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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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After talking with the crew the adventurers discover about 1/2 of them are proficient with crossbows and all carry some sort of light melee weapons. 5 are designated as catapult crew and three are designated as ballista crew. The sailors are not trained fighters but at least they should be of some help in a fight.

One of the sailors offers the party some strange mix of seaweed and other things mashed together. Although the taste is very bad it does settle the stomach.

As the days roll by the fish that are caught become more strange and larger. Ray enjoys the morning sunrise and watching the giant whales surface and spray water into the air, he also notes others that seem to make the whales look as gold fish that some people use as decoration. He shudders hoping they are not hungry. During Phoenix's watch she spends her time learning the business of sailing a ship. She learns much and the sailors seem grateful for the help. Pinkie watches everyone running about doing there jobs and is grateful that she is not a common sailor as the sunset glows off her skin. Such tedious and manual work does not suit her. Verrick spends his days with Fobin training him. At night Verrick catches glimpses of very large creatures at sea although he cannot make out the details. He also finds a large 25 gallon barrel that once contained wine for the sailors to drink but has been emptied during the voyage. Lookspring spends his watch staring out to sea, hoping he will always have something beneath his feet to keep him out of the water. On a few occasions he feels something bump against the ship enough to rock it slightly. He runs to the rail to look and then wishes he did not as he see's a creature easily twice the size of the ship swim by.

OoC: action coming soon.

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OoC: Verrick, yes you have had time to train Fobin. Roll your Handle Animal Check. :)

On the night of the 9th day at sea during Lookspring's watch he hears some bumping over the side of the ship. At first he ignored it as he thought another of the large beasts swimming by, but then he realizes the ship did not rock at all and the sounds seem to be coming from all sides of the ship.

A little less than 1/2 the crew are on the deck, 8, and 4 more below deck working with the other 1/2 sleeping. Uggla and the Captain are both sleeping.

[sblock= Verrick] Fobin wakes you, and you hear thumping coming from the outside of the ship wall.[/sblock]


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Lookspring peers about nervously at the strange ocean noises. It could be just some feeding fish.. or sharks.. or whales.. or some horrible abomination fromthedepthsthatwilldevourusall!! He whistles at the other sailors then grabs the nearest lamp off a hook and moves over to the railing to look at what is striking the ship.


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SelcSilverhand said:
Lookspring peers about nervously at the strange ocean noises. It could be just some feeding fish.. or sharks.. or whales.. or some horrible abomination fromthedepthsthatwilldevourusall!! He whistles at the other sailors then grabs the nearest lamp off a hook and moves over to the railing to look at what is striking the ship.

[sblock= lookspring]As Lookspring approaches the railing he whistles to the sailors on deck and together they all move to the starboard side of the ship. They all gasp at what they see...4 humanoid creatures with sinuous, eel-like bodies with a set of fleshy appendages tipped with bony pincers on the upper section. From their flanks about two-thirds of the way down the body spout two short legs. Beyond the legs, it has a flat tail fringed on top and bottom with fins. The creature has reptilian eyes, and a jawless, circular mouth lined with row upon row of teeth. Its snout is blunt, and it has a pair of wide fins like spiny ears on the sides of its head. The creatures scaly skin is muddy brown, with dots and speckles of black and tan.

Thes creatures all throw javelins at the sight of the food they hoped to sneak up on. All 4 javelins strike and 3 sailors go down under the initial attack. Two of the sailors are unconscious and all are severely injured. The creatures continue climbing onto the ship having spent their javelins.[/sblock]


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Verrick Dram

Awaken by Fobin's barking, Verrick makes his way to the deck to investigate, bringing only his bow and quiver. "Fobin, stay."

If Verrick is makes it to the deck before he hears Looksprings shouts, he will immediately join the fight. If he is still below decks, and can hear Lookspring's warning Listen check (1d20+6=10) Verrick will first raise his companions before going above deck.

Iniative: (1d20+3=11)

If knowledge(nature) is appropraite to identify the monsters: (1d20+4=18)

OOC: Verrick roled (1d20+1=19) against a DC15. Fobin now knows the Perform trick.

Verrick made the barrel as water tight as he could. Then tied ropes to it. It is secured on deck and it has Verrick's mundane dagger attached. Basicly, Verrick in a pinch Verrick wants to make sure, he can cut the barrel loose, and in the water have ropes to which he can cling to the barrel.


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[sblock= Lookspring] You hit the creature in the top of what would be the shoulder. A good hit but only seems to slow the creature slightly. You realize this will be a difficult fight. The other sailors around you still standing draw weapons and move to attack the creatures as the climb over the railing.[/sblock]

[sblock= Verrick] As you leave your room and climb to the deck 4 sailors that had been working in the hold join you to see what the noise is. Upon reaching the deck you see Lookspring and hear him yell, draw an arrow and fire over the side of the ship. Near him there are 3 sailors on the deck pierced with javelins, one poor fool has 2 protruding from him. You also see 4 creatures on the opposite side of the ship climbing over the railing, apparently unknown to lookspring and the sailors with him. The 4 sailors with you grab loaded crossbows and fire at the creatures to Looksprings back. I am not sure knowledge nature is appropriate as these creatures are not anywhere near an area Verrick would be familiar with.[/sblock]

[sblock= Phoenix, Pinkie, Ray] You are awakened by Looksprings shouted warning and the sounds of battle from the deck of the ship.[/sblock]


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Phoenix comes awake with a start. Jumping up out of her bunk, she gets unsteadily to her feet before adjusting for the roll of the ship. Realizing that danger must be near for the shout that awakened her, she springs into movement grogily (Initiative (1d20+2=5)) and exits the room activating her mindblade as she goes while yelling back "Pinkie! Move it girl, there's trouble afoot."
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Ray wakes with a start and sits upright scanning the room for threats with the khukri he sleeps with in hand.

Realizing that there is no immidiate threat he grabs his cutlass in the other hand and heads to the ladder running for deck barefoot and in only his breeches...

(OOC: No time for armor here)

When he reaches the deck Initiative 4 (UGH) still sleepy Ray looks around to get a feel for the situation.


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Pinky, opens first one then the other eye slowly...thinking...

I hope for someones sake this is not some kind of drill!

Then seening Pheonix up and to arms she grabs her crossbow and in a very stylish pink sleeping dress runs out of the cabin and up to the deck dragging her sword belt behind her.

Reaching the doorway she ever sInitiative 5 o slowly takes in the scene, halflings like thier sleep and like Ray, perhaps more so she is slow to react.

Voidrunner's Codex

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