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ZEITGEIST The affirmative action racial recruitment team of the RHC


I did enjoy being the night, till around 5th level I was mainly the late afternoon, the early evening and the early night (suitable for workdays). Having Av go along with me was something Andrew did incidentally at first, which was surprising. Then we ended up using it strategically while doing an Agatha Chrisite reveal for the murder of Rock Rackus.

The non-static technology development in the game was great, as generally most campaigns and game worlds have tech that never moves in game time.

I think the most eccentric thing Manuel had on his steam suit an Espresso Machine and later a Mithril Waffle Iron, because it was on an equipment list and too ridiculous not to own. He enjoyed making Coffee and Waffles for various NPC's during the game and I had flavour texted his Alchemist Mutagens and Cognatogens as particularly strong coffee. He did look into ghost touch waffles at one point as he felt Nicodemus might just have ghost blood sugar problems and would possibly of calmed the hell down and listened to reason after a nice waffle or two.

The Hotchkiss 6lb Naval gun, Aasen Mortar, Rocket Grenade array, and Maxim gun where just the proper and necessary accessories for crime fighting. Although Mustard Gas (after the bit in the Bruces throne room) was vetoed by the university ethics commission

I would have liked a glider, or possibly a giant bat housing for my riding dire bat, but poor roger rapidly became a liability after about 7th level so I was largely not around for the Goblin Mecha stage of the game. I also failed to find a practical way of making the Mecha weightless for easy and dramatic deployment via dire bat.

I think the Ob's offer is not that good within context of the game. Starting as RHC constables starts the PC's as probably Lawful or Good with an initial loyalty to Risur. While Risur is not a perfect kingdom, most of its problems (poor working conditions, inequality, lack of democratic agency for citizens) are the default for most RPG Kingdoms. The RHC and Risur NPC's we encountered seemed reasonable people working for the common good of the the Kingdom. So there was nothing to undermine loyalty to this group.

Conversely our first experience of the Ob was them releasing Slijin, and generally trying to kill people and subvert our government. Which left a bad first impression, as did the later lamp and train based murder attempt. So they make a bad first impression relative to Risur.

The Ob conclave is very interesting and the point where I suspect people would debate turning. However, "do nothing to the ancient ritual that defines the world" still seems to be the best option at this point for any predominantly Good or Lawful characters. As it was presented to us there was no suspicion it needed to be changed or it was failing, merely that it could be changed. So while the Ob presented many interesting options (Millers Pyre, Panarchists) the risk to everyone on the planet appeared to far out weigh the benefit at this point. Also the Colossus & Watchmaker factions looked like a dangerous threat to the world.

Nicodemus clearing house by killing the Ob faction backing Colossus also did him no favours, it was an abrupt and merciless massacre using the ghost council, While it may have been for good intentions, it was the act of a merciless tyrannical monster and pretty much ended our sympathy for him. From that point Nicodemus had to go, if we could get an Ob run be Han or Leia we would consider working with them. But Nick was out a that point, an obsessive undead monster we could not trust to his word.

After the Ob's ritual failed and the Sun went out we attempted to approach them diplomatically. Our principle objection to there aims was disturbing the ancient ritual was dangerous, which was now both proven and a moot point. While we did not trust Nick we felt we might be able to work with the rest of the Ob to get the sun working again and deal with the hive mind problems. We even managed to meet the ghost of Leia and persuade her to accept a true resurrection from us. As we wanted her in a potential position to counter Nick and she could not do this as a ghost council member under his control. Unfortunately Nick appeared to be having a full screaming meltdown at this point and would not talk with us. So we where left with opposing him and attempting to convert the Ob to our goals.

The Ob conclave did very much inform our planar planning. We ended up building a variant of Panarchists & Williams Pyre, with a config using Fourmyle and Ostea to personally empower people, and Aretha Ket, Etherax and others to help people to be more tolerant of others. The extra planes Andrew added here where very useful. In keeping with the Panarchists, I did attempt to build Thrag into something so we could build a world where people did not need to fear death (what better equality and safeguard against tyranny?) but the other PC's where not persuaded.

I think if the conclave emphasised that the ancient ritual was failing and a replacement needed to happen in a short time frame we would have been more tempted by the Ob. Likewise if Nick had been gentler in purging the Ob at the end of the conclave (maybe imprisoned till after the ritual was done or just offered surrender) he would have retained our sympathy. The Ob was a odd mix of idealists and cynical pragmatists which made an interesting opponent. Although they should just have stopped with Bourne, as a 178,000 ton robot is a better achievement than most bad guys ever get.

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See what I've had to cat herd...? dramatic eye roll

Anyhow, I've been playing Nevla, currently skimming through this thread; thanks for writing this RW, and for Andrew (I can imagine the GM cackling already from some of the early thread I have got through so far...)


Andrew Moreton

The final write up of the aftermath

And so a new age of the world(s) began , these are some of the consequences

As the new configuration of planets settled in those most involved in the process were able to channel some of the released energy to gain a wish effect.

Ulvaar Wished that his domain as a fey titan and duke of Risur would blessed with wise and compassionate leaders even after he inevitably moved away from the day to day leadership of the domain

William Wished that his domain as a fey titan and duke would always benefit from the wisdom of the monarchs of Risur to guide its leaders in their duties.

Manuel Wished for help in his project to unite magic and technology and as a result help the world progress with a union of magic and technology rather than the current divisions between the two.

Nevla Wished for the return of the Eladrin women to go smoothly , avoid conflicts and help the other refugee’s from the current unpleasantness

-El Kevin of course wished to become a Dragon, and indeed he did become a dragon, of course given his age he was not yet an impressive dragon

Bourne I was persuaded that Bourne should also get a wish having been heavily involved in the ritual. Bourne wished to be reborn and was reborn as the son of Kasavarina , the other golems created by the mindmaker also got the same option and were reborn as living people.

On returning to Risur the first event was a planned solemn burial of two empty coffins at sea, a small coffin which would be buried by the small folk Manuel, El Kevin and others , a Larger coffin carried by the other members of the team. It was at a solemn moment of the ceremony that Rock and his Harem climbed out of the Coffin after knocking and launched a massive musical affair and celebration of life instead of a solemn ceremony, even She Who Writhes joined in the Music. Rock would then depart on an interplanetary concert tour

Tinker Ascendant
Manuel checked in with Tinker and discovered he had vanished leaving behind his comprehensive notes on his many , many technoarcane schemes. The final notes seemed to be his investigation of smaller and smaller break downs of elements and their strange behaviours, this cut off in mid sentence. Over many years Manuel would realise that Tinker had discovered the basics of Quantum mechanics centuries ahead of his time and in this lay the true link between magic and technology.
Over time many engineers and scientists would thank Oddcog for breakthroughs and marvellous creations and it became clear that some of their prayers were being answered and eventually the Church of Oddcog would arise as the god of choice for technologists many considered that Tinker Oddcogs prophet was Manuel.

Interior decoration
Returning to the palace Queen Nevla was surprised to discover that the annoying functionary who had tried to get her to make decisions about redecorating the royal apartments before her departure to Axis island had worked feverishly during her absence, avoiding being caught up under Ob control he had managed through dedication , hard work and some sort of mystical insight to produce apartments perfectly decorated to her requirements , including furniture modified to be comfortable to a winged being like Ashima-Shimtu. The functionary received a holiday and went on to become the premier interior designer and decorator in Risur making a fortune from his critically acclaimed work

State of Ber
In Ber the Bruse had resigned and retired to a country estate in Risur funded by his own money probably stolen from the state but at least his retirement avoided a civil conflict in Ber. Corta Nariz the Ork women the team had encountered while trying to recover Tinker from Ber had taken the government position and was working on reforming her nation. She sought to build a solid foundation for her country of laws, she wanted to make sure that when she was no longer Bruse her successor would be chosen by some sort of legal process. She wanted to move to democracy but feared tensions along racial lines would follow such a step.
She also sought to establish some sort of control over El Extrano and also the Executores dola Liberta for the latter seeking to bring in RHC advisors to help formalise their procedures and move them more to being a national police and anti-corruption task force.
These changes would be a struggle but the calmer and more altruistic attitudes of the people meant there was hope that Ber would mature as a nation.

State of Danor
In Danor Han Jierre has resigned and would eventually move to take up a post at the University of Philosophy and History on Ascetia. His successor as Soveriegn Lya Jierre was trying to deal with the complete discreditation of the political elite after their links to the Ob were made clear. She was seeking to revitalise the democratic process in Danor and had promised to step down after 10 years when she had a functioning democratic system working. Some areas along the borders with the Malice lands and the Dragon Isles were seeking to secede and eventually some of them would.
It would take time but when Lya stepped down Danor had returned to being a stable and prosperous nation although it lagged behind still in arcane matters.

State of Crissylr
Crissilyr was no more. The clergy had collapsed totally and many new religions each worshipping a single god has risen inspired by actual contact with their deities. However these new faiths could not match the unified political power of the old Clergy, a council of faiths did govern Alais Primos but outside of that there was no functioning government. Crissilyr fragmented into a patchwork of small states similar to those in the Malice lands. The land would be dominated by bad governance and border disputes for many years.

State of Drakr
Drakr recovered quickly their government system remained functional Vledheim Heid had been co-opted to run the government while new elections removed the discredited politicians from office, despite his best efforts he would remain Chancellor for 16 years before retiring to Ascetia. Drakr improved notably ,as the dour Dwarves became more cheerful under the influence of Dunkelveiss .
Along their border with the mountains of the Frost Giants a new realm ruled by Tzetse arose and became a sort of buffer state which kept the former champion of the undead times happy , busy and useful.

State of Elfaivar
Elfaivar was a bit of a mess but with power and potential. Their demographics problem had changed 180 degrees with the current population being nearly 80% female. The Crissilyan colonists were told to leave and over the next few years departed the nation, the Danoran colonists were able to reach a settlement and be absorbed into Elfaivar alongside the Risuri colonists.
A new tripartite monarchy was established forging permanent ties to Risur, Athrylla as crone represented the old guard, Sancia a general amid the reborn eladrin as mother and Nevla as the maiden governed the land and it was agreed that the monarch of Risur would always be one of the monarchs , aid from Risur helped rebuild the Eladrin nation and in return Eladrin magic helped improve matters in Risur as the nations slowly moved towards a merger. Part of this was build around the Eladrins desire to be strong and able to resist all future outside threats from the new planets, the beyond and anywhere else.
Kasavarina retired , she spent much time in Risur visiting her reincarnated daughter Nevla, raising her son Bourne and spending time with Luanga resurrected by Ashima-Shimtu’s powerful magics
With the support of Lya of Danor the blight of Eladrin slavery in Danor and Crissilyr was ended by the efforts of Eladrin soldiers and former Vekeshi assassins cooperating with the Danoran legal authorities

Malice Lands
The Malice lands were improving greatly mercenaries and monster hunters wiped out the last of the great malice beasts and the nations were able to stabilise and improve their situation. Refugees from turmoil elsewhere , in particular Crissilyr and the Crissilyan colonies in Elfaivar settled here.

The Dragon Islands and Pemberton Industries
As per his agreement with Risur Pemberton took control of the Yerasol islands, those current inhabitants who wished to leave were bought out and moved to Danor or Risur. Many Gnolls from Ber moved to the islands and soon a fairly powerful state arose lead by Pemberton, and a harem of young red dragons from Wingover. As well as his daughter and son in law.

Pemberton industries would be active in Crissily and the Malice lands several of these smaller nations soon being dominated by Pemberton industries as part of a scheme to increase his power .

With Rock Rakhus along way away Harkover suggested that a royal wedding could be held without being upstaged by Rock and would allow several other relationships to be formalised in a grand ceremony which would be good for national morale
The Wedding
Nevla and Ashima Shimtu
Padme and William
Ulvaar and Erianna
Luc and Ottavia
Gale and Nilasa
Harkover and a lady Blue dragon who ran a network of public schools in Risur
Kevin and Teykfa
Drelft and Lauryn

The whole nation was able to witness the ceremony via the wonders of cinema as developed by Manuel. During his premier of the video he was tracked down the the triplet of goblin spies code name ‘Green Lady’ who had come to take him up on his offer of shooting lessions......

Publicly outed as a dragon Harkover became the permanent advisor to the monarch of Risur although with no legal power he would be available as a loyal voice fo wisdom and experience to the monarch

The Honeymoon and the fisherman
Ashima-Shimtu and Nevla departed for their honeymoon cruise onboard the Coaltongue as they did Nevla noticed an old Fisherman seated on the dock inside the secure area and ignored by all and recalled seeing the same man back when they first prevented the assasination of Aodhan (this is a retcon I did not think to actually have him there all that time ago). The old man raised his fishing rod in salute before walking away

Was now an Empyreal lord whose homeplane was this world, she was happily married to Nevla and became a god of Redemption. No matter what someones sins if he truly repented them he could find a path through her to redemption, often for those with impressive sins it was posthumous they would die seeking redemption and ascend to the heavens.

The first federation meeting
First meeting of the UFP- Council of 12. The new worlds had arranged their first meeting on the neutral ground of Pembertons Dragon Shield carrier but were determined to avoid that in the future. Twelve great powers were represented
Queen Nevla arriving on the Queen Nevla Dreadnought

For Hendreiki-- Kallyr Starbrow who flew in on a great Air elemental
For Peloria-- Jar-Eeel the Razoress who rode in on the great Crimson Bat
Gloriana-- Queen Gloriana (Elizebeth III) arrived on the newly built HMS Enterprise a carrier
Winghome-- Gwyneth the Silver dragon Knight
Wulfendyne-- Princess Zeetha and her assistant Higgs aboard a relatively small zeppelin
Av--- Beshala one of the wives of Rock Rackhus and part of the leading council of AV
Celestia-- Princess Xixi (Imperial Dragon)
Bathory -- Genevieve Du Point Du Lac Diudonne
Iretha Ket-- Queen Atchafalaya
Amrou-- Sargon of Uggat, whose father was the cupbearer of Ur-Zubaba,
Evermeet---- Galadrial who pointedly said she was not a diplomat but was here because the diplomats had not really woken up yet. She was keen to borrow some skilled bureaucrats to fix poor elven record keeping
Queen Nevla elected Chairperson of the Security Council among matters discussed where
Deplyment of peace keeping forces between HENDREIKI and PELORIA
Building a permanent diplomatic facility on Ascetia as well as the Babylon-12 orbiting station
Finally a military cooperation council was set up to discuss joint defense against Ghdim, Devils or other extraplanar threats.

The Ascetia University
The Monks of Caeloon set up a pair of universities on Ascetia . The university of Science and Magic , and the University of Philosophy and History. These universities served the post graduates of all the worlds. Manuel and the Lightning Weasel were prominent scholars in the Science department.
The University of Performing arts was founded on Iretha Ket of course.

The Distant Future

The Interplanetary constabulary
As travel grew among the new worlds so did interplanetary crime, smuggling and piracy. This lead to the formation of the interplanetary constabulary its first leader was Drelft , supported by key figures from other planets and nations including Kasavarina and Lya

The Next Monarch
Queen Nevla reigned for another seventy years , before she was guided to find her replacement with the next great crisis. An unanticipated interaction between Bathory and Gloriana had resulted in the creation of a vampiric conspiracy to take control of all of the nations of the system, the Camarilla lead by the Vampire demi-god Vivamort.
The conspiracy was thwarted by a team on Interplanetary constables
Bou-Vet Tiefling refugee from Danor and Vampire Slayer
Angel-- Vampiric Inquisitor from Bathory
Ivar Quickstep-- Hendreiki warrior and follower of the Death god Humakt
Mary Webster-- Glorianan Marine
Gimli-- Dwarven Fey Sorceror
Galadrial-- Elven Swamp Assassin

Bou-Vet (pronoucned BuuFeet) and Angel married and Bou-vet replaced Nevla as Queen after the defeat of the Camarilla, the last time that Nevla and her old colleagues took up arms to support their younger colleagues.

The Fate of our Heroes

His Duchy amidst the remains of the Voice of Rots domain grew up into a realm of culture set in tree houses amidst the forests and Bayou’s. He and Padme would rule for many years before stepping back from government in favour of one of their many children. They would continue to be a fading presence for centuries as more and more they were drawn into their role in the dreaming . The Duke of Duchess of their realm would almost always be a Medium channelling the spirits of the Monarchs of Risur to secure the prosperity of their realm.

His duchy amidst the mountains would likewise grow in prosperity and strength attracting immigrants from Drakr and becoming the second industrial center of Risur after Flint. He and Eriana ruled wisely until they stepped down in favour of the wisest of their children and remained an influence in the realm until their appearances grew less and less frequent as they were more and more dominated by the role of a Fey titan.

For the next several centuries Manuel trained the finest minds of a dozen worlds in Science and magic, his breakthroughs in these fields improved life for everyone and it was his discovery of the principles of the Drift drive which spread the people to the stars and earned Manuel his place in the heavens alongside Oddcog as one of the gods of science.

Retired to Elfaivar after her reign where she and Ashima-Shimtu tried to live quietly despite occasionally being dragged into interplanetary politics. She found herself becoming a mother figure to the Eladrin people and her old ties to Ssramma along with her close association with a demi-god lead to her gradually taking Ssraama’s place and becoming the Eladrin Fey goddess of Women.

Of course 1500 years later the planes were reset again and this time Manuels students had time to design properly complicated planar arrangements which could only be described using advanced planar calculus

That is thorough. And conveniently timed. I might snag one or two ideas to fit into the 5e setting book before we finalize the world's state after a 20 year time skip. (Though for the sake of adventuring, the canon version is a bit less rosy in the long-term; I'm glad we sort of agree that Crisillyir won't be doing so well.)

Congratulations on the grand game, and please let me know what your group gets up to in the future.

Man, I need to make a thread that compiles all the groups that have finished the campaign. I know there are at least 6 that posted here, but I wonder if any groups played it but never brag about it on EN World.

Andrew Moreton

Feel free to take anything which looks fun. I cannot see anyway Crissylr comes out well the Clergy have been their nation for a thousand years or more and gets totally wrecked and discredited and there is no one to take their place. The family may do an acceptable job in an emergency for a short time but they are a criminal group and would make a horribly corrupt government in the longer term, I saw it a falling apart like the Soviet union at best, like Yugoslavia at worst. And if I was writing it as a campaign setting not a wrap up there would be many more problems, and I would have had to write the heroes out of the equation earlier.
The vampire conspiracy would be a planet hopping story of investigation and conspiracy ending up with facing down a demigod before he could drink the heartblood of Ostea and become a solar system devouring evil god on the scale of Rovogug.

We move onto an Ars Magica campaign set in Greece in something very similar to the historical year 1214 , and again of the PC Magi the only one with anything resembling social skills is the PC of the player of Nevla , although she can probably avoid becoming a monarch in this game.


Congratulations on finishing: @Andrew Moreton & players ! Thank you for archiving your adventures and sharing your opinions on this forum. I will be ruthlessly pillaging your ideas to fuel my own campaign.

Best of luck in Ars Magica!

Voidrunner's Codex

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