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Spider-Man reactions (spoilers)

Viking Bastard


I just came back from the Spider-Man screening here in Reykjavík (Iceland) which was hosted by my local geek shop (comics, rpgs, whatever) and well...

You'll believe a man can swing.

That's what it's all about isn't it? Credibility. I went into the theatre ready to hold the movie up to such great films like 1989's Batman (which is simply, NOT arguably, the best superhero movie EVAH!) and X-Men, but it didn't really work because Spider-Man isn't a movie about a wacko's fight against his inner turmoils or social battles against predujice. You won't find anything so serious in this movie. This movie is about being fun. It is about the struggle between good and evil, about the ideal of the "True American Hero (tm)" beating the crap out of the boogey man. This movie can only be compared to the 1978's Superman movie. As it tried to convince us that 'a man can fly' Spider-Man tries to convince us that 'a man can swing'. This movie is trying to sell to me the idea that a man in blue and red tights is swinging between New York's rooftops and actually be able look good while doing it.

Well, it worked.

I'm not really that much of a fan of Spider-Man. Always been more of a DC man. Superman, Batman, those are the heros I grew up with. I could never connect with Spider-Man very well, it always felt like a soap opera. Of course, the Spider-Man I grew up with wasn't a teenager, he was married. But none the less, I loved the movie. It isn't in any way flawless, but extremely entertaining.

First about the performance of the cast.

Tobey Maguire is perfect as Peter Parker. Goofy yet forceful. The only thing I found lacking was Spider-Man's comedic side, but that has probably more to do with the script.

Willem Dafoe is one of the best on-screen comic villains in history, second only to Jack Nicholsson's Joker. He nails the Green Goblin down perfectly. This battle against Spider-Man is so important, so personal. It isn't about killing Spider-Man because he's interfering with his plans, but because he offered Spider-Man a team up and he refused. He also gets Osborn's double nature perfectly. Norman Osborn doesn't really know that he's the Green Goblin until halfway through the movie, with a great scene where he tracks the Goblin's voice to a mirror. The Goblin suit did look much better in action than I expected but still screamed 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers'. I would've liked more facial expressions.

Kirsten Dunst is probably the weakest link. She delievers the lines but not all that much more. Meh. Who cares, we got a wet t-shirt scene.

The supporting cast delievers well. Harry Osborn, Aunt May, Uncle Ben and JJ Jameson do their characters plenty of justice (J.K. Simmons is especially great as Jameson).

Now, the CGI did look fake at times. Especially in the scenes that took place during the day. It didn't really bother me all that much, but somtimes it woke me up from the movie magic trance I had falled into.

Also, Danny Elfman's score felt flat. He gives us a MiB-ish score, but lacked it's spark. I'm a big fan of Elfman so this was somewhat disappointing. I've never known him to give a bad score before.

Overall, I loved it. It was campy movie magic fun, that delievered well on the big screen while still being able to stay loyal to the original source. I'm so there when it premiers!

You'll believe a man can swing.


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First Post
since when is spider-man married? He is a teenager when I was a kid. These folks are changing history now. The world is ending I tell ya.


First Post
Spidey is a swinger???!!!!!!

Seriously thanks for the preview and review. I will definitely be there opening day. This is gonna be a great year for us "geek types".


Actually, spider-man has come full-circle. Back in the 60's and early 70's, he was a teenager. In the 70's and early 80's he went to college. In the 90's he got married to Mary Jane after she learned his secret. And then she supposedly died. Then I think she came back. THEN about 5 years ago they revamped the whole origin storyline, so he was a teenager in the 90's, who used a secret organic polymer formula that his father discovered working for the gov't (or something like that).

Honestly, I haven't followed since the early 1990's, so I can't relate. But I do enjoy SPider-man. The verdict is out on the movie - I may actually wait till video.

Dr Midnight

great films like 1989's Batman (which is simply, NOT arguably, the best superhero movie EVAH!)
That's not only arguable... I actually can't believe you wrote that.

Also, Danny Elfman's score felt flat. He gives us a MiB-ish score, but lacked it's spark. I'm a big fan of Elfman so this was somewhat disappointing. I've never known him to give a bad score before.
REALLY? A Danny Elfman score felt FLAT? I hate Danny Elfman. All his scores are dry and flaky to me, made notable only by the trademark choir voices. Arrgh. I'll punch Danny Elfman in the freakin' nostril. I hate that he's scoring for this movie- which, along with Kirsten Dunst and the Goblin armor design, are the only bad parts I can see coming.

Am I the only movie geek who hates Danny Elfman and shivers whenever some other geek sings the praises of Elfman and his FAR-overrated hack friend Burton?


Aaron L said:
What? They revamped Spider-Man?! I'm glad I missed it.

I think they are referring to the "Ultimate Spiderman." A few years ago Marvel decided to start a line that basically starts now. I think Spiderman was the first. Basically, they wanted people to be able to start reading Spiderman without having 40 years or so of back-story to catch up on. The old Spiderman is still around and being published (to my knowledge).

I haven't read any of them (I really haven't read any Marvel books in a year or two). However, I've heard that the Ultimate Spiderman is a very well-written book, for what it's worth.

Glyfair of Glamis

Green Knight

First Post
"Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Swings a web, anywhere..."

Funny thing about that cartoon, though. The sky was all yellow and red and crap. New York must've had a SERIOUS problem with pollution in the early 80's! ;)

Can't wait to see this movie, though. I plan to be there with my brother, sister, and my 2 nieces on opening day.

And the 1989 Batman was a great movie.


First Post
Glyfair said:
I think they are referring to the "Ultimate Spiderman." A few years ago Marvel decided to start a line that basically starts now. I think Spiderman was the first. Basically, they wanted people to be able to start reading Spiderman without having 40 years or so of back-story to catch up on. The old Spiderman is still around and being published (to my knowledge).

Pretty much right though MJ did allegedly die, she came back (was never actually dead), but she and Pete are separated at the moment.

J. Michael Straczynski is currently writing Amazing and Spectacular is written by Paul Jenkins. At some point in the next year JMS will start a new Spidey book and Kevin Smith will take over ASM.

I haven't read any of them (I really haven't read any Marvel books in a year or two). However, I've heard that the Ultimate Spiderman is a very well-written book, for what it's worth.

If you still read comics I suggest you give USM and ASM a try.

In fact you can read some Marvel books online here for free. Including USM (all the way back to the beginning).

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