• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Slave and Her Sovereign


In Amna’s rooms:

At the sight of the two young ones, Pa’avu freezes like a statue, uncharacteristically unsure of her next steps. Chanvati’s voice is immediately in her mind: “brilliant idea, Pa’avu: become the statue of their champion and yours and send them off to their caretaker and to bed!”

Pa’avu recalls Amna’s children outside the Arena marveling at the statues, especially that of Gae’al. Chanvati’s plan solidifies in her mind, and, leaning deeply into her l’pahb’gin, she allows her skin to harden into stone. Then, in a deep, gravelly voice, she quietly whispers to the children, “A good evening to you, young Pari. Shame on you, Farzin, shouldn’t you be more mindful of Margred’s words? How will you enjoy watching me, your champion, if you disobey her? Go now, both of you, and entreat Margred’s pardon so that you may enjoy your nighttime snack and sleep well! Then tomorrow you will more fully enjoy the spectacle of I, the great Gae’al, defeating my opponents!”

Once the children are out of the room, Ibhea comes out of the shadows and expertly secretes the scrolls of Xanthar among Amna’s desk papers. The trio leaves the grounds as quietly as they entered, using Pa’avu’s grappling hook and rope for ease of descent (of course, dislodging afterward).

  • Chanvati uses Send Thoughts (Encounter Power)
  • use Stone's Endurance as an Advantage to lower Moderate DC to Easy DC
  • use Intimidate as Secondary Skill to buff Primary Skill: +9 = autosuccess vs. 9 Easy DC
  • use Bluff (!) as Primary Skill: Roll 15 + 0 + 2 = 17 vs. 9 Easy DC

The trio will transition to the Arena to forewarn Gae’al that she needs to establish an alibi for herself, just in case the imaginings of a visit by a talking statue are mistaken for “truth,” and not the fanciful tales of children they so “obviously” are.
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8 Successes (2 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/0 Secondary Skills Available/3 Advantages Available)

8 Successes
and you plant the Scrolls of Xanthar onto Amna or Tarquin or somewhere prominent on their estate.

Still pending is 12 Successes and you sever the Sect of Omthala’s religious accord with Tarquin and Amna. This is necessary to fully resolve this conflict.

But first we go to The Arena and Gae'al.

Minor Quest: Seek out the older goliath Gae’al who fights in the gladiator rings to learn more about Pa'avu's (possibly mythical) goliath blood.

Nearby is The Sanctuary of Light, Omthala's cathedral and Ibhea's religious redoubt. We'll transition there afterward and resolve your C5 Skill Challenge above. Retain your present Training exhaust status for that C5 Skill Challenge, but refresh your encounter powers (Short Rest).

The contests here are neither choregraphed nor contained sparring. Whether you enter for mere training or for the ear or council of the great Gae'al, you do so with the understanding that the least you will leave behind is a smattering of your own blood. Those who enter these sacred grounds speak and understand only the language of brutality, and the price the victors pay is harboring the death on their conscience of valorous warriors who spent a life of beautiful violence, truly attending their art.

Gae'al looks down from the stone mezzanine overhanging The Congress of Savagery as the main arena is known. The pure-bred Goliath's grim, stone-faced (literally) nod and pull-of-chain to open the gates means "begin."


Wave Encounter. 2 Encounter Waves. Once you defeat the first wave, you get a Short Rest before the 2nd wave. Once/if you defeat both waves, you may parley with Gae'al.

Here is Ibhea

Lucent Messenger Ibhea
Medium humanoid
Level 1 Lurker (Leader) Standard
HP 25; Bloodied 12 Initiative +6
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception+2 Speed 6

The Reformation ✦ Aura 2
An ally that starts its turn in the aura can shift one square as a free action.

Standard Actions
(⚔️) Kukri ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage.

Divine Flash (Radiant) ✦ Recharge when no creature is affected by this power
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +4 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 2 radiant damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends). Until the target saves against this effect, Ibhea is invisible to every enemy but the target, and its kukri deals 1d6 extra damage to the target.
Miss: Ibhea has partial concealment until the end of its next turn.

Terrible Glow (Fear, Radiant) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +4 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 radiant damage, and Ibhea pushes the target up to 2 squares.
Miss: Half damage, and Ibhea can push the target 1 square.

Acrobatics (Escape) + 2


Tentacle Grates Swarm (Hazard) Level 1 Elite Obstacle XP 200

Tentacles reach hungrily through the grates, pulling prospective prey toward an unseen maw

Hazard: The tentacles come out of a 4 x 4 grate which is Difficult Terrain. They activate when something moves into their Reach 2 or space.

Initiative +4

Tentacle Grates Swarm rolls initiative whenever a character comes within 2 squares of the grates. Henceforth, the Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an attack against any creature it can reach.


Swarm AttackAura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 4 damage, and the swarm can slide it 1 square as a free action.

Standard Action Melee
Target: Two creatures within Reach
Special: 1 Action Point
Attack: +6 vs. Fort
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 14)

✦ Dungeoneering DC 12 (Move): An adjacent character to its Reach 2 can toss the Tentacle Grates Swarm food so it will not activate against them or their allies UtEoYNT or Sustain Minor.
✦ A character can attack the Tentacle Grates (AC 15, F 12/R 14/W 13; hp 40). Resist half damage against melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 against area and close attacks. +2 Saves. When reduced to 0 hit points, the Tentacle Grates dies, ending the hazard.

Tentacle Grates Swarm (Hazard) Level 1 Obstacle XP 100
Tentacles reach hungrily through the grates, pulling prospective prey toward an unseen maw

Hazard: The tentacles come out of a 2 x 2 grate which is Difficult Terrain. They activate when something moves into their Reach 1 or space.

Initiative +2

Tentacle Grates Swarm rolls initiative whenever a character comes within 1 square of the grates. Henceforth, the Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an attack against any creature it can reach.


Swarm AttackAura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 4 damage, and the swarm can slide it 1 square as a free action.

Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature within Reach
Attack: +4 vs. Fort
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 14)

✦ Dungeoneering DC 12 (Move): An adjacent character to its Reach 1 can toss the Tentacle Grates Swarm food so it will not activate against them or their allies UtEoYNT or Sustain Minor
✦ A character can attack the Tentacle Grates (AC 15, F 12/R 14/W 13; hp 20). Resist half damage against melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 against area and close attacks. When reduced to 0 hit points, the Tentacle Grates dies, ending the hazard.

* Purple Squares are Poisonous Mire (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A square of poisonous mire is difficult terrain for creatures. They sink into the mire, muck clinging to flesh and clothing. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of poisonous mire takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).

* All squares of the vertical timber obstacles x 2 are Blocking Terrain. They can be Stunted with via Athletics or Arcana


Requirement: (Adjacent) Athletics or (R5) Arcana (Psionic Force or Teleportation) vs Med DC.
Target: CB3 (creatures in the blast) from one square of blocking terrain or CB1 (creatures in burst) from one square of blocking terrain.
Attack: +4 vs. Fort
Hit: 1d10 +3 damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The Blocking Terrain becomes Difficult Terrain

* All squares adjacent to the edge of the arena are Spear Hedges (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A creature that ends its turn in a spike hedge square takes 5 damage is restrained until the start of its next turn.

* Grate and stairs (when the grate is up) on the left of the arena are Challenging Terrain (Med DC Acrobatics or Athletics or Difficult Terrain).

* Guttersnipe x 3 = AC 14, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13

* Mauler x 2 = AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 11, Will 11


16 Pa'avu
13 Mauler
12 Guttersnipe/Tentacle Grate Swarm (Elite)
10 Ibhea
5 Chanvati
Tentacle Grate Swarm TBD



PA'AVU draws upon her previous experiences dueling in cage matches to identify her enemies for Chanvati and Ibhea.

She then takes the briefest of moments to narrow her eyes quellingly at the brute grappler in front of them before taking off running. Her blood-curdling howl lends strength to her swing of Velmech'ki, and the blade cuts deeply into the brute's flesh. [Pa'avu's triumphant yell causes them to cringe in pain, meaty hands over their ears.] The goliath makes a grim smile as she uses her trusty blade to herd the brute in the direction of the grates beyond them both, cutting into their flesh still more as she pushes them.

* Nature Check (No action): Guttersnipes: Roll 10 + 3 = 13; Maulers: Roll 5 + 3 = 8

Med DC for Guttersnipes but nothing for Maulers. However, the Maulers are Brute and grapplers (easy enough to see). Guttersnipes Monster Knowledge: Medium, Natural, Human, Artillery, Sling, Net CB2 (Encounter), Slippery (Encounter). No Resist or Vulns.

* Minor action: Hunter's Quarry on M2 (encounter, UtEoMNT)

* Move action: M21 to M15

* Standard action: Howling Strike as a charge: from M15 to O13; Roll 5 + 8 = 13 vs 13 AC = Hit; Damage: 10 + 1 + 4 + 3 (HQ) = 18; if bloodied: free action, at-will, trigger: your attack bloodies an enemy: Thunderborn Wrath: close burst one, each enemy in burst (M2): +3 thunder damage (now at 21) [above in brackets]

* Action Point for standard action: Pressing Strike: shift 2 sq (O13 to M13), then Roll 14 + 7 = 21 vs 13 AC Hit; Damage: 10 + 4 (now at 32 or 35); then push Mauler2 to N11


Die Another Day ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The berserking mauler is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit.
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the berserking mauler is instead reduced to 1 hit point.

Roll: 5. M2 Slain.

The remaining bare-chested, bare-handed BERSERKING MAULER launches itself into a rush toward Ibhea with wild abandon. It picks the acolyte up off the ground, squeezing with massive arms and shuffling toward the grate of writhing tentacles. Leveraging Ibhea against his hip, the Mauler appears to be readying the acolyte for a mighty toss.

* Move Action: E18 to J18

* Standard Action: Charge to N20 and MBA Bear Hug. (Roll) 11 +1 (Charge) +4 = 15 vs Ibhea Ref. Hit. (Roll) 1 +3 (4) damage and the berserking mauler grabs Ibhea (escape DC 12) and shifts 1 square (O20) with the grabbed target.

A pair of the GUTTERSNIPES take cover behind the barricade and launch a volley of slung rocks at Ibhea while he's in the midst of the crushing bear hug of the Mauler.

The third engages Pa'avu with an ensnaring net, getting the upper hand for the moment!


* Move Action: D14 to G16

* Standard Action: Sling (Ranged 10) vs Ibhea. (Roll) 11 +2 (CA while Ally adjacent) +8 = 21 vs Ibhea AC. Hit. (Roll) 2 +6 (8) damage.


* Move Action: F11 to K12

* Standard Action: Sling (Ranged 10) vs Ibhea. (Roll) 3 +2 (CA while Ally adjacent) +8 = 13 vs Ibhea AC. Miss. Covering Move: If the guttersnipe is adjacent to blocking terrain and misses with a ranged attack, it can shift 2 squares as free action. Shifts to I11.


* Move Action: J11 to K12

* Standard Action: Hooked Net - Encounter (CBL2; Creatures) vs Pa'avu. (Roll) 12+6 = 18 vs Pa'avu Ref. Hit. The target Slides 2 squares (K14) and is restrained (save ends). Pa'vu does not have Line of Sight to G2 due to Blocking Terrain. G1 and G3 have Cover (-2) against a Ranged Attack from Pa'avu.


The unshaven priest with the unsavory past reels as the great gorilla of a man heaves him off the sand floor of the arena and prepares to throw him into the waiting tentacles of whatever monstrosity lurks beneath the iron grate. He had been a small boy on the mean streets of the Lower City, and pulls a trick from his playbook against many an older, bigger bully.

He bites down fiercely on the berserker's forearm, eliciting a cry of pain and a momentary weakening of grip, just enough for Ibhea to slip from the man's arms into flanking position with his Merchant-Mystic ally in order to plunge his kukri into the mauler's flank.

* Move Action: Escape Roll 10 +2 =12 vs 11 Reflex = break Grab and Shift 1 square to O19.

* Standard Action: Kukri Roll 6 +6 +2 (CA) =14 vs 13 AC = Hit for (3,1) +2 = 6 damage.

Watching the priest of Omthala slip from the berserker's grasp, CHANVATI raises his crystal staff menacingly and shouts, encouragingly, "Again, Ibhea!" and the priest obliges, opening another wound.

Taking advantage of his ally's tactical aura, Chanvati steps back from the berserker, and blasts past the man's porous mental defenses to explode his brain in a surge of psionic energy. The mauler's eyes roll up into his head as he crumples to the ground.

"Shake it off, Ibhea! We need you lucid!" Chanvati commands, as the priest touches fingers to a rising forehead welt where the slingstone of the guttersnipe struck him. Ibhea shakes the fog from his senses.

Chanvati scuttles in a low crouch, closer to his goliath bodyguard.

* Standard: Commander's Strike on Ibhea = Kukri (MBA) on M1 Roll 12 +6 +2 (CA) =20 vs 13 AC = Hit for (6,4) +2 +4 (INT) = 16 damage.

* Free Action: Since I started my turn in Ibhea's aura, I shift 1 square to O22, just in case the Mauler has any nasty Melee Interrupts!

* Action Point: Mind Thrust on M1 = Roll 8 +6 =14 vs 11 Will = Hit for 8 +5 =13 psychic damage.


Die Another Day ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The berserking mauler is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit.
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the berserking mauler is instead reduced to 1 hit point.

Roll: 5. M1 Slain.

* Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Ibhea for Surge (6) +2 = Heal 8 HPs.

* Move Action: Move to L16, avoiding any threatened squares.

Ibhea now at 21/25 HPs.



As the guttersnipe’s net falls over her and snares her into place, PA’AVU takes a moment to sink into her l’pahb’gin to protectively harden her skin once again. Another moment allows her to ignite the symbols on her armor to send sonic damage in the direction of the third guttersnipe she sees in the corner of her eye. There will be no sneaking up on her gosb’tar this day!

Then, the goliath rallies whatever forces she has to shove over the wall she’s been snared against, hopefully flattening the two guttersnipes beyond, the ones she can no longer see. The wall collapses onto both with a satisfying thunder, but the effort prevents her breaking free of the entangling net.

* Minor: Stone’s Endurance (Encounter Power): Resist 5 All EoMNT

* Minor: Screaming Armor (Encounter Power) on G1: -2 all attacks EoMNT

* Standard: Terrain Stunt: Athletics check: Roll 12 + 10 = 22 vs. 12 Moderate DC; attack on G2: Roll 12 + 4 - 2 = 14 vs. 13 Fort., damage: 6 + 3 = 9; attack on G3: Roll 11 + 4 - 2 = 13 vs. 13 Fort., damage 10 + 3 = 13 (G3 BLOODIED). BLOCKING TERRAIN GONE. 3 X 3 RED OUTLINE IS DT.

* Saving throw vs. Restrained: 3 = Fail

Reeling from the timber barricade being collapsed upon them by Pa'avu, the affected GUTTERSNIPES pull themselves out of the mess of wood and steel left behind and tactically retreat, their sling-vollies steering clear of the stone-skinned (and rather angry) berserker before them and focusing on the much more squishy Chanvati!

The third engages Ibhea with an ensnaring net with the acolyte fumbling backwards, entangled, as the swarm of tentacles from the large grate probes desperately for its next meal!


* Move Action: G16 to M19

* Standard Action: Hooked Net - Encounter (CBL2; Creatures) vs Ibhea. (Roll) 15+6 -2 (Screaming Armor) = 19 vs Ibhea Ref. Hit. The target Slides 2 squares (Q19) and is restrained (save ends).

TRIGGER: Tentacle Grates Swarm rolls initiative whenever a character comes within 2 squares of the grates. Henceforth, the Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an attack against any creature it can reach.

Initiative +4 = 21. Tentacle Grates Swarm acts now on Initiative 12 with Guttersnipes.


* Standard Action: Tentacle (Reach 2) vs Ibhea. (Roll) 2 +2 (CA) +6 vs. Fort = 10. Miss.


* Move Action: (out of DT) I11 to I6

* Standard Action: Sling (Ranged 10) vs Chanvati. (Roll) 16 +8 = 24 vs Chanvati AC. Hit. Damage 6 + 6 = 12.


* Move Action: (out of DT) K12 to L7

* Standard Action: Sling (Ranged 10) vs Chanvati. (Roll) 9+8 = 17 vs Chanvati AC. Hit. Damage 2 + 6 = 8.

The priest of Omthala, IBHEA, struggles against the constricting hooked net that wraps his form, entangled deeply with his golden tunic and scarlet cape. "Tricky," he thinks to himself, "as befitting a warrior raised on the streets."

"See now, another path, that offered by the Lady of Light by those who open their hearts to her dazzling brilliance," this time aloud. His body flashes with a light to rival the sun itself and he seems to disappear in a halo of shimmering radiance, visible only to his guttersnipe foe, who cringes and blinks from the flare.

Ibhea wriggles out from the net, tossing it calmly to the sandy floor.

* Standard Action: Divine Flash vs G1, Roll 11+4 -2 (restrained) = 13 vs 13 Will for (2,1)+2=5 radiant damage, and G1 grants CA (SE). Until G1 saves, Ibhea is invisible to every enemy (including Tentacle Swarm Hazard) except G1 and his Kukri does +1d6 extra damage to G1.

* Saving Throw = Roll 13 = Success, restrained removed.

Staggered by the dual missiles from the slings of the guttersnipes, CHANVATI nevertheless remains very much in this fight. He advances past the struggling Pa'avu to the border of the now fallen timber wall. Calling upon all of his psionic reserves and the magic power latent within his crystal staff, he scrambles space in a large swathe between the two retreating guttersnipes, an uncanny unfolding of impossible angles and locales, depositing one of his foes into the poisonous mire and crumpling the other into a fallen heap, unmoving in the black sand.

* Move Action: Move L16 to L10.

* Free Action: Activate Staff of the War Mage Daily Power to expand Dimensional Scramble to Area Burst 2.

* Free Action: Use Adept's Insight (Encounter Power) to buff attack vs G2. Roll 1 +1 =+2 buff.

* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble centered on K7. Roll 9 +6 +2=17 vs 13 Fort G2 = Hit for (3)+5=8 damage and teleport to H7 (Poison Mire). Roll 9 +6=15 vs 13 Fort G3 for (6)+5=11 damage = G3 Killed.

Chanvati 4/24 HP



Sorely fighting her growing frustration at her continued entanglement, PA'AVU takes a calming breath, removes one of her javelins from its sheath, and lets it fly at the guttersnipe standing deep in the mire. The javelin hits them square in the solar plexus, causing the creature to exhale sharply. As Pa'avu shreds the netting from herself, she watches with grim satisfaction as the guttersnipe begins to inhale the poisonous fumes rising up. Surely its final breath.

* Minor: draw javelin from sheath

* Standard: RBA (javelin) on G2: Roll 19 + 6 - 2 = 23; damage 1 + 4 = 5

* Save vs Restrained: 10 Success

With his last remaining ally succumbing to the poison of the mire, the GUTTERSNIPE is fixated on two things; a tactical retreat and ending the divine mark that Ibhea has ensorcelled him with. While the swarm of tentacles futiley gropes around, unable to detect Ibhea due to the radiant mark, the guttersnipe backs carefully behind the other poison mire, his sling stone clanging somewhere well wide of the mark.

His heart racing, he's able to cast off the radiant mark through some combination of fear and grit.


* NA - Cannot "see"/detect Ibhea due to Divine Flash effect. No other targets in Reach 2


* Move Action: M19 to G23

* Standard Action: Sling (Ranged 10) vs Ibhea. (Roll) 5 +8 = 13 vs Ibhea AC. Miss.

* End of Turn Saving Throw vs Divine Flash. 17 succceeds.


* Beginning of Turn takes 5 Poison damage from Poison Mire. G2 Killed.

Spitting to the side and wiping his mouth with a golden sleeve, IBHEA stalks deliberately away from the tentacles grasping from below and towards his retreating foe.

"Our Lady of Light, praise be her Glorious Fluorescence, offers you reprieve from your life of brutality, if only you heed her call! Now, heed, curse you!" he growls and flashes once again with the brilliance of his deity, disappearing in that baleful shimmer to all but his foe.

* Move Action: Q19 to L19

* Standard Action: Divine Flash vs G1, Roll 12 +4=16 vs 13 Will = Hit for (1,4)+2=7 radiant damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends). Until the target saves against this effect, Ibhea is invisible to every enemy but the target, and its kukri deals 1d6 extra damage to the target.

He can see that this combat nears its end, and so CHANVATI shifts across the black sands nearer their cornered foe. Lashing out once again with a psionic puissance that bends the very laws of space, he folds and then expands reality in on itself, transporting the guttersnipe into the poisonous mire.

* Move Action: L10 to J16

* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble centered on G22. Roll 5 +6+2 (CA)=13 vs 13 Fort = G1 Hit for 11 HP damage and telported into mire G21. G1 BLOODIED AND WILL TAKE 5 OG AT BEGINNING OF TURN. DEFEATED.

"You are defeated. But we offer you your life in return for a blood debt and," he pauses, glancing at the priest, "service to the Lady of Light." Chanvati turns to Pa'avu, and the goliath strides to the edge of the mire, looking down at the girl stolidly and reaching out her hand.

"I am called CHIRP" says the Guttersnipe as she accepts the hand out of the poisonous mire. "Though I am short on years, I have known blood debts before. I accept yours and shall honor it as I have those in the past...I have been on both sides..."

@darkbard and @Nephis , we'll transition to Wave 2, but we'll use another page for that (this page is getting fast-bogged down).


* Level Up. You’ll get 700 - 100 (Ibhea) xp /2 = 300 apiece.

* Take 70 Gold and choose 1 Magic Item (total, not each) of 4th level or less.

* Take a Short Rest and Milestone (we'll count the other conflict as "completed" at this time for our purposes here, given that you have C3 worth of SC done).

* Update the thread with your new character sheets.

* Pick squares for PCs to be in for the Wave 2.

* Here is CHIRP THE GUTTERSNIPE for the coming Wave 2:

Chirp the Guttersnipe
Medium natural humanoid, human
Level 1 Artillery XP 100
HP 24; Bloodied 12 6 Healing Surges Initiative +3
AC 14, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception+6 Speed 6

Pack Tactics
The guttersnipe has combat advantage against any enemy that is adjacent to at least one of the guttersnipe's allies.

Covering Move
If the guttersnipe is adjacent to blocking terrain and misses with a ranged attack, it can shift 2 squares as free action.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Gut Punch ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage.

(➶) Sling (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage.

Hooked Net ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in the blast); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target Slides 2 squares and is restrained (save ends).

Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9
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Chanvati's Level Up Choices:

Feat: Unarmored Agility
Utility Power: Mind Shroud (Psion U2)

Chanvati, level 2
Human, Psion|Warlord
Discipline Focus (Hybrid): Telepathy Focus (Hybrid)
Warlord Leadership: Canny Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Will
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid): Hybrid Encounter Power
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Background: Tyr - Embedded Spy, Nibenay - Walker of the Exalted Path, Merchant Prince (Merchant Prince Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 15.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 15.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 28 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Arcana +10, Insight +11, History +10, Diplomacy +8, Bluff +8

Acrobatics +2, Athletics +0, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Heal +2, Intimidate +3, Nature +2, Perception +4, Religion +5, Stealth +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +2

Bardic Ritualist: Ritual Caster
Human: Bardic Ritualist
Level 1: Staff Expertise
Level 2: Unarmored Agility

Bonus At-Will Power: Mind Thrust
Hybrid at-will 1: Commander's Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Dimensional Scramble
Hybrid Encounter Power: Vengeance is Mine
Hybrid daily 1: Living Missile
Hybrid utility 2: Mind Shroud
Theme Power: Adept's Insight

Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Alchemical Reagents (Arcana) (40), Zills, Ceramic hand, Staff of the War Mage +1, Writing case, Jade hairpin, Rare Herbs (Nature) (10)
Glib Limerick, Unseen Servant, Hold Portal, Animal Messenger, Scroll of Silent Image

Assuming that Wave 2 foes are entering from portcullis/drawbridge/gate-thingy on left of map, Chanvati will begin in square N19 and Ibhea in square K20. @Nephis will place Pa'avu and Chirp the Guttersnipe when she posts her character update.

EDIT: Er, after consulting with @Nephis and her initial placement, Chanvati will begin in square Q12 and Ibhea in Q14.

EDIT TO EARLIER EDIT: After our text exchange, we revise our starting positions as follows: Chanvati L13, Pa'avu K16, Ibhea O14, Chirp the Guttersnipe T11.
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Pa'avu's Level Up Choices:

Feat: Skill Training: Heal
Utility Power: Iron Resurgence (Heal U2)
Magic Item: Vanguard Greatsword +1

Pa'avu, level 2
Goliath, Barbarian
Feral Might: Thunderborn Wrath
Background: Feral Raider, Wandering Duelist, Noble's Guard (Wandering Duelist Benefit)
Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Reflex: 14 Will: 13
HP: 37 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 9

Intimidate +10, Endurance +8, Athletics +11, Perception +7, Heal +7

Acrobatics +2, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, History, Insight +2, Nature +4, Religion, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2

Level 1: Warrior of the Wild
Level 2: Skill Training (Heal)

Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian encounter 1: Resurgent Strike
Barbarian daily 1: Tyrant's Rage
Barbarian utility 2: Iron Resurgence
Theme Power: Iron Wolf's Charge (Secondary Attack using Implement Scaling of +1 Attack at levels 2/7)

Adventurer's Kit, Crowbar, Grappling Hook, Javelin (3), Screaming Hide Armor +1, Vanguard Greatsword +1

Pa’avu will begin in square O15 and Chirp in square U9 (see @darkbard’s post above)
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Short Rest Healing bookkeeping:

Pa'avu spends 0 Surges, 11/11 remaining, 37/37 HPs; Initiative Roll 10+3=13 (wins tiebreaker with Chanvati)

Chanvati spends 4 Surges, 3/7 remaining, 28/28 HPs; Initiative Roll 11+2=13

Ibhea spends 1 Surge, 4/6 remaining, 25/25 HPs; Initiative Roll 12+6=18

Chirp spends 4 Surges, 2/6 remaining, 24/24 HPs; Initiative Roll 6+3=9
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Everything is as above in Wave 1 except:

* The Tentacle Swarm Hazard (Elite) is no longer there. It is replaced by Green Squares which are Acidic Mire (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A square of acidic mire is difficult terrain for creatures. They sink into the mire, muck clinging to flesh and clothing. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of acidic mire takes ongoing 5 acid damage and is slowed (save ends both). This mire will continue to grow progressively (filling the squares directly adjacent to its current size) at the beginning of each round until the combat is over.

* The grate with the Standard Tentacle Hazard is still activatable as is the other Blocking Terrain (Timber Obstacle) which can be stunted with as above).

* Gae'al (Level 2 Soldier Solo) AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 14

* Snake Swarms (Level 1 Brute Standard Swarm x 2) AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12

* WIN CONDITION - Survive 4 rounds and earn the respect of Gael'al or bring her to 0 HP where she will yield and grant parley.


Gae'al 27 (Free Action Halberd or Backfist & Haft)
Ibhea 18
Gae'al 17
Pa'avu 13
Chanvati 13
Chirp 9
Tentacle Swarm Hazard 9
Snake Swarm (x 2) 6



Swarms of snakes pour out of both Poisonous Mires.

The massive grate see its swarm of tentacles recede to the nether regions below. In their place, bubbling acid overflows the area, seeping out continuously with a promise to leave no trace of the mess of corpses behind.

The uncommonly large, ancient, slate-skinned goliath, GAE'AL, Keeper of the Games, leaps from her place atop the mezzanine. As she lands in a crouch to absorb the harshness of the leap, her massive braid of hair hammers the ground with a thud akin to a body. She stands and points the blade end of her halberd.

"A worthy opponent. Defeat me and I will hear your plea. Defeat me not and my 'clean-up crew' will have your bones."

* Instinctive Assault (Free Action on Init + 10) - No targets to Halberd or Backfist & Haft.

PA'AVU tries to tamp down her nervous energy at facing her hero directly and attempts, instead, to calmly study her opponent and the changing circumstances around her. She needs to carefully consider her options and not become flustered.

* No Action: Monster Knowledge Check (Nature): Gae'al: 10 + 4 = 14

* No Action: Monster Knowledge Check (Nature): Snake Swarms: 17 + 4 = 21

Gae'al (Medium DC): Large natural humanoid (goliath), 160 HP, Large natural humanoid (goliath), No Resistances or Vulnerabilities, Weapon (no other tags for attacks). Medium DC doesn't normally reveal this, but it would be readily observable. Gae'al has Threatening Reach as a Trait and has Reach 2.

Snake Swarms (Hard DC):
Snake Swarm x 2 Large natural beast (reptile, swarm) Level 1 Brute XP 100
HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +3 AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception+2
Speed 6, climb 6 Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks, Poison 5; Vulnerable 5 to close and area attacks

Traits ☼ Swarm Attack (poison) ✦ Aura 1
An enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 4 poison damage and the swarm can slide it 1 square.

Swarm The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises.

Standard Actions
Swarm of Fangs (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 2 poison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Triggered Actions

Divide (Encounter)
Trigger: Snake Swarm is Bloodied.
(Immediate Reaction): Snake Swarm splits into 2 x Level 1 Minions (Viper) within the 4 sq of Snake Swarm. The Vipers have the following attack:

Standard Actions (
Viper Strike ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex Hit: 4 poison damage

Acrobatics (Escape) +9, Athletics +3

IBHEA casts his eyes about the arena as the enormous Goliath champion bounds down from the mezzanine onto the black sand of the arena. Like so many in Bantouk, the Imperial City, he has watched Gae'el the Unvanquished defeat many a foe to the raucous encouragement of a teeming stadium, but that in no way has prepared him for her presence, her enormity. This is no foe for him.

Instead, the priest backs carefully away, turning as he nears the snakes swarming from the poisonous mire. The terrible light of his goddess bursts from him in a wave of energy that sends the snakes tumbling en masse across the sandy area floor.

* Move Action: O14 to M10

* Standard Action: Terrible Glow (fear, radiant Encounter Power), Close Burst 2 on S2, Roll 14 +4=18 vs 12 Will = Hit for (3)+2=5 radiant damage +5 vulnerable =10 radiant damage and push 2 to L7. (I'm using the upper right hand square of Swarm 2 as reference point for movement.

GAE'AL bounds forward and unleashes a volley of diamondskin shards onto Pa'avu and Chanvati as her flesh hardens to impenetrable rock.

Her polearm work forces Pa'avu to parry furiously with greatsword and circle left into the mass of snakes to avoid the worst of Gae'al's combination of feints and attacks.

* Move Action: P22 (Upper Right Square) to N18

* Standard Action: Diamondskin Volley ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅ . Attack: Close blast 4 (creatures in the blast); +5 vs. Reflex (12 +5 vs P = Hit and 7 +5 vs C = Miss). Hit (2d8 +2 damage; Miss = Half) = 3 +8 + 2 = 13 damage. P takes 13 damage. C takes 6 damage.
Effect: Gae'al has Resist 5 to all damage UtEoHNT.

* Free Action: Action Point for Standard Action: ⚔ Backfist & Haft ✦ At-Will (Weapon). Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +7 vs. AC. If Gae'al targets only one creature, it can make this attack twice against that creature. Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and Gael'al slides the target 2 squares. If Backfist & Haft hits the same target twice, the target is immobilized (save ends).

Attacking P x 2; 17 + 7 = Hit. 3 + 7 = Miss. Hit: 3 +2 +2 = 7 damage (BLOODIED) and Pa'avu slides 2 squares to K18 (inside of Snake Swarm which is Difficult Terrain; See Aura and G's Reach).


Wincing at the spray of diamond shards against his skin, CHANVATI nevertheless understands that this assault is as nothing compared to the mighty blows Pa'avu faces from Gae'el's polearm.

Drawing upon the psionic power of his mind once again, he folds space in a cascade of misalignments, catching all three--Gae'el, the serpents, and, unfortunately, his slave Pa'avu--within this spacial collapse, and jettisons the creatures outward, Pa'avu safely away from her foes for the moment.

"Sahtree," he encourages, "do not falter now. Show your champion your worth!"

"And mine," he thinks, blasting away at the Goliath once more, bending space and flinging Gae'el prone form this way and that via dimensional folding.

The Merchant-Mystic delves deep into his reserves of psionic energy and shifts the very fabric of reality around his form, slowing time and blurring his body's position in space to the senses of observers.

* Free Action: Spend 1 Power Point to Augment Adept's Insight on Dimensional Scramble attack vs. Gae'el

* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble centered on L18; Attack vs Gae'el (17)+7+4 =28 vs 15 Fort. Hit. Attack vs Swarm (13)+7=20 vs 14 Fort. Hit. Attack vs Pa'avu (19)+7=26 vs 17 Fort. Hit. Damage = (5)+5-5 (DR) = 5 damage to Gae'el and Pa'avu, 10+5 (vulnerable)=15 to Swarm. Gae'el teleported to J20 (1 out of 4 squares in poisonous mire), Swarm teleported to L21, Pa'avu teleported to J18.

<Gae'al Saving Throw vs Hindering Terrain: 7+5 = 12 (Pass). G is Prone, next to Poisonous Mire Hazard, in I19 (upper right sq)>

* Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Pa'avu for Surge 9+(3)=12 HPs healed.

* Minor Action: Activate Mind Shroud.

* Action Point: Dimensional Scramble centered on J20: Attack vs Gae'el (17)+7=24 vs 15 Fort. Hit. Attack vs Swarm (3)+7=10. Miss. Damage 5+5-5 (DR) = 5 to Gae'el. Gae'el teleported to H21 (all 4 squares in poisonous mire).

<Saving Throw vs Hindering Terrain: 17+5 = 12 (Pass)> G is prone, next to Poisonous Mire Hazard, in I19 (upper right sq)>

Chanvati 22/28 HPs, 3/7 Surges remaining.

Momentarily closing her eyes and breathing calmly to push down sudden nausea, PA'AVU also reaches down into her l'pahb'gin to again harden her skin against attacks. She feels dizzy not only from the smackdown she just received from her hero but also from actually being on the receiving end of Chanvati's kaleidoscopic power for once. Her parts feel more or less in the right places, albeit rather bruised. Her exhale she keys to her armor, sending its screams at the ears of the elder, far larger Goliath, to weaken her next attacks against Pa'avu and her allies-at-arms.

Then, recognizing where her gosb'tar has positioned her, she takes another, deeper inhalation and - after a vicious swing of Velmech'ti - lets out a furious shriek. Her precious sword cuts into Gae'al's diamonded skin a bit and her shriek seems to cause the other Goliath further pause. Pa'avu's eyes gleam and mouth gives a grim smile, as she swings again, chipping away still more of her opponent's hide as she herself seems invigorated by the rush of violence.

* Minor Action (Encounter): Stone's Endurance (Resist 5 All EoMNT)

* Minor Action (Encounter): Screaming Armor (Gae'al -2 att EoMNT)

* Standard Action (Daily): Tyrant's Rage (Fear, Primal, Rage) on G: Roll 15 + 9 + 2 (CA) = 26 vs 14 Will = HIT! Dmg: 2 + 4 + 5 - 5 (Diamond Skin) = 6 and Dazed (SE)

* Free Action (Action Point): Standard (Encounter): Resurgent Strike on G: gain 6 Temp HP & attack: Roll 9 + 9 + 2 (CA) = 20 vs 18 AC = HIT! Dmg: 3 + 1 + 5 - 5 (DS) = 4

Pa'avu: HP: 19 (6 Temporary)/37 (Resist 5 All EoMNT); 10/11 Surges

"Now why exactly did I join forces with these guys again?" CHIRP mutters to herself as she considers her options. Deciding that - for now - keeping close to these would-be heroes would have to do, she darts a bit closer to the priest, with more than a few qualms. Then, glancing back anxiously at the swarming mass of snakes behind her, she takes aim at the Giant herself.

* Move Action: creep forward from T11 to P11

* Standard Action: Sling on 10: Roll 16 + 8 + 2 (Ally Adjacent) - 2 (vs. Prone) = 24 vs. 18 AC HIT! Dmg: 6 + 6 - 5 (DS) = 7

The SNAKE SWARMS slither and crawl toward Ibhea and Pa'avu. Ibhea finds himself desperately dealing with a torrent of viper fangs while Pa'avu relies upon her deluge of training and hide armor to render the threat moot.

* S2 (bottom left) begins turn in Poison Mire. 5 Poison - 5 Poison Resist = 0. Slowed (Save ends).

* Move Action: (Run = Speed +2 but CA against S2 UtEoYNT) to L10.

* Standard Action: Swarm of Fangs (poison) on I. Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. AC. 9 (Roll) + 7 -5 (Run) = 11; Miss. I is in Aura (if Ends there, then 4 Poison damage and Slides one square into Swarm; DT)

* End of Turn Saving Throw vs Slowed; 19. Success.

S1 (upper left)

* Move Action: Circle around (no OAs triggered) to L19 (Flanking with G).

* Standard Action: Swarm of Fangs (poison) on P. Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. AC. 9 (Roll) + 7 + 2 (CA) = 18; Hit. 2d6 (9) + 2 poison damage (11 total - 5 DR - 6 THP = 0), and Pa’avu is slowed (save ends). P is in Aura (if Ends there, then 4 Poison damage and Slides one square into Swarm; DT).


SS1 = 26/36
SS2 = 21/36
G = 133/160 > PRONE, DAZED


The Acidic Mire seeps out further, sizzling against the bones and flesh of the fallen.

From her back due to the flurry of attacks faced, GAE'AL attempts an upkick to catch Pa'avu under the jaw and take the smaller goliath from her feet while she spins her Polearm to entangle her foes legs. When Pa'avu is able to slip the upkick and parry the polearm, the massive goliath chuckles "well done" as she looks up at an opponent for the first time in years.

* Instinctive Assault (Free Action on Init + 10) - ⚔ Backfist & Haft on P. Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +7 vs. AC; Roll (9) +7 -2 (Prone) -2 (Screaming Armor) (no CA as can't flank due to dazed) = 12. Miss. Roll (1) = Miss.

IBHEA eyes the slithering swarm of serpents at his feet and recalls that episode of his youth, when the Empress’s Templar had caught him stealing fruit from a market stall and sentenced him to twelve hours alone in that dank pit with the cobra. A trauma that still wakes him almost nightly with screams and drenched in perspiration. A trauma that made him turn to as much araq as he could find each day, until he heard that preacher on the steps of the Sanctuary of Light, her soft words like a beacon of hope. Why snakes? he shudders with misgivings.

Glancing over his shoulder and turning, he realizes that Pa’avu now stands above the Goliath champion. Perhaps there is hope after all that they can defeat her and win parley. With purpose, he strides past a shimmering lacuna in the sand and unleashes his goddess’s radiance upon the fallen goliath. But Gae’al only blinks at him in mild frustration, her senses tempered to the challenging conditions of the sand arena, its glares and hazards.


* Move Action: Move M10 to J16 (no OA as Snake Swarm has no MBA).

* Standard Action: Divine Flash vs Ghae'al, Roll (9) +4 +2 (CA) -2 (Prone) = 13 vs 14 Will. Miss.

GAE’AL shakes off the harrying effects of Pa’avu’s furious attacks and unleashes a flurry of her own, forcing the smaller goliath into an off balance retreat toward the Poisoned Mire.

* Recharge Diamondskin Volley: 4. No Recharge.

* Standard Action: ⚔ Backfist & Haft on P. Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +7 vs. AC; Roll (7) +7 -2 (Prone) -2 (Screaming Armor) (no CA as can't flank due to dazed) = 10. Miss. Roll (16) +7 -2 (Prone) -2 (Screaming Armor) (no CA as can't flank due to dazed) = 19; Hit. (7) +2 - 5 DR = 4 damage and slides 2 squares into I20 (Poison Mire) or Prone in J20 if Saving Throw passed.

* End of Turn: Action Recovery. Whenever Gae’al ends her turn, any dazing, stunning, or dominating effect on her ends. (Daze Ends).

Still distorting reality to veil his presence, CHANVATI skirts the fallen timbers in slow motion. Ponderously raising two fingers to his brow, he focuses his psionic energy into a telekinetic blast at the goliath as she rises to her feet.

"This ends now," he thinks and hurls Gae'al's large form from beside the poisonous mire, clear into the swarming snakes, inhibiting their cohesion, and then through, across the burbling acidic flow, sprawling prone and into the arena's spiked hedge. "Got you!" He allows himself a slight smirk.

* Move Action: (Slowed) L13 to J14

* Standard Action: Living Missile (Daily) vs Gae'al, (9) +7 = 16 vs 15 Fort = Hit; Gae'al is immobilized (SE) and subjected to Living Missile Attack.

* Minor Action: Living Missile Attack vs Swarm 1, (12) +7 = 19 vs 13 Reflex = Hit for (5,6) +5 = 16 damage (half damage to Swarm = 8) and Prone...


Divide (Encounter)
Trigger: Snake Swarm is Bloodied.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Snake Swarm splits into 2 x Level 1 Minions (Viper) within the 4 sq of Snake Swarm.

Minions (2) Prone in K18 and K19

...half damage (8) to Gae'al and Prone. Deposit her 10 squares away in S23 against the spiked hedge of the arena's walls. G SAVING THROW TO AVOID HINDERING TERRAIN: 3 +5 = 8. FAILS. ADJACENT TO HINDERING TERRAIN.

Mind Shroud expires. Gae'al = Immobilized (SE) and Prone in S23, 8 damage. Swarm 1 = Prone in L19, 8 damage.

Chanvati 22/28 HPs, 3/7 Surges remaining (edited)

PA'AVU is able to temporarily shake off some of the dizzying effects that she is feeling from various poisonous sources. Outwardly she suddenly appears to be reinvigorated, almost good as new, and she is seething with rage. She allows that rage to force some movement into her stiff and stymied limbs and grimly takes a step towards the closer swarm of snakes: does it seem a bit smaller ... and spread out? Over the years, she has learned to focus more narrowly on the opponents directly in front of her, when her chips appear to be smashed (as her clan father used to urge the little ones when teaching them to fight). With another calming, cleansing breath, and ignoring the hero she would rather be fighting, she shifts into position to deliver a blow against the wriggling swarm. Her swing cuts deftly through half of the venomous vipers. Fine, then, uncle, I'll take it stone by stone, snake by snake.

* Pa'avu starts her Turn in Poison Mire: 5 OG Poison (-5 DR = 0 damage) and Slowed (Save Ends both)

* Minor Action: (Encounter) Iron Resurgence: Pa'avu HP: 33 (4 THP) (lose 1 Surge, spend 2 Surges, gain 1/2 Surge value THP)

* Move (Slowed, Difficult Terrain): I20 to J19

* Standard: Pressing Strike vs. S1 minion (K18): first shift 2 (J19 to J17), then strike: Roll 17 + 9 + 2 (vs. Prone) = 28 vs. 13 AC HIT! Damage: 4 + 5 + 5 (Rage) = 14 vs. Minion = Killed

* Saving Throw vs. 5 Ongoing Poison/Slowed: 5 Fail

Pa'avu 33 (4 THP)/37 HPs, 7/11 Surges remaining, 5 Resist All and Screaming Armor ends

CHIRP keenly watches how the match is playing itself out, first this opponent up, then that one ... now that one flies through the snake swarm and crashes into the wall ... wait, what? Deciding that she is perhaps playing on the winning side after all, she glances over her shoulder at the other snake swarm. Maybe she can contribute, after all. Hmm, that grate is pretty close...

* Move Action: from P11 to M11

* Standard Action: (Encounter) Hooked Net vs. Snake Swarm 2: Roll 17 + 6 = 23 vs. 13 Reflex HIT; Close Blast 2 (where S2 is): Slide 2 (L10 to N8) and is Restrained (Save Ends). S2 ends in Tentacle aura

TRIGGER : Tentacle Grates Swarm rolls initiative whenever a character comes within 1 square of the grates. Henceforth, the Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an attack against any creature it can reach.

Initiative 19, acts on Chirp's Initiative of 9.


Swarm AttackAura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 4 damage, and the swarm can slide it 1 square as a free action.

Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature within Reach
Attack: +4 vs. Fort
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 14).
Attack vs S2 Ref: (8) +4 +2 (CA) = 14; Hit. (4) +2 = 6/3 (half damage Melee Attack) = 2 damage and grabbed (Escape DC 14).

The mass of writhing TENTACLES (SWARM) and SNAKES (SWARM) slither and flail and constrict around each other. The ball of snakes is crushed by the tentacles or falls through the gates, reducing its numbers to a mere few which ultimately squirm away from the clutches of the tentacles.

* Move Action: Escape DC 14. (8) + 9 = 17. Cannot Shift 1 Square due to Restrained.

* Standard Action: Swarm of Fangs CB1 on TS; (13) +4 -2 (Restrained) = 15; Hit (6, 2) + 2 + 5 (Vuln Area/Burst/Blast) = 15 damage. 5 HP remaining for Tentacle Swarm.

End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Restrained (14): Succeeds. End of Turn in Swarm Aura. 4 damage (BLOODIED):


Divide (Encounter)
Trigger: Snake Swarm is Bloodied.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Snake Swarm splits into 2 x Level 1 Minions (Viper) within the 4 sq of Snake Swarm.

Minions (2) Prone in M8 and M7

S Minions x 3 (K19 PRONE)
T (Hazard) = 5/20



The Acidic Mire seeps out further, sizzling against the bones and flesh of the fallen.

In the depths of the growing Acidic Mire...amidst a biting maze of her very own Spear Hedges , GAE'AL lashes out wildly from her back with kicks, flailing arms, and halberd. She has as much luck finding her feet as she finds an enemy to assail. She attempts to mutters a curse in Goliath but her lungs fill with acid instead, leaving her coughing and hacking out the caustic liquid to protect her earthen lungs.

* Instinctive Assault (Free Action on Init + 10) - No Targets.

@darkbard and @Nephis , given the situation, its insurmountable for Gae'al. Immobilized (Save Ends) and we're in a Restrained loop next to Spear Hedge with no way to resolve. Going to go ahead and submit with her given the situation. Win Con achieved.


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* 625 + 300 - 200 (Ibea and Chirp) = 725. Someone take 362 and someone take 363.


* 1 Head of Your Enemy Slain Encased in Gold (250 GP)

* Choose 1 Magic Item of 3rd Level or Less.


* Chirp is now a friend you might call upon.

After the mighty Games Warden Gae'al yields, she commands her engineers to turn off the flow of acid and the snakes and tentacles retreat to their grates and dens. She takes the head of one of your fallen foes and has it dipped in molten gold to present to you as a grisly trophy (worth a fair amount!).

From her treasury, she brings forth a magic item.

From her mind, she brings forth council <Ask 1 question that History would answer at the Hard DC and she will answer it for you>.


From @Manbearcat (in italics):

* Do me a favor when you update your thread. Break down the various constituent fictional parts to date, both setting and situation.

*Play begins in the Imperial City, Bantouk, where a new Inquisition has been initiated.

*The Empire is embroiled in costly ventures: the border war effort to the north (a nation of yuan-ti), the trade route expeditions to the east, or the spiritual journeys to discover why creatures terrible to behold are flooding our wilderlands.

*The Empress may be possessed or fool-headed or mad.

*The Oracle has made some significant revelations, which have the military in a state of agitation.

*There is a secret sect of assassins within the priesthood of the Empire. The priests have been commissioned to wage war on any member of the merchant, artisan, peasant, or slave class that will not provide material support to the Empire’s campaigns. The Sect of Omthala, another religious organization, has a kind of supra-judicial status that places it and its formal allies outside Imperial jurisdiction. Inquisitor Eyo-urth-shala leads an investigation into Chanvati’s family.

*The conspirator behind the assassination attempt on Chanvati is his cousin Amna and her father, Chanvati’s uncle, Tarquin. Tarquin has been considering yielding to the Empire’s demands to submit the family’s economic might to the Empress, but Chanvati’s father, Quwaenthi, desires to hold fast.

*The Scrolls of Xanthar hold trade secrets that privilege those who possess its knowledge. Currently, Chanvati’s father has a copy and is putting in place actions to get the jump on competitors wishing to trade with the formerly lost city, Itirilmish. Meanwhile, the original scrolls have been planted in Amna’s study by Chanvati et al.

*Barrister Bita-Bousseh had been retained by Tarquin to intervene legal roadblocks to the Empress’s demands but revealed herself to be an agent of a group of dissidents (The 2nd Nation) resisting the influence of the Empress’s inner circle upon her and has now allied herself with Chanvati and his father. Formerly, she served the Empress but was cast out by the Empress’s inner circle.

*Senator Hurang was killed by a cousin of the owners of The Waking Dragon during the Popular Assembly at Moonfall Knoll a few years ago.

*Pa’avu’s goliath blood may possess some mythic quality that sets her apart from others of her race. Games Warden Ghae’al, overseer of the arena The Congress of Savagery, is an ancient goliath of remarkable size and holds much wisdom and lore about the race of goliaths.

1) I think you just named the city?

We did: Bantouk. And we’ve gone ahead and named the mysterious and formerly lost city to the east, Itirilmish. Let’s call the Empire Hageri.

2) Pin down (in broad strokes) how you're seeing this Sword and Sandals setting we've developed so far (including city, the faith, etc).

Starting with faith, we see this as a polytheistic society, but the state religion is more like worship of one god (among many) and its exarchs, where each exarch has its own substructure and traditions. The secret sect of assassins, for example, would be one such. The Dragonborn Inquisitors is another. The Sect of Omthala is a different god altogether, one with a strong following beyond the city and empire, accounting for its diplomatic status. Let’s call the state god Mavi-ishiq, Lord of the Heavens; the patron of assassins Ubka; and Bas-Billan the Justiciar, patron of the Inquisitors.

The city is definitely a place of Might Makes Right. The wealthy, with their strength of arms to back their power and influence, indulge in a decadent, hedonistic lifestyle, while the underclasses live in comparative squalor, kept in check by the daily bread dole and other concessions.

Hageri is clearly multiracial, though there are some clear caste implications: Inquisitors are only drawn from the Dragonborn (sworn as a group to Emperor/Empress); Goliaths and Ogres are usually slaves or warriors, though the ambitious, lucky, and clever among them can transcend such rank, serving as, for example, general in an army or Games Warden (like Gae’al).

3) We know we've got a hierarchical structure of Emperor/Empress > Royals > Priests > Military & Aristocracy > Merchants > Peasants > Slaves.

I would add that this strict caste system is complicated by some checks and balances and gray areas, like the Sect of Omthala’s supra-judicial status.

4) Are we in a geographic locale that features massive mountains like the Himilayas and a huge grassy Steppe lands once you get out of these massive highlands...with a huge invading mobile force (fantastic 4e humanoids like Bladelings or Hengeyokai on dire scorpions or fantastic animals of some sort?...with this dangerous looming force being a threat to the trade routes to the other empires)? Completely uncharted sea to the south?

Bantouk must sit in a pass within a great range of mountains, precipitous and foreboding but maybe more like the rock and pine depictions of landscape in Japanese and Chinese brushstroke art than immense like the Himalayas. We know that the Monastery of the Exalted Path exists somewhere in those mountains. Bantouk’s tributary settlements are oases spread along ancient trade roads to the west. The south is an uncharted sea, but one of silt and sand only, perhaps once a great basin of water but now an ever-shifting landscape of windswept dunes. The arid steppes, infringing upon civilization, are inhabited by the scorpion-riding Bladeling Horde, which sweeps across the land in periodic waves, having driven the goliaths before them into the mountains in ancient times past. Nomadic tribes of elves draw much of the Bladeling’s ire these days, though perhaps part of what rouses the military in Bantouk is a prophecy from The Oracle about a new leader of the Horde who wishes to test their mettle in raids against the Empire?

To the north, we’ve identified an ancient nation of yuan-ti, perhaps extant to some extent (wordplay rimshot!). We see there a loose confederation of small humanoid nation-states that resist the Empire’s incursions as best they can.

Pa’avu’s question for Gae’al: Where/how can I develop the mythical aspect of my blood inheritance?

Chanvati will choose the Brooch of No Regrets +1 as his reward for helping defeat Gae’al. New stats: Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 17.

Gae'al points to a the tallest of mounts in the distance, flanked by a range that rises only half that high.

"Stoneroot's Perch. You will find burial mounds at its peak; a sacred place for our kind. Those mounds are not for the dead...but rather the living; those brave enough of our kind pilgrimage to that place to commune with Stoneroot himself. But to do so means death; burying one's self alive in an earthen mound until your last breath is drawn. From there you will transcend your mortal form and enter the Spirit Realm. You may find the Elder Spirit of earth, Stoneroot, there. Receive his blessing, unlock the earthen strength of your blood, and find your way back. Or do neither and become nothing more than the legion of goliath bones entombed in those ancient mounds."

* Take 1 Advantage forward to use in any conflict on this Major Quest (write this out please @Nephis ). You can use the Advantage for the normal purposes, but also to gain 1 additional Success when defeating a Hard DC or to reroll any roll in a combat.

* Take 50 xp apiece for resolving your Minor Quest (and write another one when you're read).

* Take 50 gold pieces.

8 Successes (2 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/0 Secondary Skills Available/3 Advantages Available)

12 Successes
and you sever the Sect of Omthala’s religious accord with Tarquin and Amna. This is necessary to fully resolve this conflict.

As you exit the Congress of Savagery, the Procession of the Scrutinous Eye and the Hand of Deliverance is underway. The Order of Omthala is good for The Empire both for alms provided and this perpetual ritual where a family is uplifted by coin-laden purse or a worthy child is conscripted for the honor of serving as herald or scrivener or alms-rationer or vessel-bearer for the many divinations the order carries out.

Here before you is one such example. The procession stops and a massive throng of underclass families desperately appeal for deliverance before the Sect of Omthala's agents. Hakhaman, Tarquin's steward and Warlock, stands behind the the priest of The Lady of Light as the vessel-bearer brings forth the means for a divination, the custom of "shedding light and gaining purchase from darkness" (both material darkness and the metaphorical obscuring of understanding). Hakhaman pulls forth a preserved eye, nerve still clung to it, from his pocket. He whispers into the ear of The Lady of Light's priest who leans into the council.

The holy agent of the Sect of Omthala places the eye in the basin, gathers implements in hand, and prepares for some obscure divination with an impossible Far Realm entity...well outside of the pacts of the order. The gathering congregation looks on in equal parts trepidation and horror as the typical ritual divination of choosing features thematic materials of light, clarity, and cleansing..

What do you do? Do you intervene? Does Ibhea? Do you wait and watch (if you do, then let me know and I'll move things along and reframe)?

Hard DC
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After effacing herself before Gae’al, Pa’avu says to her (without rising), “I thank you, Zel’kisstr’,*
for this generous opportunity to face you in challenge and to earn the right to ask a question of you.” At Gae’al’s murmured assent, Pa’avu sits back on her heels and asks the elder goliath if the rumors of mythical goliath blood are true and how can Pa’avu learn more about this.

Gae’al looks down at her gravely for a long time, then orders simply, “explain.” Stuttering in nervous excitement in conversing with her hero, Pa’avu stumbles through her tale of the stonefang spider venom, its effect on her, and the effect of her own blood on the stonefang spider itself. “Are the rumors true, about the mythical aspect of the blood of certain goliaths? Is there a way that I can learn more about my blood inheritence and how to unleash its power?” Again, Gae’al gazes at her in long, silent consideration. Finally she tells Pa’avu the tale of Stoneroot's Perch:

“You will find burial mounds at its peak; a sacred place for our kind. Those mounds are not for the dead...but rather the living; those brave enough of our kind pilgrimage to that place to commune with Stoneroot himself. But to do so means death; burying one's self alive in an earthen mound until your last breath is drawn. From there you will transcend your mortal form and enter the Spirit Realm. You may find the Elder Spirit of earth, Stoneroot, there. Receive his blessing, unlock the earthen strength of your blood, and find your way back. Or do neither and become nothing more than the legion of goliath bones entombed in those ancient mounds."

“The great K’mniich’ostr’,” Pa’avu murmurs quietly, almost to herself. Gae’al gives her a small approving smile: “You remember the lore of our elders. Yes, the legends are true. Go and seek the K’mniich’. Good luck!”

Pa’avu’s Major Quest: To access the mythical aspects of my heritage, I will travel to Stoneroot’s Perch to commune with the venerable K’mniich’ himself.

* roughly translates as “revered one” in the Giant tongue.
** roughly translates as “Perch of Stoneroot” in the Giant tongue.

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