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(The doc version is attached to the bottom. This is the primary installment, I'll add more as we progress, but I'm interested in kicking it up, and starting.)

“Lezard… Lezard, wake up!” –Mystina

Madness and Magic, The Early Days of Lezard Valeth,


Records at the Flenceburg Academy have concealed a great deal of facts concerning the matter, but now, one-hundred years after the fact, the first book concerning the stories of the villainous hero Lezard Valeth was released to the public. Three hundred years of education at the Flenceburg Academy, constituting hundreds of tales, only one of which was concealed from the common world. This book, the next to be released in 50 years, only covers the years of Lezard’s life before his true adventures, based on the most mundane records of the matter. Please, if you will, study this tome lightly, as it concerns a man who truly embodies something mad

Prelude to Madness

Records of Lezard’s mother and father have never been found. Either they never existed, which is doubtful on all counts, or someone destroyed the records. The latter is suspect, as it is believed that Lezard managed to infiltrate his former honing grounds on many occasions for errands of unknown origin. Many Urban Legends told by students tell tales of ghoulish creatures living in the forgotten holes of the academy, which, if ever confirmed, can most likely be attributed to Lezard.

This chronicle is not a story told by a narrator, I am merely a record keeper. These notes, compiled from the notes of individuals who knew the man only encompass the early years of his life. It is suspected, if anyone were to stumble onto the abode of the man himself, he undoubtedly recorded every waking moment of his life. In fact, he was ostracized for being too factual and persistent. When he was to graduate, second in his class, it is suspected that his life turned completely around. These notes only go so far as to detail the most rudimentary facts before this event, as many of the individuals that knew him were soon dead or their records were eliminated by the destruction of the original academy 30 years ago.

A Teacher’s Opinion
By: Lorenta
(Translated by the Florence Academy Staff)

As for the new student, his progress is incredible. His abilities are rather surprising; he has already succeeded in proving himself more learned than many of the senior class this year. I now have more to scratch off the list then, more students that shouldn’t have even attended. They assume that they were good enough for this school. Lezard, Lezard, will you be the prodigy I’ve been waiting for? So small and fragile, yet so talented, you are incredible…

… Immaculate handwriting, but he is so passive. He hides from the other students, such a little boy. I think I feel a mother’s tenderness for him, but he never cries. He never carries on like the other children, never talks of missing his parents. He was destined to come here! I only wish I would have picked him up sooner, as I could have taken him as my own prodigy. The other students try to bully him, and yet I have never had the opportunity to step in. He handles himself well, tolerating them only until they touch. Any other student would react so primitively, like an animal.

Report Card: Teacher’s Evaluation, Semester 1, of Graduate School: Lezard demonstrates positive effort. He has completely mastered every cantript this semester, and succeeded and forgetting the spell at least three times. His will is strong, and his aptitude is impressive. However, he appears to have regained his desire to learn restricted material. On at least two instances he has worked his way into the Teacher’s Resource Lab and accessed Necromantic material. However, it is my opinion that his acceleration should be commended, not punished. Losing a good student like Lezard would be a travesty. He refuses to attend religious services, however, I understand his belief in strong study. I see so much of myself in him, as he is still so similar to the child I adored. He seems distracted now, though I have no idea what is drawing his attention. As soon as it is discovered, I will remove this element. The only comparable students are Mystina and Gray, but Mystina’s arrogance and disrespect must be punished, and Gray lacks the ability to forget his unique filching spell.
Dear Diary, on this evening I recite that I no longer love my husband. I have become perverted into the love of another man. I care greatly, and pine for the secrets wrapped up in his head. I am in love with one of my students, whom I will conceal his name in hopes that he will be safe from this secret. Alas, young and gray, and perfectly gifted. If I were to choose one man to have my children with, it would be this child. What is my delight only to find that such a boy feels no return for me? Did I not care for him as a mother would? Would I not treat him with the care of a thousand women? Do I confront a child who I love as a lover or a mother? I desire not to have his shame granted on me. Poor gray child… when will I understand you?

Mystina has proven herself to be much greater than we had anticipated. She is a beautiful child, almost sylvan in grace, but she seems to be the most narcissistic creation on this world! Lezard pines for her, oh, how much I wish he wouldn’t… It seems that the two of them both love and hate each other with a vengeance. Their competitive nature strikes me down with guffaws, as they play such horrible pranks on one another. Lezard poisoning her makeup, Mystina burning all of Lezard’s pants… and yet, no matter how many times I am to suspend them, they continue needlessly, and at the head of their class. It’s horrible, the undulating formula of their chemistry betwixt the two. Mystina is still needlessly behind my grand Lezard, whom I hope is never crushed by this vile girl.

Three, not two, but three students were expelled today. They accosted Lezard, head classman, and proceeded to beat him senseless. He awakened in the infirmary two hours ago, not greeted by one, but two young women and myself. Mystina, Jezabel, and I found his horrible bruises to be incredibly painful to examine. Thank goodness for master Harmon, who treated the boy before he could scar. It is horrible when student’s fears and spites turn into brutality. Jez is apparently Mystina’s best friend, but I am afraid we must remove her for her failure in recent days.

Lezard has finally faltered. Mystina has taken herself above his level through the art of metamagic experimentation. She has learned to heighten her spells quite early in the program. Lezard seems upset. His attitude is waning. He is a rather juvenile minded individual when he is not on top, as I can now see. The interest inventory of the students and faculty has revealed that he has apparently bullied and forced other students to give up their individual spellcards. Apparently, he is attempting to gain a monopoly on all of the magic available to his perusal. His advancement may not have been talent, but brutality and force. This esteems me to think that he is traitorous even to me, with his wicked smile.

(Author’s Note: This final entry is dated 3 days after Lorenta’s recorded death at the hands of an unnamed student. It is suspected that it may be a forgery, or it is simply a clerical error.)

A Girl’s Confusion
By: Mystina
(Translated by the Florence Academy Staff)

Dear Diary,

Lezard Valeth is a brat. He’s an egotistical and narcissistic brat. Not that I’m not faulted with the same affliction, but he’s so incredibly dense! He never worries about anything, and no-matter how often I tell him to leave me alone, he keeps coming back. Lady Lorenta is always worrying about him, and giving him access to anything he wants! I’m going to dethrone that little brat, right off those cute goggles he calls spectacles. Today, of all the days in the world, he outright proposed to me in front of the class. Do you know how ashamed I was? I don’t want anything to do with him, but he pesters me and pesters me, to no end. One of these days, I’m going to pop that wonderful head of his! I can’t take any more of his attention. And his nasal voice! How much more annoying do you think it could be? It’s as if he’s talking through a whistle!

Dear Diary,

I must confess, that last entry was written in anger. There’s nothing wrong with Lezard. I’m just too distracted. I guess he can’t help but admire my voluptuous and flashy self. He can’t control himself, that’s all. It’s important that I remain wise in the face of such a covetous person. I was being too prideful before. I should use him, not mock him. I can probably get him to do whatever I want, and there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s just a boy, like any other. I can also see Lorenta’s perspective; it seems to just be her motherly spirit.
Dear Diary,

That little brat! He must have charmed me yesterday! I followed him to the foothills outside the school, just to get a peak at whatever it was he was after, and then everything went black. Next thing I know, I wake up in his room, on his bed, with him looking over me and brewing some kind of potion. I hate this academy and it’s rules. So long as he’s the top student, he can get away with this kind of disgusting thing. They would expel me for challenging him. As I fled he was screaming, “Mystina, my darling, wait, the venom hasn’t been removed yet.” So, I assume he poisoned me as well. I’m going to kill him, or better yet, I’m going to outscore him on the final exam!

Dear Diary,

I admit it: Lezard actually had good intentions. Apparently I was struck by a pair of monogamous mated vipers, and passed out while following him. I didn’t find this out till much later. I’m still angry, he took me to his room instead of to some public place. I have no idea what he could have done with me while I was asleep. Apparently, I missed the final altogether. The male viper’s poison puts a person to sleep for days, while the female viper’s poison slows down the metabolism so the snakes can drain your blood slowly. Lezard apparently had been gathering just such a snake for some alchemy project that would be his final for that class. He discovered me while tracking that particular pair, but I don’t care. I hate him!

Dear Diary,

It’s finally time for finals again. This time I’m not going to let that awful Lezard poison me! I’m going to beat him, and take my revenge. Finally, I get to be on top! I get to do whatever I want! No more awful treatment, no longer will he be able to push me around! It’s about time for me to get what I deserve. Goodnight sweet diary, I’ll report my success in the morning.

Dear Diary,

It’s over. Lezard has been defeated! My heightened spells did it all! Performing cantripts at the first level of magic! Proving that I’m already prepared to learn that first level magic! It’s incredible, now I’m going to rule this school! Out with all the creepy boys, up with Mystina! I’m so pretty! I’m so great! Everyone loves me! There’s nothing they can do about it! They will throw a parade, and dance, and party, all for me I say! All because that fool thought he could impress everyone by researching the concept of a prismatic missile. No such spell could ever exist, it’s just too powerful, that fool! He thinks that him, an apprentice to me, at best, could create a spell that intertwines prismatic spray with magic missile. What a foolhardy brat!

(This was the last entry that was not destroyed. The pages of the originally diary were ripped out from this point onwards. It is unknown as to what happened to Mystina, beyond the fact that she graduated at the top of her class, and Lezard was second up until he fled the school before graduation.)


OMG! :eek:

I'm so sorry, CS, I saw that your post was here last, and it didn't change... I don't log on enough to see that you had posted recently...

I just stumbled upon it... I'll look through it right now.


Alright, I just read through it. All looks well.

Do you have a particular period that you want to start at? Lezard's graduation, Lorenta's death... do you have a preference?

BTW, when the game starts, the title will probably be 'War of the Magi: The Tale of Lezard Valeth', or something to that extent.


GnomeWorks said:
Alright, I just read through it. All looks well.

Do you have a particular period that you want to start at? Lezard's graduation, Lorenta's death... do you have a preference?

BTW, when the game starts, the title will probably be 'War of the Magi: The Tale of Lezard Valeth', or something to that extent.
Lezard won't be attending his graduation, immediately after Lorenta's death he's going to take it upon himself to kidnap Mystina, and try and find a new home. Lezard already has a secret laboratory in the school, but he doesn't see any reason to use it now, except as a temporary location to perform research from (it's below the faculty library, in a six foot crawl space. It's nearly impossible to find because the cieling, floor, and walls are all solid stone, and he had to force a particularly wronged zombie to break and remove all the interior stone before Lezard would put the illusory wall up (from a scroll) in the entrance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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