• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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"So as we approach the island, we are passing through waters haunted by your pirate brethren? Tell me Uggla, for a man adverse to danger, how did you become the navigator on a priate ship?"

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LiquidBlue said:
"So as we approach the island, we are passing through waters haunted by your pirate brethren? Tell me Uggla, for a man adverse to danger, how did you become the navigator on a priate ship?"

Well ahm-uhhum I er, well perhaps youve noticed I like the drink from time to time. See, you dont go looking for the life of a pirate, they drug you and take you out to sea and give you a choice...join them or swim and the latter is usually with your hands tied. Once you accept the choice is stay loyal or die.

SelcSilverhand said:
"Where did the pearls come from? Are there many of them? There must be if they use them for games! Are we going to loot and pillage the village? Brilliant!"

The pearls come from the ocean. You have to dive in and get them. I am not thinking we will pillage, not if we want to establish a trade route anyway.
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Verrick Dram

DerHauptman said:
Guess those swimming lessons will pay off then.....

[sblock=Privately with Uggla]Sir, I find it difficult to admit this, but I must confess that I am a fairly weak swimmer. Surrounded by the sea like this, especially, as according to your history we are entering waters hazardous to ship, I fear that I might eventually end up in the water. Do you know of any tricks one may use to remain afloat even if the ship does not?[/sblock]

[sblock=Privately with Master Purdy]I wonder. Is this one of your regular crews? Have the sailed under your employ before?[/sblock]

To the assembled group of adventurers:

If we are to keep watch, I believe we will need to keep watch throughout the day and night. Shall we divide the duties so that we each watch for two periods during the 24 hours?


First Post
LiquidBlue said:
[sblock=Privately with Uggla]Sir, I find it difficult to admit this, but I must confess that I am a fairly weak swimmer. Surrounded by the sea like this, especially, as according to your history we are entering waters hazardous to ship, I fear that I might eventually end up in the water. Do you know of any tricks one may use to remain afloat even if the ship does not?[/sblock]

[sblock= Uggla to Verrick] Usually when a ship goes down there are many floating items, climb on or grab onto something to stay afloat. Also there is a small boat at the back of the ship. If at all possible get yourself onto something up out of the water. If all else fails use your shirt and pants as flotation. remove your trousers and tie the bottoms and fill with air. Fasten your shirt tight about the neck and fill with air. That should keep your head above water. Then pray to your god.[/sblock]

LiquidBlue[sblock=Privately with Master Purdy said:
I wonder. Is this one of your regular crews? Have the sailed under your employ before?[/sblock]

This is our first voyage. I just recently purchased this ship. Uggla chose the crew. This will be a fine adventure. One for the bards!

The first few days of the voyage are uneventfull. You pass the occasional merchant vessel, and watch some fish. The meals are bland and never changing. On the fourth day it becomes obvious that you have left the travelled waters and take a different course. The occasional sails in the distance are now nonexistant, and the fish seem larger and more abundant. Some of the crew spend their time fishing and this adds some welcome variation to the meals.

OoC: Let me know the watch order.


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Lookspring shudders a bit at the mention of diving for the pearls. "I'd sooner kiss Verrick's mutt. I'll get my pearls from the villagers somehow... he mutters under his breath, "...even if I have to take down a few to get them."

Hopping up from his seat, he agrees to take the late night watches (2nd or 3rd) owing to his superior night sight.


First Post
I think the after diner lighting suits my skintone....

Besides, I'll probly be on deck anyway, I am begining to get a little woozy from the rocking aleady.

You know Captain, I heard that sometimes ships have a caster with a orisson that can cure seasickness.

You wouldn't happen to have one would you?

Pinky is looking green around the gills...


First Post
Phoenix will take a day shift at watch. She spends her time wandering the ship and watching the crew's activities, learning what she can.


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Verrick Dram

To the group: Since we have been hired to provide security both on ship and off, I think we need to do more than simply share watchs. I suggest we speak with the crew and determine who might be most helpful in an emergency. We might also make assignments to the crew for action during an emergency.

Furthermore, I think we should take action to avoid detection. That we shield any lights at night. That we cover anything that might reflect the suns rays.

Watch Order (starting from 6am)?: Ray, Phoenix, Pinky, Verrick, Lookspring

Verrick will search the ship for an empty barrel that can be made air tight. The bigger the better, (20+ gallons). During his free time he will also try to teach Fobin the trick: Perform. 4 days have passed, if Verrick has the complete week his needs to teach the trick, I will at that point roll the Handle Animal Check.

Voidrunner's Codex

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