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T1: A Visit to Spelding Square [Completed]

Walking Dad

First Post

"I didn't broke it."
Midias says, breathing heavyly.



Midias Sunchosen
AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 7/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, 2x Light
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Shield of Faith, Command

Effects: -

Gold: 363.5
Items got since last character update:


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"Did you see, Mildred and I got three good hits in? I feel younger than I have in years!" Gillin says. "But once I stop I'll feel every bone twice over and be laid up for a week, no doubt, so I'll not say no to a drink now."

"I don't know who exactly owns this shed, Master Northman," he answers Pendrake. "It'll be one or other of the fishermen. They'll be heading back to shore with their catch at sunrise, I suppose. By the looks of the wood stacked up here, they had some repairs in mind some time, so maybe they won't be too bothered about the doors now."

OOG: Midias's bolt hit, so was destroyed.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Apparently Pendrake was too tied up with being in the net to have noticed the stack of wood, but glances in and sees it now, a silent 'oh' forming on his mouth.

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