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ZEITGEIST The affirmative action racial recruitment team of the RHC

Andrew Moreton

My players have been looking for it since book 6. I used some of Arkwirghts hand outs for the Symposium and missed that Iretha Ket had been included as a Life/Death plane with an affinity for spontaneous musical numbers. Since they learned about it the players particularly Manuel's player have been looking forward to finding it and he has been planning to make sure they include it in their rebuild of the world. If I had the time and patience I would have liked to go through Disney Musicals and have appropriate tunes available for the right moments but that was too much effort .
There should be some slightly silly and nice places in the Gyre most of the rest of it is doom and gloom

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Andrew Moreton

Chekhov's bomb got used!
and several pc's became undead!
and the write up may be delayed a few days as I am on holiday for a couple of days
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Andrew Moreton

The team started planning their investigation of Shaboath and Mavisha. After discussion they decided to not open up their visit by blowing up the bridge between the worlds as that seemed easy to do and so could be done later and would probably mess up any negotiations. They assembled a team consisting of themselves , the Monk Calily and the young(?) Ashima-shimtu. They arrived on the plane and started trekking across the dismal bog, and were met by the astral projection of the monkish figure (one of the savant's) which invited them to visit their underwater city, they descended a spiral staircase down a sinkhole as they did so they also failed their saving throws against being drawn into a mindscape which controlled what they could see and hear. Initially the changes were small so they did not notice the differences before they had all been drawn into the Mindscape, they did have Spell immunity and Mindblank effects up which boosted their saves and prevented Domination.
The journey ended in an inverted tower were they met a bunch of very grey dwarves and Blue/black skinned elved, completely ignorant of the stereotypes of these races they entered into discussion about the end of the world here and tried to work out the planar traits, they were able to confirm that the planar trait seemed to be the creation of an Underdark and the locals did not know why the world ended they thought something had gone wrong on the surface. Everything seemed to be going well when Nevla noticed that Mini-Ashima-Shimtu, had just walked through the wall and asked her about it. She revealed that they were in a mindscape and noone else was seeing anything. Nevla then tried to persuade Ashima to help, Ashima wants to avoid action they have worked out that she is afraid of taking actions because she fears becoming the Monster which Ashima-Shimtu was for most of her life, she is paralysed by the fear of responsibilty for her actions, Nevla takes responsibility for Ashima's actions assuring her that she will make sure that there are no bad consequences. Finally Ashima-shimtu teleported the team and one of the drow back to the Coaltongue which was sensibly left a safe distance from mind control range.
Here they assessed the true situation and determined they faced 4 Aboleth viziers and a grand master Aboleth which had ruled the world until the grandmaster grew bored and forgot to keep the world working, the viziers had kept the few remaining slaves alive but the world died. They decided the slaves needed rescuing and the Aboleth must die to make sure it did not sneak into their solar system. They considered a miracle to rescue the female slaves but that was not a good solution. Manuel wondered Iretha Ket's undead ritual could be used to turn all the slaves undead on a temporary or permemant basis but decided that as it required consent so would not work, the idea though of using the undead who are immune to mid control to deal with the Grandmaster was set. They considered a strike team of Musical magicians from Iretha Ket and Vampire Nuns from Bathory as well as turning some of the team undead. Then Manuel realised the Grandmaster was sleeping in the center of the vast cavern with no slaves around ,At last a morally valid target for the BOMB, so Miracle spells were used to turn Manuel(bomb and stealth expert) and William(teleportation ennabler) undead then accoampanied by Genevieve the Vampire Nun (Mellee support) the three would invisibly sneak into the center of the Cavern and detonate the BOMB teleporting out at the last minute. It was then decided that as Manuel had a stealth score of 61 in his steamsuit he would carry everyone. Immune to mental detection and pretty much immune to normal detection they crept down and planted the BOMB above the sleeping Aboleth teleporting out just before it converted a ha;f mile sphere of water and Mud to Burning corrosive freezing fire, the Savant died and linked to him so did the viziers. Manuel and William then managed to get ressurected. Immediatly Manuel started bugging William to use retrocognition so Manuel could'study the explosion for Academic reasons'. Help was sent from Av and Gloriana to get thr freed slaves organised
The team resumed their exploration from Iretha Ket, Gardoboreal with it's titanic and violent elementals the did not visit but magica study revealed it's planar trait of natural events spawning elementals and it went on the Hell No list,, Next they visisted Guay as they explored it they encountered the Steelshaper which threw them for a moment as they thought they had thoroughly killed him(correctly), he insulted them a bit and warned Nevla that 'She will betray you it is ineveitable" before being backstabbed by Padme , resulting in them awaking from a dream. They looked around a bit more and encounted a truly charming and charismatic pale blackhaired vampire who won them over with her wit and charm (the players realised this was some sort or image of Archfiend and Diplomancer Syrah from Ashima-Shimtu's mind) who reminded Ashima-Shimtu she would rejoin her eventually before they woke uo again and fled the plane, they determined that taking this plane would make people minds open for editing while they slept so it too got added to the Hell No List.
From there they moved to 10 which was not a blasted waste but the site of some Epic Battle between Flying fortress Zeppelins and the Shining Legion. Manual enthused about the wrecked automata and technology so they investigated . They confirmed that the wreckage was from a fight with the Shining Legion and that the tecnhology on display was briliant a fusion of the work of multiple inventors on the scale of Tinker. In the bridge of the Airship they found some records and also ressurrected the Captain and Chief of Staff and discovered Castle Wulfenburg as the airship was known had been the capital of an empire which had fallen during the fight between the Evil other and the Baron who ruled the empire and protected it's people. It seemed that the Baron and his top people had been taken by the Shining Legion. It seemed that this empire had been acceptable as a protector of the weak against the local mad scientists and the planar trait was that magic and science were more similar and that Mad Scientists were rather like Mad Wizards. Manuel liked this world and they had it as a possible alternative to Jiesse, Manuel could just create an icon he had a natural link to this world. (No prizes for guessing where I stole this world from, Manuel's player worked it out about halfway through their visit).
Going further North was ruled out as they wished to avoid any risk of contact with the Voice of Rot and starting a conflict before they were ready, likewise they were avoiding the west to avoid starting a battle with the shining legion. So they moved to 7 which was the furthest north they would go it was a plane with burnt out villages and dead cows, which again appeared to the the work of the Shining Legion. Moving through the rubble they found a black swanfeather cloak the residence of a powerful spirit which they spoke with via William. The spirit was the patron of a clan of free people whose world had been destroyed in a battle with terrible enemies who had raised a false element and goddess into the sky a great red moon and the fight for their peoples freedom shatterred the world. The world trait was "No One Can Make You Do Anything, and Respect your Chosen Leaders" a dichtomy which seemed to lead to local democracy and a loose organisation until an outside threat united everyone behind charismatic leaders. This sounded nteresting combined with some of the more autocratic planes to help keep people free (Again no prize for spotting my favourite RPG setting I stole this from)
They were about to move onto the Swamp Metarie before I remembered something I had meant to do earlier. A sending was recieved from William Miller saying he had some guests who wanted to speak with them. They returned to Ascetia and encountered 3 dead spirits King Aodhan, Mayor Macbennin and the young Nilasa Hume. The King had seen the Voice of Rot at the end of the world and had then encountered the other 2 spirits and they beleiving that the Constables would come to face the Voice of Rot had gathered information before returning to try and aid them. It seemed that the Voice of Rot was waiting on Reida but not alone, the 4 riders and professer Pardue were there to aid it and Machennin beleived they were linked by the rituals used by the whitches of Cauldron Hill so the Voice of Rot could not die until its minions did, the King was able to report he could feel the Power of the rites of Kingship flowing from the parts of the Arc where Risur lay so he advised Nevla to make her stand on Risuri soil. The group spoke with the spirits and confirmed that the King and the Mayor were content in death and the King was pleased with is successor, the King and Macbennin said they would go an d spy on the Voice of Rot and be ready to report to the team on Teykfa before they made their move. Nilasa had asked how Gale and the others she knew in life were doing and Queen Nevla had offerred to ressurect her, she was ressurected and moved to Av which would be safe until it was brought back into the world.
FInally they spoke with Obiliteras, they convinced it that the undead of Iretha Ket were not evil bringing along some of the young lovers they had been protecting to show that they were dedicated to preserving and not destroying life, then they told it about the daily undead attacks on Gloriana and it started to move towards Gloriana to provide it's protection

Excellent use of a bomb. Screw those tentacled enslavers.

I love the extra planes you added, though for the life of me I'm not getting the references.

And another great idea having Aodhan and Macbannin pop up to do a final bit of help for the party.

Andrew Moreton

The two references are
One of the best Web comics around and
My favorite RPG setting since the 90's.

I liked the idea of bringing back some dead allies and those three were ones I thought my players would want to meet again

Andrew Moreton

Moving north from Obliteras(which I only just realised I have been spelling and pronouncing incorrectly all the time) the group encountered the blasted Moor of Ringes, fortunatly in their established pattern they left the Coaltongue in a safe area while the main team probed each world so the crew were not stricken by a homicidal frenzy. The main team continued to resist the parasites as they found a small throne and analysed the black powder to discover undead cat fluff. So they started looking for an undead cat and were able to use trueseeing to spot the invisible cat watching them. Negotiations with the Cat began as it ignored them and shortly after the initial conversation openings Manuel noticed his 'Ring of Delayed Doom' had activated revealing that a disease had affected him and given him an insane urge to kill people which it was blocking for a minute (He nearly forgot this item , and only remembered it after rolling for shooting Nevla in the back with a Nock gun for 315 pts of damage) as they tried to work out what was going on and the Cat of Doom realised they were not going to go mad it attacked, a Wail of the Banshee did nothing but came close to hurting them, then a timestop followed by Plague Storm , Cloudkill and Stinking cloud which all failed because Ulvaar had his lifebubble on everyone (Seriously that one ability has made things easier for them so many times) . Manuel used an Elixir to become undead and so immune to disease for 20 minutes , everyone else tried to spot the cat . Then it used a wave of exhaustion on them , which was crippling for several pc's because they now had problems carrying their equipment at this point they decided the cat was not a big enough problem to be worth fighting and teleported out. Analysis revealed the planes property of murderous insanity and they added it to the list of planes they did not want an icon for.
Moving on they came to Metarri (AKA Dagobah/Kashyk) the giant newts amused them and they found the crashed golden legion ship. Realising something was trapped in the boiler but suspecting a devil they set up a safety system to vent the steam as they opened it and a Dimensional lock to stop the devil teleporting. Of course the Savety vent failed and scalding steam filled the ship which because of the lifebubble they were completely safe from (they also had fire resistance magic up). A rather sad pit fiend crawled out ranting about gremlins and being trapped for 10 years, they made him some tea and sympethically chatted with him and got the complete layout of the Shining Legions fortress as well as information which Ashima-shimtu corroberated about its leadership. Then they stuffed him in the absurdist web, planning to release him with a warning after they had broken the legion. By this point they worked out this plane broke technology and retreated without ever bringing the Coaltounge down (so no sabotage for them). Again this world is being consigned to the bin.
They decided to finish their sweep of planes not too close to the Legion or Voice of Rot and moved onto 7 which was a world of floating rocks apparetly bare of all life until close investigation revealed clutches of Sleeping Dragons on many of the rocks . Retrocognition was used to learn of the planes history and it turned out the doom of this plane was the fault of dwarves who dug too deeply (a common problem but this time no Balrog) the core of the planet has a strong charge of Earth magic while the rest of the plane was steeped in air magic, when they mined the core the balance was upset and the world flew apart killing most things. The dragons then ate everything and before they started on each other the elder dragons put them into suspended animation. It was determined this ritual would wake them if there was enough life on the plane to sustain them but until then sisturbing them jus triggerred an attack. No way round this was found but a plane with easy flight and young female red dragons was determined to be something they had to use El Kevin defeinetly thought so , and Pemberton would be unhappy of they did not. Also it would replace Baden which they were suspicous of anyway.
Finally 11 appeared to be a world frozen in winter with the slightly ruined form of magnificent towers amidst the tree's and small houses almost all ruined also amidst the tree's. The players concluded elves lived here from the way the tree's and towers blended in , so they entered the edge of the world to use retrocognition to find it's histroy and immediatly an elf arrived and greeted them , she was standoffish and warned them this place was a sanctuary under her protection and any theft or damage would result in her killing them. They assumed she was overconfident but powerful (they were wrong she was not overconfident I had dug out the mythic rules and killing 5 level 20 pc's would not have been that hard). They spoke for a while telling her part of why they were there and she was suprised that another group had worked out how to build a solar system. She agreed to speak with them more comfrotably and invited them to her home for breakfast. William completed the retrocognition and determined this world was old, there had been no apocolypse it seemed that as the sun faded the elves had put their civilisation into hibernation and then let the end come.
At the elf called Galadrial's house(pc of mine, I have limited imagination for names) they had some very nice breakfast pastries (causing 2 of the players to recognise the elf , which was my pc on sunday , they also concluded that meant I would have pulled out all the stops for maximum cheese). They discussed things more , the elven civilisation was largely sleeping waiting to see if anything interesting came along before they joined their gods and ancestors. She had met Rock (Annoying little man with bad taste in music), the Shining legion(a Pit Fiends head on a stick was outside) and William Millar but was largely uninterested in general gyre events. The players thought this world may be interesting as including it would wake the elven civilisation and give them another powerful group in the solar system who could help protect against the devils and ghidim while leaving planar links open. Galadrial agreed to consult with the hibernating Queen and High mages , as she did so they departed to prepare for the attack on the legion.

Firstly they decided the Volcano needed to go. So Manuel had a Mad idea, he would build a volcano snuffing bomb, based on the BOMB and using all of his alchemical knowlege and built in Wulfendyne the plane of mad science he would build an ice bomb to extinguish the volcano. Meanwhile Doverspike would take out the lava store en-route to the aft treasury which should keep him busy,happy and out of their way while hurting the legion. El Kevin and allies from various worlds would lead strike teams to rescue the slaves, while the Coaltongue protected by Gold from Urim and the disabling of the Egalatrix's main weapons would take out their air-skiffs and dock facility. The main team would kill General Marcus and his chief liuetenants which would also help confuse the legion command structure. They believed the leaders they face are
1) High General Marcus Hellknight, Anti-paladin and Diabolic Graveknight heavily armoured (living suit of Adamantine armour) immune to most elements scary as hell and deadly in close combat
2) General Grumblejack. Cheerfully cannibalistic former Ogre Barbarian and know a powerful devil
3)Star Marshal Tiadora , handmaiden devil and Bard

We are into the end game now , with an estimated completion in November

Andrew Moreton

As plane building planning is soon this is my current skill dc checks to build complicated planetry combinations
New basis
DC3O 1 Planets
DC50 2 planets
DC70 3planets
DC90 4 Planets
+5 per competing elemental trait(Air -- Earth etc) This is only between planets not the slot so if in the air slot you try and put Hendreiki and Wingover (both Air and Earth) there would be no problem with the earth clashing with the slot or the other planet but Hendreiki (Air and Earth)and Wulfendyne(Air and Fire) would get a clash between the air and earth of Hendreikie and Wulfendyne
+/-5 for compatible natures (GM Judgement)
For each completed Binary or bigger slot +7 on all none single slots

I believe my pc's can easily with buffing spells hit as high as 70 I think William fully buffed could manage as high as 86 but can't do that reliably and he would be limited in his ability to fight while preparing for that

Andrew Moreton

I have started on the Voice of Rot fight.
Key features I am looking at are
1) The players have access to an Item which will death ward all of them. This one unique item makes all negative energy attacks useless for about 10 minutes so the VOR can't use negative energy attacks
2) The pc's could include multiple allies, I think they will probably only use Kevin as the others are not mirrorred but I want to be ready if I need reinforcements. Also of course Rock but probably not his harem
3) I think this will be the climatic fight of the campaign, the axis island confrontation I am leaning towards less fighting more talking

So reinforcments for the VOR, I am adding the 4 surviving horsemen from Drakr , and Professer Pardue from the assassination of the king (he was a VOR agent in the Ob it turns out and the players remember him) all linked to the VOR by bonds of forced faith so they have to go down before it does.
I am considering having it raise specters of versions of the pc's from other timelines probably capable of doing a fair amount but having very low hp so they are weaker than the pc's.
I expect Queen Nevla to fight from inside Risur so she will have those benefits , and if they think of it I will let William call up the spectres of previous kings

Good luck. Honestly, though, I'd just have the Voice of Rot whisper a primordial susurrus, which makes the magic item the PCs have shatter, and the spell on each of them be dispelled. I mean, dude's nearly a god. He'd clearly have tricks beyond what's on the statblock to deal with people who think they've got a silver bullet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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