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S3: The Scythe of Seto (Bront Judging)[Completed]


Ogrin shrugs. "Every family could have a black sheep. I know for a fact mine has one. But no matter, if this is the course of action we'll need to take, we'll do it."

OOC: Ogrin isn't the trusting type.

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In private: "I am the black sheep of my familly. Cousin Poto may be as well, but I still don't think he worships Seto."

Currently: "I don't know this Trimble myself, but going to see him seems a reasonable way to get started. Let's go."

[sblock=ooc]This may be metagaming, but when the DM establishes an NPC as a PC's relative, it's generally in my experience to give the PCs an in-character reason to cooperate with the NPC. In this case, Poto is handing us a pretty obvious adventure hook, and it seems to me the only reason not to take it is to give Manzanita a hard time. Let's go meet up with Trimble and pursue the destruction of the artifact from there.[/sblock]


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I don't mean to railroad you guys. Feel free to give Poto a hard time. He does have a backstory & such, and quizzing him may bring stuff up that could be useful later. I think it is appropriate that Banion would trust him, though. Banion should consider him family, albiet distant family.

I hope you don't mind my appropriating Trimble for my own purposes, Patlin. That's actually not the only thing from your adventures than I've appropriated. But I think you gave me free reign to do that at some point.

I'll get up another post here soon.

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOC: ]I totally agree with you, that Poto is (from a metagame perspective) very likely to be trustworthy. Also, Manzanita mentioned that he has planned a lot for S3, so I certainly don't want to run the opposite direction.

That being said, Rasereit only met Banion and the rest a few days ago. A relationship forged on the battlefield is surely one that necessitates quick trust, but Rasereit is naturally suspicious of new people. I'm just trying to roleplay a bit, and make it more realistic for Rasereit to go along with the adventure as intended.[/sblock]

Rasereit claps little Banion on the back and tries to clear the air a bit with some humor, "Oi, no need t'get all fussy, mate. Jus' tryin' t'puzzle it all out, that's all. Ah mean no disrespect t'yer family. By the Wastes, Ah'm a black sheep o' my family. On'y one left, so Ah guess Ah'm the white sheep, too!"

Back to business, the dwarven barbarian says, "Look, le's just keep our eyes open, eh? Poto's right, this thing is dangerous. Who ever 'eard of a hunk o' metal turnin' a paladin evil? The baddies are out there, so keep yer guard up. That's all. If the Father's got a truth spell, maybe 'twould be a good idea t'put all of us on the grill. Ah on'y met most o' ye a few days ago."

To Ogrin, later, he says, [sblock=Ogrin: ]"Truth be told, 'tis no skin off mah teeth if the Silverwood's a dead end. An' best case, we get a chance at some o' that god-metal."[/sblock]


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Seeing his friend begining to become upset, Beamer pulls Banion aside for a moment, though he doesn't lower his voice all the way to a whisper. The others can hear him talking, though making out what he says is a little more difficult.
DC 15 Listen
[SBLOCK]"I know we can probably trust your uncle. I'm sure he's not a worshiper of Seto, but Tharok told me that these people have spies in many cities. It is possible Poto is acting under some kind of compulsion. We've seen enough magic doing strange things to people that I would just like to be sure. If Father Eusebius can use a spell that will cause no harm to Poto, would that be ok?"[/SBLOCK]

OOC: It would be fair punishment for the group's distrust to make Eusebius waste a 2nd level slot that could have been a cure moderate wounds. :p
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Banion agrees to Beamer's proposed action, suggesting that it's important to propose the matter in a way that won't offend Poto. Dopplegangers are a frequent enough boogeymen from childhood stories that he supposes that checking for compulsion or even impersonation is a reasonable precaution... especially if it's Beamer suggesting it.


Ogrin overhears the two halflings. As Beamer turns around, Ogrin looks him in the eyes and slowly nods appreciatingly.
[SBLOCK]OOC: What Rae said. Just trying to RPG a little :p [/SBLOCK]


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"A wizard who makes magic weapons, eh?" Poto concludes of Trimble. "Well, funny that. Anyway, here's my note."

With that he withdraws a scroll from his pouch, tied with a short green ribbon. He unrolls it and shows it to the group. The writing is strange, using characters of dwarven and draconic. He appears to read it to the group, using common.

As he reads, Ogrin and Banion can see from the scroll some of the words and ideas he states. The writing seems to be some sort of code using a mixture of gnome and Draconic.

Seek the lost temple of Jareth in the Southern Silverwoods. Inside the walls you will find what you need. The wizard Trimble will show you the way.


The 'X' isn't actually an X, but rather some sort of symbol, and not a letter in either language. The symbol resembles a twined snake, or river, or pretzel, or...well...it's hard to tell what it might represent, actually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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