RG Thread

Link to Google Drive - The Viridian Kingdoms

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What Came Before:

The Player Characters (PCs) find themselves in the port city of Hagan's Pass, located in the kingdom of Turaine. Hagan's Pass has been under the siege of a naval force for some time. This naval force is populated mostly with gnolls and other foul, savage humanoids. This siege coincides with a siege at nearby Castle Teague.

The PCs are in Hagan's Pass for their own reasons (OOC: players, feel free to state why) and met at Old Haggerty's Public House, located near the port district. Here, Strange and Kestrel, who had each acquired pieces of a mysterious map, conferred briefly concerning the map. During this meeting, Strange and Kestrel realized that their map pieces matched and that it showed the coastline near Hagan's Pass. They could also see that there was much more to the map and that additional fragments must exist.

As the PCs discussed what to do next, there were shouts and screams in the street. A cursory check revealed that gnolls had entered the city. There appeared to be some sort of big commotion at the docks; the PCs determined that gnolls had landed at the port and the city guards were dealing with them. In addition, a small force of gnolls had entered the city itself and were attacking the citizenry. The PCs exited the pub and found their way to an alley. From there, the PCs ambushed the gnolls and, eventually, defeated the small force. During the combat, the PCs learned that the gnolls were also looking for the map fragments - the same ones that Strange and Kestrel possessed. The PCs also picked up a magical whip from the gnolls' leader.

Because of the tough battle, the PCs briefly rested in a nearby building. There, the PCs recuperated. Kini took the whip and examined it.

[sblock=The Tormentor]THE TORMENTOR (Magic Item; Requires Attunement)
This is a magical whip (adds +1 to attack and damage rolls). When it strikes someone, the target must make a DC 13 Wis save or take 1d4 psychic damage and be forced to tell the truth for one turn. At the end of the target's turn, they can make a new save. The target continues to take 1d4 psychic damage and be forced to tell the truth until a save is successful. If the wielder is not of Evil alignment, they have disadvantage on all rolls while wielding the Tormentor. When someone attunes to the Tormentor, their alignment moves one step towards Evil (Good to Neutral and Neutral to Evil).[/sblock]

With the attack at the docks still ongoing, and news that the gnolls might be headed for the Book Depository, the PCs decided to head there. The PCs found the Book Depository to be abandoned, at least from the outside. Kini sent her owl to scout the area. The owl saw no one around, but noted that there was an open door to the east wing. The central tower was unoccupied and the west wing was damaged by catapult stones. The PCs decided to enter the Book Depository's west wing and check things out.


The Current Situation:
The PCs have fully explored the Book Depository's west wing. There are no enemies here and no signs that anyone has been here in recent hours. The doors leading to the central tower have been checked. They are not locked. There are no sounds coming from beyond the doors.


First Post
Kestrel opens one of the doors as quietly as she can and peeks inside. If she sees nothing threatening, she slips inside.


Dusty Dragon
Darwiminar looked around, his eyes darting into the gloom, hand on the hilt of the MoonSword. Out of habit he drew it slightly to see if the blade shone to warn of Goblins - although given that Gnolls was the problem, the gesture was futile.

"I think they evacuated the place after the boulder hit" he whispered "otherwise there would be people here. Kinni, are the maps in the centre or the east wing?"

[sblock=minisheet] Darwinimar

AC: 18 (+4 dex, small shield, studded leather)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 25
HP: 36/36
Hit Dice: 2/4
Passive Perception: 13

SAVES: SAVES, Strength +2, Dexterity: +6, Constitution: +2, Intelligence: 0, Wisdom: +1 Charisma: +1

Spell Known:
Cantrips: Minor Illusion; Level 1: Hunter's mark, goodberry, fog cloud.

Spell slots (available/total)
LEVEL 1: 2/3

Spell Save DC: 11; Spell attack modifier: +3[/sblock]
Last edited:


"I think they evacuated the place after the boulder hit" he whispered "otherwise there would be people here. Kini, are the maps in the centre or the east wing?"

OOC: Kini would know that there are maps stashed in all kinds of places, including the west wing. She does not know where the specific maps you seek are located, though. I will allow Kini an Int check (DC 14) to see if she can make an educated guess as to where they might be.



Hagan’s Pass/Book Depository

“There are maps all over,” Kini said. “Including here in the west wing. Not sure where the one you want is. Let me think…” She frowned, sorting through the information she knew from spending so much time in the Depository, where things were located. She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I’ve never seen that map before,” she admitted.

Action: Intelligence check to know where the map they need is: 1D20+4 = [4]+4 = 8
And that’s terrible...
Conditions: Mage Armor, Pass Without Trace

[sblock=Kini’s Mini Stats]
Kini's Character Sheet
AC: 12 (15 Mage Armor)
HP: 24/28

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Improved Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Shocking Grasp
1st (2/4): Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missiles, Shield, Silent Image
2nd (1/3): Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Web


Shiver throws his hands in the air.

"Perhaps we'd all get along better if we saw the map portion we have got again properly. If we can see where our part shows a bit of, perhaps we can narrow our search down a bit - these places are usually organised by name aren't they?"

Turning to Strange and Kestrel, he smiles warmly.

"Let's have a look see and then we can get shipshape. What do you say?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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