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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08


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Huffgood sticks out his tongue as he writes in a neat copperplate hand.

"Sun, Cho, sen."

The halfling adjust his position and leans forward towards the cleric.

"Well Master Midias, or is it Father? We have prepared a few details for you to commense your investigations - though obviously we'll be hiring additional help for you." He hands Midias several pieces of parchment and spreads them out across the table.

"This is a list of the current Association membership, those who have been robbed are noted - myself included."

The list is written in a hand clearly different from Huffgood's and the name Gunt Yarman has been emphatically underlined in a slightly different colored ink - which appears to be coincidently identical to the one Huffgood is using. He points to a map,

"This is a map of the Bridgend Merchant's District - though we are currently expanding!"

He points to another document, bearing the official seal of the City of Orussus written in a spidery barely legible hand.

"And this is Sgt. Brodrik of the Watch's report, which amounts to a whole lot of nothing." Huffgood declares contemptuously, "Though he does claim to have ruled out the thieves moving out of the district after their last two thefts." He pauses and straightens the documents in front of Midias.

"And finally you have an eye witness. That being me! You see Mrs. Huffgood was rather upset with for, err, some, umm, late work hours and, err, asked me to spend the night at my shop. Mister Breen also suggested that you might wish to speak with the local thieves guild representative "Fat Sal", we pay him good money to keep our businesses safe and he swears blind he has nothing to do with these robberies."

OOC: I'll post the documents in the game thread once its up.

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Voda Vosa

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Ciprinus gives Midias a wink "See, not such thing as waiting"
Then, addressing the halfling: "Count me in for your thieves battling work"
Since the druid is sited next to Midias, he examines the documents as well.


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The halfling's lip curls as he sees the Orc approach, but he swifty gains control of himself and smiles weakly.

"Sarn Irontusk." He says as he writes the Orc's name, again sticking the tip of his tongue out as he writes.

He turns to Ciprinus,

"And your name?" he asks quill hovering over the parchment.

After taking the Druid's name he withdraws thirty platinum pieces and carefully places them in three piles of ten pushing one towards each adventurer. He then withdraws a small ledger from a breast pocket and places it beside the coin.

"Very well, if you agree to the mission I will need you to sign here, here, and here." His eyes flicker to the Orc, "or you can just make an X."

OOC: Once Errandir posts I'll move everything to the game thread.
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"I know my letters, halfling," Sarn growled. Taking the quill, Sarn signed his name in a large, simple hand.

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Reis watches the messenger's speech with one eyebrow raised and a faint smile, clearly amused by the halfling's outfit and mannerisms. He watches the cleric, the druid and the half-orc sign their names and drums his fingers on the table idly as he thinks, sipping at his ale. As they begin to conclude their exchange, he fingers the hilt of his rapier and then nods to himself.

Rising nimbly, he approaches the halfling, inclining his head in a greeting halfway between a nod and a bow. "I am Ries Moinnael - if you can use an extra sword, I may be interested." He pauses, eyeing the halfling's parchment warily. "Put a hold on your scribbling, though. I'd rather not sign until you can tell us exactly what this job entails... for all we know, we could be signing up to track down an archmage and a couple of expert assassins."

He pauses, waiting for the halfling's answer.


[sblock]OOC: I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting... I thought you said somewhere in the recruitment thread you would try to get in a post per day, so I didn't realize the time commitment. I'm at school in the mornings, so I'm simply not going to be able to post before five, five-thirty (EST).

Anyways, I deliberately made my character's response hesitant (which is more or less in keeping with his character anyway), so it won't be hard to back out if you say so. I'll be away for a good eight or nine hours each morning due to classes, so if it will cause delays in the play (which is seeming likely from this thread), I'll just have him turn down the invitation.

I'm should also apologize for the extra delay because we need to coordinate this now, but I figured it was better to post some kind of response than none. Go ahead and move all this to a game thread, and once you say so I'll just take my character out.

EDIT: Finally! Took me more than half an hour to figure out how to put this in a show/hide box, haha...[/sblock]
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Huffgood nods,

"Hmm well, they were no mages thats for sure and I doubt they were assassins. You see I was sleeping on the empty spice sacks when they broke into my attic. They were no ordinary thieves though, they were monsters! They wore cloaks, but I could tell they weren't normal!"

The Halfling seems to be warming to his tale, and his next words seem to have the ring of rehearsal for high drama.

"They had fangs as big as daggers, glinting in the moonlight! They spoke in somekind of weird language of guttural language - probably Orc. They were hunch backed too. Horrible creatures! I think they were trying to smell me, but fortunetly the spice sacks must have concealed my scent! Then they loaded made their way down stairs and helped themselves to thousands of gold pieces worth of my finest spices!"

He takes up his quill again dipping it in the ink and looking up enquiringly at Reis.

"So, can I count you in Master Moinnael? The job requires you to track down and apprehend or capture these creatures and recover as much of our merchendise as you can! They are most likely located somewhere in the District, say in the cellars of some Half-orc Butcher's cellar alongside his vile salamis."

[sblock=Sense Motive DC 15] Clearly Huffgood is embellishing his tale, though the essense of it is true.[/sblock]

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