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(SRF) Aspiration's Beginning


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Belaria looks... Gaio... smiles...
Brock smiles... says... Garin frowns...
GM: To give perspective for the current Age of Technology, a fish trap is made from slender wood, like reeds or, in the case of SRF, young saplings. The string that lashes such together and the rope that is attached are both made from the intestines of animals.

Reminder: Brock is only 25% proficient in the common language, which is Ansylin.

Brenda laughs at the banter of Brock and Garin. She reaches over and downs the remainder of drink in the mugs of both Belaria and Giao, before smirking at Brock. "Steinernefaust, you have the darkest hair that I have ever seen on a Kozzog. I wonder if it is all of that Pine Vine you drink." She most often calls him by his last name, in Maldrog. She likes the way it sounds.

Giodavi, who had just risen from his seat to check in on the kitchen, quickly turned back to face Garin, shaking both of his hands in front of his body, almost frantically. “Hold! Hold. You have been listening to too many rover stories and lore. I did not say anything about a trap being opened and its contents emptied. That would be a person, and I would, most definitely, send one of the scout units to investigate. No, I said something is breaking into the traps while they are still in the river, breaking the wooden slats and forcing its way inside to kill the captured fish. This must be an animal, but I do not know if it will be a big lizard as Belaria mentioned.”

I do not know when the thief is hitting the traps. If I did, I might be able to guess as to the culprit. Fish remains have not been seen on the bank, so they are being eaten in the water. I do not think the problem is a turtle or a fish. I have never seen one big enough in the stream to do anything like that. It may take more than a day of observation. This is a task for which you five should be well-suited. If you wish to leave now or in the morning, stop by the back portal to the kitchen, I will give you all some rations and some bait for the traps. Bring back any damaged traps, if you would.”
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Brock improves in Ansylin by 2%. State intentions and provide a random roll.
GM: NOTE: Core Abilities must reach 10 ranks before Developmental Abilities may be increased.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Belaria was itching for some impetus to take her away from the drudgery of a monotonous life. She expressed her desire to leave as soon as possible, hoping the others would agree. Whatever the departure time, she spoke with her parents, first, and then headed to the back entrance for the kitchen at the Boar’s Head, finding Gaio already waiting. He winked at her. Neither had any supplies to speak of, but both had thought to bring a sling and some smooth, river pebbles. Once everyone was gathered, Gaio roled his left hand in a circle and quietly said, “Talvez o Vento sopre a nosso favor.”

Though it was said in Rheini, the common religious phrase was about the same meaning in any local language. It meant, “Perhaps the Winds blows in out favor.”
OOC: 74

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Brock being 17 years of age, and Garin being 18, are both considered to be "of age" by village standards, and therefore, not required to ask permission for their departure; however, both of them take family very seriously, thus, both of them ask permission anyway. Garin's mother is not thrilled by the prospect, but his father gives him a wink and a hug, after which his mother tells him to be careful, and to take Giodavi up on his offer regarding rations.

Brock's parents are of one accord: they see this as an opportunity for Brock to prove himself, thus, both of them give him their heart-felt blessing, and remind him to take a sling and a knife, just in case.

Garin: 98+38 = 136
Brock: 80


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Belaria... expressed.. Gaio... said...
Brock... ask... Garin...
Do not think in numeric Human terms for aging. There is some variance between the three species of beings and even some more between the tribes. Use the given name of age for reference. All characters are currently Adolescent, no matter the difference in number of Cycles.

Brenda is the last to arrive, she comes running up to the back of the Boar’s Head, hoping that she has not been left behind. She is carrying her favorite club and a waterskin. She always carries that club. Not wanting to take the families only carving knife and not wanting to tell his parents that he had never made a sling for himself, Brock had arrived with only a waterskin, but it was enough among such friends. While Giodavi did provide rations and water as promised, he either could not or would not part with any cutlery from the kitchen. He did suggest going by the Carpenters’ Guild before leaving to have them quickly make them some rudimentary spears.

The fish traps that are placed in the river to regularly provide fish for the townsfolk are moved on a regular basis in a fixed pattern to maximize their productivity, at least that is the theory. There are traps upstream and downstream from the town proper. They are weighted to make them sink and keep them as stationary as possible. There are two people who normally manage the traps upstream and two more for downstream, but they are kept busy enough with the addition of casting or pulling nets from canoes that waiting out some varmint, who is breaking into the traps to be dealt with, is too time consuming, making it a perfect task for idle youths.

The water deepens as the river continues north and the traps downstream are the ones being raided. There is a flag of cloth along the bank marking the position. The flag is, of course, moved when the traps are moved. The walk is only about an easy hour, following the bank. Being late into the Harvest Season, the air has little moisture, the mornings are cooler, and the skies clear. Animals and people, alike, often feel more energetic this time of the Cycle. Despite the often vociferous nature of youths, the five adolescents become quieter, taking in more of the scenery the farther they walk.

Being as much of The Untamed Wilds are little populated by people and befitting of its name, there are a myriad of various creatures that even a blind, deaf, mute might happen upon during travel, due to their prolific abundance or overt behavior. Songbirds and normal insects, up to the size of the average person's hand or fist, are prolific, though mostly seen at a distance of about 20 strides. Calling birds, orb weaver webs, small lizards, and various small rodents are also noticed, usually at about the same distance. Having only been walking for a few minutes, Brenda, with a bit of luck, spots a fat tree rat on a low enough limb, happily peeling away at a pinecone to get at the seeds inside. Among all party members, someone manages to hit it with a sling stone. Not much for tools is necessary to clean the thing and the five feel proud of themselves for having added some fresh meat to their supply. It would, of course, be prepared later when they reached their destination.

Luck, fickle as it can be, was more weighted with Brock, but whether it was good or bad could not yet be determined. Completely stopping all movement almost immediately caused everyone else to halt, Garindell getting his attention and mouthing, “What?”

Brock pointed to the strangest looking rodent any of them had ever seen. It was sitting, almost blending in, at the base of a tree, happily munching apart a pinecone, in similar manner as the tree rat had been doing earlier. This strange rodent was about twice the size of a person’s head but looked to be covered all over with long thorns, like those found on a cactus.
Brock: 8(perception) + 136(d100) = 144
Garindell: 13 + 80 = 93
Belaria: 13 + 74 = 87
Gaio: 12(ritual) + 12 + 74 = 98
Brenda: 10 + 96 = 106
OOC: Any player wishing to have a sharpened stick as a rudimentary spear for his characters must state such in an OOC comment, and it will be added to the character records. Obviously, gear will improve as the game continues.

Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Brock improves in Ansylin by 2%. State intentions and provide a random roll.
GM: NOTE: Core Abilities must reach 10 ranks before Developmental Abilities may be increased.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
OOC: Both Brock and Garin are carrying two spears each. One to throw, and one to fight with.

Both Brock and Garin think that this is the strangest creature that either of them have ever seen. Neither of them is exactly certain how they should approach it, or even if doing so in the first place is a good idea.

Brock: "Whatcha' think, Stick?"

Garin: "Let's try to attack it from a distance. I'm not sure we should get close to it, with all of those spines it has."

OOC: Both Brock and Garin will throw a spear at it.

Brock = 60
Garin = 58

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Gaio shakes his head. He wishes to leave the creature in peace. He says, "I get a bad feeling about this."

Belaria begins to whirl a slingstone. "Where is your sense of adventure?"
OOC: 59


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Both Brock and Garin... will throw a spear...
Gaio shakes his head... Belaria begins to whirl a slingstone...
Brock: 11(launch) + 8(accuracy) + 13(clarity) + 60(d100) = 92 - 50(range) = 42
Garindell: 9 + 13 + 11 + 58 = 91 - 50 = 41
Belaria: 9 + 14 + 9 + 59 = 91 - 0 = 91
Rodent: 30 + 69 = 99
Brenda rolls her whole head, not just her eyes. She thinks that pestering the creature is foolish and stays where she is standing. The odd rodent is seen at a great enough distance that the three youths feel obligated to creep forward before trying to launch anything at it. Never having thrown the crude spears, Brock and Garindell make pathetic lobs that do not even come close to the creature. Since a sling is specifically made to launch a projectile and has a greater range, the stone of Belaria comes close enough to make the Prickler look up from it eating. It wiggles its body, perhaps indicating its irritation at being disturbed but then turns its attention back to its pinecone. Brock looks over at Garindell then back at the creature. Both boys are about 8 strides from the thing. Belaria, off to their right, is about two steps farther away.

Brenda laughs quietly. “I hope you can outrun that thing when it gets mad.” The Prickler looks up again at the sound of a voice but does not move.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions and provide a random roll.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Garin scratches his head and says: "Hmmm... in my head, that played out much differently. I don't think we can hit it at this distance. And I sure as heck don't want to get any closer to it. Let's just wait until it wanders off, and go retrieve our spears. If we want meat, I could think of easier-to-kill game animals that we could find."

Brock chuckles, and agrees. He watches the creature carefully, out of the side of his eye. He is still not certain how aggressive the thing is.

Brock = 92(+61) = 153
Garin = 66


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Garin scratches... Brock chuckles...
Gaio looks...
Brock: 8(perception) + 153(d100) = 161
Garindell: 14 + 66 = 80
Belaria: 14 + 79 = 93
Gaio: 12 + 79 = 91
Brenda: 10 + 75 = 85
Wisely deciding to wait on the strange rodent required less time than that which would have frustrated the youths. The prickly creatures finished collecting the seeds from its current pinecone, looked over at the party again, and then moseyed on about its way. The crude spears were retrieved without incident.

Brock, in short order, spotted the colorful piece of cloth, marking the location of the fish traps. Finding where the ropes were tied at the bank, the traps were lifted, one at a time, to examine. The first trap had three fish that would be worth eating, which were collected, cleaned with a twig, and the guts placed in the trap, along with one of the smaller fish after it was killed, before it was returned to the water. That should provide enough bait to keep the trap active.

The second trap had nothing in it, and some of the small sticks on one side had been broken, which had obviously allowed something into the trap. The hole was bigger around than anyone’s arm but not so large that imaginations were going to conjure some vision of a monster. More careful examination gave the impression that the hole had been chewed, so the culprit was not going to be a clever viper. Whatever it was had a mouthful of teeth. The group was still thinking they were going to be looking for a lizard.

Gaio offered that, since lizards were more active during the day, the theft likely happened the day before, and it may be another day before the culprit would return, suggesting that the party move away from the river to make a camp, then take turns hiding and watching.
Garindell: full wellness
Brock: full wellness
Belaria: full wellness
Gaio Verde: full wellness
Brenda: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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