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S3: The Scythe of Seto (Bront Judging)[Completed]


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"Ah. You don't entirely trust me. Yes, good man. Don't blame you a bit." he lowers his voice. "I don't trust a lot of people around here, myself."

After Eusebius casts the spell, if he does so, Poto will state, with a twinkle in his eye, 'I, Poto Knezar, am speaking and acting with the best intentions of ridding the world of this evil weapon of Seto, and Seto or his followers from acquiring the weapon.'"

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"Not that we don't trust you in particular, but things are often not as they seem. Thank you for your understanding." To not dwell on the distasteful subject of trust, Beamer asks, "Before we depart, would you be able to provide some scrolls for me? I've found I can activate scrolls even with spells I do not know how to cast. I would pay you for them, of course."

Beamer would like to purchase scrolls of See Invisibility, Invisibility, Shield, and Rope Trick.

Rae ArdGaoth

In the zone of truth, Rasereit stands and says, "Me name's Rasereit, last o' the Vundinn clan, slayer of orcs, goblins, ogres, and minotaurs, defier of dragons, and friend of halflings! Ah've bested five men in hand to hand combat, Ah've wrestled a crocodile, naked beneath an active volcano, and Ah've braved the turbulence of the Great Sea on more'n one occasion! Ah'm here in the north t'find me homeland, t'vanquish the foul creatures who took me clan from meh, and t'bring glory to the Vundinn name! Ah'm with Eusebius on this one, as far as he needs me." With a nod at Eusebius and a wink at Ogrin, he sits again.


Banion makes sure he's in the zone of truth and says the following.

"I'm Banion Lorish. Beamer and I have had several adventures together, accumulated an unfortunate number of enemies that are still alive and capable of causing us trouble. We know things that could get a body killed just for hearing about. I'm trying to make the world a better place, and would like to see this evil artifact destroyed. I've had a few victories in the past, and at least one total debacle in which I made it out of town just ahead of a coup resulting in a military dictator taking over a city. The lesson I've taken from that is I'm tired of being pushed around. After destroying this weapon, I'd like to see if I can do something about that dictator."


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Eusebius, who is happy to cast the Zone of Truth, nods in approval at the others' statements. He then steps forward and says, "I am Eusebius, least of the servants of the Shining One. I have battled winter wolves and a weretiger, orcs and men of twisted heart, and the foul corruption of undeath."

Here his voice falters, and his ruddy visage pales. After a moment or two's hesitation he speaks again, his voice gaining strength as he goes. "Many are my sins and multitudinous my shortcomings ... but the greatest grief I bear is that I stood by, base coward that I was, and watched my family killed by ghouls. And then I ran away - ran until I dropped in exhaustion, ran blindly until the Lord Hyrag gathered me up and set my feet on His path."

"I will spend my life's blood to rid this world of evil - whether it be Seto's foul blade, or the disgusting perversion which is undeath. I am Eusebius, least of the servants of the Bright God ... and I will never again fail to act."


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SlagMortar said:
Beamer would like to purchase scrolls of See Invisibility, Invisibility, Shield, and Rope Trick.

"I happen to have a scroll of invisiblity at my shop. People like that one." says Poto. "I'll give you that gratis. I can whip up scrolls of shield and see invisibility. Those would cost you, say, 175 gps together. I don't have that rope trick spell. Been meaning to get it. Let me know if you come across it."


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Poto said:
"I happen to have a scroll of invisiblity at my shop. People like that one." says Poto. "I'll give you that gratis. I can whip up scrolls of shield and see invisibility. Those would cost you, say, 175 gps together. I don't have that rope trick spell. Been meaning to get it. Let me know if you come across it."
"You have my thanks for you generousity," Beamer says with a small bow.
After each of the others has declared their intentions, Beamer feels compelled to do the same. He had not intended that each of them make the such declarations, but he does feel better that Rasereit who had just met did so without hesitation.
"I am Beamer Glimmereye. Banion told our story of accumulating enemies and I am glad to have the chance to strike a deep blow to one of them. I intend to destroy this weapon and to keep it from the hands of Seto's minions until then."


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Are you ready to head South? It is still morning. Anything else you want to do in town? I'll have to do a little research & figure out how far it is to Rivensblight. Of course, your speed will depend on the slowest member of your team


Patlin said:
"Well, if we feel lucky we could go back to the stockade and head into the Silverwood from there. Less lucky, we could try to look up Reinert and hope that he didn't get eaten by anything in the Silverwood on his last trip."

ooc: Anyone have a better plan than this?

Banion's land speed is now 40', so he's no longer the limiting factor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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