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The Faerie Woods [Knight Otu Judging]


You believe you've searched the whole place thoroughly, and you have found no additional physical evidence.

"What would be a fair price to offer you folks for your services? I'll tell you what, how about 600 gp for the return of the necklace or proof that you've accomplished my revenge for me, either one. If you manage both, I'll throw in an extra 300 gp as a bonus. Of course, I need to know who I'm dealing with."

If you could introduce yourselves, I'm don't think anyone actually gave poor old Gontor a name.
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Public v. Private

One of the things I like to do as a DM is incorporate character backgrounds and motivations into my plots. I do this in almost all of my tabletop games, if I can convince my players to write up backgrounds. I've been reviewing everyones background, and the rules pertaining to this. I've got some minor ideas that I'd like to pursue, but only if it's ok with the players in question.

1. Would SlagMortar/Nars object to Gontor recognizing him as a distant relative?
2. Would Manzanita/Persephone object to being recognized (and perhaps more?) I wouldn't change the underlying political situation in Momenvasia or use any actually named NPCs in her background, as I don't want to mess around with her motivations or anthing like that.
3. If IcyCool would like, I would be willing to base a future adventure (not this one) on an attempt to retake GemHold from the Goblins.

Also, lest anyone feel left out, I'd be happy to rethink some of my ideas if anyone adds to their background and lets me know about it.


First Post
Morulas, so intend on the fine cut in the wall winces as Gontor reminds him of his slip of etiquette.

'I .. oh.. I am sorry.' the elf announces with a slight bow'please call me Morulas'

Thinking the Jewelers offer over for a moment before he responds, Morulas quickly admits to himself the excitement of the upcoming hunt. There is not much to excite the young elf as easiely as the prospect of stalking dangerous prey like this.
'I think it is a matter of course for me.. for us? to stalk such a dangerous and violent creature. If it is indeed a Redcap haunting this city. Matter of fact, I've heard rumors that a few bloody murderes in recent nights went unsolved and I wouldn't be surprised if we'd also avenge a few more families of Orrussus with this quest.'

For a moment the elf pauses, glancing around the assembled group.
'As for the necklace.. I don't think I have a use for it.
If it proves harmless of course, I'd return it as quickly as possible to its rightful owner...
On the other hand, if a Redcap seeks it above else, the very item might be connected to blood, pain and murder and, by its very existence pose a danger to the people of this town. If that is the case, I do not think we should bring it back here. What do you think?
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"Master Torbith, my name is Nars Blackbeard, of the Torbith Blackbeards. H-how long ago did you, ah, leave the clan-home? I believe you may know my grandfather, Thedrick Blackbeard. And, this task will be done as a matter of honor."

OOC: I would not object. I even thought of suggesting that Nars and Gontor be from the same clan. I would feel obliged to help reclaim the necklace for free, though.
This post can be edited if you have something else in mind. I'll add a little to my background. I'm assuming that Torbith would be the main family in the clan and Nars could be a very distant relative, but from the same clan-home.
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Zweischneid (Morulas) said:
'On the other hand, if a Redcap seeks it above else, the very item might be connected to blood, pain and murder and, by its very existence pose a danger to the people of this town. If that is the case, I do not think we should bring it back here. What do you think?'

To his credit, Gontor doesn't hesitate.

"If that's the case, destroy it. It is enough for me that all know the folly of steeling from the Dwarves of my clan."


First Post
Gorefoot - Gnome Barbarian 2

Gorefoot glances over his shoulder at the dwarf, "Name's Gorefoot."

Patlin said:
3. If IcyCool would like, I would be willing to base a future adventure (not this one) on an attempt to retake GemHold from the Goblins.

Also, lest anyone feel left out, I'd be happy to rethink some of my ideas if anyone adds to their background and lets me know about it.

OOC: Patlin, I'm fine with this. I'd be delighted if you ran it.


First Post

OOC: Oops. You're right. No one did introduce themselves. As for her background. Her brother is essentially public. (I should go back and state what is public and private). As is her ex suitor (whatever his name is). Otherwise, the political situation in Monemvassia is private, as you probably guessed. I'd be happy if someone would include details of her background, or run a thread off her brother or betrothed. Thanks for reading all that!

"I'm Persephone. And I'd be happy to help. I must admit, I'm not sure what our next step is. Perhaps we could find out who the murder victim is from the watch, and see if its connected?"


LEW Judge
The Deep Halfling bowed respectfully, ashamed at his lack of courtesy. "I am Ishmael, a knight of the Order of the Wooden Sword. The protection of the innocent is my quest. If this fey be truly a bloodthristy murderer (as Morulas says) as well as a thief, then it shall not stop at burglary.

My aid is thine in the resolution of this crime, Gontor."

If the dwarf agrees to acception Ishmael's aid, he begins a scan of the crime scene. He looses his shield from his arm. then, he uses his Divine Inquisition. Afterward, he uses a divination spell to Detect Magic. He is uncertain if anything will be revealed by any of the divinations, but any clue would be helpful to the situation.


First Post
"I'm Persephone. And I'd be happy to help. I must admit, I'm not sure what our next step is. Perhaps we could find out who the murder victim is from the watch, and see if its connected?"

Still convinced, that the necklace and its origin must hold some special importance, Morulas tries to weight the options
'That does indeed sound like a good start, even if the connection to the bloody murders of the last days is just a hunch really.
Also, if noone here is schooled in heraldry and noble lineages, we might try to find someone in town who is.
Surely, we would also find chronicles of noble pedigree or at least some records of the different fiefdoms levy in taxes and man-at-arms that usually go with a title if we know by which kingdom the Fairbloods held their title.

"I am Ishmael, a knight of the Order of the Wooden Sword..

Studying Sir Ishmael with renewed curiosity, the inquisitive elf asks quietly
'Is the Order of the Wooden Sword a worldly Order or a one composed of Knights with a title... honoris cause I think the humans call it?'


* Kinda assuming that this part of LENWorld has a somewhat medieval or feudal concept of aristocracy.
The intro text to the Red Dragon mentions multiple kingdoms... not sure how this all builds up politically in the setting (does Orussus owe fealthy to a king somewhere? is it itself a feudal capital?).
Than again Morulas is not (yet) schooled in Royalty & Nobility and might just as well be heading into the wrong direction.

I'm also wondering if Morulas might know the rough location of the Fairie Woods?
((Knowledge (Geography) +4 = 15))
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"Blackbeard, you say? I do know Thedrick, and his sons. Let's see, 'Nars'. Yes, if I'm not mistaken your my cousin's cousin's boy. Good! A member of the clan is involved! Much better, in fact."

"Persephone... Esmerelda Persephone? No, don't tell me girl. Better I not know, if so. There was a fellow poking around looking for someone of that name yesterday, and I didn't like the look of him. Seemed to think such a person might be attracted to the finer establishments here in Orussus."

"I'm afraid I don't know anything about any murders, but look here, don't you be coming over all generous at me. I don't just want this critter punished, I want to be able to say that *I* caused him to be punished for being such a fool as to steal from Gontor's shop! I love gold as much as the next man, but a man's pride is worth a goodly sum. If the blasted vermin's a murderer as well as a thief, do what your honor demands, but if anyone asks it was Gontor that put you on his trail. Fair enough?"

Brooking no arguments, he opens his safe and pulls out 600 gold.

"With the word of a Clansman on the matter, I consider it as good as done. Take this now, never know when you might need some travelling money."

Voidrunner's Codex

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